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Shwe Rural and Urban Development Bank Ltd

CCS Transaction Input - Outward

Branch code: 848 Transaction date: 29/03/2023 09:31
Branch name: Transaction time: 09:31
Teller: SYSTEM Transaction ref: 43167466
Approver: Transaction code: CCT010

Reference No. 43167466

Applicant Beneficiary

Branch Name SRUD - AGDB - -

Name LIN LIM HOO jjjgtg

ID Type Account Account

ID No. / Account No. 118486622192 000101020002567

Contact No. & Address +95-8-9876543123 - YANGON +95-7-9876543212 - YANGON

Source of Funds II33Fund transfer between online FisSTP


Amount: 2.006,00
Commission: 0,00
Charges: 0,00
Total amount: 2.006,00
Total amount In Two thousand six kyat
........................................................ .......................................................
Authorized Signatures

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