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A. What is your name?

Answer: Chizobam Esther

B. Why did you decide to join this VA program?

Answer: The ALX team provides tthe opportunity to acquire a vital skill that can turbocharge
my career, there's also provision to network with a lot of individuals globally via slack and
subsequently "THE ROOM".
i would honestly be missing a lot if I didn't join this VA program.

C. What excites you most about becoming a VA?

Answer: Freedom to work from any place of my choice!

The fact that I do not have to report at an office complex every morning is very very satisfying.
I can wear my Pyjamas all day!!

D. Did you login to Slack and introduce yourself to your squad? (If your answer is no, please
share why not and what you plan to do to get on Slack as soon as possible)

Answer:. Yes I did

E. Who is one person you can talk to if you are feeling stressed or need support during this

Answer: My younger sister

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