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There are some people whose words don’t match

their actions . In short they are not much then the

man of words but not actions and adversity our
country has been handover by such notorious
Unfortunately in Pakistan the post “prime minister
post” is like musical chair game to politicians that
who will be the next to have have this throne.
When they have this seat they forget about each
and every word, promise they made before the
throne ,for the throne. Who is thinking about the
country its development?
I’m not here to made false promises , brag about
myself or to put someone else down , this land
belongs to you , it is by you . you are main
element / pillor of this land so it is necessary to
shed light on your couries, questions

Lets begin with judiciary system

When a women or child is raped then victim knock
the door of law for justice . if somehow the culprit
is ceased then surprisingly he is keep alive till the
next summon by the court. Is it really our judiciary
system ? That victim is getting justice in
installments .
According to me there is either wrong or
right ,there is no middle way if there is , then is
only the way to salvation, where culprit is already
planned to rescue.
The culprit need to sentenced to death at once in
this way it will be a life time lesson for others no
one dare to think about such evil crime and rape
cases will at least decrease to half.
I would made immendments in curriculum.
Education is name of keep on learning , but in my
country it is merly compress to craming ,grading
and business . We should promote new techniques
of learning .
And everyone should have easy excess to it .
Education and skills promote employment ,
everyone can find a way to his living then no one
has to sleep empty stomach. And I will be satisfy in
front of creator.
Support our students:
Scholarship no it would not work for such huge
number our country budget will not able to bear
this but we can lead a way to help our students.
Side hustle help students to be independent and
self builders even from younger age . Their energy
will invest in positive way. Students can manage
their expenditures from these hustle and our
country need to introduce such plans .
I would introduce free seminars for youth in which
mentors will guide and encourage them to start
their own business from already learn skills and be
the one who provide jobs and not the one who seek
for it. In this why unemployment ratio will decrease
I would like to build good relations with my
neighboring countries like india, Afghanistan so that
we focus more on developing instead of investing
on defence.
I would work on rules and regulations and made
people to follow them strickly and this would level
up our state.

Our important Valor is agriculture , we need to co
operate with our farmers by providing them
facilities and better production of agriculture would
leads to increase in economy of Pakistan.
Success and excuses do not talk together if you
make excuses forget about progress, if you want
success remove excuse word from your dictionary.
We people just do procrastination, make excuses
blame each other to eradicate from oneself
responsibilities its our country we are one who can
bring change by supporting his/her own role we are
pillors of this land .
Now its totally up to you , YOU ppl would decide
whether you want someone with words or one
action and plans . that will actually work for better
change in your country.


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