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Effects of ochratoxin A on membrane phospholipids of the

intestine of broiler chickens, practical consequences
I. El Cafsi1,2† , S. Bjeoui2, I. Rabeh2, S. Nechi3, E. Chelbi3, M. El Cafsi2 and A. Ghram1
Institute Pasteur of Tunis – Laboratory of Veterinary Epidemiology and Microbiology, University Tunis-El Manar, 1002 Tunis, Tunisia; 2Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Unit of
Physiology and Aquatic Enviroment, University Tunis-El Manar, 2092 Tunis, Tunisia; 3Mohamed Tahar Maamouri Hospital, Anatomy and Cytology Service, Road Mrezka
8000, Nabeul, Tunisia

(Received 1 March 2019; Accepted 24 September 2019)

Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a mycotoxin produced by various species of Aspergillus and Penicillium. Ochratoxin A was classified as a
group 2B carcinogen and is one of the major intestinal pathogenic mycotoxins. One of the most frequent modes of intoxication is
consumption of contaminated food with mycotoxins. Feed represents the major cost and has a direct impact on the economical
viability of broiler’s production system, since it must contain the necessary elements that allow the animal to express the
maximum genetic potential while providing its nutritional requirements. Thus, the animal has to digest the feed and absorb its
nutrients, which is in direct correlation with the gastrointestinal tract, especially the small intestine and the development of the
mucosal surface area. Once ingested, OTA is absorbed by passive diffusion, mainly the jejunum. Ochratoxin A’s presence affects
lipid membranes and could lead to the degradation of their normal structure and functionality. All of these effects contribute to
the development of malabsorption. It was very interesting to study the effect of OTA on the layer of phospholipids of the bowel.
The experimental group received OTA (0.05 to mg/kg BW) through an intra-peritoneal injection, every other day for 21 days. We
noted that feed conversion ratio and average daily gain were reduced. Histological studies showed important alterations at the
level of the mucosal membrane of the intestine (villosities, crypts) following intra-peritoneal administration of the mycotoxin.
Thinning and enlargement at the base of the villosities, hyperplasia and crypts in irregular forms, blunting and denudation were
observed through the examination of intestinal morphology. Biochemical studies, such as total lipid and phospholipid
compositions, allowed us to have more detailed results. All identified mucosal phospholipids were modified, particularly the
phosphatidylcholine (PC) and the phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in the jejunum mucosa. In fact, there was a decrease by
55.81% for PC, 56.66% for PE, while a significant increase by 32.91% was noted for phosphatidylserine in the jejunum. It was
very interesting to study the effect of OTA on the phospholipids layer of the bowel, as the mucous membrane of the small
intestine represents the main site of absorption and transformation of nutriments. To avoid such disturbances and prevent the
effects of the OTA, precautions must be taken to inhibit mold growth at the level of the feed manufactory units.
Phosphatidylcholine and PE administrations may represent an option that could allow reestablishment of phospholipid equilibrium
in the intestine.

Keywords: mycotoxin, membrane border brush, jejunum, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine

Implications the phospholipid bilayers, it is recommended to make a

dietary addition of phospholipids, especially phospatidylcho-
Ochratoxins are carcinogenic mycotoxins that contaminate lines and phosphatidylethanolamines.
food and thus induce a fall in technical performances, in
addition to contamination of human’s food. In practice, no
poultry feed is completely free of mycotoxins. Once ingested,
ochratoxin A is partially absorbed through the digestive tract, Introduction
mainly in the animal’s intestine, which engenders degrada-
tion of normal structures and functionalities. To prevent and There is a common perception that ‘human made’ chemicals are
mend the damaged structures of the intestine, particularly more dangerous than natural substances. Interestingly, the most
toxic compounds such as mycotoxins are natural. Mycotoxins,

E-mail: from the Greek «mycos» for ‘mold’ (Fink-Gremmels, 2008), are

El Cafsi, Bjeoui, Rabeh, Nechi, Chelbi, El Cafsi and Ghram

secondary metabolites produced by fungi (Marquardt, 1996), any effect on nutrient absorption would induce a deficit in the
mainly Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria, Fusarium and growth of the animal, the activity of the immune system, the
Claviceps, which may be dangerous to vertebrates upon lymphatic circulation and the level of hormonal synthesis.
ingestion (Stoloff, 1979), inhalation or skin contact. Food
contamination occurs after being contaminated by spore,
conidia or mycelia fragments of fungi producing mycotoxins,
which represents a great concern for humans and animals Material and methods
(Food and Agriculture Organization, 2004). Consumption Animals and sampling
of such contaminated food by humans or animals leads to Thirty-one-day-old male broiler chicks (Hubbard JV, The Foeil -
mycotoxicoses (Hanif, 2016). Despite the ever-increasing Quintin France) were obtained from a local supplier. All exper-
understanding of mycotoxins and their effects, they have imental animals were maintained and used in accordance
continuous and severe economic impact worldwide. These with the Guidelines of the Committee for the Care and Use
losses are associated with lower productivity, reduced gain of Experimental Animal Resources of the Institute Pasteur of
weight, decreased feed efficiency, diminished meat and Tunis, Tunisia (F16-00170(A5743-01)). Animals were ran-
egg production, greater disease incidence due to immune domly divided into one control group (n = 15) and one exper-
suppression, subtle damage to vital body organs and inter- imental group (n = 15), housed in an experimental isolators.
ference with the reproduction system, all of which have a All birds received feed (formulated to meet the nutritional
much more immediate impact on morbidity and mortality requirements for starter and grower broilers, as shown in
(Marquardt, 1996). In the field, changes in animal perfor- Table 1) and water ad libitum. After a period of acclimatisa-
mances or behaviour along with increased susceptibility to tion to environmental conditions (1 day), the experimental
infectious agents represent possible subtle and non-specific group received OTA (0.05-mg/kg BW) through an intra-
signs of mycotoxin exposure and make it difficult to establish, peritoneal injection, every other day for 21 days (Prior et al.,
with certainty, a cause–effect relationship with ‘contami- 1976; Chang et al., 1981) and the control group received
nated’ feedstuffs, thus complicating clinical diagnosis and an equivalent volume of monosodium carbonate (NaHCO3
contributing to causality difficulties. Furthermore, food con- 0.1 M). Bird BWs and feed intake were determined daily until
tamination is more relevant considering the fact that there is 21 days of age, while feed conversion ratio (FCR, feed intake/
no way of efficiently predicting and avoiding mycotoxin con- weight gain) was calculated accordingly. At the end of the
taminations (Duarte et al., 2011). In addition, while scientists experimental period, chicks were slaughtered by bisection
have previously looked at various mycotoxin polluting agri- of the cervical vessels, and intestines from all animals were
cultural resources causing mycotoxicosis; nowadays, their collected and kept frozen (−20°C) until analysed. A portion
focus is been shifted towards ochratoxin A (OTA) contamina- of the intestine was placed in 10% formal in buffered solution
tion (Hanif, 2016). In fact, OTA represents one of the most to be used for histopathological studies.
important causes of economic losses for the poultry’s indus-
try (Hanif, 2016). Therefore, the presence of OTA in the live-
stock feed chain negatively impacts the animal’s health and
production (Hanif, 2016). It is well known that the mucous Table 1 Ingredient composition and nutrient content of the basal diets
membrane of the small intestine represents the main site of broiler chickens (%, as fed basis)
of absorption and transformation of nutriments and is con- Chemical composition Starter Grower
stituted by several cell types including the secretory units,
the endocrine cells and the enterocytes or absorbent cells Ingredients (%)
(Alessandri et al., 1990). Phospholipids represent, with gly- Corn 63 67
colipids and cholesterol, the main lipid constituents of the Soybean meal 32 28
membrane border brush (Vance, 2018). However, the major Vitamin-mineral complex1 5 5
Maximum humidity 12 12
part of the global lipid composition of the intestinal border
Crude fibre (max) 5 5
(Sherman strain) is represented by 34.1% phospholipids CPs (min) 21 18.5
(Thomas and David, 1980). It is thus very important to Fatty substances (min) 3 5
know how the cellular membrane reacts to poisoning by Converted energy (kilo silks/kg) 2800 2800
OTA, especially those constituents that allow absorption of Calcium Ca 1 1
nutriments. In fact, after ingestion, OTA is absorbed by pas- Phosphorus P 0.45 0.42
sive diffusion mainly in the proximal third of the jejunum. Methionine 0.42 0.4
Therefore, its presence affects lipid membranes and could Tryonine 0.8 0.9
lead to the degradation of their normal structure and func- Metabolisable energy (mJ/kg) 0.75 0.7
tionality. Ochratoxin A promotes free radical formations ME = Metabolisable energy.
in the intestines leading to oxidative stress, antioxidant 1
The premix provided per kilogram diet: vitamin A 350 000 IU, vitamin D3 75 000
depletion and apoptosis; all of which contribute to the devel- IU, vitamin E 2000 IU, vitamin K3 75 mg, vitamin B1 70 mg, vitamin B2 190 mg,
vitamin B5 300 mg, vitamin B6 100 mg, vitamin B12 0.50 mg, vitamin K3 75 mg,
opment of malabsorption. We are interested in the effect of choline chloride 500 mg, folic acid 35 mg, biotin 5 mg, niacin 1300 mg, Fe
such toxins on the layer of phospholipids of the bowel, since 1400 mg, Cu 250 mg, Mn 2000 mg, Zn 2000 mg, I 25 mg, Se 5 mg, Co 8 mg.

Mycotoxins and intestinal modifications

Extraction of total lipids and separation of lipid classes sections (2 to 4 μm) and stained with haematoxylin–eosin
Before lipid extraction and immediately after the chickens (H&E). Obtained sections were examined under a light micro-
were slaughtered, chick intestines were kept for 10 min scope (Leica DM 2500 equipped with a camera Leica D-lux 3
in boiling water to inactivate any active enzymes, such and a Software AxioVision Rel.4.8.2.SP2, Wezlar, Germany);
as phospholipases (Shewfelt et al., 1981). Total lipids were a histological score was given according to morphological and
extracted according to the method of Folch et al. (1957). lesional criteria, as previously described. Decrease in the total
The used solvent was a mixture of chloroform : methanol score revealed a deterioration of the epithelium.
(2 : 1, v/v), containing 0.01% butylated-hydroxyl-toluene
as an antioxidant. Lipid classes were separated using Statistical analyses
thin-layer chromatography with one-dimensional double The results were presented as the mean of six replicates and
development (Folch et al., 1957). A 200 μl of lipid extract expressed as the mean ± SD. Normal distribution and homo-
was separated on ‘silica gel 60’ plates (20 × 20 cm; Merck, geneity of variances of standardised lipid quantities and
Darmstadt, Germany), using methyl acetate : isopropanol : phospholipid categories were verified using Shapiro–Wilk’s test
chloroform : methanol : 0.25% KCl (25 : 25 : 25 : 10 : 9, v/v), (Shapiro and Wilk, 1965) and Levene’s test (Levene, 1960),
a developing medium for polar lipids (PL). Lipid classes respectively. Analysis of variance/Multivariate Analysis of
were visualised under UV light after spraying a 0.1% Variance (MANOVA) procedure was used for mean compari-
20-7 0 dichloro-fluoresceinin absolute methanol. The phos- sons, and Dunken’s method for discriminating between the
pholipids classes were identified using standards deposed means (Supplementary Material S1). Differences between the
in the same conditions (Olsen and Henderson, 1989). samples were considered significant at P < 0.05. In case of a
significant deviation from normality and/or non-homogenous
Quantification of the lipid categories data, the non-parametric test of Kruskal–Wallis (Kruskal and
After migration on a silica gel plate, each spot corresponding Wallis, 1952) was conducted. Statistical analyses were per-
to an identified lipid category was scratched and recovered formed using R (R i386 3.4.4) for windows.
with silica. Then, the fatty acids were extracted, methylated
and finally injected into a gas chromatograph. For fatty acid
analysis, PL fractions were esterified to obtain fatty acid Results
methyl esters (FAMEs), according to the method reported Feed consumption and feed efficiency
by Cecchi et al. (1985). Nonadecanoic acid (C19:0), undetect- The results of broiler performance are summarised in Figure 1.
able in our samples, was used as an internal standard to From the first day of experiment, we have noticed that the
be able to quantify fatty acids of each lipid category. The sep- OTA group presents a lower feed intake, affecting the FCR
aration of FAMEs was carried out using HP6890 gas chro- and consequently the average daily gain (ADG). The FCR dif-
matograph (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) ference between the control and the OTA groups increased
with a split/splitless injector equipped with a flame ionisation everyday reaching 13.84% by day 5. After 1 week, a differ-
detector at 275°C and a 30-m HP Innowax capillary column ence of 16.61% was noticed and this percentage continued
(250-μm internal diameter and 0.25-μm film thickness). The to increase, to reach its maximum of 18.82% on day 13 and
injector temperature was held at 250°C, rising from 50°C stabilise at 16.69% by day 19 (Figure 1). The ADG showed a
to 180°C at a rate of 40°C/min, from 180°C to 220°C at decrease from day 1 to day 6 in the control group and day 7 in
1.33°C/min, and stabilised at 220°C for 7 min. The used gas car- the OTA group. Then, ADG started to increase progressively
rier was the nitrogen. To identify the FAMEs, a mixture of methyl up to day 20, the OTA group showing lower ADG during the
esters (Supelco Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids n-3 or omega 3 entire observation period (Figure 2).
(PUFA-3)) was used and administered in the same conditions.
Fatty acid peaks were integrated and analysed using HP
Chem Station software (CPG Agilent 7890A; Agilent
Technologies). The results represented the average of six repli-
cates (n = 6). Quality control of replicates of results obtained is
confirmed in Supplementary Material Table S1.

Analysis of the effects of toxins on the morphology of

intestinal epithelial cells
Pieces of 0.5 to 1 cm of each segment of the small intestine,
far away from the mesentery, were removed and cut longi-
tudinally. Then, each sample was rinsed in three successive
baths of physiological saline solution (NaCl 9 g/l), according
to the method described by Goodlad et al. (1991). The
samples were slightly buffered on absorbent paper before
being placed in 10% formalin solution and then embedded Figure 1 (Colour online) Evolution of feed conversion ratio of broiler chicks
in paraffin. Finally, the paraffin blocks were cut into in control and experimental ochratoxin A groups (n = 15).

El Cafsi, Bjeoui, Rabeh, Nechi, Chelbi, El Cafsi and Ghram

Intestinal lesions and morphology showing irregular forms and hyperplasia (Figure 4b). In the
Different types of lesions were observed along the different ileum, which is the last segment of the small intestine, the
portions of the OTA group. The morphology of the duodenum villosities were shorter and marked by their pyramidal form
of the control group was characterised by developed villos- with crypts having a normal shape, in the control group
ities in the shape of a tongue (Figure 3a). The crypts have (Figure 5a). However, the treated group showed blunting
regular form and normal width, different from the OTA group, villosities and crypts with irregular shapes, as it was shown
which demonstrated crypts of irregular forms and presented for other intestine segments of the OTA group (Figure 5b).
an enlargement on their basis. A hyperplasia and an increase
in the width of the crypts, with shortened and blunt veloc- Total lipid composition
ities, were also noticed (Figure 3b). Lipid composition of the three segments of the small intes-
For the jejunum, the villi of the middle segment of the con- tine, the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum, was exam-
trol group were distinguished by a long and a rectilinear ined (Figure 6). At a first glance, significant differences
shape with crypts showing a regular form (Figure 4a). In con- (P < 0.05) were detected in the composition of the total lipid
trast, the effect of mycotoxin administration on the structure in the three tested segments, in the presence or absence of
of the crypts and the villosities of the jejunum demonstrated OTA. The jejunum showed the highest value of lipid compo-
villous blunting and epithelial denudation, along with crypts sition in the absence of OTA, in comparison with the duo-
denum and the ileum contents (P < 0.05). On the contrary,
the total lipid composition, in the presence of OTA, showed
a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the duodenum and the
ileum, while there was a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in
the jejunum. The duodenum was characterised by the highest
amount of total lipid content as compared to the two other
segments, in the presence of OTA.

Phospholipid composition
The phospholipid compositions of the three segments of the
small intestine, expressed as their content of phosphatidyl-
choline (PC), phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylethanol-
amine (PE) and phosphatidylinositol (PI), were examined
through this experiment. The control group showed that
the amount of PC in the jejunum is the most important with
170.76-μg/g fresh matter (FM), followed by the ileum with
Figure 2 (Colour online) Evolution of the average daily weight gain of 128.77-μg/g FM, while the duodenum has the lowest amount
broiler chicks in control and experimental ochratoxin A groups expressed with 120.60-μg/g FM. Concerning the amount of PE, it was
as food ingested.
shown that the jejunum presents the highest amount with

Figure 3 (Colour online) Representative microstructure of duodenum of broiler chicks (a) control group and (b) ochratoxin A group at 21 days of age (scale bar,
100 μm).
Enlargement at the basis of the villosities
Hyperplasia of crypts
Crypts in irregular forms

Mycotoxins and intestinal modifications

Figure 4 (Colour online) Representative microstructure of jejunum of broiler chicks (a) control group and (b) ochratoxin A group at 21 days of age (scale bar,
100 μm).
Blunting villi
Hyperplasia of crypts
Crypts in irregular forms

Figure 5 (Colour online) Representative microstructure of ileum of broiler chicks (a) control group and (b) ochratoxin A group at 21 days of age (scale bar,
100 μm).
Blunting villi
Crypts in irregular forms

314.58-μg/g FM, followed by the duodenum with 105.57- duodenum, there was a significant decrease in the amount of
μg/g FM; the lowest amount being detected in the ileum with PC by 78.07%, PE by 43.13%, while an increase was noted in
96.79-μg/g FM. Similarly, the jejunum presented the highest the amount of PI by 17.92% and PS by 61.78%. For the jeju-
amount of PI with 68.50-μg/g FM, the duodenum showed num, a decrease in the amounts of PC by 55.81% and of PE
62.35-μg/g FM and the ileum had the lowest amount of by 56.66% was observed. On the other hand, an increase in
25.57-μg/g FM. On the contrary, in the jejunum, the PS pre- the amount of PS by 32.91% was noticed.
sented the most significant amount with 222.46-μg/g FM,
while the duodenum and the ileum have shown the amounts
of PS equal to 103.53 and 101.62-μg/g FM, respectively.
Overall, the results showed that the impact of OTA on the
various phospholipid contents in the small intestine was Mycotoxicoses are considered as the second highest cause of
especially perceived in the ileum segment (Table 2). In fact, poultry farm losses, behind digestive bacterial infections
there was an increase in the amount of PC by 98.91%, PI by (Liew and Mohd-Redzwan, 2018). Sklan et al. (2003) have
304.06% and PS by 84.49%; while a significant decrease was found that mycotoxins alter digestive and absorptive func-
noted in the amount of PE by 54.72% in the ileum. For the tions. Such information confirms our first results, as we have

El Cafsi, Bjeoui, Rabeh, Nechi, Chelbi, El Cafsi and Ghram

Table 2 Effect of ochratoxin A on lipid and phospholipid composition

in the intestinal segments of broiler chicks
Variable Control RSD OTA RSD P-value

Lipid content (g/100g FM)

Duodenum 8.54 0.006 9.88 0.005 0.013
Jejunum 10.84 0.008 9.19 0.009 0.013
Ileum 8.20 0.009 9.47 0.007 0.07
Duodenum 120.60 5.01 26.07 3.54 <0.001
Jejunum 170.76 8.07 75.46 5.21 <0.001
Ileum 128.77 0.85 256.13 19.40 <0.001
Duodenum 105.57 19.04 60.03 4.36 0.015
Jejunum 314.58 1088 136.34 3.15 <0.001
Ileum 96.79 9.29 43.82 3.74 0.001
Duodenum 62.35 10.24 73.53 6.76 0.12
Jejunum 68.50 4.25 69.01 2.68 0.87
Ileum 26.57 2.94 107.37 4.97 <0.001
Duodenum 10.24 10.24 167.49 19.14 0.007
Jejunum 10.48 10.48 295.68 11.40 0.001
Ileum 11.26 11.26 187.48 15.59 0.0017
RSD = residual standard deviation; OTA = ochratoxin A; FM = fresh matter.

Figure 6 Lipid quantity in the intestinal segments (duodenum, jejunum Ochratoxin A induced hyperplasia of the crypts with an
and ileum) of broiler chicks (a) control group and (b) ochratoxin A group. enlargement at their basis, increased the width of the crypts
The box portion of the plot represents the interquartile range and the that are already in irregular forms and finally shortened and
line drawn through the box represents the median. The vertical whiskers
represent the highest and the lowest values in the data set. GFM = gram blunted the villosities (Figure 4).
fresh matter. The jejunum, the most important segment and the longest
one, as it occupies half of the entire bowel of the chicken, is
distinguished by a long and a rectilinear shape. Figure 5
shown that not only the FCR decreases but also the ADG. shows villous blunting and epithelial denudation, and
These reductions started on day 7 with a decrease of hyperplasia of crypts in irregular forms as a consequence
16.61% in the conversion ratio/feed efficiency and 16.88% of the OTA’s presence. Ending with the ileum, where the
in the ADG. On days 13 and 19, the FCR showed a decrease finalisation of intestinal absorption takes place, the villos-
of 18.82% and 16.69%, respectively. Gentles et al. (1999) ities are shorter and marked by their pyramidal form, with
reported similar results with a 19% reduction in BW gain the crypts having irregular shapes different from that of the
on the second and third weeks following OTA and cyclopia- control group. In this way, it can be inferred that the effect
zonic acid administrations. of OTA in these three intestine segments induced modifi-
These results could be explained by the fact that one of the cations in the so-called brush border of the small intestine.
known effects of mycotoxins is induction of an uncontrolled Thus, not only the villosities but also the crypts, where cell
and extravagant infiltration in the intestinal barrier, leading renewal of intestinal mucous membrane takes place, are
to an increased permeability (Maresca et al., 2001). This impugned.
might indicate a negative effect on the local immunity Other authors have found similar results when studying
(Piotrowska et al., 2014) and a decrease in the resistance several mycotoxins (OTA, deoxynivalenol, T-2 toxin and
or an increase in the mucosa permeability, leading to an diacetoxyscripanol) and showed almost the same histopa-
impairment of nutrient digestion and absorption. thological changes in duck and broiler intestines with
The villi represent the absorbing functional units, charac- shortened, atrophied and thin villi, and elongated crypts
terised by their numerous capillaries that promote nutrient with irregular forms (Ruan et al., 2018), observed in the
absorption and their transport to the cells (Institut National jejunum’s villosities of turkeys. Solcan et al. (2015) indi-
de la Recherche Agronomique, 1992). Each segment of the cated that high amounts of OTA cause destruction/injury
small intestine is also characterised by a typical morphology of the intestinal mucosa of chickens, and crypt hyperplasia
of its villosities. Thus, the duodenum, where the villosities in is related to villous atrophy, additionally, crypt elongation
the shape of a tongue are very developed (Figure 3), filters is a remediation feature to villous shortening. As a result,
the chime and allows only small particles to pass away. the immune responses such as the inflammatory reactions

Mycotoxins and intestinal modifications

were observed and corresponded to the intestinal lesions (a)

and morphology changes (McLaughlin et al., 2004).
Diglyceride Phosphatidylcholine
Moura et al. (2004) reported that exposing 1-day-old
broiler chicks to low doses of OTA causes a decrease in
the average numbers of monocytes and heterophils, weaken- CDP-Choline CMP
ing the animal immune responses against pathogenic agents.
This could be related to the sensitivity of several immune (b)
cells, such as macrophages, lymphocytes B and T, to myco-
Diglyceride Phosphatidyl ethanolamine
toxins but also to the alteration of cytokine’s secretion and
the decrease of antibody’s response (Al-Anati and Petzinger
2006). Obviously, to struggle against these pathogenic CDP-ethanolamine CMP
agents, the animal body needs to reassign energy away from
feed efficiency and growth towards immunity and homeosta- (c)
sis (Cleynen et al., 2014).
CDP-Diglyceride Phosphatidylserine
The intestine represents the most important tie between
the ingested feed and the performance and the health of the
animal. The border membrane in brush is the main site of Serine CMP
absorption and the transformation of nutrients. It is therefore
important to establish and study the effects of mycotoxins on (d)
the structure of the small intestine mucosa. Some authors CDP-Diglyceride Phosphatidylinositole
theorised that during unfavourable times, fat is used as an
energy source (Blem, 1976). The animal could be facing this
Inositol CMP
kind of imbalanced situation during mycotoxicosis as they
engender a weak consumption index, and consequently, the Figure 7 Pathways of phospholipid biosynthesis in the intestinal segments
(duodenum, jejunum and ileum) of broiler chicks: (a) biosynthesis of phos-
bird’s organism uses its lipid reserves. Thus, the analysis of phatidylcholine, (b) biosynthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine, (c) biosyn-
the small intestine total lipid composition can corroborate such thesis of phosphatidylserine, (d) biosynthesis of phospatidylinositole.
a theory since it can be seen that lipid content in the jejunum
has decreased (Te: 10.84 ± 0.8 and OTA: 9.19 ± 0.9), and the
jejunum represents 50% of the whole small intestine, implying These results could be confirmed by the significant
the need for more energy. Concerning the duodenum and the increase in PS content by 84.49%, suggesting that PS
ileum, it was noticed that, unlike the jejunum, the supply of was synthesised through decarboxylation of serine (Kuge
total lipids increased (duodenum: Te: 8.54 ± 0.6, OTA: et al., 1986).
9.88 ± 0.5; ileum: Te: 8.2 ± 0.9, OTA: 9.47 ± 0.7). In the same way, Folch et al. (1957) have shown that the
As phospholipids are the principal component of the CDP-glycerin is used for the synthesis of both PS and PI (Kuge
erythrocyte membrane, it is important to know how this lipid et al., 1986). As the content of PI increased by 304.06%, this
profile normally evolves through this disequilibrium, espe- would suggest that most of the amount of CDP-diglyceride is
cially where PC stands out because of its important protective used to synthesise PI from inositol (Figure 7).
role of the intestinal mucosa (Vance, 2018). In fact, the PC In the jejunum and in the presence of OTA, PS increased by
decreased by 78.07% in the duodenum and 55.81% in the 32.91% but PE and PC decreased by 55.81% and 56.66%,
jejunum, while it increased by 98.91% in the ileum. The respectively. In the duodenum, the changes were also similar,
PE decreased by 43.13% in the duodenum, 56.66% in the as we have noted an increase in the amount of PS by 61.78%
jejunum and 54.72% in the ileum. The PI increased by but a decrease of PE and PC by 43.13% and 78.07%, respec-
17.92% in the duodenum, 0.73% in the jejunum and espe- tively. In this way, it can be inferred that both ways of PC
cially by 304.06% in the ileum. Finally, the PS increased in the synthesis may be CDP-choline; or by successive methylations,
duodenum by 61.78%, 32.91% in the jejunum and by respectively (Weiss et al., 1958; Bremer and Greenberg,
84.49% in the ileum. 1960), PC synthesis did not take place. Moreover, as the
Concerning the ileum, PC increased by 98.91% in the amount of PE decreased in both intestine segments, it might
presence of mycotoxin and might have been synthesised be suggested that the synthesis of PE from ethanolamine is
either directly through cytidine-diphosphate(CDP)-choline not activated (Kennedy and Weiss, 1956). On the other hand,
(Kennedy and Weiss, 1956; Weiss et al., 1958) or through as PI remained virtually unchanged (0.73% in the jejunum
successive methylations of PE (Bremer and Greenberg, and 17.92% in the duodenum), this would imply that all
1960) as shown in Figure 7. the amounts of CDP-diglyceride are used to produce PS from
As PE also decreased by 54.72%, this could lead one to serine (Kuge et al., 1986), which has effectively increased by
think of two synthetic pathways that may take place; the first 32.91% in the jejunum and 61.78% in the duodenum
one is directly related to ethanolamine (Kennedy and Weiss, (Friedman et al., 2018).
1956) and the second is in relation to synthesis from PS The aim of the present work is to study the effects of OTA
(Dennis and Kennedy, 1972) as shown in Figure 7. on broiler chicks following intra-peritoneal injection and a

El Cafsi, Bjeoui, Rabeh, Nechi, Chelbi, El Cafsi and Ghram

3-week period of experimental observations. An important Duarte SC, Lino CM and Pena A 2011. Ochratoxin A in feed of food-producing
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