My Annual Targets: Summarize Your Annual Targets and Write Down Your Action Plans To Achieve Your Targets

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(Title: My annual target)


My Annual Targets
Summarize your annual targets and write down your action plans to achieve your targets
My annual targets and action plans in the coming school year:
i) What I want to do with my academic performance is
_____get   improvement   in
What I can do to achieve the above target are
(a) ___read Chinese book once a
(b) when I have question, ask teacher
(c) _________________________________________________________________
ii) What I want to do with my extracurricular activities
_get gold metal in1500m
What I can do to achieve the above target are
(a) train once a week
(b)do 30 minutes of sports everyday
(c) _________________________________________________________________
(Examples to follow…)
i) What I want to do with my academic performance is to improve my Chinese Language results.
What I can do to achieve the above target are (a) to prepare my lessons every day, (b) to look up the
dictionary more often and (c)to read one Chinese book every week.
ii) What I want to do with my extracurricular activities is to learn and practice love
What I can do to achieve the above target are (a) to be an active committee member in the Red Cross, (b)to help
the injured and(c) to learn first-aid skills.

Your targets may address to the development in any of the four virtues of the school motto or
your personal development. (e.g. Integrity and responsibility)
訂定之目標可對應校訓所強調之四項生命價值中之一項,或針對個人成長的 發展 (例
如: 正直、有責任感)。

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