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Return current position of ROI object - MATLAB getPosition - MathWorks Italia 03/04/23, 10:14 AM

Return current position of ROI object

 getPosition is not recommended. Using the new ROIs, retrieve the position of the ROI by accessing
the value of Position property instead. For more information, see Compatibility Considerations.


pos = getPosition(h)

pos = getPosition(h) returns the current position of the ROI object, h.

Input Arguments collapse all

h — ROI object
 imellipse | imfreehand | imline | impoint | impoly | imrect

ROI object, speci:ed as an imellipse, imfreehand, imline, impoint, impoly, or imrect object.

Output Arguments collapse all

pos — Position of ROI object

 numeric array

Position of the ROI object, returned as a numeric array. The shape of the array depends on the type of ROI

ROI Object Returned position

imellipse 4-element vector of the form [xmin ymin width height], representing
the size and position of a bounding box around the ellipse. The initial size of
the bounding box is width-by-height pixels. The upper-left corner of the
box is at the (x,y) coordinate (xmin,ymin).

imfreehand n-by-2 matrix. The two columns de:ne the x- and y-coordinates, respectively,
of the n points along the boundary of the freehand region.

imline 2-by-2 matrix of the form [x1 y1; x2 y2], representing the position of
the two endpoints of the line.

impoint 1-by-2 vector of the form [x y]. Page 1 of 2
Return current position of ROI object - MATLAB getPosition - MathWorks Italia 03/04/23, 10:14 AM

impoly n-by-2 matrix. The two columns de:ne the x- and y-coordinates, respectively,
of each of the n vertices.

imrect 4-element vector of the form [xmin ymin width height]. The initial
size of the rectangle is width-by-height pixels. The upper-left corner of
the rectangle is at the (x,y) coordinate (xmin,ymin).

Version History
expand all
Introduced in R2008a

 R2018b: getPosition is not recommended

See Also
imroi | setPosition | getPositionConstraintFcn

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