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1.What he said had nothing to do with the subject we were discussing.



2. Don’t sell your house until you have considered it carefully. (TWICE)


3. We suddenly decided to go far away for the weekend (SPUR)


4.He indicated very clearly that he would do anything to obtain the contract


5.People say that there’s hardly any difference between love and hatred (LINE)


6.The two boys are identical twins and they look exactly the same (TELL)


7. She is determined to become a doctor (HEART)


8. I hope the weather gets better for our trip to the mountains this weekeend


9.I’m not sure which year saw the abolition of capital punishment in this country


10. At first, everybody believed his story but now they think he was lying (UP)


11.It has been difficult for the children to accept their parent’s separation

12. The villagers prepared themselves to withstand the coming storm


13. I didn’t tell Angie because I didn’t want to hurt Eddie’s feelings


14.I’m sure Nancy is still presuming that the party starts at nine


15. Sean, do you know yet what you’re doing this evening (MIND)


16.I told Jeanne, thinking that she’d be supportive – how wrong I was


17. You only have a short time to do this work, so don’t waste time


18. I often think that Sean is actually his twin brother, Michael (MIX)


19. I am not a solitary person, I’m sociable (RATHER)


20.I object strongly to what he said and I’ll let him know (EXCEPTION)


21. I didn’t work long hours because I was aware of health risks (BETTER)


22.It’s only to look at. You can’t use it, sir (SHOW)


23.He’s always happy to help you out (SHOWS)


24. Becoming the center of attraction was all what he wanted (STAGE)


25. Don’t forget that whatever happens, we mustn’t give up, Robin (SHOW)


26.You would be benefit from taking out holidat insurance (BEST)


27. Twelve people lost their jobs in the company’s reorganisation.



28. That city ‘s worth visiting – it’s got just about everything. (GOING)


29. . He speaks the English language well. (COMMAND)


30. . I think we’re going back to where we started, Robert. (ROUND)


31. His accident ruined any hopes of an international career. (PAID)


32. I think at least the minister should attend the meeting for a short time. (AN)


33. I tried to make her feel comfortable but in vain. (EASE)


34. According to Joe, her English will improve if she subscribes to that
magazine. (SUBSCRIPTION)


35. . I don’t know the first thing about aeronautics. (IGNORANT)


36. The prisoners have still not been captured. (LARGE)


37. We did nothing yesterday so we must do extra today. (MAKE)


38. Clap your hands and that dog will run away. (TURN)


39. He came very close to having a fatal accident. (INCH)


40. He was so angry his face changed color. (BLUE)


41. Could you tell me where you were last night, Mr Johnson?
=> Could you give me an account of your whearabouts last night

42. The journalist pretended that she was a parent of one of the
children. False
43. You have to use logic and lateral thinking in equal measure
in this job. strike
44. I’m glad you now see sense and agree that your parents are
right. Senses
45. Don’t you think we should decorate the living room
soon? Up
46. Why should I offer you advice if you won’t listen?
47. Would you like to do what the form teacher does?
48. It’s time we began to sort through these cupboards.
49. Scry, Alan, but right now I’m rather busy. In
50. They painted the wall very well. made
51. That medicine was very effective and I started to feel better immediately.

52. The day started really well when we heard that Bob had been given his own TV
series. flying
53. No one nowadays believes in witches, do they? age
54. Ralph would hand in his resignation immediately if he could find a better job. Hat
55. Try to stay level with the other runners at the start of the race. fall
56. The police have put a barrier around the building to keep people out. cordoned
=> The building has been cordoned off by the police
57. The managing director always likes to welcome new employees on their first day.
58. . I just need to finish this work and then I'll call you. Way
59. I assume you ve checked your facts carefully, read
60. Terry and I started arguing about the situation in the Middle East. into
61. He hasn’t announced anything, but my take on the situation is that the Prime Minister’s going to
resign soon. Lines
62. Tom and Barbara aren't talking to each other at the moment. terms
63. I’m sure she discussed this with Bob first. word
64. I'm sure Jasmin didn’t misunderstand, Carol.. stick
65. It’s not necessary for you to promise - I know I can trust you. word
66. The doctor’s advice was to just wait and see what happened and the baby would be fine.
67. . I made a slight mistake at the beginning, so my whole answer to the maths problem was wrong.

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