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are the principal heights in the division of Mar.


archenteron by means of a posterior neurenteric canal. It is

numbers. Barilla is obtained from the sea-weed on the shores,

Aletschhorn. . . . . . . . . . 13,721 Mettenberg . . . . . . . . . . . 10,194

disturbed by the increasing power of Raedwald of East Anglia.

of the fourth Georgic, which brought about his introduction

same. The zygospore becomes surrounded with its own wall,

and not penal in the international sense of that term.16 As

section of the Anabaptists known as Pneumatici, may be

with Alfred. On his way home he married Judith, daughter

by the 4th of August, and on the 10th of September he fought

Margaret, daughter of George, 6th Lord Seton. He was made

assured. The examination of the cells before passing them

who, for his bold assertion of the perfect interpenetration

advertisement in the Mercurius Politicus as ``the very first,''

early acquired a reputation as medicinal agents, and when

Bragmanibus, ascribed without certainty to Palladius (d.

patriotic or religious, and in none of them is there any sense of

IV. LEOPOLD GEORGE DUNCAN ALBERT, duke of Albany, eighth

Grande Motte (W) . . . . . . . 12,018 (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,962

lot, with bonuses or rebates to equalize them in value to

when these bodies were established in 1894. the local body

year both in its immediate effects and in its far-reaching

similar account by Richard of Hexham, but less trustworthy,

necessary as certificates that certain formalities have been

which are remarkably abundant near the Aleutians; moose,

AMRAM (d. 875), a famous gaon or head of the Jewish

ALARCON, JUAN RUIZ DE (1518?-1639), Spanish dramatist,

In 1863 A. Nadar, a Paris photographer, constructed ``Le

2 B.C. (Notiz. Scav., 1902, 539). The bridge by which

to the adoption of another form, the square box shape

employed one in the coronation of King Aidan. Both the name

of individuals in this direction is not easy to detect,

undoubtedly oriental in origin, though the relationship

with many notes in the author's hand is now in the British

effects of air under ordinary pressure are now utilized in

d'Aiguillon was made minister of foreign affairs, Maupeou

of unfit persons, and removes several abuses which had arisen

a pyloric portion, and the latter has a pair of caeca. In

begun to emerge from a state of great poverty and depression;

Athenians protested against the treatment of Amphissa, and were

revolver. The wound was fortunately not dangerous, and

for payment of the debts of the grantor or of any other

favourite study, having initiated the Numismatic Journal in

1906 50,631,619 179,056,144 52,102,847 321,802,571

provisions of that act. It was called the Margarine Act 1887.

enhanced by the improvement which he effected on the Long-horned

by which he is known. In this order he rose step by step

AHMEDNAGAR, or AHMADNAGAR, a city and district of British

it has since obtained. To the other powers it seemed, at best

1846, placed at the disposal of astronomers in such a form

so that (as Darwin observes) in travelling northward during

all short lowland streams, resembling the Nanay in character.

Ova-Herero of German South-West Africa, whose purely pastoral

Albany Academy (1813), in which Joseph Henry, while a member

everywhere prevalent, it is not difficult to understand that

being reported from the county of London alone.

AFZELIUS, ARVID AUGUST (1785-1871), Swedish pastor, poet,

two of Ovid's Heroides (xx., xxi.). During the festival of

and inducing them to adopt the customs and civilization of

buildings. The precincts are entered by a gateway (P), at

boat-pans were for many years almost everywhere employed, and

active. Joining the league of Torgau in 1526, he acted inunison

celebrated physician; the second, Giambattista, accompanied

the western Sudan, and on the Congo, by establishing her

army sent out to the East; from which, however, he was

a regular army of 8000 infantry and 2000 cavalry, without

occasions, and forms part of the vestments in which they are buried.

resulted in the destruction of the half-finished Long Walls

this circle was broken up by the assassination of Hipparchus,

Dionysius, he returned to Athens, and, finding it impossible

15. Pope's Campaign in Virginia.--The Army of Virginia under

gains in weight amongst prize-winning cattle were providrd

algebra is the stage at which, and the extent to which, the

chestnuts and gallic acid. The port is accessible by the largest

The Italians now come on the scene. Assab, a port near the

up. Thus, while one school of interpreters finds in the chapter

Administration de bonis non administratis: this occurs

been known to be formed in cases where the gas-distributing

176-213). It is suggested that the legend arose from a desire

which traces can be seen inland (G. Mariti, i. 187; L.

them. Gildas mentions the use of ampullae as established

nisoria punctata), is introduced and well distributed over

once give a striking touch of realism, and form a pointed

type. In all the communities schools have multiplied, but

N. part of this plateau, W. of Jackson county, there are about

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