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Class: 09 The Hope English

All Punjab Past Papers Super Guess for 9th
Section 1

1  5  9  13  17 

2  6  10  14  18 
3  7  11  15  19 
4  8  12  16  20 
You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The choice which you think
Q. No. 1 is correct, fill that circle in front of that question number. Cutting, Over-writing, using lead pencil
and filling more than one circle will result in zero marks in that question.
S.# Questions A B C D
1 The earth _____ around the sun. revolve revolves revolving revolved
does not is not are not has not been
2 He ______ to me since March.
speak speaking speaking speaking
3 I _____ this motorbike only a month ago. buy bought buys has bought
4 The bus _____ before we stepped out. stops stop had stopped stopped
will have
5 She _____ her work before the guests arrive. finish finishes will finish
S.# Questions A B C D
1 He _____ in the sun for an hour. is standing was have been has been
standing standing standing
2 It ______ to rain an hour ago. began begin begins will begin
3 I ______ him next Monday. sees shall see seen saw
4 She ______ French at present. was is learning learn will
learning learning
5 They already ______ their home task. has done do have done does
S.# Questions A B C D
1 She ______ any noise. di not hear do not hear was not did not
hear heard
2 They ______ for London tomorrow. will leave had left am leaving have left
3 It _____ at present. was raining is raining will raining has raining
4 I already _______ the letter. posting posted has posted have
5 She _______ since morning. is sleeping sleeps has been sleep
S.# Questions A B C D
1 I had never seen snow before I ____ to go goes gone went
2 She _______ French at present. learns is learning learnt has learnt
3 I already _______ the letter. post posted has posted have

Page 1
4 He ______ in the sun for an hour. stands stand is standing has been
5 He ______ twenty minutes ago. leaves left is leaving has left
S.# Questions A B C D
1 She was singing a song when I ____ the room. entering enter entered enters
2 I have already _______ the letter. posted post posting is posting
3 The pagan Arabs started to _____ pressure. mounts mounted mounting mount
4 The court ______ its verdict on Thursday next. will give gave given giving
5 The baby _____ for milk now. cry is crying cried will cry
S.# Questions A B C D
1 She ______ her cat very much. loves loving love is love
2 I had left the house before it _____ raining. start will start had started started
3 I have already _______ the letter. post posted posts have
4 She ______ since morning. is sleeping slept has been sleep
5 The sun _____ in the West. sets will set set has set
S.# Questions A B C D
1 It ______ in winter. rains raining are raining will raining
2 If you _____, I shall be available. will come come have come came
3 It ______ raining since last night. is was had been will
4 I had _____ the house before it started raining. left leave leaving will leave
5 He ________ not reply to my letter. do is was did
S.# Questions A B C D
1 She _____ in this office for seven years. is working was have been has been
working working working
2 I _____ this motor bike only a month ago. will buy buys bought has bought
3 I ______ you since Monday. not see has not have not not saw
seen seen
4 They ______ for London tomorrow. leave will leave leaves left
5 The bus _______ before we stepped out. stop stopped have had
stopped stopped
S.# Questions A B C D
1 She ______ the piano since 2 o‟clock. plays play has been played
2 I ______ you since Monday. have not has not will see see
seen seen
3 She ______ her cat very much. love loves will loves loving
4 She ______ her work when the guests arrived. was done was doing done do
5 It ______ to rain an hour ago. began begin to begin beginning
S.# Questions A B C D
1 She _____ in this office for seven years. is working was have been has been
working working working
2 I _____ this motor bike only a month ago. will buy buys bought has bought
3 I ______ you since Monday. not see has not have not not saw
seen seen

Page 2
4 They ______ for London tomorrow. leave will leave leaves left
5 The bus _______ before we stepped out. stop stopped have had
stopped stopped
S.# Questions A B C D
1 She ______ the piano since 2 o‟clock. plays play has been played
2 I ______ you since Monday. have not has not will see see
seen seen
3 She ______ her cat very much. love loves will loves loving
4 She ______ her work when the guests arrived. was done was doing done do
5 It ______ to rain an hour ago. began begin to begin beginning
S.# Questions A B C D
1 She ______ said anything before he left. have not had not will not did not
2 He ________ to us tomorrow. comes came had come will come
3 They ________ passed the examination. have has will shall
4 She ______ playing the piano since 2 o‟ clock. is was has been have been
5 I do not ____ my meals at night. take took taken taking
S.# Questions A B C D
1 He _______ keep me waiting. does not do not is not was not
2 She ________ to school an hour ago. went gone was went go
3 They __________ their meal before the guests has taken was taken had taken had taking
4 I _________ him next Monday. am see was see have see shall see
5 They ____ Pakistan before the end of the year. have left will have has left are left
S.# Questions A B C D
1 She __________ English now. spoke is speaking speak
2 I ________ two books. have read reading reads has reading
3 It _________ at present. rain rained raining is raining
4 I _________ him next Monday. see shall see saw seen
had been
5 He _________ here since 1970. is coming was come come
S.# Questions A B C D
1 The earth ______ around the sun. revolve revolves is has
revolving revolved
2 The baby ______ for milk now. cry cries is crying has cried
3 He _______ to me since March. does not is not have not has not
speak speaking spoken been
4 It _______ to rain an hour ago. begins began is has begun
5 I ______ own this assignment for a month. work works is working had been
S.# Questions A B C D
1 She ______ French for over two years. is learning has been have been was
learning learning learning
Page 3
2 He ______ twenty minutes ago. has left left had left will leave
3 The court ______ its verdict on Thursday next. will give has given had given is given
4 The earth ______ around the sun. revolves revolve revolving are
5 They already _______ their home task. done have done has done did
S.# Questions A B C D
1 These mangoes ______ the market by April. reach had reach will have reaches
2 She ______ any noise. not hear do not hear hear did not
3 Ali _____ for the examination since October. was had been have is
preparing preparing preparing preparing
4 They already ______ their home task. have done does has done will done
5 They ______ to school when the storm broke. goes go were going is going
S.# Questions A B C D
1 He _____ in the sun for an hour. is standing was has been have been
standing standing standing
2 I _____ the house before it started raining. has left had left have left leave
3 They ______ their task by tomorrow. will have complete has completed
completed completed
4 Good students always _____ hard. works work working was
5 I already ______ three cups of coffee. take took taken have taken
S.# Questions A B C D
1 It _____ to rain an hour ago. began begins begin has begun
2 She _____ French for over two years. learning will has been will learn
learning learning
3 They ______ their work by tomorrow. complete will will have completed
complete completed
4 She ______ English well. do not speaking will be speaks
speak speak
5 The bus ______ before we stepped out. stopped had will stop stops
Choose the word with correct spellings from the columns A, B, C and D and fill up the bubbles:
6 Dilemma Dilaemma Daelema Dilamma
7 Pivut Pivot Pivat Pevot
8 Embelish Embellish Embillish Embaellish
9 Miserable Meserable Misirable Misirabel
S. A B C D
6 Eradicate Eradikate Eradecate Eradicatee
7 Riveal Reveal Raveal Revael
8 Eptitude Aptitudee Aptetude Aptitude
9 Recruit Recriut Racruit Recruite

Page 4
S. A B C D
6 Davotion Devotion Devoten Devotian
7 Integral Intigral Integrel Integrele
8 Eradikate Eradicate Eradecate Eridicate
9 Riveal Revael Reveale Reveal
S. A B C D
6 Devestating Davestating Devastating Devistating
7 Rehebilitation Rehibilitation Rehabilitatio Rihabilitation
8 Proumulgatio Promulgation Promelgation Promulgetion
9 Interiur Enterior Inteeriar Interior
S. A B C D
6 Ebsolute Abselute Absolute Absulute
7 Pavot Pivot Pevot Pyvot
8 Sopreme Suprime Supreme Supream
9 Campanion Companion Componion Companian
S. A B C D
6 Embellish Ambiolesh Imbilesh Umbelish
7 Iradicate Eradeecate Eradicate Eradecate
8 Saletudde Solitude Sollitude Solittude
9 Integral Integrool Intigerol Entegraal
S. A B C D
6 Curetive Curateve Crative Curative
7 Neurology Neorology Nearology Neirology
8 Illumenate Illuminete Illuminate Illuminait
9 Jerney Journey Journay Jornay
S. A B C D
6 Downy Doowny Dovny Douney
7 Beecan Beccan Becone Beacon
8 Glei Glee Glae Gliee
9 Choase Choes Chaos Chaiose
S. A B C D
6 Davotion Devotion Divotion Deevotion
7 Jocund Jucond Jacund Joocund
8 Nomnclature Numenclature Naamnclature Nomenclature
9 Eloquently Eluquontly Alequently Elooqntly
S. A B C D
6 Inormity Enormity Anormity Anermity
7 Dewine Devene Divine Divyne

Page 5
8 Serious Searious Sarious Saerious
9 Cratchis Curtches Krutches Crutches
S. A B C D
6 Happiness Heppiness Hapiness Hapines
7 Overwhelmd Overwhalmd Overwhelme Ovarwhelmed
8 Flamboyent Flemboyont Flamboyant Flemboyant
9 Patrolling Petrolling Potrolling Patroling
S. A B C D
6 Magezin Mageazine Maggazin Magazine
7 Cramble Cramblle Crumble Crembul
8 Iptitude Aptitude Apptitude Eptitude
9 Embodimant Ambodiment Embodyment Embodiment
S. A B C D
6 Commandabl Commendabl Commindabl Commandible
e e e
7 Vinture Vanture Venture Vinnture
8 Jocund Joucund Jocond Jocend
9 Tabou Tabo Taboo Taeboo
S. A B C D
6 Davotion Devotion Dovotion Divotion
7 Datect Ditect Detcet Detect
8 Pivot Pevot Pivet Pivote
9 Barch Berch Birch Birche
S. A B C D
6 Nixus Neksus Naxies Nexus
7 Native Nateve Nitave Naeteve
8 Dout Doubt Daobt Daute
9 Flaik Fleake Flake Fleike
S. A B C D
6 Vergge Verge Virge Varge
7 Intagral Intigral Integral Integrel
8 Jocund Jecund Jacund Jecond
9 Nemerous Namerous Nomerous Numerous
S. A B C D
6 Perilous Parilous Parelous Pearlious
7 Bestowed Basetowed Besetowed Bestowod
8 Enoremity Enormety Enormity Enormitty
9 Salitude Soletude Solitued Solitude
S.# Questions A B C D
Page 6
Abu Jehl began to knock at the door
10 Politely Slowly Happily Angrily
Easy to Difficult to
11 Devotion means: Loyalty Glamorous
know know
12 Keep up your morale. Wealth Fortitude Section Voice
The floors are covered with carpets. The
13 Spread Exposed Stretched Enclosed
underlined word is a antonym of:
She remained steadfast and did not reveal Firm and Not ready to Steady and
14 Patient
the secret. resolute face fast
S.# Questions A B C D
10 Commendable means: Durable Edible Capable Admirable
11 Queer means: Common Mundane Strange General
12 The Quaid was a man of strong faith and Wavering Firm faith Weak faith Faithlessnes
belief. faith s
13 Pagan means: Disbelieve Believer Faithful God lover
14 Taboo means: Allowed Forbidden Endorsed Liked
S.# Questions A B C D
10 The floors are covered with carpets. Exposed Spread Decorated Embellish
11 Glee means: Sorrowful Sad Joy Worried
12 It was a delicate situation. Difficulty Easy Beautiful Sensitive
13 Which of these means same as Steadily Speedily Hurriedly Fastly
14 Perilous means: Dangerous Easy Dangerless Safe
S.# Questions A B C D
10 Which of these does not mean the same Various Few Many Diverse
as “manifold”?
11 She remained steadfast and did not reveal Patient Firm and Not ready to Steady and
the secret. resolute face fast
12 Vindictive means: Dedicate Revengeful Experiment Text
13 Branches of the tree were covered with Alliteratio Personificatio Simile Metaphor
blanket of snow. In this sentence we find n n
an example of:
14 Gradually means: Quickly Speedily Steadily Hurriedly
S.# Questions A B C D
10 Gradually means: Quickly Speedily Steadily Hurriedly
11 Keep up your morale. Fortitude Wealth Section Voice
12 Do not be afraid of death. Attended Scared Squared up Steadfast
13 Their eloquence memory found Weak Strong Healthy Fluency
expression in their poetry.
14 It was so delicate situation. Difficult Easy Sensitive Fragile
S.# Questions A B C D
10 The word refuge means: Regular Place of Heavy Shower
11 Pensive means: Flying Thoughtful Shining Large
12 Keep up your morale. Voice Wealth Self esteem Change
13 The word geared up means: Ready Silent Discourage Keen

Page 7
14 It was so delicate situation. Difficult Easy Sensitive Controlled
S.# Questions A B C D
10 Abu Jehl began to knock at the door Politely Slowly Forcefully Lightly
11 “Taboo” means: Curative Useful Forbidden Respective
12 The floors are covered with carpets. The Spread Enclosed Stretched Exposed
underlined word is antonym of:
13 Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey. Smallest Greatest Populated Exposed
14 He gave the Muslims a sense of identity. Pleasure Recognition Strength Power
S.# Questions A B C D
10 Quietly means: Slowly Quickly Silently Hardly
11 The little birds are piping yet. Fluttering Twittering Crying Yelling
12 Woods means: Hill Forest Desert Rock
13 Identity means: Pleasure Power Resignation Recognition
14 Mushrooming means: Growing Showing Drowning Moving
S.# Questions A B C D
10 Situated in Istanbul, it is the largest Smallest Greatest Populated Unpopulate
masjid. Antonym of the underlined word d
11 The antonym of covered is: Spread Exposed Decorated Clear
12 The synonym of curative is: Care Informative Healing Fearful
13 „Pivot‟ means: Central Away Near Peak
14 The synonym of „venture‟ is Clear Bear Crush Undertake
S.# Questions A B C D
10 „Steadfast‟ means: Ready Revengeful Separate Firm and
11 „Vindictive‟ means: Easy Ready Revengeful Delicate
12 „Taboo‟ means: Useful Forbidden Weak Gentle
13 The little birds are „piping‟ yet. Twittering Yelling Weeping Crying
14 „Resolute‟ means: Weak Heavy Firm Minor
S.# Questions A B C D
10 Their eloquence and memory found Weak Strong Healthy Fluency
expression in their poetry. The
underlined word means:
11 The floors are covered with carpets. The Spread Exposed Stretched Enclosed
underlined word is an antonym of:
12 The little birds are piping yet. The Twittering Crying Weeping Yelling
underlined word is synonym of:
13 The students are all geared up. The Ready Silent Demotivate Keen
underlined phrase means: d
14 Antonym of honour is: Belief Dishonor Loyal Confidence
S.# Questions A B C D
10 Supreme means: Highest Loyalty Worthless Quality
11 The word astonish means: Supreme Surprise Mix Happy
12 Do not be afraid of death. Attended Scared Squared up Fed up
13 It was so delicate situation. Easy Difficult Fragile Supreme

Page 8
14 She did not reveal the secret. Firm Ready to Show Surprised
face with
S.# Questions A B C D
10 It was so delicate a situation. Difficult Easy Sensitive Fragile
11 „Vindictive‟ means: Eradicate Revengeful Experiment Text
12 Keep up your morale. Wealth Fortitude Section Voice
13 The little birds are piping yet. The Twittering Crying Weeping Relaxing
underlined word is a synonym of:
14 She simply posed a counter question that Pleased Helped Enraged Annoyingly
infuriated Abu Jehl.

S.# Questions A B C D
10 Geared up means: Unwilling Not ready Suborn Ready
11 Harness means: Ugly Beautiful Control Attractive
12 Do not be afraid of death. Attend to Scared Squared Care free
13 Vindictive means: Revengeful Dedicate Experiment Text
14 Immense means: Small Short Huge Refuse
S.# Questions A B C D
10 Hospice means: An inn A den Hospital Market
11 The students are all geared up. Keen Silent Ready Happy
12 Flamboyant means: Dull Ugly Natural Colourful
13 Vindictive means: Revengeful Helpful Thoughtful Fruitful
14 Dowry means: Coarse Hard Soft Craft

S.# Questions A B C D
10 Geared up means: Unwilling Not ready Suborn Ready
11 Harness means: Ugly Beautiful Control Attractive
12 Do not be afraid of death. Attend to Scared Squared Care free
13 Vindictive means: Revengeful Dedicate Experiment Text
14 Immense means: Small Short Huge Refuse
S.# Questions A B C D
10 Hospice means: An inn A den Hospital Market
11 The students are all geared up. Keen Silent Ready Happy
12 Flamboyant means: Dull Ugly Natural Colourful
13 Vindictive means: Revengeful Helpful Thoughtful Fruitful
14 Dowry means: Coarse Hard Soft Craft
S.# Questions A B C D
10 Eradicate means: Embellish Eliminate Complete Beautify
11 Keep up your morale. Fortitude Wealth Health Voice
12 Situated in Istanbul, the largest city in Smallest Greatest Populated Vacant
13 Devotion means: Glamorous Easy to Difficult to Loyalty
Page 9
know know
14 I was excited to see the patients making Pleasing Jocund Shocking Dutiful
quick recoveries from devastating
S.# Questions A B C D
10 The word miserable means: Very happy Very Very Very fine
unhappy beautiful
11 She remained steadfast and did not Weak
Firm and Very fast Coward
reveal the secret. resolute
12 He would try to awaken their dormant Inactive
Strong Alive Very active
13 The word pagan means: Honest True Disbeliever Motivated
14 It is considered a commendable quality. Beautiful Admirable Lazy Strong
S.# Questions A B C D
15 How cold the night is! This is a/an Assertive Interrogative Exclamatory Imperative
______ sentence.
16 You ______ be punctual. has to does not must would have
17 I could not tolerate his stinging remarks. Present Past Gerund Finite Verb
The underlined word is an example of: Participle Participle
18 If you had studied hard, you would have Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional
succeeded in your examinations. This Type I Type II Type III Type IV
sentence is an example of:
19 We watched him go. The underlined Past Gerund Present Infinitive
word is a/an: Participle Participle
S.# Questions A B C D
15 My mother becomes _____ if I get anxiety anxieties anxious anxiously
home late.
16 The Rasool ‫ّی َص َّّل اللّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن‬
َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
َّ ‫َخ َات ُم‬ between after from into

‫حابِہن َو َسلَّ َم‬ َ

َ ‫ َوأ ْص‬migrated ______ Makkah to
Madinah in 622 A.D.
17 We are studying _____ English. a an the None of these
18 We watched him go. The underlined Participle Gerund Infinitive Noun
word is a/an:
19 Wait _____ I return. before through across till
S.# Questions A B C D
15 She has resolute faith ______ Allah of at to in
16 I ______ you to ride my bike if you had given give will give gives
17 The police dispersed the crowd. The Countable Material Collective Proper noun
underlined word is: noun noun noun
18 The moment which is lost is lost Indefinite Reflexive Possessive Relative
forever. The underlined word is a/an: pronoun pronoun pronoun pronoun
19 Who is ______ for this chaos? respondingly responsible responsively responded
S.# Questions A B C D
15 The shoe is pressing on my toe. The Preposition Noun Phrase Adjective Adverb Phrase
underlined phrase is a/an: Phrase Phrase

Page 10
16 Some are born great. The underlined Possessive Indefinite Reflexive Personal
word is a/an: Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
17 Patience is a/an: Material Abstract Common Proper Noun
Noun Noun Noun
18 If they arrive late, they will miss the Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional
bus. Type I Type II Type III Type IV
19 Painting is a good fun. The underlined Regular Present Gerund Infinite Verb
word is a/an: Verb Participle
S.# Questions A B C D
15 Some are born great. The underlined Material Indefinite Reflexive Personal
word is a/an: Noun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
16 He spoke very loud. The underlined Place Frequency Degree Time
word is an adverb of:
17 The moment which is lost is lost Indefinite Relative Reflexive Possessive
forever. The underlined is a/an: Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
18 Police dispersed the crowd. The Countable Material Uncountable Collective
underlined word is a/an: Noun Noun Noun Noun
19 Valour is a/an: Material Countable Abstract Collective
Noun Noun Noun Noun
S.# Questions A B C D
15 He is fond of driving. The underlined Gerund Present Infinitive Past Participle
word is a/an: Participle
16 She has her birthday ______ September on in at with
17 Nobody was in the room. The Reflexive Possessive Indefinite Personal
underlined word is: Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
18 I know the woman ______ child was that who which whose
19 Ali ran at a great speed. The underlined Adverb Adverb Adjective Pronoun
word is: Phrase
S.# Questions A B C D
15 “However” is a transitional device of: Addition Sequencing Emphasis Comparison
16 “Patience” is a/an _______ noun. abstract concrete collective material
17 The sunflowers nodded in the wind. The Simile Metaphor Personification Imagery
underlined word is an example of:
18 He is fond of cooking. The underlined Infinitive Gerund Past Adverb
word is a/an: Participle
19 This is a very informative seminar. The Adverb Gerund Infinitive Adjective
underlined word is a/an:
S.# Questions A B C D
15 Saqib is leaving _________ Friday at on at by from
16 What a beautiful painting! The sentence Negative Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory
is a/an:
17 They can stay where they are. The Condition Place Time Reason
underlined is a/an adverb of:
18 The injured player was not playing. The Past Present Participle Preposition
underlined word is a/an: Participle Participle

Page 11
19 The police dispersed the crowd. The abstract material collective countable
underlined word is a/an _____ noun.
S.# Questions A B C D
15 The moment which is lost is lost Indefinite Reflexive Possessive Relative
forever. The underlined word is: Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
16 Why don‟t you go along with your Preposition Conjunction Interjection Noun
brother? The underlined word is:
17 He came when night had fallen. The Condition Place Time Reason
underlined clause is an adverb clause of:
18 „Life‟ is a/an: Adjective Adverb Verb Abstract Noun
19 Transitive verb needs a/an: Object Subject Verb Interjection
S.# Questions A B C D
15 We shall wait here until you come. The Adverb Adjective Adverb Adjective
underlined part of the sentence is a/an: Phrase Phrase Phrase Clause
16 He made the people work. The Adverb Infinitive Adjective Gerund
underlined word is a/an:
17 I like to see a smiling face. The Adjective Adverb Adverb Infinitive
underlined word is a/an: Phrase
18 The candle flame danced in the dark. Metaphor Simile Imagery Personification
The underlined word shows:
19 If I were he, I would not do such a Type Zero Type-I Type-II Type-III
mistake. This sentence is conditional:
S.# Questions A B C D
15 The police dispersed the crowd. The Countable Material Collective Abstract Noun
underlined word is a/an: Noun Noun Noun
16 Away from is an example of: Simple Double Compound Participle
Preposition Preposition Preposition Preposition
17 Most of us take life for granted. The Simple Compound Complex None of these
underlined sentence is an example of: Sentence Sentence Sentence
18 He spoke very loud. The underlined Place Frequency Degree Time
word is an adverb of:
19 She has resolute faith _______ Allah. at in with of
S.# Questions A B C D
15 He was a _________ writer. well framed famously famed famous
16 The dog sat _______ his master. beside along across over
17 Value is a/an: Material Countable Abstract Proper Noun
Noun Noun Noun
18 The police dispersed the crowd. The Countable Material Collective Abstract Noun
underlined word is a/an: Noun Noun Noun
19 Saqib is leaving _______ Friday. on at by from
S.# Questions A B C D
15 „Valour‟ is a/an: Material Countable Abstract Uncountable
Noun Noun Noun Noun
16 They boy laughs loudly. The underlined Intransitive Finite Verb Transitive Irregular Verb
word is a/an: Verb Verb
17 Wait ______ I return. before unless if till
18 He is fond of cooking. The underlined is Gerund Past Infinitive Present
a/an: Participle Participle
Page 12
19 Beside the ungathered rice he lay. The Adjective Noun Phrase Preposition Adverb Clause
underlined phrase is a/an: Phrase Phrase
S.# Questions A B C D
15 It is _____ to get the correct advisible adviseably advising adviseable
information from the university office.
16 Her life would always be a beacon in with of into
_____ light for all.
17 The boy laughs loudly. The underlined Transitive Regular Irregular Adverb
word is: Verb Verb Verb
18 Wait ______ I return. before through across till
19 We are studying ______ English. a an the None of these
S.# Questions A B C D
15 I am glad that you like it. The Place Reason Time Condition
underlined word is a/an adverb clause
16 He proved a lion in the fight. This Simile Metaphor Imagery Personification
sentence is a/an example of:
17 The moment which is lost is lost Possessive Indefinite Relative Reflexive
forever. The underlined word is a/an: Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
18 He is fond of cooking. The underlined Gerund Indefinite Past Present
word is a/an: Participle Participle
19 The dog sat _____ his master. across along beside over
S.# Questions A B C D
15 This is a very _____ seminar. information informative informed informingly
16 He began knocking _____ the door on into about at
17 Some are born great. The underlined Possessive Indefinite Reflexive Personal
word is a/an: Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
18 If you had studied hard, you _____ would will will have would have
19 “Valour” is a/an: Abstract Material Countable Verb
Noun Noun Noun
S.# Questions A B C D
15 I called him but he gave no answer. The Complex Simple Exclamatory Compound
sentence is:
16 That was the reason why he came late. Adjective Noun Adverb None of these
The underlined clause is a/an: Clause Clause Clause
17 He is fond of cooking. The underlined Past Present Infinitive Gerund
word is a/an: Participle Participle
18 Some are born great. The underlined Indefinite Personal Reflexive Relative
word is a/an: Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun
19 If they arrive early, they will miss the Type III Type II Type I Zero Type
train. The sentence is conditional type:

Page 13

2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10

(i) What type of land is Arabia?
(ii) Why was Abu Jehl furious? (Hazrat Asma ‫اٰل َع ْن َھا‬ ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
َ ِ ‫)ر‬
(iii) What is the most important function that media performs?
(iv) What was the Quaid‟s concept of our nation?
(v) Why is the Sultan Ahmad Masjid also known as the Blue Masjid?
(vi) What are the causes of drug addiction?
(vii) What makes you feel that the author (Helen Keller) is sad and depressed?
(viii) What does love of our country demand from us? (Patriotism)
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
َ َ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
َ ‫ّی َص ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬
(i) Why did the Rasool ‫حابِہن َو َسلَّ َم‬ َّ ‫ َخ َات ُم‬stay in the cave of Hira?
(ii) What are the qualities of a patriot?
(iii) How did Hazrat Asma ‫اٰل َع ْن َھا‬ ّٰ ‫ِض اللّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬َ ِ ‫ َر‬console her grandfather?
(iv) How much confidence did Quaid-e-Azam have in his nation?
(v) Who is the speaker in the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”?
(vi) Why was a separate royal room attached to the Sultan Ahmad Masjid?
(vii) What are the causes of drug addiction?
(viii) How do you define noise pollution?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
َ َ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
(i) Why did the pagan Arabs threaten the Holy Rasool ‫حابِہن َو َسل َّ َم‬ َ ‫ّی َص ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬ َّ ‫ َخ َات ُم‬uncle?
(ii) How would you define patriotism?
(iii) Why was Hazrat Abu Quhafaa ‫اٰل َع ْنہ‬ ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬َ ِ ‫ َر‬worried?
(iv) How can we become a strong nation?
(v) How does the interior of the Sultan Ahmad Masjid look?
(vi) What is the role of counselling in preventing drug addiction?
(vii) How is the use of technology causing noise pollution?
(viii) How do you get an impression that Helen Keller was a great admirer of nature?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
َ َ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
(i) Why did the pagan Arabs send a delegation to the Holy Rasool ‫حابِ نہ َو َسل َّ َم‬ َ ‫ّی َص ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬ َّ ‫َخ َات ُم‬
(ii) What happens when media is allowed to play its role unchecked?
(iii) How did Hazrat Asma ‫اٰل َع ْن َھا‬ ّٰ ‫ِض اللّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
َ ِ ‫ َر‬console her grandfather?
(iv) What was the ideology of Pakistan in view of Quaid-e-Azam?
(v) How does the interior of Sultan Ahmad Masjid look?
(vi) To what extent does the recovery of a patient depend upon the doctor and the nurse?
(vii) Why was Hazrat Abu Quhafaa ‫اٰل َع ْنہ‬ ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
َ ِ ‫ َر‬worried?
(viii) Why was the Holy Quran sent in Arabic?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
َ َ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
(i) What was the condition of mankind before the Rasool ‫حابِہن َو َسل َّ َم‬ َ ‫ّی َص ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬ َّ ‫? َخ َات ُم‬
(ii) What are the qualities of a patriot?

Page 14
(iii) Why was Hazrat Abu Quhafaa ‫اٰل َع ْنہ‬ ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬ َ ِ ‫ َر‬worried?
(iv) What was the Quaid‟s concept of our nation?
(v) Why did the nurse ask Hira‟s sister to come and talk to her?
(vi) What are the effects of drug addiction?
(vii) Why is noise dangerous for human health?
(viii) Who was Helen Keller?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(i) What type of the land is Arabia?
(ii) How will you define patriotism?
(iii) What message do you get from the life of Hazrat Asma ‫اٰل َع ْن َھا‬ ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬ َ ِ ‫?ر‬ َ
(iv) What can be the possible solution to our present problems according to the lesson “The Quaid‟s
Vision and Pakistan”?
(v) Who started the construction of the Blue Masjid?
(vi) What is an ICU in a hospital? (All is not lost)
(vii) What are the effects of drug addiction?
(viii) How do you get an impression that Hellen Keller was a great admirer of nature?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(i) What was the condition of mankind before Rasool‫حابِہن َو َسل َّ َم‬ َ ‫ع‬ َ ‫ص‬
َ ‫ّی َ ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َ ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬َّ ‫? َخ َات ُم‬
(ii) What is the most important function that media performs?
(iii) Why was Hazrat Abu Quhafaa ‫اٰل َع ْنہ‬ ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬ َ ِ ‫ َر‬worried?
(iv) How can we become a strong nation?
(v) What was the purpose of hanging a heavy iron chain at the entrance of the court of Sultan Ahmad
(vi) Why did the nurse disagree with the doctor‟s point of view?
(vii) What are the causes of drug addiction?
(viii) How is transport a source of noise pollution?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(i) For which ability were the Arabs famous?
(ii) What makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion?
(iii) What happens when media is allowed to play its role unchecked?
(iv) How do you define noise pollution?
(v) Which environmental factors are responsible for drug addiction?
(vi) Why has Helen Keller no time to waste in longings?
(vii) Why was Hazrat Abu Quhafaa ‫اٰل َع ْنہ‬ ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬َ ِ ‫ َر‬worried?
(viii) Where is the royal room situated? (Sultan Ahmad Masjid)
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(i) Why was the Holy Quran sent in Arabic?
(ii) What makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion?
(iii) What is the most important function that media performs?
(iv) What was the Quaid‟s concept of our nation?
(v) How does the interior of masjid (Sultan Ahmed) look?
(vi) What are the causes of drug addiction?
(vii) Why did the nurse ask Hira‟s sister to come and talk to her?
(viii) What do the daffodils represent in the poem?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(i) What did Hazrat Ayesha ‫ِض اللّّٰ ُہ َت َع ّٰاٰل َع ْن َھا‬ ِ ‫ر‬ ‫م‬ َ ‫ل‬ ‫س‬ ‫و‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ص‬َ ‫أ‬‫و‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ہ‬ ِ
‫ل‬ ‫آ‬ ‫ّل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫و‬ ِ ‫ہ‬ ‫ی‬‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ہ‬ّٰ ‫ل‬ ‫ال‬ َ
‫ّل‬ ّ ‫ص‬ ‫ّی‬ ‫ب‬ ‫الن‬ ‫م‬ ‫ات‬
َ َ ّ‫َ َ ُ َّ ِ ن‬‫خ‬
َ َ say about the life of the Rasool َ ّ َ َ ِ َ ْ َ ّٰ َ َ ْ َ َ ُ ّ ?
(ii) What makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion?
(iii) ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
“Hazrat Asma‟s ‫اٰل َع ْن َھا‬ َ ِ ‫ َر‬life would always be a beacon of light for all of us”. How?

Page 15
(iv) What was the ideology of Pakistan in view of Quaid-e-Azam?
(v) Why is the Sultan Ahmed Masjid also known as the Blue Masjid?
(vi) Describe two qualities of the nurse in the story.
(vii) What are the effects of drug addiction?
(viii) Why is noise dangerous for human health?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(i) What are the harmful effects of noise pollution on human health?
(ii) What is the most important function that media performs?
َ َ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
(iii) What was the condition of mankind before the Rasool ‫حابِہن َو َسل َّ َم‬ َ ‫ّی َص ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬ َّ ‫? َخ َات ُم‬
(iv) What was the first revelation?
(v) Where is the royal room situated in Sultan Ahmad Masjid?
(vi) Why does the speaker stop on „the darkest evening of the year‟?
(vii) Why did the nurse say: “Where there is a will there is a way”?
(viii) What are the causes of drug addiction?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(i) What are the causes of drug addiction?
(ii) How do you define noise pollution?
(iii) Describe two qualities of the personality of the nurse in the story “All is not Lost”.
(iv) What was the purpose of hanging a heavy iron chain at the entrance of the court?
(v) What was the ideology of Pakistan in view of Quaid-e-Azam?
(vi) What happens when media is allowed to play its role unchecked?
ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
(vii) Which incident in the story showed Hazrat Asma‟s ‫اٰل َع ْن َھا‬ َ ِ ‫ َر‬love and respect for the Rasool
َ َ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
َ ‫ّی َص ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬
‫حابِہن َو َسلَّ َم‬ َّ ‫? َخ َات ُم‬
(viii) How does media provide entertainment?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(i) For which ability were the Arabs famous?
(ii) What are the qualities of patriot?
(iii) How does media provide entertainment?
(iv) What was the ideology of Pakistan in view of Quaid-e-Azam?
(v) Who was appointed as the architect of the masjid Sultan Ahmad?
(vi) Why did the nurse disagrees with the doctor‟s point of view?
(vii) Who was Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair‫اٰل َع ْنہ‬ ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
َ ِ ‫? َر‬
(viii) What are the effects of drug addiction?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(i) What type of land is Arabia?
(ii) What makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion?
(iii) How does media provide entertainment?
(iv) What was the Quaid‟s concept of our nation?
(v) What is an ICU in a hospital?
(vi) What are the effects of drug addiction?
(vii) Why is noise dangerous for human health?
(viii) Who was Helen Keller?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(i) What type of the land is Arabia?
(ii) How will you define patriotism?
(iii) What are the two major means of communication?
(iv) What harmful effects noise pollution is causing to human health?
(v) What is the role of counselling in preventing drug addiction?

Page 16
(vi) ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
Why was Hazrat Abu Quhafaa ‫اٰل َع ْنہ‬ َ ِ ‫ َر‬worried?
(vii) Where is royal room situated? (Sultan Ahmad Masjid)
(viii) What is an ICU in a hospital?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
َ َ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
(i) What was the condition of mankind before the Rasool ‫حابِہن َو َسل َّ َم‬ َ ‫ّی َص ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬ َّ ‫? َخ َات ُم‬
(ii) What happens when media is allowed to play its role unchecked?
(iii) Who was Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair ‫اٰل َعنْہ‬ ّٰ ‫ِض اللّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
َ ِ ‫?ر‬
(iv) What was the ideology of Pakistan in view of Quaid-e-Azam?
(v) In whose reign was the construction of Blue Masjid completed?
(vi) What treatment is available at the rehabilitation centres for drug victims?
(vii) Why has Helen Keller no time to waste in longings?
(viii) Why did the nurse ask Hira‟s sister to come and talk to her?
2. Write short answers to any FIVE of the following questions: 10
(i) How does media provide entertainment?
(ii) Why was Abu Jehl furious?
(iii) How do you compare the daffodils with the stars?
(iv) Why did the Quaid want the oneness of the whole nation?
(v) How does the interior of the masjid look?
(vi) Why did the nurse say, “Where there is a will there is a way”?
(vii) Which environmental factors are responsible for drug addiction?
(viii) How is the use of technology causing noise pollution?

Important Paragraph

3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(i) Patriotism means love for the motherland or devotion to one‟s country. A patriot loves his country
and is willing to sacrifice when the need arises. The word patriot comes from the Latin word
„patriota‟ which means countryman.
(ii) Today the Quaid‟s Pakistan is facing numerous challenges. We have forgotten how much struggle
the Muslims had made under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. We
can overcome our present difficulties by following the Quaid‟s golden motto, “Faith, Unity and
(iii)Drug addiction is a common problem all over the world today. There are many forms of drug
addiction, but the most dangerous of all is the absolute dependence on it. Long-term use of drugs
causes permanent mental and physical sickness.
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
َ َ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
َ ‫ّی َص ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬
(i) And the Rasool ‫حابِہن َو َسلَّ َم‬ َّ ‫ َخ َات ُم‬did go the way Allah Almighty had chosen for
َ َ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
َ ‫ّی َص ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬
him. Imbued with divine guidance and firm resolve, the Rasool ‫حابِہن َو َسل َّ َم‬ َّ ‫َخ َات ُم‬
encountered all the challenges with grace and dignity. In no time he elevated man to the highest
possible level in both spiritual and worldly domains.
(ii) The Blue Masjid reflects the architectural style of both the Ottoman masjid and Byzentine church.
Hagia Sophia, a masjid, one of the wonders of the Muslim architecture, was also kept in view as a
model. The Blue Masjid even today is considered to be unmatched in splendour, majesty and size.

Page 17
(iii)The next day – the second day of sight – I should arise with the dawn and see the thrilling miracle by
which night is transformed into day. I should behold with awe the magnificent panorama of life with
which the sun awakens the sleeping earth.
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(i) The preparation for this journey was made at the house of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique ‫اٰل َع ْنہ‬ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
َ ِ ‫ر‬.َ
Hazrat Asma ‫اٰل َع ْن َھا‬ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
َ ِ ‫ َر‬rendered useful services in this regard. She prepared food for this
journey. She tied the food on the camel back with her own belt as nothing else could be found.
(ii) Rehabilitation centres are the best places for the recovery process of the addicts. Complete medical
support and guidance is provided to these people in these centres. Drug abusers, therefore, must be
taken to proper and certified rehabilitation centres where proper treatment and cure is available for
(iii)Noise pollution causes not only environmental damage but it also has a negative impact on human
health. It can cause aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, hearing loss, restlessness, depression
and insomnia. Insomnia can further lead to anxiety, bad temper and emotional stress.
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
(i) Hazrat Asma ‫اٰل َع ْن َھا‬ َ ِ ‫ َر‬will always be remembered for her courage, generosity and wisdom. She
had resolute faith in Allah Almighty. Her life would always be a beacon of light for all of us.
(ii) The most important element in the interior of the masjid is the mehrab, which is made of finely
carved marble. To the right of the mehrab is a richly decorated pulpit.
(iii)Noise pollution is defined as any form of noise that disrupts the normal functioning of life. If left
unchecked, it can have serious effects on the mind and body of humans. Noise pollution is one of the
biggest sources of discomfort, stress and nuisance in Pakistan.
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(i) Drug addiction is really a very serious threat to any society. In Pakistan alone, there are almost five
million drug addicts. Addicts undergo numerous economic, social and health problems.
(ii) The Blue Masjid has six minarets. Four minarets stand one each at the four corners of the masjid.
Each of these pencil shaped minarets has three balconies, while the other two at the end of the
forecourt, have only two balconies.
(iii)Perhaps I can best illustrate by imagining what I should most like to see if I were given the use of my
eyes, say for just three days. On the first day, I should want most to see the people whose kindness,
gentleness and companionship have made my life worth living.
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(i) Her grandfather, Hazrat Abu Quhafaa ‫اٰل َع ْنہ‬ ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
َ ِ ‫ َر‬was a disbeliever at that time. He was very old
ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
and had become blind. He said to her, “Asma ‫اٰل َع ْن َھا‬ ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
َ ِ ‫ر‬,َ I think Abu Bakr ‫اٰل َعنْہ‬ َ ِ ‫ َر‬has taken
all the wealth, leaving you and children empty-handed and helpless.”
(ii) Today the Quaid‟s Pakistan is facing numerous challenges. We have forgotten how much struggle
the Muslims had made under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. We
can overcome our present difficulties by following the Quaid‟s golden motto, “Faith, Unity and
(iii)It was the beginning of my profession as a nurse. I worked in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the
neurology ward. As a young professional, I wished to save the world. I was excited to see the
patients making quick recoveries from devastating accidents.
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(i) The interior of the masjid at the lower level is lined with more than 20,000 hand-made ceramic tiles
in more than 50 different tulip designs. At the gallery level, the design becomes flamboyant with
representation of flowers, fruit and cypresses.
(ii) In stories, the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost
always his sense of values is changed. He becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its
permanent spiritual values.
Page 18
َ َ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
َ ‫ّی َص ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬
(iii)The Rasool ‫حابِہن َو َسلَّ َم‬ َّ ‫ َخ َات ُم‬and his close companion, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique
ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
‫اٰل َع ْنہ‬ َ ِ ‫ر‬,َ migrated from Makkah to Madinah in the year 622 A.D. When the chiefs of various
َ َ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
tribes of Makkah came to know about the migration of the Rasool ‫حابِہن َو َسل َّ َم‬ َ ‫ّی َص ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬ َّ ‫َخ َات ُم‬
and his close companion, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique ‫اٰل َع ْنہ‬ ّٰ ‫ِض اللّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
َ ِ ‫ر‬,َ they got furious. The chiefs were
determined more than ever to find them out.
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(i) The entire journey of the great leader‟s struggle for a separate homeland for the Muslims of the
subcontinent was based on the pivot of the Muslim unity and the oneness as a nation. He talked
about Pakistan in such clear terms that even a common man could understand it.
(ii) The spirit of patriotism makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion. In the history of Pakistan
there are many instances when people laid their lives for the defence of the country. In the wars of
1965, 1971 and the Kargil War, many brave soldiers gave their lives in an attempt to protect the
(iii)Drug addiction is a common problem all over the world today. There are many forms of drug
addiction, but the most dangerous of all is the absolute dependence on it. Long-term use of drugs
causes permanent mental and physical sickness.
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(i) Patriotism gives people the strength and courage to safeguard the interest of the country and nation.
For a patriot the sovereignty, integrity and honour of the country are of supreme values on which no
compromise can be made. Patriots render sacrifice for the preservation and protection of these
(ii) The masjid is flooded with lights and so are the hearts of the believers with divine love. Though
much has been lost of the Blue Masjid over the years yet it has not lost the love of its visitors. The
masjid is still one of the most visited monuments of the world.
(iii)Addicts undergo numerous economic, social and health problems. The governments all over the
world have been trying to eliminate drug addiction from society but still more efforts are needed to
completely wipe it out.
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(i) The revelation of the divine message which continued for the next twenty-three years had begun, and
َ َ َ ‫الن ِب ّن‬
the Rasool ‫حابِہن َو َسل َّ َم‬ َ ‫ّی َص ّّل الل ّّٰ ُہ َعلَیْہِ َو َع ّّٰل آ ِلہن َوأ ْص‬ َّ ‫ َخ َات ُم‬had arisen to proclaim the oneness of Allah (Tauheed)
and the unity of mankind. His mission was to destroy the nexus of superstition, ignorance, and
disbelief, and set up a noble conception of life and lead mankind to the light of faith and divine bliss.
(ii) I continued to work on Hira. But she was not making much recovery. I felt as helpless as she was to
see her lie on bed in a miserable state. Could I be able to justify my stance before the senior doctors?
I did not lose hope.
(iii)If I were the president of a university, I would set up a course called “How to Use Your Eyes”. The
professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what
passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awaken their dormant and sluggish faculties.
(ix) What are the causes of drug addiction?
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(iv) The entire journey of the great leader‟s struggle for a separate homeland for the Muslims of the
subcontinent was based on the pivot of the Muslim unity and the oneness as a nation. He talked
about Pakistan in such clear terms that even a common man could understand it.
(v) Hazrat Asma ‫اٰل َع ْن َھا‬ ّٰ ‫ِض اللّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
َ ِ ‫ َر‬was so generous that she sold her inherited garden and gave away all the
money to the poor and the needy. Nobody ever returned empty-handed from her doorstep. Hazrat
ّٰ ‫ِض الل ّّٰ ُہ َت َع‬
Asma ‫اٰل َع ْن َھا‬ َ ِ ‫ َر‬will always be remembered for her courage, generosity and wisdom.
(vi) Occasionally, if I am fortunate, I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a
bird in full song. I am delighted to have the cool waters of a brook rush through my open fingers.
Page 19
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(i) The period of waiting had come to a close. His heart was overflowing with profound compassion for
humanity. He had a pressing urge to eradicate wrong beliefs, social evils, cruelty and injustice. The
moment had arrived when he was to be bestowed with Nabuwat.
(ii) We have forgotten how much struggle the Muslims had made under the dynamic leadership of
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. We can overcome our present difficulties by following the
Quaid‟s golden motto, “Faith, Unity and Discipline”.
(iii)I turned around and see a young woman, smiling at me. “Are you looking for your patient?” She said
and gave me a big hug. “Thank you for everything you did! I know you did not allow them to make
me lead a crippled life.”
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(i) In the fifth and sixth centuries, mankind stood on the verge of chaos. It seemed that the civilization
which had taken four thousand years to grow had started crumbling. At this point in time, Allah
Almighty raised a Rasool among themselves to lift the humanity from ignorance into the light of
(ii) Rehabilitation centres are the best places for the recovery process of the addicts. Complete medical
support and guidance is provided to these people in these centres. Drug abusers, therefore, must be
taken to proper and certified rehabilitation centres where proper treatment and cure is available for
(iii)The following morning I should greet the dawn, anxious to discover, new delights, for I am sure that,
for those who have eyes which really see, the dawn of each day must be perfectly new revelation of
beauty. This according to the terms of my miracle is to be my third and last day of sight.
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(i) Patriotism gives people the strength and courage to safeguard the interest of the country and
nation. For a patriot the sovereignty, integrity and honour of the country are of supreme values
on which no compromise can be made. Patriots render sacrifice for the preservation and
protection of these values.
(ii) Today the Quaid‟s Pakistan is facing numerous challenges. We have forgotten how much
struggle the Muslims had made under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad
Ali Jinnah. We can overcome our present difficulties by following the Quaid‟s golden motto,
“Faith, Unity and Discipline”.
(iii) I stood still, until her family came around with big smiles on their faces. Thanks to Allah, she
was my patient, standing and walking on her own feet. I could not recognize her without the
machinery and tubes around her body. She walked on crutches, which she would leave in a few
(x) What is an ICU in a hospital?
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(vii) Patriotism gives people the strength and courage to safeguard the interest of the country and
nation. For a patriot the sovereignty, integrity and honour of the country are of supreme values
on which no compromise can be made. Patriots render sacrifice for the preservation and
protection of these values.
(viii) Today the Quaid‟s Pakistan is facing numerous challenges. We have forgotten how much
struggle the Muslims had made under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad
Ali Jinnah. We can overcome our present difficulties by following the Quaid‟s golden motto,
“Faith, Unity and Discipline”.
(ix) I stood still, until her family came around with big smiles on their faces. Thanks to Allah, she
was my patient, standing and walking on her own feet. I could not recognize her without the
machinery and tubes around her body. She walked on crutches, which she would leave in a few
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08

Page 20
(i) The period of waiting had come to a close. His heart was overflowing with profound compassion
for humanity. He had a pressing urge to eradicate wrong beliefs, social evils, cruelty and injustice.
The moment had arrived when he was to be bestowed with Nabuwat.
(ii) It would not be wrong to say that media is the most vigilant institution that keeps an eye on every
segment of the society. Through debates, reports and talk shows it makes everyone answerable
and accountable. That is why media has become an integral part of our lives.
(iii) The most important measure to be taken in this regard is the rehabilitation and recovery of a drug
addict. In many countries, including Pakistan, addicts, their families and friends consider it a
taboo to share their problem with others.
3. Translate into Urdu OR rewrite in simple English any TWO of the following paragraphs: 08
(i) In the fifth and sixth centuries, mankind stood on the verge of chaos. It seemed that the civilization
which had taken four thousand years to grow had started crumbling. At this point in time, Allah
Almighty raised a Rasool among themselves to lift the humanity from ignorance into the light of
(ii) Quaid-e-Azam was a man of strong faith and belief. He firmly believed that the new emerging state
of Pakistan based on the Islamic principles would reform the society as a whole. In his Eid message,
September 1945, Quaid-e-Azam said, “Islam is a complete code regulating the whole Muslim
society, every department of life collectively and individually.”
(iii)As I stood near the bed with several questions popping in my mind, I felt a gentle pat on my
shoulder. I turned around and see a young woman, smiling at me. “Are you looking for your
patient?” She said and gave me a big hug. “Thank you for everything you did! I know you did not
allow them to make me lead a crippled life.”
(iv) 4. Write the summary of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost. OR
(v) 4. Explain the stanza with reference to the context:
(vi) Continuous as the stars that shine
(vii) And twinkle on the milky way,
(viii) They stretched in never-ending line
(ix) Along the margin of a bay:
(x) 5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences:
(xi) 5. Entertain, Impact, Detect, Reveal, Bits and pieces, Raising spirit, Impressive, Humility
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences:
. Flamboyant, Fall a prey, Impressive, Mad with anger, Pass through, Ignorance, Sacrifice, Reveal
the secret
Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
(xii) 5. Century, Delegation, Mad with anger, Bits and pieces, Pass through, Spacious, Humility,
Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
Determined, Companion, Generous, Influential, Quietly, Reveal the secret, Gave away, Empty
(xiii) 5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences:
(xiv) 5. Quietly, Spacious, Beside, Fit of fury, Motherland, Need, Humility, Ignorance
(xv) 5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences:
(xvi) 5. Sacrifice, To keep an eye, Difficulty, Along, Bits and pieces, Pass through, Wanted,
(xvii) 5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences:
(xviii) 5. Promised, Motherland, Quietly, That, Gave away, While, Impressive, Need
Page 21
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5. Commendable, Nationalism, Geared up, A click away, Fit of fury, Refuge, Man in the street, Humility
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5. Ignorance, Nationalism, A click away, Migration, Man in the street, Sluggish, Influence, Gaze
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5. Mellow, Panorama, Curative, Relapse, Pass through, Gaze, Jocund, Solitude
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5. Delegation, Sacrifice, Global village, Mad with anger, Bits and pieces, Panorama, Influence, Companion
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5. Prosperity, Fit of fury, Spacious, Delegation, Bits and pieces, Pass through, Companion, Urge
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5. Quietly, Prosperity, To keep an eye, Determined, Beside, Bits and pieces, Impressive, State
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5. Quietly, Prosperity, To keep an eye, Determined, Beside, Bits and pieces, Impressive, State

5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5. Commendable , Influential , Resolute , Gave away , Urge , Prosperity , Humility , Reveal the secret
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5. Sacrifice, To keep an eye, Geared up, Fit of fury, Man in the street, Impressive, Humility, Raising spirit
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5. Impressive, Motherland, Man in the street, Migration, Conquest, Bits and pieces, Alleviate, Spacious
5. Use any FIVE of the following words / phrases / idioms in your own sentences: 05
5. Rehabilitation, Surprise, Global village, Delegation, Motherland, Mad with anger, Rapid, Pass through
6. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some extra funds for the payment of hostel dues.
6. Write a story with the moral “Look before you leap”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between a brother and a sister concerning time. 08
6. Write a letter to your sister thanking her for a gift. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between a brother and a sister concerning time.
6. Write a letter to your friend condoling the death of his/her mother. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “Look before you leap”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between two friends regarding Salat (Prayer).
6. Write a letter to your friend condoling the death of his mother. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between two students regarding Salat (Prayer).
6. Write a letter to your brother about the importance of the study of science subjects. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “Union is Strength”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between two friends regarding Salat.
6. Write a letter to your mother who is worried about your health. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “All that Glitters is not Gold”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between two friends regarding Salat (Prayer).
6. Write a letter to your mother about the test you have just taken. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “Look Before You Leap”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between a brother and a sister concerning “Time”.
6. Write a letter to your brother advising him to take steps to improve his health. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “Once a liar, always a liar”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between two students regarding “Salat”.
Page 22
6. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him / her on the marriage of his / her sister. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “Union is Strength”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between a teacher and a student.
6. Write a letter to your mother about the test you have just taken. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “All that glitters is not gold”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between a teacher and a student.
6. Write a letter to your brother advising him to take steps to improve his health. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “The grapes are sour”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between a tailor and a customer.
6. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some extra funds for the payment of hostel
6. OR Write a story with the moral “Greed is a Curse”. OR
6. Write a letter to your friend requesting him/her to lend you some books. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “All that glitters is not gold”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between two friends regarding Salat.
6. Write a letter to your mother about the test you have just taken. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “All that Glitters is not Gold”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between a Tailor and a Customer.
6. Write a letter to your friend condoling the death of his mother. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “Union is Strength”. OR
6. Write a dialogue on asking one‟s way.

6. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend you some books. OR
6. Write a story with the moral “Union is Strength”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between two persons asking the way to museum.
6. Write a letter to your father asking him about the health of your mother. OR 08
6. Write a story with the moral “Grapes are Sour”. OR
6. Write a dialogue between two friends regarding Salat (Prayer).
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
5. Musa was in chief command, and the gates were in his charge. They had been barred when the Christians
came in view; but Musa threw them open. “Our bodies”, he said, “will bar the gates.” The young men were
kindled by such words, and when he told them, “We have nothing to fight for but the ground was stand on;
and without that we are without a home or country”, they were ready to die with him. With such a leader, the
Moorish cavaliers performed feats of bravery in the plain which divided the camp from the city.
Questions: (i) Who was the chief commander and what was in his charge? (ii) When were the gates barred?
(iii) Who threw them open? (iv) What did Musa say? (v) What effects had his words on the young men?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
5. King Robert Bruce ruled over Scotland. He had been defeated many times by the English. He ran for his
life and hid in a cave. He had lost all hopes to win. As he lay there thinking if he should give up his struggle
or not, he saw a spider trying to reach its cobweb in the ceiling of the cave. It fell down again and again but
did not give up its effort. At last, the little insect reached its home in its ninth attempt. This gave courage to
King Bruce. He made up his mind to fight and this time he won the battle.
Questions: (i) By whom had Robert Bruce been defeated many times? (ii) Where did he hide himself?
(iii) After how many attempts did the spider succeed? (iv) What did he see in the cave?
(v) What lesson did King Bruce learn from the spider?

7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
5. On a hot summer day, a fox felt very thirsty. He went about in search of water but could find water. At
last he reached a well. He peeped into it. Unfortunately, he slipped and fell into the well. A goat happened to
Page 23
pass by the well and looked into it. She said, “What are you doing here, uncle?” The cunning fox replied.
“Dear niece, I am enjoying a swim down here. It is very pleasant. Come down and enjoy yourself too.” The
goat was also thirsty. She jumped into the well.
Questions: (i) What happened to the thirsty fox? (ii) Who passed by the well just then? (iii) What did the
goat do? (iv) What did the goat say to the fox? (v) Why did the goat jump into the well?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
5. One day a girl found a coin. It rolled away before her broom when she was sweeping the yard, and fell
with a little clatter against the wall. She ran and picked it up. Someone had dropped it while crossing the
yard and perhaps had not even troubled to look for it. It was worth little. But it seemed a whole fortune to
her, who never had anything of her own before. She rubbed it clean on the sleeve of her blue cotton jacket
and put it into her pocket.
Questions: (i) What did the girl find? (ii) When did she find it? (iii) What was the worth of the coin?
(iv) How did she clean it? (v) What did she do after cleaning it?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
5. A tailor ran a shop in a bazaar. An elephant used to go to the river through that bazaar. The tailor gave
him a bun every day. One day, the tailor picked a needle into the trunk of the elephant. The elephant became
very angry but went away. On return, he filled his trunk with muddy water. On reaching the shop of the
tailor, he put his trunk into it and squirted the dirty water into the shop of the tailor. All the fine and new
dresses of his customers were spoiled. He was very sorry for annoying the elephant but it was no use crying
over spilt milk.
Questions: (i) Where did the elephant go every day? (ii) What did the tailor give him? (iii) What mistake did
the tailor make one day? (iv) What did the elephant do after drinking water? (v) What is the moral of the
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
5. Newspapers keep us constantly in touch with the whole of mankind. In olden days, a man‟s world
consisted of his own village and one or two neighbouring villages. It was difficult for him to know what was
going on in other parts of the country. But today the press assisted by rapid means of communications brings
us news from the farthest corner of the globe. The press is also responsible for educating public opinion. The
laws of a nation are really shaped by its press. In fact the public receives guidance from the newspapers.
Thus their power in modern times is really great.
Questions: (i) What good do the newspapers do to us? (ii) What is the responsibility of the press today?
(iii) How are the laws of a country shaped nowadays? (iv) How are newspapers a source of public guidance?
(v) What is your opinion about the power of the press?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
5. A man is known by the company he keeps. A good student should avoid the company of those who keep
playing all the time. Many students miss their classes and seldom do their homework because their fellow
students do the same. There are hardworking students also who work while others play. They know when to
study and when to play. They play when it is time to play. They enjoy the games of their choice because
they know that playing games is essential for health. A sick student is not so quick in learning his lesson as
is a healthy one.
Questions: (i) What kind of company should a good student keep? (ii) Why do some students miss their
classes? (iii) Why do good students enjoy good health? (iv) Why are games necessary for students? (v) What
factors may bring success to students?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
5. Making pottery on the potter‟s wheel is called „throwing‟. The thrower is a very skilful workman. But
there is another method of shaping articles out of clay „Moulding‟. A plaster mould is made and the clay is
pressed into it. This is a quicker and less difficult way and must be used to make things like handles; but all
the most beautiful pottery is thrown. When a piece of pottery is taken off the wheel, it is put aside to dry,
after which a design may be painted on it with special colours that will stand great heat; it is then ready to be
fired. This is done in a large oven, or kiln. The pieces of pottery are placed in earthenware tubs called
„saggers‟ so that the flames cannot touch the pottery.

Page 24
Questions: (i) What is throwing? (ii) What is the other method of shaping articles? (iii) What is the
advantage of moulding? (iv) How does the potter make designs on the pieces of pottery? (v) How are the
pieces of pottery baked in fire?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
5. Musa was in chief command, and the gates were in his charge. They had been barred when the Christians
came in view; but Musa threw them open. “Our bodies”, he said, “will bar the gates.” The young men were
kindled by such words, and when he told them, “We have nothing to fight for but the ground was stand on;
and without that we are without a home or country”, they were ready to die with him. With such a leader, the
Moorish cavaliers performed feats of bravery in the plain which divided the camp from the city.
Questions: (i) Who was the chief commander and what was in his charge?
(ii) When were the gates barred? (iii) Who threw them open?
(iv) What did Musa say? (v) What effect had his words on the young men?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
5. Making pottery on the potter‟s wheel is called „throwing‟. The thrower is a very skilful workman. But
there is another method of shaping articles out of clay „Moulding‟. A plaster mould is made and the clay is
pressed into it. This is a quicker and less difficult way and must be used to make things like handles; but all
the most beautiful pottery is thrown. When a piece of pottery is taken off the wheel, it is put aside to dry,
after which a design may be painted on it with special colours that will stand great heat; it is then ready to be
fired. This is done in a large oven, or kiln. The pieces of pottery are placed in earthenware tubs called
„saggers‟ so that the flames cannot touch the pottery.
Questions: (i) What is „throwing‟? (ii) What is the other method of shaping articles? (iii) What is the
advantage of „moulding‟? (iv) How does the potter make designs on the pieces of pottery? (v) How are the
pieces of pottery baked in fire?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
A man is known by the company he keeps. A good student should avoid the company of those who
keep playing all the time. Many students miss their classes and seldom do their homework because their
fellow students do the same. There are hardworking students also who work while others play. They know
when to study and when to play. They play when it is time to play. They enjoy the games of their choice
because they know that playing games is essential for health. A sick student is not so quick in learning his
lesson as is a healthy one.
Questions: (i) What kind of company should a good student keep? (ii) Why do some students miss their
classes? (iii) Why do good students enjoy good health? (iv) Why are games necessary for students? (v)
Where does the success of a student lie?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
A tailor ran a shop in a bazaar. An elephant used to go to the river through that bazaar. The tailor
gave him a bun every day. One day, the tailor picked a needle into the trunk of the elephant. The elephant
became very angry but went away. On return, he filled his trunk with muddy water. On reaching the shop of
the tailor, he put his trunk into it and squirted the dirty water into the shop of the tailor. All the fine and new
dresses of his customers were spoiled. He was very sorry for annoying the elephant but it was no use crying
over spilt milk.
Questions: (i) Where did the elephant go every day? (ii) What did the tailor give him? (iii) What mistake did
the tailor make one day? (iv) What did the elephant do after drinking water? (v) What is the moral of the
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
A man is known by the company he keeps. A good student should avoid the company of those who
keep playing all the time. Many students miss their classes and seldom do their homework because their
fellow students do the same. There are hardworking students also who work while others play. They know
when to study and when to play. They play when it is time to play. They enjoy the games of their choice
because they know that playing games is essential for health. A sick student is not so quick in learning his
lesson as is a healthy one.

Page 25
Questions: (i) What kind of company should a good student keep? (ii) Why do some students miss their
classes? (iii) Why do good students enjoy good health? (iv) Why are games necessary for students? (v) What
factors may bring success to a student?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
A man is known by the company he keeps. A good student should avoid the company of those
who keep playing all the time. Many students miss their classes and seldom do their homework
because their fellow students do the same. There are hardworking students also who work while
others play. They know when to study and when to play. They play when it is time to play. They
enjoy the games of their choice because they know that playing games is essential for health. A sick
student is not so quick in learning his lesson as is a healthy one.5.
5. Questions: (i) What kind of company should a good student keep?
(ii) Why do some students miss their classes? (iii) Why do good students enjoy good health?
(iv) Why are games necessary for students? (v) What factors may bring success to a student?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
5. On a hot summer day, a fox felt very thirsty. He went about in search of water but could find water.
At last he reached a well. He peeped into it. Unfortunately, he slipped and fell into the well. A goat
happened to pass by the well and looked into it. She said, “What are you doing here, uncle?” The
cunning fox replied. “Dear niece, I am enjoying a swim down here. It is very pleasant. Come down
and enjoy yourself too.” The goat was also thirsty. She jumped into the well.
Questions: (i) What happened to the thirsty fox? (ii) Who passed by the well just then? (iii) What did
the goat say to the fox? (iv) What did the fox say in reply? (v) Why did the goat jump into the well?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
Early rising is a good habit as it gives us an early start of our day‟s work. We gain time while the
late risers are asleep. The early risers have another advantage also and that is that they enjoy good and
sound health. Those who are out of bed early have plenty of time to do their work carefully, steadily
and completely. They do not have to put off anything to the next day. The early riser is always happy,
fresh and smart. He enjoys his work while those who get up late find their duty dull and dry and do it
unwillingly. Early rising is therefore, a key to success in life.5.
Questions: (i) What kind of habit is early rising? (ii) Why can an early riser do more work than the
late riser? (iii) Why does a late riser find his work dull and dry? (iv) What kind of health do early
risers have? (v) What is key to success in life?
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end: 10
5. On a hot summer day, a fox felt very thirsty. He went about in search of water but could find water. At
last he reached a well. He peeped into it. Unfortunately, he slipped and fell into the well. A goat happened to
pass by the well and looked into it. She said, “What are you doing here, uncle?” The cunning fox replied.
“Dear niece, I am enjoying a swim down here. It is very pleasant. Come down and enjoy yourself too.” The
goat was also thirsty. She jumped into the well.
Questions: (i) What happened to the thirsty fox? (ii) Who passed by the well just then?
(iii) What did the goat do? (iv) What did the goat say to the fox? (v) What did the fox say in reply?
8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English: 05
‫( ایکاچدناشلےسکمچراہاھت؟‬iii) ‫رغبیڈاایکڑبیلکشمےسزگررسبرکاتےہ۔‬ (ii) ‫اپاتسکماکبسےسابملدرایوکماسےہ؟‬ (i)
‫( وہویکںوھجٹوبكراہوہاگ؟‬vi) ‫یں‬
‫َمےمکناہبےنںیہنانبؤںاگ۔‬ (v) ‫( ڈارٹکدسٹنمےسرمضیاکاعمہنئرکراہےہ۔‬iv)
‫( آپےنریمےاھبیئیکدھکیاھبكیک۔‬viii) ‫( اہمترےےنچنہپےسےلہپوہوکسكںیہناجاکچاھت۔‬vii)
NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Our School Canteen”.
8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English: 05
‫( ااعنلسکوکدایاجاتےہ؟‬iv) ‫( وہدودمےسورزشںیہنرکراہےہ۔‬iii) ‫( الککاچراجباکچےہ۔‬ii) ‫( تھچںیہنرگیےہ۔‬i)
‫( وہہشیمہچسںیہنوبیتلےہ۔‬viii) ‫َمدبھےسیٹ۔وییکرمتمرکراہوہں۔‬ ‫( ی ں‬vii) ‫( ہیڑپکااتسس ِبراہےہ۔‬vi) ‫( لھپرسداخےنںیمرےھکاجےتںیہ۔‬v)

Page 26
‫‪NOTE:English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “How to keep our Town‬‬
‫‪8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English:‬‬ ‫‪05‬‬
‫)‪ (iv‬ےتکوھبکنرےہےھت۔‬ ‫)‪ (iii‬وہحبصریسوکاجںیئےگ۔‬ ‫)‪ (ii‬ایکوسرجلکنراہےہ؟‬ ‫)‪ (i‬مہبساملسممںیہ۔‬
‫)‪ (v‬وہرہروزوکسكاجیتےہ۔ )‪ (vi‬ڑلوکںےکاپسدنچاتکںیبںیہ۔ )‪ (vii‬وسرجےنلکنےسےلہپاکشریاجكاھچباکچاھت۔ )‪ (viii‬ےچبآھکنوچمیلاہکںےتلیھکںیہ؟‬
‫‪NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Visit to a Hospital”.‬‬
‫‪8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English:‬‬ ‫‪05‬‬
‫)‪ (iii‬متریمیراےئرپہتکنینیچںیہنرکرےہوہ۔‬ ‫ایکوہاینپیطلغاماتنےہ؟‬ ‫ایکابرہزیتوہالچریہیھت؟ )‪(ii‬‬ ‫)‪(i‬‬
‫)‪ (vi‬وہریمامکحںیہنامےناگ۔‬ ‫رحصاںیمدواسكےسابرشںیہنوہریہیھت۔‬ ‫)‪(v‬‬ ‫ہبلطےنرعنےاگلےئ۔‬ ‫)‪(iv‬‬
‫)‪ (viii‬اباتھچپےئایکوہتبجڑچایںگچںیئگتیھک۔‬ ‫)‪ (vii‬ہچبولھکےنوتڑراہوہاگ۔‬
‫‪NOTE:‬‬ ‫‪English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Junk Food”.‬‬

‫‪8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English:‬‬ ‫‪05‬‬

‫ہیارسفاےنپرفاضئےستلفغںیہنربتراہےہ۔ )‪ (iii‬ایکاہمترےدووتسںےناہمتریاکایمیبرپابمرةکددی؟‬ ‫)‪(ii‬‬ ‫ہیاصقبمکوتاتلےہ۔‬ ‫)‪(i‬‬
‫)‪ (vi‬ایکمتےنریمےآےنےسےلہپانوكمتخرکایلاھت؟‬ ‫ڑلےکآسپںیمویکںڑگھجرےہےھت؟‬ ‫)‪(v‬‬ ‫امہمموصخیصااعنلمیسقترکاکچےہ۔‬ ‫)‪(iv‬‬
‫)‪ (vii‬رلیاگڑیدنپرہدمےسٹیلںیہنآریہیھت۔ )‪ (viii‬ایکزمدورڑسکومہاررکرےہوہںےگ؟‬
‫‪NOTE:‬‬ ‫‪English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Pakistani Women”.‬‬

‫‪8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English:‬‬ ‫‪05‬‬

‫)‪ (ii‬ہیدیفسوھجٹےہ۔ )‪ (iii‬ےچبآھکنوچمیلاہکںےتلیھکںیہ؟ )‪ (iv‬چیمریغباہرتیجےکمتخوہاکچ۔‬ ‫)‪ (i‬آجتخسرگیمےہ۔‬
‫)‪ (v‬مہےلہپیہربخنسےکچےھت۔ )‪ (vi‬وہےھجمےنلمآےئاگ۔ )‪ (vii‬ےچبںیہنرورےہوہںےگ۔ )‪ (viii‬ریمےرھگآےنےسےلہپریمااٹیبوکسكاجاکچاھت۔‬
‫‪NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “How to keep our town‬‬
‫‪8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English:‬‬ ‫‪05‬‬
‫)‪ (iii‬ولگرفتحیےکےیلاھچاگناماگناجرےہںیہ۔‬ ‫وہانگہرپںیہناتھچپاتےہ۔‬ ‫)‪(ii‬‬ ‫وہایھچاتکںیبڑپاتھےہ۔‬ ‫)‪(i‬‬
‫ےتکےنرخوگشاکاعتبقایک۔ )‪ (vi‬ایکامریہدوےجبےسولھکونںےسلیھکراہےہ؟‬ ‫اربکیئکےٹنھگےساہپڑےایدرکراہےہ۔ )‪(v‬‬ ‫)‪(iv‬‬
‫)‪ (viii‬یٹنھگوکماجبراہےہ؟‬ ‫)‪ (vii‬ایکمتاکلمتخرکےکچوہ؟‬
‫‪NOTE:‬‬ ‫‪English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Fashion”.‬‬

‫‪8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English:‬‬ ‫‪05‬‬

‫)‪ (iv‬وہرحاتسںیمںیہنایلاجاکچےہ۔‬ ‫مہاگڑیںیموساروہےئ۔ )‪ (iii‬ہبلطےنقبسانسای۔‬ ‫اجدیئادبساھبویئںںیممیسقترکدییئگ۔ )‪(ii‬‬ ‫)‪(i‬‬
‫)‪ (vii‬ایکمتاکلمتخرکےکچوہ؟ )‪ (viii‬وسرجڈوبںیہناکچےہ۔‬ ‫)‪ (vi‬ےھجمااعنلدایاجاتےہ۔‬ ‫)‪ (v‬وتیھکںوکومہارایکاجراہےہ۔‬
‫‪NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “A Visit to a Museum”.‬‬
‫‪8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English:‬‬ ‫‪05‬‬
‫وسرجےنلکنےسےلہپڑلےکوھپكوتڑےکچےھت۔‬ ‫)‪(iv‬‬ ‫)‪ (ii‬آپےنریمےاھبیئیکدھکیاھبكیک۔ )‪ (iii‬وہےھجمےنلمآےئاگ۔‬ ‫)‪ (i‬وہیسکےسرفنتںیہنرکاتےہ۔‬
‫)‪ (vii‬امیہریگایلھچمںڑکپرےہںیہ۔ )‪ (viii‬رجنپےںیمریشاھت۔‬ ‫امہمموصخیصااعنلمیسقترکاکچےہ۔ )‪ (vi‬رمضیدسٹنمےسخیچراہےہ۔‬
‫ک‬ ‫)‪(v‬‬
‫‪NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Fashion”.‬‬
‫‪8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English:‬‬ ‫‪05‬‬
‫)‪ (iii‬مہےناماکااظتنرںیہنایکےہ۔‬ ‫داانآدیمایسییطلغںیہنرکاتےہ۔‬ ‫)‪(ii‬‬ ‫وبدناابدنیوہریہےہ۔‬ ‫)‪(i‬‬
‫انینااّمںےنںیمہدپسچلاہکینانسیئ۔ )‪ (vi‬وسرجرغوبوہےنکتاسےناکلویکںمتخہنایک؟‬ ‫)‪(v‬‬ ‫اہیںآپاچرےٹنھگےسایکرکرےہںیہ؟‬ ‫)‪(iv‬‬
‫)‪ (vii‬ریمےرھگآےنےسےلہپامہممواسپاجےکچےھت۔ )‪ (viii‬ےھجمرکچآرےہےھت۔‬

‫‪Page 27‬‬
NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Pakistani Women”.
8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English: 05
‫( ےھجمرجینمںیہناجیھباجراہےہ۔‬iv) ‫( ڑلوکںےنوشراچمای۔‬iii) ‫( آپےکابرےںیموکموپھچراہاھت؟‬ii) ‫اتکراتوکوھبکنراہاھت۔‬ (i)
‫( اعلآدیموکدوھہکدایاجراہےہ۔‬viii) ‫( ادجمااعنلاحلصرکاکچےہ۔‬vii) ‫( اسےناینپاتکبدےنیےسااکنررکدای۔‬vi) ‫( ومرلگنجںیمںیہناناچےہ۔‬v)
NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Pakistani Women”.
8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English: 05
‫( ایکوبکرتداانےنگچےسےلہپاجكںیمسنھپےکچےھت؟‬iii) ‫وہاسوتقداعںیہنامگنراہوہاگ۔‬ (ii) ‫وہدروازےوکاتالاگلاکچوہاگ۔‬ (i)
‫( ریشبیکدروخاتسانوظنمریکاجریہےہ۔‬vi) ‫اہمترادوتسںیہمتاکیےتفہےسویکںدوھاکداتیراہاھت؟‬ (v) ‫( ھچکآدویمںوکرگاتفرںیہنایکاجاکچےہ؟‬iv)
‫َماسےسےنلمیکوخاشہںیہنراتھک۔‬‫( ی ں‬viii) ‫( اسےناتکبںیہناھپڑیےہ۔‬vii)
NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Pakistani Women”.
8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English: 05
‫( ریقف ککِسنِگراہےہ۔‬iv) ‫( وھگڑےتیھکںیمرچرےہےھت۔‬iii) ‫سبرپرھتپوکمکنیھپراہاھت؟‬ (ii) ‫( ایکابدكزورےسرگاتجےہ؟‬i)
‫( ایکرغبییچبخیچریہیھت؟‬viii) ‫( ڑچایںآامسمرپاُڑریہںیہ۔‬vii) ‫( اھگساکٹیلیئگ۔‬vi) ‫( ڈارٹکےنرمضیاکآرپنشیایک۔‬v)
NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Fashion”.
8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English: 05
‫( اشلےسےلہپاسمرفرھگںیہنولاٹاھت۔‬iii) ‫( وہذماقںیہنرکرےہوہںےگ۔‬ii) ‫( ایکاقلتاصفچبرکلکنایگوہاگ؟‬i)
‫( وسرجرغوبوہےنکتاسےناکلویکںمتخہنایک۔‬vi) ‫متلگنمےسرقتریایتررکرےہےھت۔‬ (v) ‫( وچبںوکرسخہاکہکیٹاگلایاجراہاھت۔‬iv)
‫( ہبلطوکسكےسدلجیواسپویکںآرےہںیہ؟‬viii) ‫( ہبلطےکرپےچدےھکیاجرےہںیہ۔‬vii)
NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Girl Guides”.

8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English: 05

‫( اوہنںےنامہریدوعتوبقكہنیک۔‬iv) ‫( وہوصتریےسیکانبراہاھت؟‬iii) ‫ں‬ ‫ی‬
‫( َمدورہپےسوسںیہنراہاھت۔‬ii) ‫( رپدنےڑکپےیلےئگ۔‬i)
‫( رماغبکاذامداتیےہ؟‬viii) ‫َماینپڑھگیالتشرکراہوہں۔‬ ‫( ی ں‬vii) ‫( ڑلایکںدواسكےساکجلآریہںیہ۔‬vi) ‫( مہےنآپاکااظتنرایک۔‬v)
NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “Pakistani Women”.
8. Translate any FIVE of the following sentences in English: 05
‫( ےنتکےنرخوگشاکاعتبقایک۔‬iii) ‫انزہیوسومارےسسکیکصیمقیسریہےہ؟‬ (ii) ‫وہایھچاتکںیبڑپاتھےہ۔‬ (i)
‫وہمظنڑپاھےکچںیہ۔‬ (vi) ‫وہاکیےٹنھگےسطخھکلراہاھت۔‬ (v) ‫دماریاےنپرکبتداھکےئاگ۔‬ (iv)
‫( وسرجےنلکنےسےلہپڑلےکوھپكوتڑےکچےھت۔‬viii) ‫( امیلوپدوںوکاپیندےراہوہاگ۔‬vii)
NOTE: English Medium / Foreign candidates will write TEN sentences about “My Favourite Book”.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) The mother loves the children. (ii) A letter will be written by him. (iii) He praised the boy for his
8. (iv) We shall have finished our work by March next. (v) Five video films were bought by her.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) The driver opened the door of the car. (ii) The snake will have been killed by us.
8. (iii) They caught the thief. (iv) She likes apples. (v) Why is he mending the chair?
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) The boy makes the picture. (ii) I was given five films by her. (iii) They had gained nothing.
8. (iv) Why were they beating the boy? (v) We should have killed the snake.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) The driver opened the door of the car. (ii) Why did she write such a letter?
8. (iii) Nothing had been gained by them. (iv) A letter will be written by him. (v) They caught the thief.

Page 28
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) The mother loves the children. (ii) She gave me five films. (iii) They had gained nothing.
8. (iv) He will write a letter. (v) Why was such a letter written by her?
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) The picture is made by the boy. (ii) She gave me five films. (iii) Why did she write such a letter?
8. (iv) He took away my books. (v) We use milk for making cheese.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) The boy makes the picture. (ii) Inaya is helped by Maheer. (iii) Why did she write such a letter?
8. (iv) He had told me to do it. (v) He took my books.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) She has beaten the dog. (ii) She was teaching the students. (iii) They had gained nothing.
8. (iv) They caught the thief. (v) The snake will have been killed by us.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) She has not beaten the dog. (ii) Why did she write such a letter? (iii) A letter will be written by him.
8. (iv) The sudden noise frightened the child. (v) The boy is climbing the wall.

9. Change the voice of the following: 05

8. (i) They have bought a horse. (ii) He will give you a box of chocolate. (iii) He took away my books.
8. (iv) The house is being bought by them. (v) We shall have finished our work by March next.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) Khurshid helps Naushaba. (ii) The mother loves the children. (iii) Students were being taught by her.
8. (iv) He took away my books. (v) She likes apples.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) They caught the thief. (ii) He will give you a box of chocolates. (iii) She was teaching the students.
8. (iv) Nothing had been gained by them. (v) The board has given me a gold medal.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) She likes apples. (ii) He took away my books. (iii) Why is he mending the chair?
8. (iv) A car ran over an old man. (v) A letter will be written by him.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) He will write a letter. (ii) He praised the boy for his courage. (iii) She has not beaten the dog.
8. (iv) They are buying this house. (v) Why was such a letter written by her?
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) He took my books. (ii) Why is she mending the chair? (iii) The snake will have been killed by us.
8. (iv) She gave me five films. (v) They had gained nothing.
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) He took away my books. (ii) The mother loves the children. (iii) They have not done their job.
8. (iv) A letter will be written by him. (v) Why did she write such a letter?
9. Change the voice of the following: 05
8. (i) She likes apples. (ii) Nothing had been gained by them. (iii) Why did she write such a letter?
8. (iv) They are buying this house? (v) Khurshid helps Naushaba.

Page 29

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