B2B Rebate Program For Resellers 2022 - META

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2022 B2B Rebate

Program for
Learn more on kaspersky.com
1. Introduction to the Program 2

2. Terms and definitions 2

3. Rebate Calculation 3

4. Rebate Payment 3

5. Responsibility of Participants of the Program 4

6. Pricing Policy 4

7. Term and Changes to the Program 4

8. Rebate Structure 4

9. List of Countries 5
1. Introduction to the Program
Kaspersky is delighted to offer the opportunity to participate in Kaspersky B2B Rebate
Program for Resellers (“Program”). This Program is designed to allow Resellers to receive the
Rebate for selling B2B Products available in the Kaspersky most up-to-date official price list
(“Price List”), if Reseller successfully fulfils conditions as described further below.

To join the Program Resellers should comply with conditions of the Program, Kaspersky United
Partner Program, accept Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions for Resellers that can be
found on the Kaspersky Partner Portal via https://partners.kaspersky.com.

2. Terms and definitions

Amount of Purchases Means the total amount of purchases of B2B Products made by the Reseller during the
Accounting Period and calculated based on Shipping price. Amount of Purchases shall
contain only orders with statuses “delivered” in KORM adjusted by the corrections in prices or
quantities of the periods in the past and “invoiced” and shall be reduced by the amount of B2B
Products returned and/or credit notes in the respective Accounting Period.

Accounting Period Means the following periods:

• Quarter 1 (January, February, March) of the year;
• Quarter 2 (April, May, June) of the year;
• Quarter 3 (July, August, September) of the year;
• Quarter 4 (October, November, December) of the year.

B2B Products Means Kaspersky B2B software and services by means of certificates for business as listed in
the Price List effective in the particular Territory.

The product “Kaspersky Small Office Security” with the packages “License”, “License Pack”
only falls under the definition of B2B Products. Other packages of “Kaspersky Small Office
Security” are excluded from the definition of B2B Products

Distribution Agreement Means a valid distribution agreement executed between Kaspersky and Distributor.

Distributor Means the direct partner of Kaspersky in the Territory that has a Distribution

Agreement entitling the Distributor to distribute B2B Products via Resellers, and complies with
the conditions of the up-to-date Kaspersky B2B Rebate Program for Distributors.

End User discount Means a special discount on MSRP granted for some specific orders for B2B Products.

Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Refers to the agreement published on the Kaspersky Partner Portal that describes the terms and
Conditions for Resellers conditions of participation in the Program.

KORM Means Kaspersky Order Management System.

MSRP Means the recommended end user price for B2B Products in accordance with the Price List.

Rebate Means a specific bonus amount to be paid for the fulfillment of the Target for the particular
Accounting Period agreed by the Reseller and Kaspersky. Rebate is equal to the percentage of
the Amount of Purchases.

Reseller(s) Means the indirect partner of Kaspersky in the Territory, that purchases B2B Products from
the Distributors or/and on E-Commerce platform located on Kaspersky Partner Portal and
complies with the conditions of the Kaspersky United Partner Program. Resellers can have
different partner statuses, which are determined in the Kaspersky United Partner Program

Shipping price Means the price for B2B Products in accordance with the Price List, less the End User discount
granted by Kaspersky. Prices for B2B Products mentioned in the Price List are recommended.

Target(s) Means a minimum Amount of Purchases within the Accounting Period. Targets are set
separately for each Accounting Period. Targets will be assigned by Kaspersky and presented on
the Kaspersky Partner Portal via https://partners.kaspersky.com. Kaspersky will notify Partner’s
Authorized Representative(s) in case of Targets assigning or Targets changing. Kaspersky
receives the right not to set Targets, in that case the calculation and payment of Rebates is not
performed. Target is necessary to be achieved by the Reseller to become eligible for Rebate.

Territory Means the countries mentioned in the Chapter 9.

3. Rebate Calculation
Rebate is available only for Resellers with active status of a Platinum Partner, Gold
Partner and Silver Partner. Within the target Kaspersky sets for Partners, for sales
of different B2B products Kaspersky calculates Rebates based on Rebate structure,
as listed in the Chapter 8.

The Reseller is entitled to receive a Rebate according to this Program and the
Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions for Resellers for each Accounting Period
provided it meets the requirements stated in this Program and Kaspersky Rebate
Terms & Conditions for Resellers.

In order to stimulate sales in the certain Accounting Period, Kaspersky may establish
incentive provisions with specific term and for specific product(s) or product
group(s). Incentive provisions will be presented on Kaspersky Partner Portal.
Rebate for fulfilling of incentive provisions will be calculated additionally to Rebate
Structure related to Platinum, Gold, Silver Partners stated in Chapter 8.

During the term of this Program and Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions for
Resellers, the Rebate will be calculated only if Reseller achieves or exceeds the
Targets. Rebate is based on the total Amount of Purchases for the corresponding
Accounting Period. The Rebate percentage used for the calculation of the Rebate is
indicated in the Chapter 8 (“Rebate Structure”) below. If the Reseller did not achieve
Targets the Rebate will not be calculated and subsequently not paid. Kaspersky
receives the right not to set Targets, in that case the calculation and payment of
Rebates is not performed.

Targets of B2B Products are calculated based on the Shipping prices and is
determined and agreed on the Kaspersky Partner Portal.

4. Rebate Payment
Calculation and payment of Rebate to Resellers is provided on the grounds that the
Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions for Resellers is accepted and Targets are
assigned by Kaspersky on the Kaspersky Partner Portal.

Payment of Rebate is made to Reseller only upon fulfillment of the assigned Targets
by the Reseller.

Payment of Rebate will be made after the end of the respective Accounting Period
within reasonable period of time.

Payment of Rebate to Reseller can be refused at the sole discretion of Kaspersky in

cases when Reseller violates the requirements of the License policy of Kaspersky,
the Kaspersky United Partner Program, or the Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions
for Resellers between Kaspersky and Reseller.

Payment of Rebate is provided directly or indirectly through the Kaspersky paying

agent or the one of Distributors from which B2B Products were purchased by
Reseller within the Accounting Period. Resellers that are eligible to get payment of
Rebate through Distributor will be provided by Kaspersky to the chosen Distributor
by e-mail. Kaspersky reserves the right not to pay the rebate at its own discretion.

5. Responsibility of Participants of the Program
All participants of this Program undertake to comply with requirements of the
Kaspersky United Partner Program, the Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions for
Resellers, Kaspersky License Policy and avoid taking actions that may harm any activity
or image of Kaspersky.

All participants of this Program undertakes the following:

• To provide Kaspersky with Monthly sales forecast
• To participate in a Joint Business Planning and confirm it from a partner side
• To follow the Joint Business Plan: achieve targets, KPI and execute on activities as
agreed by partner and Kaspersky
• To pass all training and obtain certifications required by Kaspersky Partner Program
according to the partner level
• To organize together with Kaspersky Quarterly Business Review (QBR) to check the
performance and activities execution against confirmed Joint Business Plan.

In case of breach of any of these obligations by the Reseller, Kaspersky remains its
right at its sole discretion upon a notice to terminate such Reseller’s rights to the
Rebate in any volume.

6. Pricing Policy
Only B2B Products are subject to this Program, which are listed in the available Price
List. No other commercial offers of Kaspersky are subject to this Program. Prices for
the products (including B2B Products) listed in the Price List are recommended.

7. Term and Changes to the Program

This Program is effective until the release of new version of the Program by Kaspersky.

Kaspersky reserves the right to amend or discontinue the Program at any time,
without limitation to any conditions, requirements or benefits contained in this
Program. All such changes shall be effective upon their publications on the Kaspersky
Partner Portal.

8. Rebate Structure

Product rebate group

Partner Status
Foundation Optimum Expert Subscription and MSP

Silver Partner 1,0% 2,0% 1,0% 2,0%

Gold Partner 2,0% 5,0% 2,0% 5,0%

Platinum Partner 4,0% 7,0% 4,0% 7,0%

B2B Products related to each Product rebate group are presented on the Kaspersky United Partner Portal.

9. List of Countries

Angola Zambia
Botswana Zimbabwe
Burundi Bahrain
Comoros Kuwait
Eswatini Oman
Ethiopia Qatar
Ghana Saudi Arabia
Kenya United Arab Emirates
Lesotho Yemen
Madagascar Iraq
Malawi Jordan
Mauritius Lebanon
Mozambique Palestinian Authority
Namibia Djibouti
Nigeria Egypt
Rwanda Eritrea
Seychelles Sudan
South Africa Afghanistan
Tanzania Pakistan
Uganda Turkey

Cyber Threats News: www.securelist.com
IT Security News: business.kaspersky.com

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