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Directions: In this Faculty-Masked Task (FMT), you are expected to create a reflective analysis on the
following research abstract and cite its implications to teaching and learning.

21st-Century Skills: A needs assessment of School-based agricultural Education Teachers

“In a fast-evolving world concerning education, every student, with consideration to their talents and traits must
acquire development too.”

The teaching of the 21st Century Skills is really essential to equip the learners with necessary skills to
develop their character as a whole. These skills are critical-thinking, creativity, communication skills, self-
discipline and initiative and the literacy to the use of technology. Being a critical thinker, the students are able
to provide solutions and utilize planning when given a problem like concerns about the environment that needed
rational reasonings intended to create creative strategies and research-based solutions to achieve better
outcomes. Also, the students are expected to learn the effective way of interaction to others to create various
good connections and bonds that will be useful in every aspect of life more especially in the outside world
where they intend to pursue their careers. Similarly, to that, they are also required to acquire intrapersonal
growth such as self-discipline and initiative to engage with every situation with more critical and sensitive
approach that is every important especially in the field of work where number of tasks where given to them.

And lastly, the teaching literacy concerning the use of modern technologies such as computers, which
can be useful in the over all development on the student. Since, learning the use of computers with its programs
and features can be their edge among other students when they happen to approach situations that only
encourages the practice of integrating learning towards technology, that they can use in schools and even in
finding their jobs.


I strongly recommend that it is necessary to achieve a first-hand development to the teachers upon
acquiring the 21st century skills needed to instill the effective delivery of quality education towards learners.
Given that the survey provided that some of the teachers are themselves lack the necessary skills given
prioritized to the given curriculum. With that, the teacher who are still in-need of improvement and experts to
the skills needed, will be given chance to learn and improve their own skills so that they can also teach their
respective students to embraced the changes bought by the arising essentiality of the technology literacy in the
present era. In general, to be able to become a 21st Century Teacher one must also undergo the learning
processes required to the develop and improve such skills essential to teaching the curriculum.

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