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The Au Pair program is an international cultural exchange that gives the possibility to
young people to spend some time abroad, learn more about a different culture, improve
their skills in a foreign language in exchange for help with duties related to childcare.

2. Such as, Australian, Denmark, United States, English, and more.

3. They can learn a new language or improve their skills in one they already speak. they are
immersed in a new culture and can explore different walks of life. they get to meet new
people. they can gain valuable childcare experience.

4. Having another person in your home means you'll have less privacy. as au pairs are
typically younger, they may not have extensive childcare experience. their younger age
may result in some behaviour issues, such as staying out late.

5. Yes, My friend. Very satisfied.

6. Yes soon, I will learn about Au Pair Program.

Dewantoro Naufal Sujarwo

11.xi a 6

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