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1. Why protect industrial designs?

Industrial design is a strategic problem-solving process that inspires innovation,

drives business success, and improves the quality of life through innovative products,
systems, services, and experiences. Industrial design bridges the gap between what is
impossible and what is possible. More importantly, it helps economic development by
using creativity to solve problems and develop solutions to improve a product, system,
service, experience, or company.

2. How can industrial designs be protected?

An industrial design can be protected if it is registered under industrial design law

as a registered design. Once an industrial design is registered, the trademark act can be
used to protect the industrial design in cases where the design has acquired
distinctiveness. It may also be under copyright law only if it is an artistic work. Under
certain circumstances, an industrial design can also be protected under unfair
competition law, although the conditions of protection and rights and remedies ensured
can be significantly different.

3. What is the legal definition of intellectual property?

It is a product of the human intellect that is intangible but has value in the market.
It is a creation of the mind used in commerce like inventions, literary and artistic works,
designs, symbols, names, and images.

4. What are the benefits of intellectual property rights?

 Ensures the development of market share, which leads to stable income and
growth. It protects proprietary products or services from misuse by competitors.
 The tremendous potential to turn innovation into actionable and commercially
viable services and products.
 Provides exclusive property rights and helps a business do better.
 Reduce risks associated with commercialization by deterring competitors.
 Leverage for attracting investors, as collateral for obtaining finance.

5. What are the intangible rights of intellectual property?

Copyright works, patented inventions, trademarks, and trade secrets are

intangible intellectual property rights.

o Patents
- It is a property right granted by the government agency to investors. It
gives the inventors the exclusive right to their inventions, which could be
a design, process, or physical invention such as the machine.
o Copyright
- It is a right that gives authors and creators of works such as books,
music, paintings, films, computer programs, etc. the exclusive right to
use, copy, or duplicate their works.
o Trademarks
- It is a symbol or phrase that represents a product that legally separates
it from other products. It is often associated with the company’s brand.
o Trade Secrets
- It is any information that is used in the operation of a business that is not
generally known in the trade.

6. Which is the best guide to intellectual property?

The best guide to intellectual property is the patent as it is the strongest form of
intellectual property. It is used to prevent unauthorized production, sale, or use of
inventions. Any product, design, or process that meets certain requirements can be
protected according to its originality, practicality, suitability, and usefulness.

7. What is the importance of the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines?

The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines is a great help that protects and
promotes the dissemination of knowledge and information for the promotion of national
development, progress, and the common good. It gives fairness to those who produce
their inventions, or creations and it gives justice to the original creators and/or inventors
once others try to copy and used their works without their permission.

8. What are the 4 types of intellectual property?

o Copyright
- It is a form of protection provided by the laws for the authors of original
works of authorship. It protects writing, pictures, music, art, and other
forms of intellectual work.

o Patent
- It is a grant of a property right to the inventor for its invention, which is a
product or process that provides a new way of doing something or offers
a new technical solution to a problem.

o Trademarks
- It is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one
business from other businesses. It serves as a brand identifier for a
business or a product.

o Trade Secrets
- It is any piece of confidential corporate information that gives any
business a competitive advantage in the market.

9. What are some examples of intellectual property?

Intellectual property refers to the creation of human minds whether creative or


o Trademark examples include brand colors, logos, symbols, slogans, taglines,

and company and product names.
o Copyright examples include software, graphic arts, books, blog articles,
novels, architectural designs, databases, and video and sound recordings.
o Patent examples include utility patents, plant patents, and design patents.
o Trade Secrets examples include marketing plans, product formulas, financial
forecasts, employee rosters, strategic techniques, and processes.

11. How can intellectual property be protected in the Philippines?

Intellectual Property in the Philippines can be protected by registering intellectual

property protection such as patents and/or copyrights under the name of the creator
and/or inventor because without proper registration of intellectual property rights
protection, it would be very difficult to claim damage to the work, product or invention
copied or used without the permission of the inventor and/or creator. Laws created for
the protection of intellectual property such as R.A. 8293, R.A. 165, and R.A. 166 would
also be a great help as they give the inventor/creator the right to their inventions and/or
creations and protects their works from others who’ll try to use and copy it.

12. What is the importance of intellectual property?

Intellectual Property has been considered one of the major contributors to all
most aspects of life. It has been considered that human innovation and creativity are the
engines of progress and critical incentive for the innovation and creativity of technologies
that transform how we work and live in an increasingly interconnected digital world. It
also adds a mechanism for different schools to disseminate the knowledge that they
generate and to have that knowledge used in the economic sector. More importantly,
intellectual property is a company's most important asset as it greatly contributes to its

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