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Monday 27th March

● Last SRC was 2019

● Data shows some positive growth and then some downward trends
● School improvement strategy - Visible Learning with Corwin

● Narrative is more important than the data

● Relational trust - this has been a sticking point in past (reflected in data)

● Strengths of leadership - communicative, transparent

● Sticking point - overloaded with additional needs…?
● Behaviour needs vs consequences

● Staff are enjoying the learning but are not changing their practice
● Not building collective practice - people are reverting to their old ways
● Build shared praxis - in the absence of this we won’t move forward
● As core culture improves (shift in leadership) - danger of building rescuing culture
● If don’t deliver - honeymoon culture will shift and ‘staff will turn on’

● Accountability is not strong - in the data

● Team based accountability - starts from the leadership team down

● If shared ownership and understanding is not there, hold it in the space. Critical
mass need to be ‘on board’, up with it
● Build in review processes (eg even in day to day staff conversations)
● Think-pair-share (team based accountability)

● Pg 13: 2022 Aggregate Indicators

○ Organisational Climate - heading positive direction
○ Teaching Climate
■ Work we have been doing is highlighting gaps in practice…?
■ VL is highlighting realism in what we are doing
■ Correction in mindset

● Student wellbeing aggregate

● Student behavior
● Community engagement
○ Things are not ‘hitting’ with the kids - there is a disconnect

P 16
This graph allows us to evaluation the strategy
Really just need to look at the black dots and white triangles
- Core organisational climate has improved overall
- Biggest gains are around empowerment and supportive leadership
- Don’t have a shared sense of purpose (more an individual purpose)
- Change the methodology of change management - not getting outcomes we need
(one of these is the shared sense of purpose)
- Change the way we are doing the program
- Not delivering the core outcomes
● Seeing differently
● Teachers are validating their own world view and not changing their practice
● Love the PD but not actually learning
● Haven’t learned unless we change our behavior
● Staff are enjoying the PD but aren’t actually transferring to own practice
● Are learning in head but now need to change behaviour

● Non-negotiables need to be in place

● Student management has gone ‘south’

● P 17 - irrelevant because there is no baseline data (this is not the baseline)

● P18 Positivity of children is going down (their love of the school has declined)
● What sort of voice do the kids have in the VL program? How is this being

● How do we get more student voice in the mix?

● Every child is heard every day…
● What can we put in place to supplement what we are doing to gauge the learning and
behavioural needs of the kids

● P 25
○ This graph gives a good indication of what strengths are and where the gaps
are to ‘plug’
○ Staff wellbeing is in a healthy space
○ Empowerment is strong - staff have an opportunity for voice
○ Sense of purpose and meaning of work needs a focus (shared sense of
○ Equity of voice - make sure all staff have input and give feedback
○ Assume teamwork is not natural… human beings like to connect and be loved
but doesn’t mean we necessarily like to contribute
○ Serve the needs of everyone else… we HAVE to contribute
○ Use structured processes so that everyone has to participate
○ Construct the team based conversation
○ Pose agenda items as a question - facilitate conversation


- Learning - 50 percent should focus
- Strategic - transactional items to develop shared understanding of
- Operation - only things which require a conversation with staff
(otherwise no not include)

● Teachers are well connected to the kids
● Human level we are connecting
● Delivery of the learning program - kids are not getting excited about things
● Not overly motivated
● Stay away from questions that ask them what they like… WHAT HELPS YOU
LEARN? What stops you from learning?
● Focus on real needs around learning - find out the kids voice

● The data isn’t to be used to drive the narrative, it is to AFFIRM what you know about
the school. INFORMS and VALIDATES


● What is working well and HELPING YOU SUCCEED?
● What is getting in the way of your success?

● Be mindful of where the gaps are

● Guide this with a diagram which is in the report: p4 to ensure reflection covers all key
aspects of schools
- Organisational climate
- Teaching climate
- Student behaviour
- Student wellbeing
- Academic achievement


Friday 31st March

● Professional learning for 1/2 in regards to managing difficult behaviour

● PLT - mapping meeting
● RE day - two guiding questions which we will then look at responses at as a
Leadership Team in our first catch up in Term Two

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