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उस चरण की शरण




1 Lesson From Upamanyu Story: take any offering only after Guru accepts it

2 We just have to pass the knowledge as it is ,we are like a speaker ,just be connected to the mike ,of Guru and Guru
parampara ,when we add our part ,mental speculation there comes the problem

3 when Gurus mercy is there ,a dumb can speak and a blind can see

4 where ever we are we are following someone ,in spiritual life we follow someone at start , later after little
advancement we are in search of followers.

5 Srila Gaur Govind Swami Maharaj says ,”if a Guru will not make a disciple you will never be disciplined ,a disciple is
always a disciple”

6 In a life of a cricketer, they also have a coach,they follow someone for Guidance

7 Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur maharaj says –“those who are not serious , just try to follow that devotee
who is trying to be serious ,or is serious”

8 Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur maharaj says –“become a guru bhakt”

those in Iskcon , who are leaders ,they all are guru bhakt,they can do anything for Srila Prabhupada

9 When Krishna disapperared ,the leela sthali was manifested by the shad Goswamis ,eternally manisfested by
Radhrani Goswamis are in the Team Of Radharani

10 In the life of Parikshit maharaj ,during his last days he could do any thing ,but when he met Shri Shukdev
Goswami who asked him to listen Srimad Bhagavatam and he just he accepted .

11 When a person sits on vyaspith ,he is a guru.

12 To reach Krishna Guru is the process. Like to reach PM Modi approach Amitshah first

13 Bhakti in Iskcon is not sentimental there is a process,and Philosophy

14 In CC Madhya a shloka comes –“nitya siddh krishna prem sadhya kabahu nai.......”

after that a shloka comes “brahamanda bhakmite kauno bhagyavaan jeeva ,Guru Krishna prasade paye Bhakti lata
bij .......”

15 Bhakti is like a ocean ,if you jump ,Guru is our life guard ,no one will come to save us .

16 Maya is Krishna shakti ,we cannot get away from it on ourself ,maya kicks on our face to turn our face towards

17 Maya sends us to Krishna ,but takes test so that the we go Back to goloka in purest form .

18 When we understand ourself away from guru ,falldown starts

19 If the water pipeline supplier understands itself to be the resorviour ,then there is the problem

be eternally gratefull to Guru ,always understand youself a fool

उस चरण की शरण
20 Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur maharaj says –“ there is nothing in the universe which is equal to the
spek of dust of my Guru maharaj” ,this is the pride of a disciple ,by this abhimaan we get the force in bhakti

21 We do not respect what we are given with. We have to understand our guru is not normal .then bhakti will come

we start having a test mentality on our Spiritual master which is wrong . We are no one to test our Gurujan .

22 However advanced we are the do not have independent mentality, Vasna is difficult to overcome and only
Nityanand Mahaprabhu can dispell it ,he is aadi guru ,the guru tatva

23 The mind with which we are associating ,our mind is mad ,guru is always there to help us

24 When Guru is in front ,bhakti is next level ,but the moment Guru leaves ,out mind becomes shaitan

25 Guru vani is always with us ,we should have ghanistata with Guru, as only with Gurus mercy ,vasna ends ,

we have to proud of ,our spiritual masters ,parampara

26 Parampara is the boat and Guru is the boat man , we just have to sit in that boat ,but the problem is we also want
to drive that boat as per our own way .

27 We have to be like chatak pakshi who will never drink any water ,only that water of a particular nakshatra that to
the rain water in sky ,not of ground ,else it will not drink any water , we should think that ,we will die but never
leave Gurus charan

28 If we listen outside sampradaya ,its like a milk touched by snake ,looks like milk but is poisonous.,and when we go
at higher level of bhakti ,the rules becomes more subtle and intense

29 Top most level is if we listen to that person ,who is not related to Mahaprabhu and our sampradaya ,our purity
and chastiety towards our Guru and Parampara gets disturbed ,Mahaprahbu and Parampara , they are not happy

30 One rule is there ,when we enter in the temple we first go to Srila Prabhupada as he gave us Gaur Nitai and

31 Srila Prabupada says “ without serving guru and vaishnavas ,going to goloka is impossible”

32 Unless we are connected to spiritual master and parampara its impossible to go back home

So hold the feet tightly ,depend completely upon him .

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