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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE1 - Understanding the Self with Personality Development Module No.3_



Anthropology teaches us to understand human behavior in the context of a cultural system. Its main
concern is the study of man and how culture has evolved through time and how does it influence human


At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. Identify the different agents of socialization in the contemporary time.

2. List down the influence of the different agents of socialization to the person.
3. Discuss how the influence of the agents of socialization changed through time.
4. Show appreciation of one’s cultural identity through practice of one’s cultural values.

LEARNING CONTENTS (title of the subsection)

I. The Self and The Person in Contemporary Anthropology

According to Anthropology, how we see ourselves shapes or lives, and it is shaped by our cultural
context, what kind of culture one has been practicing is greatly influenced by factors surrounding him. Since
the beginning of time, agents of socialization has impacted the lives of every person. It is then one of the
areas of concern of contemporary anthropology. But modernization has change the landscape of family,
religion and school.
Anthropology is the study of people past and present. It focuses on the understanding the human
conditions in its cultural aspect. In a general sense, anthropology is concerned with understanding how
humans evolved and how they different from another. Anthropology is a very dynamic field, and
anthropological literature offers several different definitions of ‘self.” This discussion, however, will tackle the
widely acceptable in modern anthropology.

a. A unit but Unitary

Katherine Ewing (1990), Anthropologist and professor describe the self as encompassing the
“physical organism, possessing psychological functioning and social attributes.” In this definition, It
represents the self as implicit and explicit existing in the mind comprised of psychological, biological,
and cultural processes.
The implicit and explicit (Kemp, 2012) was conceptualized by the Neuroscientist Joseph
Ledoux (2002). The aspect of the self that you are consciously aware is the explicit self while the one
that is immediately available to the consciousness is the implicit aspect. This concept can be traced to
the famous Psychologist Sigmund Freud’s “Level of Consciousness.” However, LeDoux view on how
the self was developed asserted that it is framed, maintained, and affected biologically, mentally, and
b. Self as representation
Ewing (1989) asserted that a “self” is illusory. People construct a series of self-
that are based on selected cultural concepts of a person and selected chains of personal memories.
self-representation, Ewing meant culturally shaped “self” concepts that one applies to oneself (Quinn,
2014). It is the mental entities that are supposed to represent the self.

II. The Self Embedded in Culture

How individualas see themselves, how they relate to other people, and how they relte to the


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE1 - Understanding the Self with Personality Development Module No.3_



Name: ___________________________ Course/Year/Section: ___________ Date: _______

Direction: Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer. Write the letter of your choice on the space
provided before each number

_____ 1. It refers to the “self” as subject, and individual’s impulse.

A. “I” B. “Me” C. “Others” D. “You”

_____ 2. He was the American sociologist who coined the concept of the “looking-glass self”.

A. Mead B. William James C. Colley D. Gergen

_____ 3. It occurs when we are labeled, and others’ views and expectations of us are affected by that

A. Labeling Bias B. Self Labeling C. Internalized Prejudice D. A and B

_____ 4. It occurs when people instill label made by others unto themselves which may lead to poor
self concept.

A. Labeling Bias B. Self Labeling C. Internalized Prejudice D. Reflection

_____ 5. It occur when one take into their self concept those labels and evaluation made by others for them.

A. Labeling Bias B. Self Labeling C. Internalized Prejudice D. Self Bias

_____ 6.Amira thinks that her teacher and classmates see her as intelligent. She takes on this view and
reacts to them. Which self is this according to Mead?

A. “I” B. “Me” C. “generalize others” D. myself

_____ 7. Jaden has very low self-esteem, she always see herself incapable of doing things on her own and
always relies on others. Which self is this according to Mead?

A. “I” B . “Me” C. “generalize others” D. myself

_____ 8. In which Mead’s stages of the self do children merely imitate the people around them?

A. Play B. Game C. Language D. A and B

_____ 9. George Herbert Mead’s “I” refers to:

A. The “what do I want”? C. Individual cultural origin


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE1 - Understanding the Self with Personality Development Module No.3_

B. How others interpret our action D. The symbol that others give us

_____ 10.George Herbert Mead’s “Me” refers to:

A. The “what do I want”? C.How my internalized view has been created

B. How others interpret our action D. How my personal beliefs affects others

Base on Salvacion Villafuerte’s Assessment Questionnaire p.26 and Faith Medenilla Cuevo’s Understanding the self Test Your
Knowledge Questionnaire p.25



Describe some aspects of your self-concept that have been created through social
comparison. Write down your thought and feelings in no less than 300 words.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE1 - Understanding the Self with Personality Development Module No.3_

Base on Salvacion Villafuerte’s Understanding the Self Essay Activity. p.27


The classical sociological perspective the self is viewed as a relatively fix set of views of who a person is in
relation to one’s self, other people, and to social systems. Our self is constructed through interaction with other people.
Thus, we are not mere a passive participants in the process of social interaction, rather we have the power to influence
how the process of socialization and its consequences will develop.


Alata, E., et. al. (2018), Understanding the Self, Rex Book Store, Inc. (RBSI), Quezon City
Cuevo, F., et. al. (2018), Understanding the Self, St. Andrew Publishing House, Bulacan
Johnson, B. (2003), Charles Horton Cooley: Looking Glass Self and the Effect of Primary Group,
Villafuerte, S., et. al. (2018), Understanding the Self, Nieme Publishing House Co. Ltd.
Quezon City
Wozniak, M. (2018), “I” and “Me”: The Self in the Context of Consciousness,


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