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Standard Italian courses: School International Education 27/03/23, 4:07 PM

Ca' Foscari SIE

of Venice School for International Education

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Standard Italian online

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Standard Italian courses: School International Education 27/03/23, 4:07 PM

3rd Session April-June 2023

Exchange students
Please note that these courses are not the same courses as
those offered exclusively for exchange students. Exchange
students at Ca' Foscari can enrol in courses reserved
especially for them at the following web page.

In the academic year 2022/23, the Italian language courses and

modules of the 3rd session will be available online.

The courses and modules cover all levels - from A1 to C2 - 

according to the European Reference Framework (CEFR). They are
held by highly qualiGed native speakers of Italian and offer
students the opportunity to acquire all the skills needed to master
Italian according to the selected course level.

Online courses will feature:

live streaming classes and labs (synchronous mode) by

means of Zoom platform
remote activities (asynchronous mode), supervised by the
language teacher on the Moodle platform

Applications for the second session of standard Italian courses

are open from March 8th until March 22nd 2023

Course and module features

Our courses will last 50 hours (A1 and A2 levels) or 70 hours (B1, B2, Page 2 of 11
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C1 and C2 levels). They aim at improving a full communicative

competency and all language skills relevant to the level.

50 hours courses consist in:

36 hrs online classes
9 hrs online labs in small groups
5 hrs writing tasks in asynchronus mode

70 hours courses sono così articolati:

52 hrs online classes
10 hrs online labs in small groups
8 hrs writing tasks in asynchronus mode

Our modules will last 20 hours. They focus on a speciGc language skill
or feature. They can be attended by a one-level or multilevel students
according to the module subject and approach.

Levels will only be activated if a minimum number of enrollments is

reached. Each student can apply for a course and a module at the
same time.

 Online courses A1 and A2, 50 hrs Page 3 of 11
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 Online courses B1, B2, C1 e C2 70 hrs

Courses level B1, B2, C1 and C2 will last a total of 70 hours
each, distributed in 10.5 weeks.

10 and a half weeks

70 hours of language classes
Classes include live streaming (synchronous mode)
sessions held by language experts, labs for speaking skills
and labs for writing skills on Moodle platform with the
supervision of the language experts (asynchronous
extra online self-learning activities
Vnal test for competency evaluation only
no credits
fees according to category

 Parlare in italiano C1-C2 - Speaking Skills

Module, 20 hrs

 Scrivere in italiano B2-C1, Writing skills Module

20 hrs

 Scrivere in italiano C2 - Writing Skills Module, 20


In the academic year 2022/2023 our Italian language courses will be

available in three-month sessions in order to offer learning continuity
and give students the chance to complete up to 3 levels, one after the
other, per year.

The structure of the courses is as follows: 

First session: available ONLINE: September- December 2022 Page 4 of 11
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Second session: available ONLINE: January- March 2023

Third session: available ONLINE: April-June 2023

Technical requirements 
The online courses are accessible by means of an up-to-date PC,
notebook or tablet, a good, fast internet connection, preferably with
unlimited Gigabytes, and attached microphone and webcam.
All applicants enrolling in our courses must already have this

Customized courses

 Italian language courses for partner Universities

Course schedule

 A1 - Beginners 50 hrs

 A2 - Elementary 50 hrs

 B1 - Pre Intermediate 70 hrs Page 5 of 11
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 B2 - Intermediate 70 hrs

Dates: April 19th - June 30th 2023

Day and time: Wednesdays and Fridays 16:00 - 18:30 CEST

Lab group A: Wednesdays, 18:30 - 19:30 CEST

Lab group B: Fridays 18:30 - 19:30 CEST 

Classroom: online classes

Instructor: to be deVned
Final exam: to be deVned
O]ce hours: to be deVned
Textbook: R. Bozzone Costa, C. Ghezzi, M. Piantoni, Nuovo
Contatto volume B2, Loescher, ISBN:9788858308660 or e-
book version: ISBN 9788857719405

Students will participate in the classes and will be divided

into two groups for the Lab classes. Only one Lab can be

 C1 - Advanced 70 hrs

 C2 - Fluency 70 hrs Page 6 of 11
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 C1-C2 Speaking Skills 20 hrs

Dates: April 10th - June 26th 2023

Day and Time: Mondays 18:00 - 20:00 CEST
Classroom: online classes
Instructor: to be deVned
O]ce hours: to be deVned
Textbook: educational material provided by the instructor

 B2-C1 Writing Skills 20 hrs

Home Courses and seminars Summer@SIE

search... 
Dates: April 27th - June 29th
Italian language School
Day and Time: Thursdays 13:00-15:00 CET
Italian for Classroom: online
exchange Instructor: to be deVned
students O]ce hours: to be deVned
Textbook: educational material provided by the instructor
Italian courses
 C2 Writing Skills 20 hrs
Italian courses

Italian for
degree seeker

Applications and fees


Certi<cation If you wish to sign up for one of our Italian courses please Vll out this
 form and read carefully the requested information. It is very
important to indicate your correct residency address, including street
name and number, zip code and country of residency. Page 7 of 11
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If you are a Vrst time SIE user, please upload your ID (identity
document) and a passport-sized picture of yours.

You are also requested to indicate your status (student, PhD student,

professor, etc) so we can determine the right fee. It is also necessary to
upload a document certifying that what you have declared is true.

If you think your level is over A1, please upload an internationally

recognized certiVcate providing evidence of the Italian skills you have
acquired so far. The certiVcate must be one of these: CILS, PLIDA, CELI
or ROMA TRE, otherwise you will have to take a placement test with
instructions that will be forwarded at a second stage.

Applications for the second session of standard Italian courses are

open from March 8th until March 22nd 2023

Fee structure - 2022/2023 Academic

A1 (50 hours): full rate € 400 / partially reduced rate* € 200 /
reduced rate** € 130
A2 (50 hours): full rate € 400 / partially reduced rate* €
200 / reduced rate** € 130
B1 (70 hours): full rate € 560 / partially reduced rate* € 280 /
reduced rate** € 180
B2 (70 hours): full rate € 560 / partially reduced rate* € 280 /
reduced rate** € 180
C1 (70 hours): full rate € 560 / partially reduced rate* € 280 /
reduced rate** € 180
C2 (70 hours): full rate € 560 / partially reduced
rate* € 280 / reduced rate** € 180
C2 (20 hours): full rate €160 / partially reduced rate* € 80  
/  reduced rate** € 40
Module (20 hours): full rate €160 / partially reduced rate* €
80   /  reduced rate** € 40 Page 8 of 11
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 Full rate, *partially reduced rate, **fully

reduced rate

How to pay
You will be required to conVrm your place for Italian language courses
by sending through receipt of (full) payment to  with
“Enrolment Italian [LEVEL] - conVrmation” in the email’s subject line.
Please Note: You will be required to Vnalize your payment only after
receiving our conVrmation email.

Payment must be made within April 3rd 2023 by clicking on a link that

will be sent to you via email.

Refunds are granted only in case the course has not been provided or
in the event of objective and documented impossibility for the
applicants to participate. In this case the paperwork must be sent
within the Grst week from the beginning of classes..

The School for International Education (SIE) issues certiVcates in
accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for
languages. In order to receive a certiVcate for a language course
students must attend the entire course, and take the Vnal test or sit an
interview with one of the language instructors. Page 9 of 11
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 Attendance certi!cates

 CILS certi!cation

Last update: 23/03/2023

Ca' Foscari School for International Education (SIE)
 Palazzina Briati, Dorsoduro 2530, 30123 Venice
 - PEC: 
Fax: +39 041 234 7375

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