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Biomolecules, Polymers and

Chemistry in Everyday Life

INTRODUCTION:The hydrates of carbon was originally defined as carbohydrates, with general
formula ofCH,O)y. But this defination has found several limitations today.
) Carbon do not forms hydrates
(i) There are number of organic molecules having C(H,O}y formula but are
not carbohydrates.
e.g.(a) Fomaldehyde (HCHO) : CH0
(b) Acetic acid CH,COOH:CH,0, et.
(ii) A number of carbohydrates do not have CH,0) formula.
e.g. i) Rhamnose CH,0,
i ) Deoxyribose C,H1o0,; but are carbohydrates.

MODERN DEFINITION Polyhydroxy aldehyde or Ketone or substances which gives these

on hydrolysis is called carbohydrates. They have at least one chiral
carbon in general


TYPE:1 Carbohydrates

(1) Monosaccharides (2) Oligosaccharides (3) Polysaccharides

Simplest carbohydrates oligo =few Carbohydrates which on
which can't be hydrolysed | Carbohydrates which on | hydrolysis gives 10 to
into simpler molecules hydrolysis gives 2 to 10 onwards number of.
Gen. formula = (CH;O)n molecules of e.g (CsH100,}n
n=3 to 7.. monosaccharides n= 10 to onwards


(i) Sugar (ii) Non-Sugar

All the Mono and Oligosaccharides Polysaccharides are tasteless and are called
have sw eet taste and these are non-sugar.
collectively called sugars. They are amorphous in nature.
LThey are crystalline in nature.

() Reducing (ii) Non-Reducing

All those carbohydrates which has The carbohydrates which can not reduce
aldehydic or ketonic group in their Tollen's reagent or Fehling solutions are
hemiacetal and hemiketal structures have called as Non-reducing
the ability to reduce Tollen's Reagent or All Polysaccharides are non reducing
Fehling solution. They are called eg. Starch, Cellulose, dextrins, Glycogens
Reducing sugar. ctc.
All Monosaccharides whether aldose or
ketose are reducing sugars.

Simplest Triose The simplest monosaccharides are triose.

Aldotriose Aldoketose
Glyceraldehyde DihydroxXy acetone
Glucose They are also called as Grape sugar or Dextrose or doctor
sugars. It is present in sweet fruits.

Molecular formula- CH,,0,

It is aldohexose sugar

Preparation of Glucose: 0) From Sucrose (Cane - Sugar): By acidic hydrolysis.

CpH201 HOCcH1206+C6H206
Glu cose Fructose
(i) From Starch: Commercial method.

(C6H1005). nH30 >n CsH

(C6H1o05)393KBol Glu cose
Starch Glu cose
Chemical Reaction of
Glucose (CHOH), -2 alcohol
1 alcohol
nEveryoay Lire
1. Reaction with Acetie
6. Reaction with Phenyl hydrazine :

anhydride: Acetylation
Glucose Penta acetate
2. Reaction with CH,OH CHOH CHOH
HONH, 3 C, H-N-H Glucose cyanohydrin

Glucose imonox1me
3. Reaction witlh HCN
Glucose cyanohydrin (CHOH)
4. Oxidation GIucose dihydrazone(Osazone)
AÇHOH), 7. Action of Alkali : Lobry de Bruyn-van kenstein reaction
CHOH Gluconic acid
D-Glucose D-Mannose D-Fructose

On adding concentrated solution of NaOH this occurs.

I t is probably on account of this isomerisation, that fructose reduces
Fehling's solution and Tollen's Reagent in alkaline medium.
(CHOH), Tollen's or AgO
Teagcnt (HOH)
| 1. Open-chain strs CHO CHO
saccharic acid/ Glycaric acid H- OH OH-

5. Reduction:
CH2OH D-Glucosec L-Glucose

rcd CH3-(CH2) - CH3

(CIIOH)4 red Phosphorus Limitation of open-
) Glucose doesn't undergo some characteristic reaction ofaldehydes such as
HI chain strs: (a) Glucose does not react with NaHSO, (sodium bisulphate)
CHO (b) Glucose does not respond to schiff"s test, but not all

i) Glucosedoesn'treacts with GR
Biomolecules, Polymers & Chemistry in Everyday Life

Oyelic strntures of Glucose :a - D and - DGlucose : (Hemiacetal structres)

a-D-Ghucose OH group is towands right while in B-D-Glucose the OH group is towards left at C
(2) Pyran
OH H- H- O - D Glucose
B-D Glucoe

CH,OH CH.OH These are carbohydrates which grves 2 to 9
molecuies of monosaccharides
to 7has been frequentaly
text (particularly in Biology)n-2
CH.OH G-D Glucose B-D-Glucose In some standard
Anomers: "The stereo Isomers which differs in configuration at "C" is called used.
The "C" is also called as anomeric carbon or Glycosidic carbon Example
(1) Disaccharides
Sucrose, Maltose, Lactose
Note:'a 'and - D' Glucose are not enantiomers, since the configuration
other (2) Trisaccharides Raffinose
carbon remains same
Mutarotation: (3)Tetrasaccharides Stachyrose
| When Glucose is crystallized froma concentrated solution at 300 K, a form
of D-Glucose is isolated But, from a hot saturated solution (aqucous) at a
different monosaccharides
temperature in excess of 100°C, the B-Glucose is obtained Disaccharides: Gives two molecules of sarme or

Term General formula Fomula C2 H O

Mpt 146°C 150C
+111 19 2 Examples and
Sp. rotation

its monomers: (1) Sucrose Invertase Glucose + Fructose

Ifcither of the two forms dissolved water and allowed to stand, the
is in
specific rotation of the solution slowly changes and reaches a constant value H30
of +52 5° (2) Maltose H30 Glucose+ Glucose
"The spontaneous change in specific rotation of an optically active compound
is called muta rotation" Lactose Glucose + Galactose
be reducing or non reducing if carbonryl group is
glu cose Mixture
The disacçharides
free, sugar is reducing

Sucrose or cane sugar

Haworth structures of
CgHI206+ C6H1206
The molecules of glucose and fructose can exist in any of the two cyclic orTable Sugar: Sucrose D-Glucose D-Fructose
structures Specific rotation 66.5 +52.5-92 4
(a) Pyranose structure (b) Furanose structure Since the laevorotation offructose is more than the dextro rotation of ghuco
Six membered ring S Membered Ring the resulting solution will be laevo rotatory. This overall process is called

Derived from pVTun Derived from furan inversion of sugar.

Biomolecules,Polymers &Chemistry in Everyday Life Finishing Edge/Engg/5ynog

ccll wall. In general, wood

HawoRTH STRUCTURE OF SUCROSE Cellulose () It is the major
constituent material of plant
cotton contains 90-95% cellulose
contains 50% cellulose and
solid which can be decomposed by heating
CH,OH CH,O (i) It is a colourless, amorphous units are joined through
and its individiual monomeric
(ii) It is almost lincar
(a) multiple H-bond.
Tollen's reagent and does not
reduce Fehling solution,
HOOH HO (iv) Cellulose does
forms oszone.

HO HO stomach of ruminant
ofcellulotic bacteria is present in the
Glucose (v) Large population of cellulose in stomach
mammals. These bacteria causes decomposition
cellulose is digested as glucose in ruminant mammals.

(vi) Human does not have any system to digest cellulose.

chain polymer ofD-
CH,OH CHOH (vii)Strueture straight
of Cellulose: Cellulose is bond a

Glucosidic bw C, of one glucose and

glucose which are joined by B-
CH,OH C, of other glucose.
vital chemical substance essential for the growth
and maintenance
OHO OH PROTEINS: Proteins are
are condensation polymers in
oflifc. Chemically protcins
which the monomeric
unit is a proteins contain the clements like carbon, hydrogen,
amino acids. All
Fructose Sucrose oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur in major.
Determination ofring size by spectral methods has revealed that, in sucrose glucose is in its pyranose
fom and fnuctose it is furanose form Hydrolysis of proteins ProtcinyurolysisPeptides uroy a- Amim acids
a anino acids are the building block of proteins.
There is thus, a, B glyeosidic bond between glucose and fructose as monomers. a Amino acids
a anino NH;
group R COOH
Polysaccharides: Polysaccharides are formed when large number of monosaccharide joins
together with simultaneous elimination of water molecules H a Carbon
Somecommon polysaccharides are The total of 20 amino acids has been isolated by hydrolysis of various proteins.
(i) Cellulose (ii) Starch (iii) Glycogen (iv) Dextrin

Starch: ) It is also called as Amylum. Classification of a Amino acids

General formula (CH,,0,),
where, ne 100 to 300 Amino acids
It is the chief food storage material in plants.
(i) Starch is white amorphous powder which is sparingly soluble in water

(i)Hvdrolysisof starch
(CoHi00s), DiastaseeC12H22011
Starch Maltose Essential Non-essential
Maltose The amino acids which can't be The amino acids which can be
synthesised in human body is called synthesised in human body is cal led
(iv) Starch does not reduce Fehling solution or Tollen's reagent and does not
fom osazone This clearly suggests that all hemiacetal hydroxy group ofglucose
essential amino acids non-essential amino acids.
unit at C, is involved in glycosidic linkage. :They are 10 |:They are also 10.
(v) Starch is a mixture of two poly saccharides Amylose and Amylopectins
Natural starch has Amylose: 10 to 20%
Amylopectin: 80 to 90%
s& Chemistry in Everyday Life

D, L Nomenclature chital arvd has two stereo isomeric forms

All amino acids exccpt glycine
a- Amino acids o f Amino acids:
and HN -C- H
(a) Neutral (b) Alkaline (c) Acidic
Has one NH group and one Two NH2 group and one Has two COOH group and
All naturally occuring amino acidbelongs
to Lseries
COOH group gzoup of
COOH group one NH group forned by the condersation of amino
Peptide bond: Peptides are organic amides amino acid, by simultaneous
carboxyl1c acid of other
one a amino acid and
Zwitterion ion structure: elimination of water.
a amino acid largely exists as dipolar ion.

H-f- CH,
Zwitter ion

NH2 HO Alanine
Electrical behaviour
ofAmino acids (a) In acidic solution a amino acid exist as cations and thus
will migrat towards the cathode under clectrical ficld. foOH
NH2 9NH3 peptide

The cation will migrat towards cathode. bond

(b) In alkaline solution: a Amino acid exist as Gly Ala]

R- CH-C-OH +H Base
R-CH-C-0 Thus C-N- linkage is called the peptide
The anion will migrat towards +ve electrode i.e. Anode. Poly peptides:
If large number of a amino acids are joined together by peptide bonds, the polyamide is formed
Such polyamides are called polypeptides.
The pH at which amino acid has no net migration towards any of the electrode
Iso electrie point:
under influence of electric field is called isoelectric point. ******** *
N- OH+ H -C-OH

Each amino acid has a characteristice isoelectric point. HN-ÇH-

Amino acid Iso electric point(pH)
(1) Neutral (5.2 to 6.8)
(2) Acidic 3.2 to 5.1
(3) Alkaline 6.9 to 10.8
At isoelectric point amino acids have least solubility.

N Terminal C Termina
POLYMERS ) Thermonlastics |Has between clastomer and
intermediate force

POLYMERS Has no cross-links eg > Polyethylenc. Polystyrere whuch on beatmg

The small mlecules that combines with cach other This is relatively low molecular poBymers of smi-fluads
to form a macromolecule (4) Thermosetting:
Is called monumer, The macromolecule formed in a mould becormes infusible hard mass

Classification of
called polymer. link1ng
T h i s happen due to extensive cross

Polymers (a) Based Bakelite

on source
of availability Has thrce dimensional
of bonds eg >

) Natural Protcin. Nucleic acid, Celluose General Methods of

1. Addition 2 Condensation
2) Semi-synthetic Cellulose diacetate. cellulose nitrate Polymerisation: their derivatives
Polymers 1. Addition: The monomers are unsaturated alkene, alkadiene or

be classified into three types the bess of s

(3) Sy nthetuc Fibre, plastic, synthetuc nubber T h e addition polymers can

(b) Based on mode of polymerisation :

. Radical 2. Carbocation 3. Carbanion
(1) Homo-polymer (2) Addition or Condensation
The addition polymerisation is also called as chaingowth polymerisation,
Homopolymer and Addition Polymerisation:
because it takes place through stages leading to increase in cha:n-length
copolymer: Homopolymers one polymers having single type of monomers the each stage produces relatively reactive intermediate which is used
in nex

nCH, CH, 4CH,-CH,}. Polymers: The free-radical polymers take piare
(1) Free-RadicalAddition
Polythene through initiator. Initiator generates radical. cg
.While the polymers of two than
or more two types of monomers is called
co-polymers eg CH, CH, CH,
CH CH, - -O-0-C-CH, 2CH, -C-Oo
n CH1-cH 4u, -

nCl-Xucu, (Styrene)-tCL - CH-CitCH-H-

(3) Addition Polvmes; This
polymers is fommed by monomer molecules having double or triple bond. Initiator (In)_
cg. Polythene
(4) Condensation Polvmers :This polyiner is formed by condensation of monomer with simultaneous Vinvl Polymerisation: Obtained from CH, =CH
loss of snall molecules
like. H,0, NH,, alcohol etc. e g Nylon 66.
Its formation can be depicted by given mechanism
nN-CH,)-NHnHO- -(CH,),-co0H- N-(CH -N--CH,.-f1 1st Step: Chain initiator step
H,O Adpic acid
H Initiator In"
Nylon 66

(c) Classification of polymers on the basis of Molecular force: In+Ci-ci- >In-CH-çii

)Elastomers () Fibre (i) Themoplast (iv) Thermosetting 2nd Step: Chain Propagation :
(1) Elastomers Polymers are held by weakest fore.

These weakest
force causesstretching ofthe strected polymer to its nomal In-CtH-ci n¢HIn-CH-CH - CH-H vulcanized rubber. G G G G
(2) Fibre : Has high tens1le strength
H a s stronger intermolecular forces like H-bond 3rd Step: Termination: Infc-c cn-Cn-ih-infcn-cufcH- cn
Imparts erystalline nature, due to which it has sharp M.Pt. eg-> Fibre
es,Polymers& Chemistry in Everyday Life

Concept of chain Cationic Addition Polymers

transfer agents Some times some other compounds present may compete with the parent
addition chain reactions and it initiates its non chain growth to simultaneously =CH +11Xl-CH
stop the nommal polymerisation. Such reagents are called chain transfer agents (a) Chain reaction:
and it includes
CH,-CH=CH, , with normal initiatorwillform polystyrenebut due to the

presence of CCI, the different polymeric product is formed. (b)Chain Propagation: CH-CH-CècHCHCH-CH-CH
(c) Chain termination By Anions
Ist Step: CI-C+C1>CCI, +Clr

2ndStep: CH-Cu-n,>CH-H-H C-H-cH
Chain Inhibitors: If the chain transfer agent forms a radical which is highly unreactive, the
reaction chain gets terminated. Such compounds inhibit the polymerisation sOME COMMERCIALLY IMPORTANT
and they are -

(a) Phenol (b) Some amines ()Quinoline

If the chain transfer agent is, Banzoquinone, Name of Polymer Structure Monomer Uses
As insulator, anticorsoive,
Polythene (CH,-CH,) CH, =CH
- -- packing material, household
and laboratory wares

2. Polyvinylchloride PVC)
CH,-CHCH, CHCI In manufacture of raincoats,
Conjugated dienes (1) 1.2 diene (2) 1,4 diene
hand bags, vinyl flooring and
(1) 1,2 Polymerisation: leather clothes.
Polytetrafluoroethylene (CE,-CE), CF= CF As lubricant, insulator and
CHCCl -CH, making PTFE or Teflon
nu-CH - CHR-¢-CH-R- -
CH CH,). cooking wares.

(2) 1,4 Polymers Neoprene (CH,-C=CH-CH,)| CH,=C-CH =CH:As insulator, makingconveyor

- CH -


CH-ÉeuYch>R H-n -

bels and printing rollers.


trans CHTn
mers & Chemistry in Everyday Life
microbes, eg suiphurrlamude
CHEMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFE 3. Sulpha drugs: Acts aganst disease causing
DRUGS: Chemicai enmpounds used for the treatment of diseases are called drugs or aids and ts secretion to mamtnn péf
medicincs 9. Antacids Chemicals which remnove excess bydreude
used to cure acd gastritrs, g . a g r e s u m
n stomach Antacids are
Type of drugs: 1. Antipyretics: Chemical substaces used to magnesium carbonate, magnesrun risiltcate,
alurninium hyderaade guf.,
bring down body temperature phospfiate, omeprazole, lansoprzzule
incase of high fever cg Paracetamol, Asp1rin bicarbonate, aluminium
2. Analgesics :Drugs used for relieving pain Some analgesics have antipyreic
properties too cg Aspirn, Ibuprofern, analgin The structure of asp1rin is
A dye coloured substance that can be applied in solution
is a
dispes sioe to
Dyes it a coloured appearance The
substrate mary be fibre. paper.
OCOCH, substrate. giving
Earliest known dyes-inngo (a
Aspinn (2-Acctoxy leather, har, fur. plastic, wax, and foodstuff
benzoic ac1d) blue dye) and alirarin (a red dye)
3. Tranquilizers : Drugs used for treatment of
stress, mild and severe mental
diseases by iducing a sense of well
also called psychotherapeutic drugs Clasification of Dyes based on Constitution
Hypnotic trunquilizers: sleep producing transquilizers are barbiturates Name of the Dye
4. Antisepties and Disinfectants
Class of the Dye Functional group present
Aniline yellow Orange-
ArO -N=N
Antiseptics: Chemicals which kill or prevent the growth of micro organisms Methyl orange Congo red
and are harmless to human living tinsue e
g Dettol (Mixture of chloroxylenol Nitro -

NO: Martius yellow

and terpeneol)
5. Anti fertility drugs:Steroids are active Phenolphthalein
ingredients of the oral contraceptive
pill functionug as anti fertility agent Oral contraceptive pill controls the female
menstrual cvele and ovulation and prevents pregnancy
The birth conurol pill is a mixture of synthetic estrogen and progesterone
MifeprIMune is a synthetic steroid thal blocks the effects of progesterone
andis used "morning after
pill" in many countries Triphenyl methane
6. Antihistamines (Anti-allergic drugs) :
Drugs which combat the eflects of histam1ne, a chemical relcased by certa1n Magenta, Malachite green
cells of the bady during allergic reaction
They help curc allergies like skin rashes, conjunctiviuis (Inflammation of
conjuctiva of eyc), rhinitis (intlammatian of nasal mucosa), sneezing, nasal Indigoid
discharge. Iching of eyes, nose and throat Antuallergic drugs are
diphenylhydramine, chilorpheniramine, and promethazine
7. Antibiotics A substance (produced wholly or partly by chemical synthes1s), which in low
concentration 1nhibits the growth or destroyes microorgan1sms by untervening
in their metabulic cycle
Bactericidal Bacterisotatic Alzar1n
antibiotics antibiotics
| Peniciln Erythromycin
Aminoglvosides Tetracycline
Otloxacin Chloramphenicol 0o0+0000
6iomolecUes,Polymers & Cheemistry in Everyday Lite
y is t ruerned
for the stalty of cs -Pfnsre
Eampel 10 Which frrces are responsihle


as 36,, helix
Hydrogen bording
3 ,, hecause each ton of fhe helca has rney 3
Eampel is(-NH-CHR-CO-), . a homopolymer or a copolymer The a
-Helix is known as

of amino acids and 13 mermber ring is formed by ydroge toreling

Solntion: Homopolyner units a
he qurtites ef iur b e s
Eampel2 Cloud a copolymer he formed in both the addition and condensation and Exampel 11 When RNA is trytrolyred ttere rs n o reltiorechip amng of 2MAY
fact sndicate abot the strcture
polymerization or not"Expla1n with cxampless obtained unl1ke DNA What doe this
Solution: Yes A copolymer can be formed in both the addition and condensation This observation indcate that RNA IS a sungle stardard eliz
polymenzations Example Polyster and Nylon
Exampel 12 Genetic code is degcnerate Comment
caled codom
Exampel 3 Write structure of a reagcnt uscd for initating a free radical chain reaction 20 amino ac ids and (-1(=4') three letter code words
Solution: There are can code for the same
amino cid, i netic
How does it Thus, more than o r e codon
Solution: code is degenerate
-butyiperoxide (1nitiator)
CH CH, Eumpel 13 Hormones are chemically mevicngers Explain
in the boby
Hormoncs are produced by v a r m u s endocrine (ductless) glands

Solution: prodaced r e selcased

CH,-C-0-0-C-CH, The hormornCS
response to the outside influences the target orgn, homeres cuert
CH, CH, directly into the blood stream On reaching act1vities Thad iswry there
physiologcal eflcct and contrnl
Eampel4 Why should one always use purest monomer in free radical poBymenzation called chemical messengers
Solution: Any impurity in the monomer may act as a chain transfer agrnt/ imhibitor inhabtor Empel 14
How do many anabolic reactions proceed with an irncrease in the tree enTE
termination of the growing polymer chan and no new chain is instiated
causes (G0) e
possible by mechanism called coupfing In this,
That iswrythe purestmonomcrshould beuwedinfrec radical polymerization Solution: Such reaction become a

larze nezatrve
Exampel 5 reaction with aG > 0 couptcd with a reaction having very
Why cationic polymerization preferred in the case of vimytc monomers

containing clectron donat1ng groups" AG valuc, so


that the overall change in free energy is negative

Solution: The presence of an electron donating group stabil1zes the propagating How do a -glucose and p-glucose differ from each other?
cat ionic Eampel1S
speciesformed hy the additionofthe cation1cinituatortothe v1ylac monomer Solution: The a -glucosc and -glucose differ ornly in the orientation of the hydroxyt
the rig
Exampel6 Why are the numbers 66 and 6 put in the name nylon-66 and nylong-6 (-OH) group at tho carbon 1 In a -glucose, -OH gToup is on
Solution: In Nylon-66, the number 66 refer to the number of carhan atoms in cach of the t u whereas in p-glucose, it is on the lett of carbon-I of the moiecule
monomers, c .hexamethylenediamine and adipc acid both contain 6 caton cach Exampel 16 How do anomers diffore trom epmers?
In Nylon-6, the number 6 refer to the number ofcarbon atoms in the monomer Solution: The carbohydrates which d1fler in the configuration at the glycosidic carben
caprolactam (C-I in aldoses und C-2 in ketoses) are called anomers.
Exampel 7 The carbohydrates which difler in the configuration at any asyineuic earbon
Arrange the following n the order of ncreas1ng intermolecular forces
Synthetic fibres, Thermoplastuc, Elastomers otherthan he glyeosidic carbon arecalled epimers.
Solution: Elaststomers Themoplastics Synthetiefibres Exmmpel 17
Which group in phospholipids hydrophilic? is

Exampel8 Amylose and cellulose bothstraightchain polysaccharides containing only

are Solution: Phosphate group.
D-glucose units. What s the structural dif+erence between the two? Exampel 18 Pick out the odd one from anongst the following on the basis oftheir mecici
Solution: propertics mentioning te reason penicill in, steptmycin, asprin, chloroumpheneoi
In amylose, the glucose un1ts
are l1nked by glycosidic linkage involving
a -

C-I of one glucose and C4 ofthe adjacent glucose unit Asprin, becausc, aspirin is an analgesics whereas al others are anitbiotics
In cellulose, the glucose un1ts are l1nked by p-glycos1d1c l1nkages between Exampel 19 Write the structural formula ot aspirin.
C-1of one glucoseuntand C4 ofits neighbouring glucose unit OCOCH,
Exampel19 What type of linkages are responsib for the fornation of Solution:
(0) Primary structures of proteins (i) Cross link1ng of polypeptide cha1ns COOH
(2-acetoxybenzoic acid)
(1ii) a -Helix fornation (Iv) p-Sheet structure Eampel 20 What type of propellant has been used in PSLV rocket?
Solution: ) Amide linkage (-CO-NH-) Solution: Thepropellant that was used in PSLV rocket is solid propeillant n l und Ill sags
() Hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases
(n) Hydrogen bonds between CO and the -NH group of the thurd amino acids and the lI and IV stages will liquid and
unsymmetrical dimthylhydrazine awxd
propellants, consisting of NO, nd

N,O, monomethyihydrazine respectvey

(iv) Hydrogen bonds between-CO and the-NH group ofthe adjacent polypeptade
yoay Life FinisningEOGS

Wry Is it named
stabilty of a -Heim

Exampel 1
SOLVED EXAMPLES Exampel 0 Which forces are
as 3.61, helix
Hydrogen bonding
responsible for the

Is Solution:
(-NH-CHR-CO-),, a
homopolymer or a copolymer? The a -Helix is known as 3 6,,
because each turn of the helx has nearly 36

Exampel 2
Homopolymer units of amino acids and a 13 member ring
is formed bry ydrogern bonding

Cloud a
copolymer be fomed in both the addition and condensation and there relationship among tte qartties
of for bases
Exampel 11 When RNA is hrydrolyzed is no

polymerization or not? Explain with examples. unlike DNA. What doe this fact indicate
about the structre ofRNA?
Solution: Yes. A copolymer can be formed in both the addition and condensation standasd helx
This observation indicate that RNA is a single
polymerizations. Example Polyster and Nylon Exampel 12 Genctic code is degenerate. Comment
Exampel 3 Write structure amino acids and 64 ( =4') three
letter code words called codons
of a reagent used for initiating a free radical chain reaction.
Solution: There are 20 than
How does i one codon can code for the
same amirm acid, i e genetic
Thus, more
Solution: -butylperoxide (initiator) code is degenerate
CH, CH Exampel 13 'Hormones are chemically messengers' Explain in the body as
various endocrine (ductless) glands

Solution: | Homones are produced by The hormones so are reieased
a response to the outside influences. hormonEs a n
directly into the blood stream On reaching the target organ,is why there r e
physiological effect and control metabolic That
Exampel 4 Why should one always use purest monomer in free radical polymerization? called chemicalmessengers
Solution: Any impunty in the monomer may act as a chain transfer agent/ inhibitor. Inhibitor Exampel 14 How do many anabolic reactions proceed
with an increase in the
free energy.
causes temination of the growing polymer chain and no new chain is initiated. (AG>0)? mechanism cailed coupling in this, the
become possible by a
Exampel 5
That iswhythepurestmonomershould be usedinfree radical polymerization. Solution: Such reaction
reaction is
aG>0 with a
coupled reaction having very large egative
Why is cationic polymerization prefered in the case of vinylic monomers
AG value, so that the overall change in free energy is negative.
containing clectron donating groups?
and B-glucose differ from each other?
Solution: The presence of an electron donating group stabilizes the propagating cationic Exampel 15 | How do a-glucose
The -glucose and B-glucose differ only in the orientation of the hydroxy!
spcciesformed by theaddition ofthecationic initiatorto the vinylicmonomer Solution: a
In a -glucose, OH goup is on the nght
(-OH) group at the carbon 1

Exampel 6 Why are the numbers 66 and 6 put in the name nylon-66 and nylong-6?
Solution: In Nylon-66, the number 66 refer to the number ofcarbon atoms in each of the two whereas in B-glucose, it is on the left of carbon-I of the molecule
monomers, ie. hexamethylenediamine and adipic ocid both contain ó carbon each. Exampel 16 How do anomers differe from epimers?
In Nylon-6, the number 6 refer to the number of carbon atoms in the monomer Solution: The carbohydrates which differ in the configuration at the glycosidic

caprolactam. (C-I in aldoses and C-2 in ketoses) are called anomers.

differ in the configuration at any asymmetric carbon
Exampel 7 Amange the following in the order of increasing intermolecular forces: The carbohydrates which
Synthetic fibres, Thermoplastic, Elastomers other than he glycosidic carbon are called cpimers.
Exampel 17 Which group in phospholipids is hydrophilic?
Solution: Elaststomers<Themoplastics «Syntheticfibres Phosphate group._
Exampel 8 Amylose and cellulose are both straight chain polysaccharides containing only Solution: medcial
D-glucose units. What is the structural difference between the two? Exampel 18 Pick out the odd one from amongst the following on the basis of their
properties mentioning the reason penicill in, streptomycin, aspirin, chioroarmphenicol
Solution: In amylose, the glucose units are linked by a-glycosidic linkage involving anitbiotics
C-I of one glucose and C4 of the adjacent glucose unit. Solution: Asprin, because, aspirin is an analgesics whereas all others are
In cellulose, the glucose units are linked by B-glycosidic linkages between Exampel 19 Write the structural formula of aspirin.
C-l ofone glucoseunitand C4 ofitsneighbouring glucoseunit. OCOCH,
Exampel 9 What type of linkages are responsible for the formation of,
(i) Primary structures of proteins (i) Cross linking of polypeptide chains
Solution: O coOH
(2-acetoxybenzoic acid)

(ii) a -Helix formation (iv) B-Sheet structure Exampel 20 What typeof propellant has been used in PSLV rocket?
Solution: i) Amide linkage (-CO-NH-) Solution: The propellant that was used in PSLV rocket is solid propelant in l stages
and the II and IV stages will use liquid propellants, consisting of N,O, and
(i) Hydrogen bonds between the nitrogenous bases.
(iü) Hydrogen bonds between-CO and the-NH group of the third amino acids unsymmetrical dimthylhydrazinc and N,O, and monomethylhytirazine respoctively
Civ) Hydrogen bonds betwen-CO and the -NH goup ofthe adjacent polypeptide
u s t r y in EveryoayLife Finisnin9 Eoge

mixcure of
The specific rotation ofequdibrum
a-D-gucose ard - D-gwose,

Glucose when heated with CH,OH in

and ()+19 (2) 112
LEVEL-1 10. Neoprene is a polymer of presence of dry HCl gas gives
(3)52 5 (4)100
1 The letter D' in
carbohydrates represents (1) Propene (2) Viyl chloride B-methyl glucosides because it contains
10 Glucose and manrose r t
(1) lts direct synthesis (3) Chloroprene (4) Butadiene (1) An aldehyde group
()Epimers (2) Anome
(2) lts dextrorotation 1 2-Acetoxybenzoic ac1d is called (2) A- CH,OH group
(3) Ketohexoses (4) Drsacchardes
(3) Its mutarotation (4) Its configuration (1) Antiseptic (2) Aspinn (3) A ring structure
II Which of the following is the sweetest sugar
2 Sucrose contains which of the lollowing (3) Antibiotic (4) Mordant dye (4) Five hyuroxyl group
(1)Glucose (2) Fructose
groups 12. A broad spectrum antibiotic is In the 'glycolipids', the two sugars known to
occur are glucose and (3) Lactose (4) Sucros
(1)-CHO (2)>C 0 (1) Paracetamol (2) Penucillin
(3) Both (a) and (b) (4) None of thecse (3) Aspirin (1) Fructose 2) Lactose 12 Which compound can exist in a dipolar (zwin
(4) Chloramphenicol
ion) state
What is the monomer of 13. An example of anthraquinone dye is (3) Galactose (4) Sucrose
polypeptide ( ) CH,CH;CH(N = CH,COOH

(1) Amino acid (2) Glucose (1) Alizarin (2) Methyl orange The 'epimerisation' involves
(2) (CH,),CH CH(NH,coOH
(3) Nucleoside (4) Nucleotude (3) Methylene blue (4) Phenolphhalein (1) Differentconfiguration in molecule having
The optically inactive amino acidis 14 The functional group which is found in am1no
same formula
(1) Lysine acid (2) Addition of one more 'C"
(2) Glycine
(1)-CoOH (2)-NH, (3) Substration of a 'C* 13 Subunits present in haemoglob1n r e
(3)Arginine (4) Alan1ne
(1)2 (2)3
Nucleic ac1d is a polymer of (3)-CH, (4) both (1) and (2)
(4)Conversion of-CHO to-C O (Keto)
15. (3) 4 (4) 5
(1) Nucleosides (2) a anio ucids Complete hydrolysis of cellulose gives Glucose and fructose form
14. Vitamin B,, conta1ns metal
(3) Nucleotides (4) Glucose (1) L-glucose (2) D-fructose (1) Same osazone
(3) D-ribose (1) Ca (11) (2) Zn (l)
Number of chiral carbons in (4) D-glucose (2) Same acid on oxidation
16. The number of (3) Fe (11) (4) Co (1)
B-D-(+)-glucose is tnpeptides formed by three (3) Same alcohol when reduced
different amino acids are 15. Which one ofthe following 1s a polysaccharide
(1) Three (4) Different osazone
(2) Four (1) Three (2) Four (1)Nylon (2) Amylose
The reagent which forms crystalline osazone
(3) Five (4) Six (3) Five (3) Ribose
(4) Six derivative when reacted with glucose, is (4) Polyethylene
7 A single strand of DNA template
can act us 17. The most important energy carrier in the living 16. When glucose reacts with bromine water, the
on which a molecule of RNA is synthesized in cells is
(1)Fehling solution (2) Phenylhydrazine main product is
a specific manner. This process is called (3) Benedict solution (4) Hydroxylamine
(1) AMP (2) ATP (1) Acetic acid (2) Saccharic acid
(1) Replication (2) Transcription 6. a-D- glucose and B-D glucose difer
(3) ADP (4) UDP (3) Glyceraldyhyde(4) Gluconc acid
(3) Translation from each other due to difference in one of
18. Polymer used in bullet proof glass is 17. The compound required for the formation ofa
the carbons with respect to its
(4) Reverse transcription thermosetting polymer with methanol ts
(1) PMMA (2) Lexan
8. The drnugs used to get relief from pain (1) Size of hemiacetal ring (1) Benzene (2) Phenyl amine
are called (3) NOmex (4) Kevlar (2) Number of OH groups (3) Benzaldehyde (4) Phenol
(1) Antipyretics (2) Analgesies 19. Nylon-6 is made from
(3) Configuration 18. PVC is polymer of
(3) Antibiotics (4) Antisepties (4) Conformation
The dyes which are applied to the fabric in
(1) 1,3-Butadiene (2) Chloroprene Glucose reacts with acetic anhydride to form (1) CH,= CH,
the colourless reduced state and then oxidised (3) Adipic acid (4) Caprolactam (1) Mon-acetate (2) Tetra-acetate (2) CH, = CH- CI

to coloured state are called 20. Which is used for the formation of nylon-66? (3) Penta-acetate (4) Hexa-acetate (3) CH, = CH - CHCI

(1) Vat dyes (2) Disperse dyes (1) Sulphur hexafluoride Which of the following does not show any (4) CH - CH = CH-CI
reducing test of aldehyde 19. The drug given during hypertension is
(3) Triphenylmethane dyes (2) Adipic acid
(1) Sucrose (2) Fructose
(4) Azo dyes (3) Sulphurous acid (4) Phthalic acid
(3) Maltose (4) Lactose
(1) Streptomycin (2)Chloroxyleno
(3) Equanil (4)Aspinn
nEveryday Life
mrcture of
|9 The spectf rotatien of erpnltriurm
Glucose when heated with Cii,OH in
(2) 1 2
and 1
LEVEL-1 10 Ncoprene is a polymer of presence dry HCI gas gives a
3)+52 5 14) 100P
B-methyl glucosides because it contains
The ictter D' in
carbohydrates represents (1) Propene (2) Vimyl chlonde
(1) An aldehyde group
10 ucose and marinase are

)Its direct svnthesis (3)Chloroprene (4) Butadiene 1)Epumers

(2) A n i e

(2) its dextrorotation 11 2-Acctoxybenzoic acid is called (2)A-CH,OH group (4) Disaccharides
(3)A ring structure (3)Ketohexoes
(3) ts mutarotation (4) lts configuration (1) Antiseptic (2) Aspenn Which of the fotlowing is the sweetest sugr
Sucrose conta1ns which of the (3) Antibiotic (4) Mordant dye 4) Five hydroxyl group (2) Fructose
following known to
gTOups 12 A broad spectrum antibiotuc is In the 'glycolipids', the two sugars (4) Sucrone
occur are glucose and )Lactose
(1)-CHO (2)C 0 (1) Paracetamol (2) Penialln Which compound caaasnadpoir
(2) Lactose 12
(3) Both (a) and (b) (4) None of these (3) Asprin (4) Chloramphemcol (1)Fructose 1on) state
3) Galactose (4) Sucrose
What is the monomer of
polypeptide 13 An example of anthraquinone dye is )CHCH,CHON =CHCOOH
The 'epimerisation' involves
(1)Am1no acid (2) Glucose (1) Aluarin (2) Methyl orange (2) (CH,),CH CH(NH,cOOH
(3) Nuclcoside (3) Methylene blue (4) Phenolphhalein (1) Different configuration in moleculc having 3) C,H,CONHCH,COOH
(4) Nuclcotide same formula
The optically inactive amino ac1d is 14 The functional group which is found in amino (4) HOOC CH,CH,COCOOH
() Lysine (2) Glycine
acid (2) Addition of one more
13 Subunits present in haemoglobin æe
(3) Substration of a'C*
(3) Arginine (4) Alanine
(1)-CooH (2)-NH (4) Conversion of-CHO to -C O (Keto)
()2 (2)3
Nucleic acid is a polymer of (3)CH, (4) both (1) and (2) (3)4 (4)5
15 Glucose and fructose form
(1) Nucleosides (2) a amino acids
Complete hydrolysisofcellulose gives 14. Vitamin B,, contains metal
(3) Nucleotides (1) L-glucose (2) D-fructose (1) Same osazone (2) Zn (11)
(4) Glucose ) Ca (11)
(3) D-ribose (4) D-glucose (2) Same acid on oxidation
6. Number of chiral carbons in 3) Fe (I) (4) Co ( )
16. 1he number of t1peptides formed by three (3) Same alcohol when reduced 15 Which one of the following is a polysaccharnd
B-D-(+)-glucose is different amino acids are (4) Different osazone
(1)Nylon (2) Amylose
(1) Threc (2) Four (1) Three (2) Four The reagent which forms crystalline osazone
(3) Five (4) Six derivative when reacted with glucose, is
3) Ribose (4) Polyethylene
(3) Five (4) Six
16 When glucose reacts with bromine water, the
single strand of DNA can act as template 17 The most important cnergy carrier in the living (1)Fehlingsolution (2) Phenylhydruzine Imain product is
on which a molecule ofRNA IS synthesized in cells is (3) Benedict solution (4) Hydroxylamine (1)Acetic acid (2) Saccharic acid
a specific manner This process is called (1) AMP (2) ATP a-D - glucose and B-D - glucose differ (3) Glyceraldyhyde (4) Gluconic acid
(1) Replication (2) Transcription 3) ADP (4) UDP from cach other due to difference in one of 17 The compound required for the formation of a
3)Translation Polymer used in bullet proofglass is the carbons with respect to its
(4) Reverse transcription
18. thermosetting polymer with methanol is
() PMMA (2) Lexan () Size of hemiacetal ring (1) Benzene (2) Phenyi amine
8. The drugs used to get relieffrom pain are called (3) NOmex (4) Kevlar (2) Number of OH groups (3) Benzaldehyde (4) Phenol
(1)Antipyretics (2) Analgesics 19 Nylon-6 is made from (3) Configuration 4) Conformation 18 PVC is polymer of
(3) Antibiotics (4) Antisepties (1)CH, = CH
(1) 1.3-Butadiene (2) Chloroprene Glucose reacts with acetic anhydride to form
The dyes which are applied to the fabric in (1) Mon-acetate (2) Tetra-acetate
(2) CH, CH - CI
(3) Adipic acid (4) Caprolactam
the colourless reduced state and then oxidised 3 ) CH, = CH - CHCI
20 Which is used for the formation of nylon-66? (3) Penta-acetate (4) Hexa-acetate
to coloured state are called 4 ) C H - CH = CH-CI
(1) Sulphur hexafluoride Which of the following does not show any
(1) Vat dyes (2) Disperse dyes reducing test of aldehyde 19 The drug given during hypertension is
(2) Adipic acid (1) Sucrose
(3) Triphenylmethane dyes (2) Fructose
(3) Sulphurous acid (4) Phthalic acid
(1) Streptomycin (2) Chloroxylenol
(4) Azo dyes (3) Maltose (4) Lactose (3) Equanil (4)Aspirin
mchure of
9 The specifk rtation of eqptisbrun

Glucose when heatcd with CH,OH in 1+19 (2)112

presence of dry HCI gas givcs a and (4)+100
LEVEL-1 10 Neoprene is a polymer of
B- methyl glucosides because
it contains
3)+52 5
The letter 'D' (1) Propene (2) Vinyl chloride 10 Glucosc ard manose are
carbohydrates represents (1) An aldehyde group (2) Anorners
() Its direct synthesis (3)Chloroprene (4) Butadiene 1)Epmers
11 2-Acctoxybenzoic acid is called (2) A-CH,OH group (4) Disacchar vdes
(2) lts dextrorotatio Ketohexoses
(3) A ring structure
of the following is the sugar
3)Its mutarotation (4) Its (1) Antiseptic (2) Aspinin IWhich
configuration (3) Antibiotic (4) Mordant dye
(4) Five hydroxyl group (2) Fructose
Sucrose contains which of the
following 2. In the 'glycolipids', the two sugars known
to 1)Glucoe (4) Sucroe
groups 12 A broad spectrum antibiotic is 3) Lactose
occur are glucose and
(1)-CHO (2)>C 0 (1) Paracetamol (2) Penicillin (2) Lactose 12 Which compound can exist tn
a dipolar ( z w i t
(1) Fructose on) state
(3) Both (a) and (b) (4) None of these (3) Aspirin (4) Chloramphenicol (4) Sucrose
(3) Galactose 1)CH,CH,CH(N = CH,C0OH
What is the monomer of 13. An example of anthraquinone dye is
polypeptide The 'epimerisation' involves (2) (CH,),CH CH(NH,coOH
(1) Amino acid (2) Glucose (1) Alizarin (2) Methyl orange (1) Different configuration in molecule having (3) CHCONHCH,COOH
(3) Nucleoside (4) Nucleotide (3) Methylene blue (4) Phenolphhalein
same formula
4. The optically inactive amino acid is 14. The functional group which is found in amino 4) HOOC.CH,CH,COCOOH
(2) Addition of one more 'C'
acid 13 Subunits present in haemoglobin are
(1) Lysine (2) Glycine (3) Substration of a C
(1)-cooH (1)2 (2) 3
(3) Arginine (4) Alanine (2)-NH,
(4) Conversion of-CHO to -C O (Keto) (4)5
Nucleic acid is a polymer of (3)-CH (4) both (1) and (2)
Glucose and fructose fom
(1) Nucleosides (2) a - amino acids
15. Complete hydrolysis ofcellulose gives 14. Vitamin Bi, contains metal
(1) Same osazone (2) Zn (I)
(3) Nucleotides (4) Glucose (1) L-glucose (2) D-fructose (1) Ca (T)
6. Number of chiral carbons in (3) D-ribose (4) D-glucose (2) Same acid on oxidation (3) Fe (1) (4) Co (11)
16. The number of tripeptides formed by three (3) Same alcohol when reduced Which one of the following is a polysaccharide
p-D-(+)-glucose is different amino acids are (4) Different osazone
()Nylon (2) Amylose
() Three (2) Four (1) Three (2) Four The reagent which forms crystalline osazone
(3) Ribose (4) Polyethylene
(3) Five (4) Six (3) Five (4) Six derivative when reacted with glucose, is
16 When glucose reacts with bromine water, the
A single strand of DNA can act as template 17. The most important energy carrier in the living (1) Fehling solution (2) Phenylhydrazine main product is
on which a molecule of RNA is synthesized in cells is (3) Benedict solution (4) Hydroxylamine (2) Saccharic acid
(1)Acetic acid
a specific manner. This process is called (1) AMP (2) ATP a - D - glucose and B-D - glucose differ
(3) Glyceraldyhyde (4) Gluconic acid
(1) Replication (2) Transcription 3) ADP 4) UDP
(3) Translation
from each other due to difference in one of17.
the carbons with respect to its
The compound required for the formation ofa
18. Polymer used in bullet proofglass is thermosetting polymer with methanol is
(4) Reverse transeription (1) PMMA (2) Lexan (1) Size of hemiacetal ring (1) Benzene (2) Phenyl amine
The drugs used to get relieffrom pain are called (4) Kevlar (2) Number of OH groups (3) Benzaldehyde (4) Phenol
(3) NOmex
18 PVC is polymer of
(1) Antipyretics (2) Analgesics 19. Nylon-6 is made from (3) Configuration (4) Conformation
(3)Antibiotics (4) Antiseptics
(1) 1,3-Butadiene (2) Chloroprene Glucose reacts with acetic anhydride to form (1) CH, =

(2) CH, = CH- CI

The dyes which are applied to the fabric in (1) Mon-acetate (2) Tetra-acctate
(3) Adipic acid (4) Caprolactam (3) CH, = C H - CH,CI
the colourless reduced state and then oxidised (3) Penta-acetate (4) Hexà-acetate
20. Which is used for the formation of nylon-66?
to coloured state are called (4) CH,-CH =CH-C
Which of the following does not show any
(1) Vat dyes (2) Disperse dyes (1) Sulphur hexafluoride reducing test of aldehyde 19. The drug given during hypertension is
(2) Adipic acid (1) Sucrose (2) Fructose
(3) Triphenylmethane dyes (1)Streptomycin (2) Chloroxylenol
(3) Sulphurous acid (4) Phthalic acid (3) Maltose (4) Lactose (3) Equanil (4)Aspinin
(4) Azo dyes
eyosy Life FinighingEg
20 Which among the
foliowing is male sex (B) They give ninhydrin tes
) Androgens (2) Estrogen (C)On reacting with nitrous acid give offN, ANSWERS(BIOMOLECULES.POLYMERs &CHEMISTAY
(3) Progesterone 4) Mifeprnstone (1)AN (2) B and C
(3) A and B (4) A 13 (1 17 2
(4) 5 (3) 9 (1)
Amino acids usually exists in the form of
2 6 (3) 10 (3) 14 4) 18
LEVEL-II Zwitter ions. This means that it consists of (4)
11 (2) 15 (4) 44)
1Osaone formation involves (1) The basic group (1) 7 (2)
oniy 2 carbon -NH, and the acid1c
16 (4)
atoms of gucose becausc 4 (2) 8 (2) 12 (4)
of group COOH
()Chelation (2)Oxidation
(3) Reduction (4) Hydrolys (2) The basic group
NH, and the acidic LEVEL I1I
I3) . 9 (3) 13 G 17 (43
An invert sugar is (2)
group-CO 2 10 (1) 14 (4) 13
()Isorotatory (2) Dextrorotatory (3) 6 (3)
(3) The basic group cO and the acidic
(3) Laevorotatory (4)Opticaily inactive ) 7 (3) 2) 15 (2
3 Isoelectric point isa (1) 8 (1) 2 (2) 16 (4)
group NH
(1) Specific temperature
(4) No acidic or basie roup
(2) Suitable concentration LEVEL 1Ill
of am 1no acid Pick out wrong combination
(3) 5 (3) 7 (3)
Hydrogen 1on concentration thut does not (2) 3 (3)
allow migration of amino acid under (1)Fe2Haemoglobin 2 (3) 4 (1)
6 (1) 8 (2)
electrie field
(2)Mg2 Photosynthesis
Melting point of an amino acid under the
influence of electric field (3)Se2Kreb Cycle
4 Protein contains

(1)C.H, O and N
(4) co2 Vitamin B- 12 SOLUTIONSLEVEL-ID
(2) Only C and 1 The antibiotic used for curing tuberculosis is
(3) CI, H and O Reduction reaction takes place at C, and C
(4) All of these (1)Penicillin (2) Streptomycin only
For a -

aminor acids having the (3) Tetracyclin

structure (4) Chloromycetin Factual HN -CH -COO (Zwiter ion)
The drug used for
prevention of heat attacks
Invert sugar rotates the plane polarised to the
This implies that it has one NH, and cne
COOH group
NH2 (1) Aspinin (2) Valium Factual In kreb cycle there s no metal
Which of the following statements lle true (3) Chloramphenicol (4) Cephalsoprin
Factual Factual
(A) Water solubility is maximum at uptl when 10. In elastomer, intemolecular forces are
Factual 9. Factual
concentrations of anions and cations are (1)Nil (2) Weak
10 In elastomers, there is weak vanderwalls force
cqual (3) Strong (4) Very strong of attract on is present whuch is weak

Polymers & Chemistry In Everydsy Life
ecuie, UFE
20 Which among the following 1s male sex (BIOMOLECULES.POLYMERS
(B) They grve rintydrin tess ANSWERS
(C)On reactimg uith nitrous arid give off N,
1) Androgens 2) Estropens LEVEL I 7
0)A (2) B and C
(3) Progesterone (4) Mifcprrstone (4) )
(3) A and B (4) A 44
2 (4) 6
Amino acds unualhy uists in the form of 1 (4)
Zwitter sons This mears that it c o t s of 7
1) The bass group -NH, and the acdat (2)
Osazone formation involves only 2 carbon
group COOH
atoms of glucose becaune of
()Chelaton (2)Oxidation (2) The has grop -NH, and the acnde
(3) (2) 4 (4)
(3)Reductio 4)Hvdrolysis 6
10 ()
roup CO (3 15 (2)
An tvert sugar is
(3) (2)
() 16 (4)
d) Isorotatory (2) Dextrorotatory 3) The has gop_O nd the acnds () 12 (2)
(3) 1aevorotatory (4)Optically rnactrve
Isorlectric point is a grAp-NH,
(1) Specfic Iemperature (4) No acdic on basac poup LEVEL 7 ()
(2) Suitable concentration of amino acid Pick out urong crmburatson (2 () 6 (1)
(3) Hydrogen on concentratuonthat does not () (1)
1)FE Haemoploben
allow migration of umino acid under
clectric field (2) Mg Photoy hesis
(4) Mcltung point of an amo acid under the
influenee of electric ficld
4 Protcin contains (4)co, Vitamn B-12 Reduction reaction takes place at C, and C,
The arnttbactK usnd far curng tuberculons s
)c1,O and N (2) Only C and only
(1)Penacln 2)Suertomycin 6 H,N CH -CO0 (2witter an)

(3)C1,1and ) (4) All of these

(3) Tetracycln 4) Chdoromoetn
This implies that it has ane NEH, and ane

For a aminor actds having the atructurr Invert sugar rotates the plane polarised to the
The drug used for prrvention of heart attacks left
COOH group
R- CH CH,4 In kreb cycle there is no metal
(1)Aserin )Valnum Factual
NI 4 Factual
3)Chlorampthenacol (4) Cephalsoprun 9 Factual
Which of the following statcments arr true
10 In clastcener, untemolecular forces we Factual weak vanderuals orce
10 In elastomers, there is
(A)Watcr solubility 1s max1mum al a pli when
(2) Weak ts wezk
)Nl of attract on is present whach
concentralions of anions and cations aic
3) Srong 4) Very strong

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