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Diomara Mañas Cardenas

24 DE MARZO DE 2023
Diomara Mañas Cardenas Faculty of Construction


10. ROOF

Diomara Mañas Cardenas Faculty of Construction

• Clearing and cleaning of the land, with mechanical means. This includes the work
necessary to remove from the areas planned for the building: small plants, weeds,
brushwood, fallen timber, rubble, rubbish or any other existing material, to a
depth of no less than the thickness of the topsoil layer, considering a minimum of
25 cm; and loading onto a lorry.

(13 + 2) x (15,90 + 2) 268,50 m²

Total: 268,50 m²
• Cleaning of the land

(13 + 2) x (15,90 + 2) 268,50 m²

Total: 268,50 m²
• Remove of the topsoil

13 x 15,90 x 0,3 62,01 m³

Total: 62,01 m³

• Foundation drawing
• Excavation of trenches for foundations at -1'40 m level, in any type of ground,
with mechanical means, and truck loading.

5,20 x 0,50 x 0,80 2,08 m³
13,00 x 0,50 x 0,80 5,20 m³
4,50 x 0,5 x 0,80 1,80 m³
5,70 x 0,5 x 0,80 2,28 m³
4,20 x 0,5 x 0,80 1,68 m³
13,00 x 0,50 x 0,80 5,20 m³
2,65 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,06 m³
5,80 x 0,50 x 0,80 2,32 m³
3,85 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,54 m³
2,65 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,06 m³
1,80 x 0,50 x 0,80 0,72 m³
4,10 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,64 m³
5,56 x 0,50 x 0,80 2,22 m³
1,80 x 0,50 x 0,80 0,72 m³
4,10 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,64 m³
1,25 x 0,50 x 0,80 0,50 m³
3,85 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,54 m³
5,80 x 0,50 x 0,80 2,32 m³
3,85 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,54 m³
Total: 37,06 m³
80% Mecánico: 29,65 m³
20% Manual: 7,41 m³

Diomara Mañas Cardenas Faculty of Construction

• Filling of enveloping and main backfill of trenches for installations, with HM-
15/B/20/XC1 mass concrete manufactured in the plant and poured from trucks.
5,20 x 0,50 x 0,80 2,08 m³
13,00 x 0,50 x 0,80 5,20 m³
4,50 x 0,5 x 0,80 1,80 m³
5,70 x 0,5 x 0,80 2,28 m³
4,20 x 0,5 x 0,80 1,68 m³
13,00 x 0,50 x 0,80 5,20 m³
2,65 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,06 m³
5,80 x 0,50 x 0,80 2,32 m³
3,85 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,54 m³
2,65 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,06 m³
1,80 x 0,50 x 0,80 0,72 m³
4,10 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,64 m³
5,56 x 0,50 x 0,80 2,22 m³
1,80 x 0,50 x 0,80 0,72 m³
4,10 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,64 m³
1,25 x 0,50 x 0,80 0,50 m³
3,85 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,54 m³
5,80 x 0,50 x 0,80 2,32 m³
3,85 x 0,50 x 0,80 1,54 m³
Total: 37,06 m³

• Elevated concrete formwork made of reusable panels with short and undercut resinous
5,10 x 0,60 3,06 m²
15,80 x 0,60 9,48 m²
3,00 x 0,60 1,80 m²
0,25 x 0,60 x 2 0,30 m²
1,90 x 0,60 x 4 4,56 m²
4,25 x 0,60 2,55 m²
5,05 x 0,60 3,03 m²
10,90 x 0,60 6,54 m²
7,70 x 0,60 4,62 m²
1) 4,50 x 0,45 x 2 + 3,10 x 0,45 x 2 6,84 m²
2) 4,50 x 0,45 + 6,00 x 0,45 + 5,00 x 0,45 +
+ 1,45 x 0,45 + 0,50 x 0,45 + 4,55 x 0,45 9,90 m²
3) 3,80 x 0,45 x 2 + 4,30 x 0,45 x 2 7,29 m²
4) 6,00 x 0,45 x 2 + 3,50 x 0,45 x 2 8,55 m²
5) 5,00 x 0,45 x 2 + 4,05 x 0,45 x 2 8,15 m²
6) 5,75 x 0,45 x 2 + 3,30 x 0,45 x 2 8,15 m²
7) 4,05 x 0,45 x 2 + 3,50 x 0,45 x 2 6,80 m²
Total: 91,62 m²
• Reinforced concrete foundation footing, made with HA-25/F/20/XC1 concrete
manufactured in the plant, and poured from a truck, and UNE-EN 10080 B 500 S steel, with
an approximate amount of 50 kg/m³. Including pillar waiting reinforcement, tying wire and

Diomara Mañas Cardenas Faculty of Construction

spacers. The price includes the manufacture of the rebar (cutting, bending and shaping of
elements) in an industrial workshop and assembly at the final location of its placement on
site, but does not include the formwork.
5,00 x 0,60 x 0,25 0,75 m³
4,50 x 0,60 x 3 x 0,25 2,03 m³
7,80 x 0,60 x 0,25 1,17 m³
3,80 x 0,60 x 2 x 0,25 1,14 m³
3,50 x 0,60 x 4 x 0,25 2,10 m³
0,50 x 0,60 x 0,25 0,08 m³
3,30 x 0,60 x 2 x 0,25 0,99 m³
5,00 x 0,60 x 3 x 0,25 2,25 m³
3,00 x 0,60 x 0,25 0,45 m³
4,25 x 0,60 x 0,25 0,64 m³
5,05 x 0,60 x 0,25 0,76 m³
0,25 x 0,60 x 2 x 0,25 0,08 m³

15,90 x 0,60 x 0,25 2,39 m³
3,10 x 0,60 x 0,25 0,47 m³
2,85 x 0,60 x 2 x 0,25 0,84 m³
6,00 x 0,60 x 3 x 0,25 2,70 m³
4,30 x 0,60 x 2 x 0,25 1,29 m³
4,55 x 0,60 x 0,25 0,68 m³
1,45 x 0,60 x 0,25 0,22 m³
4,05 x 0,60 x 2 x 0,25 1,22 m³
5,75 x 0,60 x 2 x 0,25 1,73 m³
4,05 x 0,60 x 2 x 0,25 1,22 m³
1,90 x 0,60 x 2 x 0,25 0,57 m³
11,00 x 0,60 x 0,25 1,65 m³
Total: 27,42 m³
• UNE-EN 10080 B 500 S steel for making the rebar (cutting, bending, and shaping of
elements) in industrial workshop and assembly on foundation footing. Including tying
wire and spacers.
Total: 766 Kg


• Pavement base by open-cast backfill, with soil from with soil from the excavation and
compacted to 98% of the compaction to 98% of the Modified Proctor by means of manual
equipment with vibrating tray.

1) 4,50 x 3,10 13,95

2) 6,00 x 4,50 + 0,50 x 1,45 27,73
3) 3,80 x 4,30 16,34
4) 6,00 x 3,50 21,00
5) 5,00 x 4,05 20,25
6) 5,75 x 3,30 18,98
7) 3,50 x 4,05 14,18

Diomara Mañas Cardenas Faculty of Construction

Total: 112,18 x 0,21 = 23,56 m³

• Balast anticapillary strat

112,18 x 0,1
Total: 11,22 m³

• PVC Layer
112,18 x 0,02
Total: 2,24 m³
• Screed insulation protection
112,18 x 0,03
Total: 3,37 m³

• Extruded polystyrene insulation

112,18 x 0,07
Total: 7,85 m³
• PVC Layer
112,18 x 0,02
Total: 2,24 m³
• Concrete slab
112,18 x 0,1
Total: 11,22 m³
• Self-levelling screed
112,18 x 0,03
Total: 3,37 m³

• Parquet flooring
112,18 x 0,02
Total: 2,24 m³


• Reinforced concrete structure, made with HA-25/B/20/IIa concrete manufactured in the

plant, and poured with a bucket, total volume of concrete 0.173 m³/m², and UNE-EN
10080 B 500 S steel with a total amount of 14 kg/m², on a continuous formwork system,
consisting of: one-way, horizontal slab, edge 30 = 25+5 cm; prestressed half-joist; concrete
vault, 60x20x25 cm; electro-welded mesh ME 20x20 Ø 5-5 B 500 T 6x2.20 UNE-EN 10080,
in compression layer; flat beams; columns with free height up to 3 m.
(5,00 + 7,80 + 3,10 + 10,80 + 12,80 + 13,90) x 0,25 13,35
Total: 13,35 m²

Diomara Mañas Cardenas Faculty of Construction

• Reinforced concrete foundation slab, made with HA-25/F/20/XC1 concrete manufactured

in the plant, and poured with pump, and UNE-EN 10080 B 500 S steel, with an approximate
amount of 85 kg/m³; smooth surface finish by means of vibrating screed. Including
reinforcements for the formation of lift shafts, reinforcements, folds, joints, starts and
waits in walls, stairs and ramps, changes in level, binding wire and separators. The price
includes the elaboration and assembly of the rebar at the final place of its placement on
site, but does not include the formwork.
112,18 x 0,30
Total: 33,65 m³
• UNE-EN 10080 B 500 S steel for making the rebar (cutting, bending, and shaping of elements) in
industrial workshop and assembly on foundation footing. Including tying wire and spacers.

Total: 1718 Kg


• Formwork for reinforced concrete in columns. From reusable panels, with the roofing
made of short and undercut, excluding supports in columns.
1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 4 x 2,65 x 0,25 x 14 37,1 m²
Total: 37,65 m²
• Reinforced concrete rectangular or square section pillar, 25x25 cm average section,
made with HA-25/F/20/XC1 concrete manufactured in the plant, and poured with a
bucket, and UNE-EN 10080 B 500 S steel, with an approximate amount of 120 kg/m³;
assembly and disassembly of formwork system, with industrial type finish for cladding, in
a floor up to 3 m free height, consisting of: formwork surface of metal sheets,
amortisable in 50 uses and vertical support structure of metal props, amortisable in 150
uses. Including awnings, tying wire, spacers and release agent to prevent the concrete
from adhering to the formwork. The price includes the elaboration of the rebar (cutting,
bending and shaping of elements) in an industrial workshop and the assembly in the
definitive place of its placement on site.
1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 0,25 x 2,65 x 0,25 x 14 2,32 m³
Total: 2,35 m³
• UNE-EN 10080 B 500 S steel for making the rebar (cutting, bending, and shaping of
elements) in industrial workshop and assembly on foundation footing. Including tying
wire and spacers.
Total: 205 Kg


• Formwork for reinforced concrete in columns. From reusable panels, with the roofing
made of short and undercut, excluding supports in columns.

Diomara Mañas Cardenas Faculty of Construction

0,45 x 2,90 1,31
0,45 x 6,05 x 3 8,17
0,45 x 4,10 x 4 7,38
0,45 x 5,05 x 2 4,55
0,45 x 3,35 x 3 4,52
0,45 x 3,55 x 3 4,79
0,45 x 0,50 0,23
0,45 x 4,30 1,94
0,25 x 13,90 3,48
0,25 x 12,80 3,20
0,25 x 10,80 2,70
0,25 x 7,80 1,95
0,25 x 5,00 1,25
0,25 x 3,10 0,78
0,25 x 4,50 x 3 3,38
0,25 x 5,00 x 3 3,75
0,25 x 3,30 x 4 3,30
0,25 x 0,50 0,13
0,25 x 4,55 1,14
0,25 x 3,50 x 4 3,50
0,25 x 4,30 x 2 2,15
0,25 x 6,00 1,50
Total: 65,10 m²
• Reinforced concrete rectangular or square section pillar, 25x25 cm average section,
made with HA-25/F/20/XC1 concrete manufactured in the plant, and poured with a
bucket, and UNE-EN 10080 B 500 S steel, with an approximate amount of 120 kg/m³;
assembly and disassembly of formwork system, with industrial type finish for cladding, in
a floor up to 3 m free height, consisting of: formwork surface of metal sheets,
amortisable in 50 uses and vertical support structure of metal props, amortisable in 150
uses. Including awnings, tying wire, spacers and release agent to prevent the concrete
from adhering to the formwork. The price includes the elaboration of the rebar (cutting,
bending and shaping of elements) in an industrial workshop and the assembly in the
definitive place of its placement on site.

0,25 x 0,25 x 2,90 0,18

0,25 x 0,25 x 6,05 x 3 1,13
0,25 x 0,25 x 4,10 x 4 0,77
0,25 x 0,25 x 5,05 x 2 0,63
0,25 x 0,25 x 3,35 x 3 0,63
0,25 x 0,25 x 3,55 x 3 0,67
0,25 x 0,25 x 0,50 0,03
0,25 x 0,25 x 4,30 0,27
Total: 4,31 m²
• UNE-EN 10080 B 500 S steel for making the rebar (cutting, bending, and shaping of
elements) in industrial workshop and assembly on foundation footing. Including tying
wire and spacers.
Total: 392 Kg

Diomara Mañas Cardenas Faculty of Construction


• Formwork for reinforced concrete in columns. From reusable panels, with the roofing
made of short and undercut, excluding supports in columns.
4,50 x 3,10 13,95
6,00 x 4,50 + 0,50 x 1,45 27,73
3,80 x 4,30 16,34
6,00 x 3,50 21,00
5,00 x 4,05 20,25
5,75 x 3,30 18,98
3,50 x 4,05 14,18
Total: 112,18 m²
• Reinforced concrete foundation slab, made with HA-25/F/20/XC1 concrete
manufactured in the plant, and poured with pump, and UNE-EN 10080 B 500 S steel,
with an approximate amount of 85 kg/m³; smooth surface finish by means of vibrating
screed. Including reinforcements for the formation of lift shafts, reinforcements, folds,
joints, starts and waits in walls, stairs and ramps, changes in level, binding wire and
separators. The price includes the elaboration and assembly of the rebar at the final
place of its placement on site, but does not include the formwork.
4,50 x 3,10 13,95
6,00 x 4,50 + 0,50 x 1,45 27,73
3,80 x 4,30 16,34
6,00 x 3,50 21,00
5,00 x 4,05 20,25
5,75 x 3,30 18,98
3,50 x 4,05 14,18
Total: 112,18 x 0,30 = 33,65 m³
• UNE-EN 10080 B 500 S steel for making the rebar (cutting, bending, and shaping of elements) in
industrial workshop and assembly on foundation footing. Including tying wire and spacers.

Total: 1718 Kg


• Façade wall, 35 cm thick masonry, of tongue and groove ceramic block for cladding,
35x30x35 cm, with vertical openings that allow the passage of installations without
chases, with horizontal and vertical joints 10 mm thick, recessed joint, received with
industrial cement mortar, grey, M-5, supplied in bulk; cladding of the forging fronts
with ceramic pieces with vertical openings, laid with high adherence mortar, formation
of lintels with reinforced concrete.

Diomara Mañas Cardenas Faculty of Construction

Total: 44,85 m
• Façade wall, 25 cm thick masonry, of tongue and groove ceramic block for cladding,
25x30x25 cm, with vertical openings that allow the passage of installations without
chases, with horizontal and vertical joints 10 mm thick, recessed joint, received with
industrial cement mortar, grey, M-5, supplied in bulk; cladding of the forging fronts
with ceramic pieces with vertical openings, laid with high adherence mortar, formation
of lintels with reinforced concrete.
Total: 24,10 m
• Interior partition leaf, 13 cm thick, made of large-format triple hollow ceramic
brickwork, 70.5x30x13 cm, with 10 mm thick joints, with a water-based mixture of
prepared glue and up to 25% B1 quality gypsum.
Total: 14,50 m

10. ROOF

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