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1 Identify the muscle type

A Skeletal Yes
B Smooth
C Cardiac
D None of the above
2 This is an image of muscle
In which section this slide is

A Transverse Yes
B Horizontal
C Sagittal
D Frontal
3 Identify the wrong statement
related to sarcolemma
A Outermost covering of muscle cell
B Plasma membrane of myocyte
C It is a connective tissue Yes
D None of the above
4 Identify the wrong statement
related to endomysium
A Innermost
B It is a connective tissue Yes
C Part of sarcolemma
D None of the above
5 Identify the wrong statement
related to skeletal muscles
A Muscle fibers are multiple
B Muscle fibers are long
C Muscle fibers are elongated
D Muscle fibers are Anastomosed Yes
6 Fascicle is covered by
A Perimysium Yes
B Epimysium
C Endomysium
D Sarcolemma
7 Group of Fascicle is covered by
A Perimysium Yes
B Epimysium
C Endomysium
D Sarcolemma
8 Light band is
A Isotropic Yes
B Anisotropic
C Dark in color
D None of the above
9 Dark band is
A Isotropic
B Anisotropic yes
C Light in color
D Thinner
10 Light bands are made of
A Actin
B Myosin Yes
C Both A & B
D None of the above
11 Identify the muscle type

A Skeletal
B Smooth
C Cardiac Yes
D None of the above
12 Identify the muscle type

A Skeletal
B Smooth
C Cardiac Yes
D None of the above
13 Identify the muscle type
A Skeletal
B Smooth
C Cardiac Yes
D None of the above
14 Identify the muscle type

A Skeletal
B Smooth Yes
C Cardiac
D None of the above
15 Identify the false statement
A Synovial sheath protects the
tendons from friction
B Synovial bursae promote friction Yes
C A & B are false
D None of the above
16 Identify the muscle type present
on the either side of lumbar

A Pronator quadratus
B Quadratus lumborum Yes
C Sternothyroid
D Sternohyoid
17 Identify the muscle type

A Pronator quadratus
B Quadratus lumborum
C Sternothyroid
D Sternohyoid Yes
18 Identify the muscle type
highlighted in red

A Pronator quadratus
B Quadratus lumborum
C Digastric
D Sartorius Yes
19 Direction of muscle fibers are
parallel except in
A Strap muscle
B Fusiform muscle
C Quadrate muscle
D Unipennate Yes
20 Identify the muscle type

A Dorsal interosseous muscle Yes

B Flexor pollicis longus
C Pronator quadratus
D Quadratus lumborum
21 Identify the muscle in which the
Muscle fibers obliquely arranged,
gaining insertion onto tendon
onlyfrom one side

A Unipennate Yes
B Bipennate
C Multipennate
D Circumpennate
22 Identify the muscle in which the
Muscle fibers obliquely arranged,
gaining insertion onto tendon
from both sides

A Unipennate
B Bipennate Yes
C Multipennate
D Circumpennate
23 Rectus femoris muscle is
A Unipennate
B Bipennate Yes
C Multipennate
D Circumpennate
24 Name the muscle highlighted in

A Subscapularis Yes
B Flexor pollicis longus
C Extensor digitorum longus
D Sartorius
25 Which muscles are short in size
and more in number
A Unipennate
B Bipennate
C Multipennate Yes
D Circumpennate
26 Identify the muscle

A Flexor pollicis longus

B Extensor digitorum longus
C Sartorius
D Orbicularis oris Yes
27 Identify the muscle

A Flexor pollicis longus

B Extensor digitorum longus
C Orbicularis oculi Yes
D Orbicularis oris
28 Identify the muscle

A Flexor pollicis longus

B Extensor digitorum longus
C Sternocleidomastoid Yes
D Orbicularis oris
29 What type of join is seen in
A Fibrous joint Yes
B Cartilaginous joint
C Synovial joint
D Amphiarthroses
30 Select the appropriate joint name

A Metacarpophalangeal joint Yes

B Intertarsal joint
C Intercarpal joint
D Interphalangeal joint
31 What type of synovial joint is
seen in intercarpal

A Plane joint Yes

B Pivot joint
C Ellipsoid joint
D Ball and socket joint
32 Joint between Trapezium (carpal)
and thumb finger
A Saddle joint Yes
B Pivot joint
C Ellipsoid joint
D Ball and socket joint
33 Metacarpophalangeal joint is an
example of
A Saddle joint
B Pivot joint
C Ellipsoid joint Yes
D Ball and socket joint
34 Which joint is seen here

A Sternoclavicular Yes
B Sternocleidomastoid
C Sternocostal
D Acromioclavicular
35 Name the joint

A Sternoclavicular
B Sternocleidomastoid
C Sternocostal Yes
D Acromioclavicular
36 Name the movement

A Flexion
B Extension
C Circumduction Yes
D Adduction
37 Name the movement

A Flexion
B Extension
C Medial rotation Yes
D Adduction
38 Name the movement

A Flexion
B Extension
C Lateral rotation Yes
D Adduction
39 Name the movement

A Abduction Yes
B Extension
C Lateral rotation
D Adduction
40 Name the movement

A Right rotation Yes

B Left rotation
C Lateral rotation
D Adduction
41 Identify the class of lever
A 1st
B 2nd Yes
C 3rd
D 4th
41 Identify the class of lever

A 1st
B 2nd
C 3rd Yes
D 4th
42 Identify the class of lever

A 1st Yes
B 2nd

C 3rd
D 4th
43 Identify the class of lever

A 1st
B 2nd Yes
C 3rd
D 4th
44 Identify the class of lever

A 1st
B 2nd
C 3rd Yes
D 4th
45 Which is acting as lever in this

A Bone Yes
B Joint
C Dumbbell in the hand
D Muscle contraction
46 Which is acting as Fulcrum in this

A Bone
B Joint yes
C Dumbbell in the hand
D Muscle contraction
47 Which is acting as load in this

A Bone
B Joint
C Dumbbell in the hand Yes
D Muscle contraction
48 Which is acting as effort or force
in this context

A Bone
B Joint
C Dumbbell in the hand
D Muscle contraction Yes
49 Identify the wrong statement
related to long levers

A Long levers take time to respond

B Force of action is larger
C Work done is more Yes
D Long levers act very quickly
50 Identify the wrong statement
related to short levers

A Long levers take time to respond

B Force of action is larger
C Work done is more
D Long levers act very quickly yes

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