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Marhea Drew S.


11 ABM – 7 (Our Lady of the Way)

Part 1

a. Jesus healing people of their spiritual sickness

- At that every time He cured many people of diseases and affictions and evil spirits
and He gace sight to mant who were blind (LUKE 7:21)
- Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits,
to cast them out, and to heal very kind of disease and every kind of sickness
(MATTHEW 10:1)
b. Jesus healing people of their psychological/mental sickness
- He ran and dropped on his knees in front of Jesus when he spotted him from afar.
He exclaimed at the top of his lungs. What are you after, Jesus, Son of the Most High
God? Please, for the love of God, don't torture me! "Come out of this guy, you dirty
spirit!" he screamed to Jesus, and then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" A
vast herd of pigs was eating on a neighboring hillside, and the devils begged Jesus to
let them join them. The filthy spirits came out and went to the pigs after he granted
them permission. The herd, estimated to number in the thousands, ran down the
steep hillside into the lake and drowned (MARK 5:6 - 13)
c. Jesus healing people of their physical sickness.
- The story about Him went across Syria, and people brought those who were sick to
Him, including those suffering from various ailments and pains, as well as
demoniacs, epileptics, and paralytics, whom He treated. (MATTHEW 4:24)

Part 2
A. Sacrament of Marriage
1. Levirate Marriage
- In ancient times, it was customary for a man's unmarried brother to marry the
widow in order to create an heir for the deceased.
2. Conditions for a valid marriage
- A legitimate marriage must meet four requirements. The couple have complete
freedom to marry. They freely give and receive consent. They intend to marry for ife,
to be faithful to one another, and to be open to children when they consent to
marriage. The couple gives their consent in front of two witnesses and a suitably
authorized Church minister.
3. Conjugal love of Pope Paul IV on Marriage
- A whole love that drives the couples to have a unique sort of friendship, in which the
husband and wife generously share everything with each other, without
unnecessary reserve or eo=goistic considerations.
- The crown of matrimony is a love that is faithful and exclusive, in sickness and in
health until death separates us.
4. Essential Component of a Marriage Covenant
- Leaving from being a son and daughter to being a husband and couple.
- Cleaving - In Commitment Becoming one fiesh - marital union, Hebrew: Dabaq
meaning forever stuck together.
5. St. Augustine's 3 Fundamental Values and Goods in Marriage
- Bonum Sacrament or permanence (indissolubility) - unbreakable tie Bonum prolis or
offspring (affective, sexual, and procreative) - fruitfulness of the union or receptivity
to producing children
6. The positive and the negative needs of Marriage.
- Desire to share love and closeness are two positive needs of marriage. The desire to
start a family. Premarital pregnancy is the disadvantage. A feeling of pity or
thankfulness. Disappointment
7. Jesus views on Divorce.
- It is a serious offense that is considered immoral.

B . Sacrament of Holy Order

1. The promise of celibacy

- Celibacy is a sign of the new life to which the Church's mistry has been dedicated;
when accepted with joy, celibacy radiantly heralds God's dominion (CCC, 1579).
2. The 3 Levels of Ordination
- Baptism and Matrimony can be celebrated by Deacons if the wedding does not
include a Nuptial Mass.
- Priests can perform five functions: Baptism, Penance, Holy Eucharist (Mass),
Matrimony, and Anointing of the Sick.
- Bishops are said to have the whole priesthood since they are the only ones who can
administer all seven sacraments: Baptism, Penance, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation,
Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders.
3. The Two Participations in the One Priesthood of Christ
- The church has been formed "a kingdom, priest for his god and father" by Christ, the
high priest and unique mediator.
- As a result, the entire congregation of believers is priestly.
- The faithful exercise their baptismal priesthood by participating in Christ's mission as
priest, prophet, and king, everyone according to his particular vocation.
- The faithful are dedicated to be holy priests via the sacraments of Baptism and
Confirmation. " (CCC 1546)
4. The imperfection/weakness of the Levitical/Priesthood (Priesthood in the Old

5. Holy Order as Sacrament of the Apostolic Ministry

- Holy orders is the sacrament of apostolic ministry, in which the mission committed
by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the church until the end of
6. The Diocesan and Religious Priest.
- Diocesan priests are generally assigned to parishes and ordained for a specific
diocese. Although others are involved in other ministries, this is their primary focus.
They take the vows of celibacy and obedience to the bishop.
- Priests in religious orders are not always more spiritual than diocesan priests. In this
situation, the term refers to the way priests live.

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