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National Service Training Program 2:

Civic Welfare T raining Service

Module 3

[Cite your source here.]

(Compilation of Notes and Activities,

Accentuating Love/loyalty And Goodwill as Agents of Development)

Compiled by:

Dr. Fitzgerald C. Kintanar

Course Facilitator

NSTP 2 – Community Welfare Service



Intended Learning Outcomes:
Within the unit, the CWTS students will be able to:

1. conduct community-based activities like sports fest, parlor games for street children and
painting that enrich youth’s capacities to relate with one another in the community (CLO 1,
CLO 2).
Picture Not Mine. Credits to the owner.

CaptivaTe yo Urself
Introductory Question – How can you build a team within your family? Within your barangay?

Connect To Understand
- This area involves sports fest, parlor games for street children and painting that enrich
youth’s capacities to relate with one another in the community.

What Is Team Building?
Updated July 17, 2020

Team building is the process of turning a group of individual contributing employees into a co-
hesive team—a group of people organized to work together to meet the needs of their customers
by accomplishing their purpose and goals.
Team building creates stronger bonds among the members of a group. The individual mem-
bers respect each other and their differences and share common goals and expectations.
Team building can include the daily interaction that employees engage in when working to-
gether to carry out the requirements of their jobs. This form of team building is natural and can be as -
sisted if the group takes the time to come up with a set of team norms. These norms help group mem-
bers know how to appropriately interact on the team and with the rest of the organization.
Team building can also involve structured activities and exercises led by team members. Or,
with the proper budget and goals, managers can contract out for facilitation with an external resource.
External facilitation by an experienced person can give your team building a boost. 1
The bonds formed from team building will enable employees to accomplish the work and goals
of your organization more effectively than a non-bonded group. Keep your focus on team-building op-
portunities that lend themselves to the accomplishment of the actual work of the team.

How Does Team Building Work?

Often the team leader or manager will facilitate a series of meetings at which employees get to
know each other and develop cohesive working relationships.
In a larger organization, organization development staff can lead the team-building sessions.
Many human resources practitioners are also comfortable leading team-building sessions. And with a
little practice, teams can use another employee to facilitate their group's session.
But team building doesn't always have to have a facilitated meeting to accomplish the goal of a
cohesive team. You can build your teams by structuring activities and fun events that team members
can do together.

Ideas for Team-building Activities

For example, you could start with a department picnic, using a couple of hours during the work-
day to visit a nearby park. Grill some food and suggest that employees bring a dish to pass.

The goal is that you gather together to share some quality talking time over the meal. If em-
ployees take their lunches to their individual offices to eat alone, it defeats the goal of team building.
You can also sponsor activities where employees get together for fun. Bowling, painting pic-
tures at a painting shop, river cruises on a passenger boat, comedy club outings, and baseball games
all fit the bill. Really, any event that your team can do or attend as a group will help bond them.
Events that are physically challenging, such as rock climbing and ropes courses, can cause
dread and fear for physically inactive or challenged employees. So, for team building, stay away from
the type of event that some employees would be unable to participate in comfortably and without trep-
The best team building activities are inexpensive, fun, and effective—not to mention local and
easy to do.

Using External Facilitation

When using an external facilitator for team building, groups can participate in structured activi-
ties that are designed to help the employees coalesce into an effective team. Generally, the facilitator
works with a group of employees to design team building activities or sessions.
You will find these team building activities most effective when they are customized to the
needs of your group. Generic team building can have a positive impact, but it is nowhere near as im -
pactful as a customized event.
These sessions can include icebreakers, discussion topics, games, cooperative assignments,
and group brainstorming. The role of the external facilitator in these events is to help you reach your
goals. Make sure the event is integrated into your everyday work so the results continue following the

Key Takeaways
 Team building is the process of strengthening bonds between members of a group for the pur -
pose of more efficiently achieving the group's goals.
 Activities that promote team building can be as informal and casual as a shared meal, or as for -
mally structured as a session led by a facilitator.
 Successful teams can be more productive than individual contributors.

CommiT and ConqUer

Video: 5 Stages of Team Building - What you should know when developing teams or
Reflective Question: What object / living thing symbolizes that there is strength in unity?
Explain the analogy.

CrediT and CUlminate

NSTP-CWTS Social Action Intensified Activity # 05
Building the Team: Home/Community-Based Laro ng Lahi
Date: 03-25-23 Score: ________
This Social Action Intensified Activity is in line with PSYCHOMOTOR DOMAIN involving
CWTS student’s physical movement, coordination, and use of motor-skill areas. Development of these
skills requires practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures, or techniques
in execution..

This activity highlights CWTS Students’ advocacy for Team-Building through recreational games.

1) Choose one LARO NG LAHI. Research for its game mechanics and gather your brothers/sisters/
family members to do the game.
“Laro ng Lahi” are Filipino indigenous games, commonly played by children, usually using locally available materials
or instruments (Aguado, 2012). Some common “Laro ng Lahi” are "tumbang preso", "piko", "patintero", "syato", "luksong
baka", "turumpo", "dampa", and "holen".
Laro ng lahi or traditional games are important because they keep the cultural values of our ancestors alive.
2) Before doing the game, do lecture about the game mechanics and the importance of traditional
games to every Filipino.
3) DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE PICTURES. Include caption for each picture for proper documenta-

Name of the game: DODGEBALL
Game target or objective: The objective is to throw the ball to the opponent in or-
der to eliminate them from the game.


1. Throw the ball to the center

2. Members should atleast 10

3. Opponent should eliminate if they touch the ball

4. If the only one member left he or she should catch the ball in order to save the eliminated
members to go back to the game

Post them here.



Personal Connection Portfolio Task # 05

Home/Community-Based Laro ng Lahi
Date: 03-25-23 Score: ________

This portfolio task is in line with AFFECTIVE DOMAIN involving CWTS student’s feelings,
emotions, and attitudes toward the conduct of the activity. This domain includes the manner in which
he/she deals with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation and

What I have done…

So we have a games which is the dodgeball. It was indeed fun playing together with my

What I want to accomplish more…

I want to accomplish more in playing games especially in laro in lahi

Draw a SYMBOL (an object which symbolizes something) to represent your CWTS experi-
ence. And put a very short explanation.

This symbol signifies my experience in playing laro ng lahi because just like an arrow I
want to be the direction to my classmates and guide to fully understand what the game is
all about

Reflectively filled up by: Noted / checked:

______________________________________ _____________________________

Signature Over Printed Name of CWTS Student Signature Over Printed Name of CWTS Facilitator

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