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Don’t stress

about it
Stress can be dangerous for your mind and body, but with
some smart hacks we can avoid its worst effects and even
turn it into a positive force, says Catherine de Lange

ANY of us have felt more than a infection and reducing the effectiveness more energy, and dampens down processes
little stressed over the past couple of of vaccines, and can mess with our guts, like digestion. Body and mind are primed to
years. For me, exhibit A is my teeth. triggering disease-inducing inflammation. either confront a threat or run away from it.
A recent trip to the dentist confirmed that It can hamper cognitive performance, reduce That might have been useful with a sabre-
months of pandemic-induced jaw-clenching, productivity and increase the risk of mental- toothed cat, but seems less so when you are
product of the usual deadline stress amplified health problems including depression, while confronting a deadline. Yet it has long been
by the demands of two young children, had compelling us to make unhealthy life choices known that acute stress responses can also
left four of them broken. such as smoking and eating foods we know help get us through challenging or threatening
Crumbling teeth are small fry. Last year, we shouldn’t. Small wonder that the World everyday situations. They can make us more
the American Psychological Association Health Organization has described stress as alert and more focused. Although we find it
found that two-thirds of people in the the “epidemic of the twenty-first century”. harder to retrieve specific memories when
US reported feeling more stressed in the stressed, stress hormones help move things
pandemic, and predicted “a mental health from short to long-term memory storage.
crisis that could yield serious health and social The stress mindset They also tell the body to prepare for potential
consequences for years to come”. Increased Stress didn’t always have such a bad rep. When damage, building new cells and ramping up
risk of diabetes, depression and cardiovascular Hungarian endocrinologist and pioneering our immune system. On a purely psychological
disease and more are all associated with high stress researcher Hans Selye brought the word level, even longer-lasting stress associated with
stress levels. It’s enough to make you feel into the medical lexicon, he defined it simply life events such as the loss of a loved one or a
stressed just thinking about it. as “the nonspecific response of the body to any divorce – or a pandemic – can bring long-term
Perhaps we just need to think about stress demand”. And the immediate physiological positives, says Crum. “They lead to profound
differently, though. That, at least, is the startling effects of stress – increased heart rate, sweaty changes in people’s experience of the world,
conclusion of researchers studying the mind- palms, a sudden surge of energy and even their appreciation for life, their resilience and
body connection. There are natural benefits tummy trouble – exist for a reason. “The body’s toughness, and their sense of connection to
to being stressed, they say, and if we change stress response is designed to help us thrive others and to their values.”
our “stress mindset”, we might be able to turn and survive when we’re faced with threats The Jekyll-and-Hyde nature of stress lies at
things around and make stress a positive or challenges to our existence and to our the heart of the new school of thought about
influence on our lives. Fortunately, there are goals,” says Alia Crum at Stanford University’s how best to deal with it. “For many years,
some simple hacks that will allow us to do this, Mind & Body Lab in California. the spotlight has been on negative aspects
and they bring with them the promise of better It all starts in the amygdala, the brain’s of stress, including detrimental health effects,
physical health, clearer thinking, increased fear centre, which is primed to detect threats. loss of productivity and depression,” says Petar
mental toughness and greater productivity. If the amygdala deems something to be of Jerčić, a researcher at Jamzone, a tech company
There is no denying that too much stress can concern, it flags it up via the hypothalamus, in the Netherlands. That means most of us
harm both body and mind. It has been linked to which triggers the “fight or flight” response. are unaware that a positive side of stress even

all six of the main causes of death in the West: Adrenaline courses through the body and exists, and we develop what psychologists call
cancer, heart disease, liver disease, accidents, blood flow increases, boosting alertness a “debilitating mindset” about it.
lung disease and suicide. It can weaken the and priming us to run. Another hormone, Mindsets are core beliefs about the nature
immune system, leaving us more prone to cortisol, releases stored glucose to give us of something, and although they aren’t >

4 December 2021 | New Scientist | 39

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necessarily right or wrong, they tend to be Crum believes there are four basic ways
oversimplifications, says Crum. There is our mindset can affect our stress response.
plenty of research showing that our mindset The first is shifting our attention: rather than
can have a profound effect on many aspects of noticing all the unpleasant effects of stress, a
our lives. People who view ageing negatively, positive mindset allows us to focus on possible
for example, tend to adopt fewer healthy opportunities instead. Second, while not
behaviours, are less likely to visit the doctor, necessarily reducing negative emotions – you
and age worse and die sooner. Students who are going to still feel sad, angry or upset when
view intelligence as something malleable that dealing with a difficult situation – a positive
can be worked on, rather than being fixed and mindset means these can be accompanied
genetically determined, feel more motivated, by positive emotions such as feelings of
get better test scores and enjoy learning more. hope, connection or resilience. “The ‘stress is
Back in 2007, Crum showed that hotel workers enhancing’ mindset is really powerful in that
who considered their job to give them a decent it reduces unnecessary stress – the stress about
workout lost more weight and had healthier stress – and it also amps up positive emotions,
blood pressure than those who didn’t think which are really important for motivation and
the same job was good exercise. physiology,” says Crum.
Crum’s interest in our stress mindset The third effect is on behaviour. People who
came after a late night as a doctoral student view stress as bad tend to behave in one of two
at Yale University, under a mountain of stress ways: they either “freak out”, akin to the fight
over what to make the topic of her thesis. response, or “check out”, a bit like a flight
“It occurred to me that the true nature of stress response. Faced with the stress of this article
is complex, and we’re forming mindsets about deadline, for example, I might work myself up
it that are overly simplified,” she says. “Even if into a lather, feeling so hyped up and on edge
those mindsets have some connection to the that I am unable to focus on the job at hand,
truth, they might be having a negative effect.” or I might wildly procrastinate in the hope
To test that, she assigned volunteers who that the source of my stress might go away.
worked in an office into one of two groups. One For some, this flight from reality can also take
group watched short videos that told them the form of substance abuse, says Crum.
how stress is bad, causing workplace mistakes
and illness. The other group learned that stress
Those who have a positive mindset,
meanwhile, don’t dodge the unpleasantness
“ There is
improves workplace performance, immunity
and well-being. Sure enough, those who came
of stress, but can use it to get stuff done. Crum’s
doctoral research showed, for example, that
no magic
to believe that stress is beneficial experienced
fewer of its negative effects.
such people are more open and receptive to
negative feedback, and more willing to persist
to thinking
When that research was published in
2013, others were already coming to similar
in times of struggle. In 2020, her team showed
that this applied even to those training to
our way out
conclusions. One 2011 study followed more
than 28,000 people in the US over an eight-
become US Navy SEALs. Cadets with a positive
stress mindset got further, completed obstacle
of stress”
year period, showing that when people under courses faster and received better feedback
a lot of stress believed it was good for them, from peers and trainers. Jacob Keech at
they fared better than people with less stress the University of the Sunshine Coast in
who believed it was bad for them. Worst of all Queensland, Australia, has found similar
was having a lot of stress and believing that things to be true of two groups of people
is bad: people in this group had a 43 per cent who tend to experience high levels of stress:
increased risk of premature death in the study university students and police officers.
period. Another study followed 7000 people Those with a stress-positive mindset focused
in the UK over a period of 18 years, and showed more on problems and attempted to address
that those who believed their stress was bad them, and also experienced feelings of stress
for them had a higher risk of heart disease less adversely. “These tendencies in turn
than those who didn’t, regardless of how predict stress-related outcomes such as
much stress they reported. well-being and performance,” he says.

40 | New Scientist | 4 December 2021

using real-time feedback on changes to their weeks, not only did they have a more positive
heart rate and breathing – a good proxy for mindset, but those who reported feeling the
the action of stress hormones, which are much most stressed at the outset had tangible
harder to measure in real time. The game improvements in psychological well-being,
has been trialled in various environments, perceived distress, mood, proactive coping
including the workplace and clinical settings, behaviour and academic performance.
with positive results, says Jerčić. He thinks this visualisation approach could
be applicable more generally. “For example,
have there been times where you have
Reframing anxiety experienced stress and then grown from the
Although it is interesting to measure the experience? Have there been times where
physiology, Crum thinks it is important to having some pressure has assisted you to focus
focus on behaviour, too – not least because and get on with the job?” he says. If so, consider
the short-term activity of hormones and the whether there are positive consequences of
like won’t help you deal with longer-term any stress that you are currently experiencing.
stresses such as those induced by the covid-19 None of this spells the end of stress, of
pandemic. Her team has designed an online course. “Trying to get rid of your stress is like
toolkit ( emptying out an ocean with a bucket. It’s just
that begins by teaching people about the silly,” says Crum. “If you care about things in
two sides of stress, as well as the general power life, there’s going to be stress.” What matters
of mindsets in influencing our health. After is to keep in focus why you are feeling that
that, there are three steps to shifting from a stress – the things you care about – and use
negative to a positive stress mindset. it to channel that evolutionarily helpful

The first is identifying the source of your natural stress response.

stress and how you respond to it – for me, Nor does it mean that all external causes
deadlines, and procrastination. This helps of stress are good and should be tolerated.
by moving the reaction from the emotive, “This doesn’t mean you can just tell your
reflexive amygdala to the prefrontal cortex, employees they should work more because
which is involved in more deliberate thinking stress is good for them, or put up with an
The last way that mindset affects the stress and planning. The second step is to realise abusive partner,” says Crum. Rather, by helping
response is via hormones. In preliminary that we generally get stressed about things people better utilise stress, the approach can
studies, Crum and her colleagues have found because we care about them, which is actually help provide the focus and the motivation
that people who view stress as enhancing, a positive. I get stressed about deadlines, for to get us out of stressful situations.
rather than debilitating, have better regulation example, because I care about doing a good job. Ultimately, whatever is causing your stress,
of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone Finally, you need to turn the stress response the way you view can become a self-fulfilling
sulphate, a hormone that helps with brain to your advantage. After all, what happens prophesy, so it really is time to stop stressing
growth after stress. in our bodies when we are stressed evolved about it. “The mindset you have can be a
Thinking our way out of stress might to help us deal with the toughest of situations. defining factor in making that more positive,
sound like wishful thinking, but there is no The rush of energy and boost of alertness are less detrimental reality occur,” says Crum.
magic to it, says Crum. “Our minds, our brains things we strive for at other times, but they Given all the debilitating consequences feeling
are connected to every organ in our bodies,” need to be focused on the task at hand rather stressed can have, that can only be a good
she says. “They’re the hub that helps us than on ways to avoid it, say. Reframing thing. I have a feeling my dentist will agree. ❚
communicate between the outside and the anxiety as excitement, for example, has
inside worlds, and so it really makes a whole been shown to help people do better in Need a listening ear? UK Samaritans: 116123
lot of sense that how we’re organising and tests, negotiations and public speaking. ( Visit for
thinking about something can change how Keech, too, has been working on a simple hotlines and websites for other countries.
we feel and respond.” intervention to help people turn their
Interest is now growing in how we might perception of stress on its head. Earlier this
all harness our mindset to turn stress to our year, he published findings from a study Catherine de Lange is head of
advantage. Jerčić and his colleagues at Jamzone of university students who were asked to features at New Scientist. This is
have created Stressjam, an interactive virtual visualise ways that the stress in their lives an edited extract from her new book
reality game that trains people’s stress mindset might have positive consequences. After two Brain Power, out in January 2022

4 December 2021 | New Scientist | 41

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