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The following table gives details of six booksellers sales and profits for 2 years.

1. If the market-leader (in terms of sales) in 2002 had experienced the same percentage increase in profits as it did in sales per outlet in 2003, over 2002, then its profits in 2003 would have been a) 140 lakhs b) 160 lakhs c) 200 lakhs d) 180 lakhs e) 150 lakhs

2. The ratio of percentage increase in sales to percentage increase in profits in

2003 over 2002 for Gangarams was approximately

a) 1:2

b) 1:1

c) 2:3

d) 3:4

e) 5:7

3. Which bookseller experienced the highest percentage increase in profits per

outlet in 2003 over that in 2002 ?

a) FountainHead

b) Gangarams

c) Strand

d) Landmark

e) Crossword

4. Profitability is the ratio of profit to sales. For which of the following booksellers
was profitability per outlet the highest for 2003 ? a) Landmark b) Crossword Fountainhead c) Strand d) Gangarams e)

5. Total sales in 2002 has been the highest for?

a) Landmark Answers: a,e,e,d,b b) Crossword c) Prism d) Strand e) Fountainhead

Directions This data sufficiency problem consists of a question and two statements, labeled (1) and (2), in which certain data are given. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the question. Using the data given in the statements, plus your knowledge of mathematics and everyday facts

(such as the number of days in a leap year or the meaning of the word counterclockwise), you must indicate whether A. B. C. D. E. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked. BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked. EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed. 51. If a salesman received a commission of 3% of the sales that he has booked in a month, what was the sales booked by the salesman in the month of November 2003? The sales booked by the salesman in the month of November 2003 minus salesman's commission was $245,000 The selling price of the sales booked by the salesman in the month of November 2003 were 125 percent of the original purchase price of $225,000.

1. 2.

Answer: D

(1) (2)

How is Bill related to Betty? Cindy, the wife of Bill's only brother Chris does not have any siblings. Betty is Cindy's brother in law's wife.

Answer: C

(1) (2)

Is m divisible by 6? m is divisible by 3 m is divisible by 4

Answer: C


Is the positive integer X divisible by 21? (1) (2) When X is divided by 14, the remainder is 4 When X is divided by 15, the remainder is 5

Answer: D


What is the value of X, if X and Y are two distinct integers and their product is 30? (1) X is an odd integer (2) X > Y Answer: E

1. A car is traveling at a uniform speed. The driver sees a milestone showing a 2-digit number. After traveling for an hour ,the driver sees another milestone with the same digits in reverse order. After another hour the driver sees another milestone containing the same two digits with a zero in between(0). What is the average speed of the driver? Ans: 45 kmph 2. There are three persons A, B, C. one day they set out in different directions and each one steals an animal.The animals are camel, horse and a mule though not in the order. A CBI officer catches them and on interrogation he has the following statements: A says: B has stolen a horse C says: A is telling wrong, B has stolen a mule. B says: A and C are both telling wrong. I have stolen nothing. The person stealing a camel tells wrong while the person with a horse tells right. So tell which person steal which animal. Ans: A: Camel B: Mule c: Horse 3. The quarter of the time from midnight to present time added to the half of the time from the present to midnight gives the present time. What is the present time? Ans: 9hrs past 36 minutes AM

4. I spent one-sixth of my age as a boy and one-12th in youth, remarked the boss" spent oneseventh and five years in matrimony". My son born just after that period was elected as a governor 4 years back when he was half of my present age. what is the age of the boss? Ans: 84

5. A boy is playing a game. He took totally 55 blocks and kept like placing some x number on the
ground,next one less than that above those blocks like that till the topmost one is one, how many blocks are there at the base level? Ans: 10

6. In India water lilies grow extremely rapidly.In one pond a lily grew so fast that
each day it covered a sutface area double that of the area it had covered the

previous day.At the end of the thirtieth day,it had entirely covered the pond.How long do u think it will take for two such lilies to cover the whole pond?

Ans: 29 days 7.Last year I was 26 years old. Yesterday was my birthday. Next year I will be celebrating my 29th birthday. On what day am I talking this and when is my birthday? Ans: Jan 1, Dec 31.

We have an angle of 2.How big will it look through a glass that magnifies things Three times? Ans: 2 degree

9. A group of boys and girls are playing.15 boys leave.There remain two girls for each boy.Now,45 girls leave.There remain five boys for each girl.How many boys were there in the original group? Boys : 40 Girls : 50 10. 24 children are attending a flag hoisting ceremony.How can you arrange them in six rows with each row comprising of five children? The only way to arrange the children is in the form of a hexagon.

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