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1. Resource (n): Nguồn – A person or thing that gives information

→ Legal resource: Nguồn hợp pháp
2. Primary material: Tài liệu chính – Texts which give information
about government’s laws
→ Law: Luật; Code: Bộ luật; Resolution: Nghị quyết; Decision/Order:
Quyết định; Circular: Thông tư; Decree: Nghị định; Directive: Chỉ thị
3. Secondary material: Tài liệu bổ sung – Materials which give
opinion on the law
→ Legal encyclopedia: Bách khoa toàn thư về pháp luật; Digest: Sách
báo; Form book: Sách biểu mẫu; Case annotation: Bình luận án; Journal: Tạp
chí; Computerized database: Cơ sở dữ liệu máy tính
4. Opinion (n): Ý kiến – Thought about someone or something
5. Law (n): Luật – Rules by which a country is governed and activities
of person or organizations are controlled.
6. Legal encyclopedia: Bách khoa toàn thư về pháp luật – A book
which gives brief information about a wide range of legal matters
7. Digest (n): Sách án lệ – A book that summarizes cases
8. Cite (v): Trích dẫn – To mention something as a proof, to quote
9. Reference (n): Tài liệu tham khảo – Mention of something
10. Form book: Sách biểu mẫu – A collection of example documents
11. Case (n) = Legal action: Vụ án, vụ việc
12. Case annotation: Bình luận án – Articles about individual cases
13. Journal (n) Tạp chí học thuật – Academic magazine which
represent formal articles
14. Computerized database: Cơ sở dữ liệu máy tính – A collection of
texts and information which is available on a computer
15. Legislation (n): Điều Luật – Rule decided the government
→ The Legislature: Cơ quan lập pháp
→ The Executive: Cơ quan hành pháp
→ The Judiciary: Cơ quan tư pháp
16. Policy (n): Chính sách – Principles which the law encourages
17. Statute (n): Quy chế - A law that has been formally approved and
written down
18. Pertain to (v): Liên quan đến – Connect to
19. Relevant (adj): Liên quan – Being connected to
20. Precedent (n): Án lệ - A decision about a particular legal case
which is referred to other similar cases
21. State laws: Pháp luật của các tiểu bang – Law which applies in one
area of a country
22. Constitutional law: Hiến pháp – Set of political principles by
which a country is governed
23. Court rule: Nội quy tòa án – Rules of court
24. Procedure (n): Thủ tục – Steps to complete an activity
→ Administrative procedure: Thủ tục hành chính
→ Administrative procedure reform: Thủ tục cải cách hành chính
25. Enactment process (n): Quá trình ban hành – The process of
passing laws by parliament
→ Enact (v): Ban hành
26. Follow law = obey law = meet law: Theo luật/ Đáp ứng luật
27. Sue = take a legal action against someone = suit against someone:
Khởi kiện người nào đó
28. To file an appeal: Nộp đơn kháng cáo
29. To file a case/suit: Nộp đơn kiện
30. Previous convictions: Tiền án
31. Apparently = It seems that: Có vẻ như
32. Thankfully = Luckily
33. Plaintiff (n): Nguyên đơn
34. Defendant (n): Bị cáo


1. Legal system (n): Hệ thống pháp lý – Methods of interpreting laws
and put them into effect
2. Complaint (n): Đơn kiện – Written statement that states the reason
for legal action
3. Plaintiff (n): Nguyên đơn – A person who files a complaint
4. Court (n): Tòa án – A place where trials happen
5. Trial (n): Phiên tòa – Hearing of statements and showing of objects
→ Trial panel: Hội đồng xét xử
6. Accuse someone of (v): Buộc tội ai đó – Say that someone has done
something illegal
7. Defendant (n): Bị đơn – A person who is accused of a crime
8. Attorney (n) = Lawer: Luật sư – A person who speaks on behalf of
their client
9. Paralegal (n): Trợ lý pháp lý – A person who assists an attorney
10. Jury (n): Bồi thẩm đoàn – A group of people who have been
chosen to listen to all the facts in a trial
11. Verdict (n): Phán quyết – A legal conclusion by jury
12. Judge (n): Thẩm phán – A person resolves a complaint
13. Resolve (n): Giải quyết – Make a decision
14. Hectic (adj) = very busy: Tất bật, rất bận rộn – Full of activity
15. Malpractice (adj): Sơ suất – Failure to act correctly and legally
16. Vital (adj): Thiết yếu – Extremely important
17. Individual planner (n): Kế hoạch cá nhân – A document or a
program make a note of your appointments
→ pocket planner (n): Sổ tay/ lịch bỏ túi – Pocket calendar, pocket dỉay
→ wall calendar (n): Lịch treo tường
→ Computer-based calendar (n): Lịch trên máy tính
18. Master calendar (n): Lịch chung/lịch tổng thể - Work schedule of
an organization, a firm, a school…
19. Track (v): theo dõi – Follow
20. Update (n): cập nhật – Give the most recent information
21. Remind (v): Nhắc nhở - Make somebody think of something
22. Upcoming (adj): Sắp diễn ra – Happening soon
23. Software (n): Phần mềm – The program that you put into a
24. Format (n): Định dạng – Pattern, sample (Synonym of pattern or
25. Conflict (n): Chồng chéo – Overlap
26. Bind (v): Ràng buộc
27. First-instance court: Tòa sơ thẩm
28. Guilty: Có tội
29. Innocent: Vô tội
30. Pending: Đang chờ giải quyết
31. Schedule: Lịch trình
32. Colleague = Fellow = Co-worker: Đồng nghiệp
33. Dispute: Tranh luận – Argument or disagreement
34. Verbal agreement: Thỏa thuận bằng lời

1. 4 kinds of courts in Vietnam:
- People’s Supreme Court (just only one): TAND tối cao
- People’s High Court (There are 3 People’s High Court in
Vienam. They are in Hanoi, Danang, TPHCM): TAND cấp cao
- People’s Provincial Court: TAND cấp tỉnh
- People’s District Court: TAND cấp huyện
2. District court = Local Court: Tòa án quận
3. Court of appeals = Appellate Court: Tòa phúc thẩm
4. State court: Tòa án cấp tiểu bang
5. The Supreme Court = High Court: Tòa án tối cao
6. Jurisdiction (n): Thẩm quyền – Authority of court to make
7. Claim (n): Khiếu nại – Right to ask sth
8. Review (v): Xem xét, đánh giá lại – Reconsider to make a decision
9. Object (to) = Protest: Phản đối
10. Dispute (n): Tranh luận – Argument or disagreement
11. Discretionary (adj): Thuộc thẩm quyền quyết định của TA – Not
fixed by rules
→ Discretionary review: Tùy ý quyết định quyền chuyên quyết
12. Protocol (n): Nghi thức – Proper rules and traditions for attending
13. Be sworn in: (đang) Tuyên thệ - Be made to promise to tell the
14. Be under oath: (đã) Tuyên thệ - Promised legally to tell the truth
15. Perjury (n): Khai man – Crime of telling lie in court
16. Interrupt (v): Ngắt lời – Stop sb from sth
17. Address (v): Xưng hô – Speak to sb
18. “Your Honor”: Quý Tòa – The way to address to a judges
19. Approach the bench: Tiếp gần bục xét xử/ tiến gần thẩm phán –
Come close to judge
20. “the well”: Khu vực ở giữa bục xét xử và chỗ ngồi của luật sư –
The area in front of the bench
21. Off the record: Nội bộ, không ghi biên bản - Not be publicly
22. Take the bench: Đóng vai trò là Thẩm phán


1. Punish: Trừng phạt - cause somebody to suffer for his bad behavior.
2. Commit a crime: Phạm tội - do something against law
3. Trespass: xâm phạm gia cư bất hợp pháp - enter somebody's land or house without
4. Fine: Phạt tiền - amount of money paid for not obeying law
5. Probation: Quản chế - a situation that person must behave well
6. Offend: Phạm tội - commit a crime
7. Jail: Nhà tù - prison
8. Assualt and battery: Hành hung và đe dọa - threat and violence
9. Capital punishment: Hình phạt tử hình - punishment by death
10. Murder: Giết người - killing a person
11. Try: Xét xử- examine a person in court
12. Juvenile: vị thành niên - not old enough
13. Liable: Chịu trách nhiệm - responsible
14. Waive to court: Chuyển tòa - transfer to court
15. Detain: Tạm giữ - force somebody to stay in a place
16. Correctional facility = correctional center: Trung tâm giáo dưỡng - a place for
detaining mirror
17. Lecture_off_the record: lecture done by judge for mirror without recordings
18. Community service: Lao động công ích - a kind of punishment such as help people
19. Victim: Nạn nhân - somebody in hurt killed by the orther ones
20. Counselling: Cố vấn - process of listening to somebody to get advice for a problem
21. Expunge: Xóa án tích - remove information
22. Warrant (n) : lệnh bắt, khám xét - an official document signed by a person in
authority giving the police permission to search somebody's house , arrest someone .
➜an arrest warrant : lệnh bắt
➜a search warrant: Lệnh khám xét
23. bail (n) : tiền bảo lãnh - an amount of money that a person accused pays to court so
that he / she can be released until the trial
24. arraignment (n) : phiên luận tội - a process in court to say the accused is guilty or
25. plea bargain (n): phiên điều đình - an agreement to allow the accused to admit to
being guilty of a less serious crime
26. motion (n): sự đề nghị/yêu cầu - an application submitted to court / judge to
request an order about something
➜motion for discovery
➜motion for pleading
➜motion for dismiss


1. Tort (n) : lỗi - a fault of civil liability

2. Negligent (adj) : Không cẩn thận/Không có chủ ý - not careful
=> Negligent tort (n) : Lỗi không có chủ ý - unintentional fault
3. Reasonable person: - Chế định về người hợp lý -an unreal person used to judge
whether a person was negligent in such a case
4. Liability (n): Trách nhiệm pháp lý - legal responsibility
5. By all accounts: Theo những gì người khác nói - as said by most people
6. Duty of care: nghĩa vụ cẩn trọng - a liability not to harm someone
7. Prudence (n): sự cẩn trọng - carefulness
8. Harm (v): làm ra sự thiệt hại cho người khác - injure or damage someone
9. Compensation (n) : bồi thường - money paid to someone in exchange for loss or
10. Breach (n): vi phạm - breaking law
=> Breach of duty: vi phạm nghĩa vụ
11. Proximate cause = legal cause: nguyên nhân để khởi kiện - the legal cause of
damage, loss or injury
12. Actual cause: nguyên nhân gây tác động thật sự - cause in fact
13. Safety (n) : an toàn - not in danger or at risk
14. Manufacturer (n): nhà sản xuất - a company produces goods
15. Supplier (n): nhà cung cấp - a company or person provides products or materials to
make products
16. Distributor (n): nhà phân phối - a company or a person buys products from a
manufacturer and sell them for a profit to shops and companies
18. Retailer (n) : người bán lẻ - store sells products to consumers
19. Entity (n): tổ chức được Pháp luật cho phép - an organization has its own legal and
financial existence
20. Product liability (n): Trách nhiệm pháp lý của sản phẩm - being responsible when a
customer is harmed by a product
21. Defective (adj): bị lỗi - a fault or not working properly
22. Class action suit : khởi kiện tập thể - a suit filled by a group , a suit against a


1. Agreement : Hợp đồng ( có tính ràng buộc ít hơn contract) - an understanding or

arrangement between two or more parties
2 . Contract : Hợp đồng (có tính ràng buộc nhiều hơn) - a specific agreement with
terms & conditions that enforceable
3 . Requirements contract : Hđ mua bán hàng hóa theo yêu cầu - agrees to supply
goods or services as required by the other party
4. Distribution agreement : Hđ phân phối
5. Agreement of sale : Hđ mua bán
6. Severable contract : Hđ lớn trong đó có nhiều Hđ nhỏ - composed of several
separate contracts
7. Adhesion contract : Hđ được thảo sẵn của bên chi phối | Hđ được định sẵn , không
thay đổi được. (VD: hđ sử dụng điện) - drafted by a dominant party
8. Implied contract : HĐ ngụ ý (chưa soạn ra văn bản) - the details are not clearly in
9. Contract of employment : HĐ lao động
10. Bilateral contract : HĐ song phương (song vụ)
11. Unilateral contract : Hđ đơn vụ ( thỏa thuận khen thưởng)
12. Loan agreement : hợp đồng cho vay
13. Breach of contract : vi phạm hợp đồng
14. Be wronged : be treated in unfair way
15. term (n) : condition controlling agreement
16.assent (v) : đồng ý - agree
17. offer (n) : đề nghị - proposal
18. object (n) : reason for doing something 19. exchange ( n ) : trao đổi - giving and
getting something from someone
19. valid (adj) : có hiệu lực - legal force
20. binding (adj) : ràng buộc - imposing or officially forcing
21. enforceable (adj) : possible to make people obey
22. appointment (n) : cuộc hẹn (tính chất quan trọng) - a formal arrangement to meet


1. Delivered a verdict + jury

2. Attorney - on behalf ....
3. Suspected + suspect
4. Digest - summarizes
5. Constitutional + the excutive, ...
6. Illegal
7. Supreme court
8. Complaint
9. Perjury
10. Sworn in + by
1. Pejury
2. compersation
3. Plea bargain
4. Requirements contract
5. Digest
6. Distributor - Reatailer
7. Judge
8. Severable contract
9. Complaint
10. Commit a crime

Đọc đoạn văn và chọn câu trả lời đúng
- Học phần đoạn văn ngày 5/8 và 27/7

I. Hoàn thành các ô trống bằng các từ của riêng bạn
- Học phần điền từ vào chỗ trống ngày 5/8 và 2/8
II. Viết một từ thích hợp từ định nghĩa đã cho
1. Not guilty of a crime (adj)
- innocent
2. Any act which is not legal ( n )
- offence
3. A person who has studied law and can act for people on legal business ( n )
- Attorney
4. A disagreement or argument between parties ( n )
- Dispute
5. An official who presides over a court ( n )
- Judge
6. Someone who is accused of a crime in a criminal case ( n )
- Defendant
7. To hold someone legally so as to charge them with a crime ( y )
- Arrest
8. Failure to carry out the terms of an agreement ( n )
- Breach
9. To ask a high law court to change its decision or sentence ( v )
- Appeal
10. To say that someone has committed a crime ( v )
- Accuse
11. The arguments used when fighting a case (n)
- Defence
12. A legal agreement between two or more parties (n)
- Contract
13.A group of 12 citizens who decide whether or not someone is guilty in a trial (n)
- Jury
14.A written or spoken statement of facts which helps to prove or disprove something
at a trial ( n )
- Evidence
15. To order someone to pay money as a punishment ( n )
- Fine
III. Xây dựng câu
1. Perhaps / here / I / could / compromise / suggest / a/ .
- Perhaps I could suggest a compromise here .
2 . I am / happy / the clauses 1.2 / suggested / to / and amendments / with / .
- I am happy with the suggested amendment to clause 1.2 and 4.5.
3. Please / if / know / let / might / possible / me / this / be / .
- Please let me know if this might be possible.
4. Thank you / sending / amendments / me / yesterday / contract / the / for/ .
- Thank you for sending me the contract amendments yesterday.
5. This / a minimum / guarantee / of / 25 days / would / me / .
- This would guarantee me a minimum of 25 days .
6. I am / entitlement / concerned / clause / about / a little / the leave / .
- I am a little concerned about the leave entitlement clause.
7. A judge / to / federal prison / the former CEO / in / for / 87 months / his role /
fraudulent loans / sentenced / in arranging / .
- A judge sentenced the former CEO to 87 months in federal prison for his role in
arranging fraudulent loans.
8. The parole board / put / on parole / after / in prison / four years / the prisoner / of /
good conduct / .
- The parole board put the prisoner on parole after four years of good conduct in
9. You / to / build up / others / relationships / need / with / good / suppliers , customers
/ and / your / .
- You need to build up good relationships with your suppliers, customers and others.
10. You / the environment / consider / should / how / affect / your / operations / the
community and / .
- You should consider how your operations affect the community and the environment.
11. The / put / prisoner / was / parole / prison / after / on / four / of / good / years /
conduct / in / .
- The prisoner was put on parole after four years of good conduct in prison .
12. The prosecuted / was / evasion / founder / for / tax / company / .
- The company founder was prosecuted for tax evasion.
13. The / sentenced to / his / fraudulent / former CEO / was / 5 years / in / loans /
prison / for / role / in / .
- The former CEO was sentenced to 5 years in prison for his role in fraudulent loans .
14. She / at / a / small / work / law / will / tax / firms / summer / for / the / .
- She will work at a small tax law firms for the summer.
15 . Compensation / is / all / reasonable / also / the agents / expenses / payable for /
by / incurred / .
- Compensation is also payable for all reasonable expenses incurred by the agents.
16. A / clinic / gives / students / law / an opportunity / to deal / real / and / / legal
skills / to / clients / with / develop / their / .
- A law clinic gives students an opportunity to deal with real clients and to develop
their legal skills.
17. After university / , / my / work / experience / as a / solicitor / me / gave /
commercial litigation / trainee / useful / in / .
- After university , my work as a trainee solicitor gave me useful experience in
commercial litigation .
18. If / offer / will / sue / settlement / we / an out - of - court / , / not / they / us / .
- If we offer an out-of-court settlement , they will not sue us.
19. They / sue / breach / will / intentionally / you / if / you / the / contract / .
- They will sue you if you breach the contract intentionally .
20. Should / who / the same / people / who / way / commit / commit / be / punished / in
/ as / people / business crimes / other crimes / ?
- Should people who commit business crimes be punished in the same way as people
who commit orther crimes?
IV. Trả lời câu hỏi
1. How many main branches of law are there in Vietnam legal system? What are they?
=> In Vietnam legal system, there are 12 main branches of law:
- Constitutional Law
- Civil Law
- Financial Law
- Land Law
- Administrative Law
- Labor Law
- Marriage and Family Law
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure Law
- Civil Procedure Law
- Economic Law
- International Law
2. What are some different jobs in the legal profession ?
=> Jobs in the legal profession is judge, court clerk, notary.
3. What are some different kinds of courts in our country ?
=> 4 kinds of courts in Vietnam:
- People’s Supreme Court
- People’s High Court
- People’s Provincial Court
- People’s District Court
4. Who must be in a courtroom during a trial ?
=> A courtroom during a trial is judge, jury, court clerk, plaintiff, defendant, lawyer,
victim, witness.
5. Which documents are categorized as primary material ?
=> Documents are categorized as primary material are: Law, Code, Resolution,
Decision, Circular, Decree, Directive.
6. Which documents are categorized as secondary material ?
- Documents are categorized as secondary material are: Legal encyclopedia, Digest,
Form book, Case annotation, Journal, Computerized database.
7. What are some crimes that people get arrested for ?
=> Crimes that people get arrested for: assault and battery, trespass, murder, …
8. What type of information does a contract usually contain ?
=> A contract usually contains: Information of contractual parties, Object of contract,
Obligation and rights of contractual parties, Payment, Delivery, Breach of law,
Dispute resolution, Governing law, Force majeure.
9. Give an example of tort causing harm to a person: then point out which is proximate
cause and which is actual cause leading to the harm ?
=> Mr. Duc was running on the road when suddenly the front wheel of the car
exploded, he lost control and crashed into the roadside light pole, unfortunately Mrs.
Lan was standing there, causing the street light pole to fall, causing her to break hand.
- proximate cause: suddenly the front wheel of the car exploded he lost control.
- actual cause: he lost control and crashed into the roadside light pole and make Mrs
Lan break her arm.
=> My friend – Marry was injured last weekend while walking at the shopping center.
The actual cause of the fall and the harm to Marry was the broken heel on her shoe.
The proximate cause was the unmarked, uneven ground inside the shopping center.

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