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PART 1 :

1. Delivered a verdict + jury 1. Pejury

2. Attorney - on behalf .... 2. compersation
3. Suspected + suspect 3. Plea bargain
4. Digest - summarizes 4. Requirements contract
5. Constitutional + the excutive, ... 5. Digest
6. Illegal 6. Distributor - Reatailer
7. Supreme court 7. Judge
8. Complaint 8. Severable contract
9. Perjury 9. Complaint
10. Sworn in + by 10. Commit a crime


Đoạn 1: In my countries the legal systems are very complex….

1. Clever

2. The client cloud lose some money

3. Show that the prosecution’s evidence is not enough.

4. Capital punishment

5. The first trial was not fair

Đoạn 2: Under the US law, there are two main system of court,…

1. F – The State court has jurisdiction to hear civil disputes involving a lot of money.

2. F – All disputes between citizen of different states is going to federal court.

3. T – There are two levels of appeal at State court.

4. T – The US Supreme Court may hear cases under both first – instance proceedings and appeal

Đoạn 3: Bob , Jane

1. Somebody told him

2. She got a legal certificate and applied for the job.

3. She had to take a specialized course in legal matter.

4. Secretarial and document preparation

5. She is supervised by a lawyer.


I. Hoàn thành các ô trống bằng các từ của riêng bạn

Đoạn 1: When someone (1) Commits a crime , the police must investigate and try to find the culprit .
If they find the persons responsible for the crime then they ( 2 ) arrest them and take them to the
police station for questioning . If there's a good enough reason , the persons are charged and will
have to go to court to stand (3) trial. In court , the accused will have to try to prove that they are not
(4) guilty. The jury listens to all the evidence and if there is sufficient proof beyond all reasonable
doubt , the (5) Judge will decide on the sentence either prison , a fine or community service .

Đoạn 2: The British (1) legal/law system is divided into two types of ( 2 ) law to cover different
situations - public and private law . Public law is defined as laws that affect the whole of society at
any one time , for example criminal law . Private law ( also known as ' civil law ' ) affects individuals
and businesses . Examples of this could be where people working in a company have a dispute , or
when a married couple are considering divorce . The main purpose of criminal law is to stop and
(3) punish certain types of behaviour that can cause physical (4) danger/injury or distress to others .
Criminal law ensures that we have a civilized society , illegal activity is reduced , and the population
as a whole feels safe . If a person ( 5 ) Commits a crime , then the legal system allows them to be
punished .

Đoạn 3: A lawyer , also known as an attorney (1) , is someone who either gives legal (2) advice to
clients , or represents them in court (3) . People who are accused of a Crime (4) usually hire (5)
lawyers to defend them . To be able to work as a lawyer , one must spend many years studying in law
(6) school , and then become licensed . It means that they are authorized to practice (7) law . In the
United States , lawyers earn (8) a lot of money . They are not very well liked by many people ,
because many people realize (9) them to be dishonest . Most lawyers specialize (10) in one type of
law such as criminal law , family law , etc.

II. Viết một từ thích hợp từ định nghĩa đã cho

1. Not guilty of a crime (adj)- innocent

2. Any act which is not legal ( n ) - offence

3. A person who has studied law and can act for people on legal business ( n ) - Attorney

4. A disagreement or argument between parties ( n ) - Dispute

5. An official who presides over a court ( n )- Judge

6. Someone who is accused of a crime in a criminal case ( n ) - Defendant

7. To hold someone legally so as to charge them with a crime ( y )- Arrest

8. Failure to carry out the terms of an agreement ( n ) - Breach

9. To ask a high law court to change its decision or sentence ( v ) - Appeal

10. To say that someone has committed a crime ( v )- Accuse

11. The arguments used when fighting a case (n)- Defence

12. A legal agreement between two or more parties (n)- Contract

13.A group of 12 citizens who decide whether or not someone is guilty in a trial (n) - Jury

14.A written or spoken statement of facts which helps to prove or disprove something at a trial ( n )

- Evidence

15. To order someone to pay money as a punishment ( n )- Fine

III. Xây dựng câu

1. Perhaps I could suggest a compromise here .

2 .I am happy with the suggested amendment to clause 1.2 and 4.5.

3. Please let me know if this might be possible.

4. Thank you for sending me the contract amendments yesterday.

5. This would guarantee me a minimum of 25 days .

6. I am a little concerned about the leave entitlement clause.

7. A judge sentenced the former CEO to 87 months in federal prison for his role in arranging
fraudulent loans.

8. The parole board put the prisoner on parole after four years of good conduct in prison.

9. You need to build up good relationships with your suppliers, customers and others.

10. You should consider how your operations affect the community and the environment.

11. The prisoner was put on parole after four years of good conduct in prison .

12. The company founder was prosecuted for tax evasion.

13. The former CEO was sentenced to 5 years in prison for his role in fraudulent loans .

14. She will work at a small tax law firms for the summer.

15 .Compensation is also payable for all reasonable expenses incurred by the agents.

16. A law clinic gives students an opportunity to deal with real clients and to develop their legal skills.

17.After university , my work as a trainee solicitor gave me useful experience in commercial litigation

18. If we offer an out-of-court settlement , they will not sue us.

19. They will sue you if you breach the contract intentionally .

20. Should people who commit business crimes be punished in the same way as people who commit
orther crimes?

IV. Trả lời câu hỏi

1. How many main branches of law are there in Vietnam legal system? What are they?

=> In Vietnam legal system, there are 12 main branches of law: Constitutional law, administrative
law, finance law, land law, civil law, labour law, marrilage and family law, criminal procedure, civil
procedure, economic law, intermational law.

2. What are some different jobs in the legal profession ?

=> Jobs in the legal profession is judge, court clerk, notary.

3. What are some different kinds of courts in our country ?

=> 4 kinds of courts in Vietnam: People’s Supreme Court, People’s High Court, People’s Provincial
Court, People’s District Court.

4. Who must be in a courtroom during a trial ?

=> A courtroom during a trial is judge, jury, court clerk, plaintiff, defendant, lawyer, victim, witness.

5. Which documents are categorized as primary material ?

=> Documents are categorized as primary material are: Law, Code, Resolution, Decision, Circular,
Decree, Directive.

6. Which documents are categorized as secondary material ?

- Documents are categorized as secondary material are: Legal encyclopedia, Digest, Form book, Case
annotation, Journal, Computerized database.

7. What are some crimes that people get arrested for ?

=> Crimes that people get arrested for: assault and battery, trespass, murder, …

8. What type of information does a contract usually contain ?

=> A contract usually contains: Information of contractual parties, Object of contract, Obligation and
rights of contractual parties, Payment, Delivery, Breach of law, Dispute resolution, Governing law,
Force majeure.

9. Give an example of tort causing harm to a person: then point out which is proximate cause and
which is actual cause leading to the harm ?

=> Mr. Duc was running on the road when suddenly the front wheel of the car exploded, he lost
control and crashed into the roadside light pole, unfortunately Mrs. Lan was standing there, causing
the street light pole to fall, causing her to break hand.

- proximate cause: suddenly the front wheel of the car exploded he lost control.

- actual cause: he lost control and crashed into the roadside light pole and make Mrs Lan break her

=> My friend – Marry was injured last weekend while walking at the shopping center. The actual
cause of the fall and the harm to Marry was the broken heel on her shoe. The proximate cause was
the unmarked, uneven ground inside the shopping center.

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