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National Board of Accreditation

Part B-Program Assessment Worksheet

Institute Level Criteria to be Assessed by the Chairperson

Name of the Institution .................................................

Name of the Program ....................................................

Criterion 8: First Year Academics (50)

For each year of assessment=(5

× 20)/ FYSFR (Limited to Max. 5)
Average of previous three
academic years including Overall
First Year Student-
8.1. 5 Current Academic Year. Marks for Mention Numbers
Faculty Ratio (FYSFR)
*Note: If FYSFR is greater than
25, then assessment equal to
A. Assessment of faculty
Qualification of qualification (5x + 3y)/RF B.
Faculty Teaching First Average of Assessment of last
8.2. 5 Marks for Mention Numbers
Year Common three years including current
Courses academic year (Refer 8.2. for x, y
and RF)

Academic Performance =
((Mean of 1st Year Grade Point
Average of all successful
Students on a 10 point scale) or
(Mean of the percentage of
marks in First Year of all Overall
First Year Academic
8.3. 10 successful students/10)) x Marks for Mention Numbers
(successful students/number of 8.3
students appeared in the
Successful students are those
who are permitted to proceed to
the Second year

Attainment of Course
8.4. Outcomes of first 10
year courses
8.4.1. Describe the Overall
assessment processes A. List of assessment processes
Marks for
used to gather the (1)
data upon which the 5
evaluation of Course
B. The relevance of assessment
Outcomes of first year
tools used (4)
is based

Tier II
157 Institutions
National Board of Accreditation
National Board of Accreditation

Record the attainment Verify the records as per the Overall

8.4.2. of Course Outcomes 5 benchmark set for the courses Marks for
of all first year courses (5) 8.4

Attainment of
8.5. Program Outcomes of 20
all first year courses

A.Process of computing
POs/PSOs attainment level
Indicate results of from the COs of related first year
courses (5) Overall
8.5.1. evaluation of each 15
Marks for
relevant PO/PSO B. Verification of documents 8.5
validating the above process

Actions taken based Appropriate actions taken (5)

on the results of
8.5.2. 5
evaluation of relevant
Total of Criterion 8 50 Overall Marks for Criterion 8

Criterion 9: Student Support Systems (50)

Details of the mentoring system

Mentoring system to that has been developed for the Overall
9.1. help at individual 5 students for various purposes Marks for
level and also state the efficacy of 9.1
such system (5)

Feedback analysis and A. Methodology being followed

reward /corrective for analysis of feedback and its Overall
9.2. measures taken, if 10 effectiveness (5) Marks for
any 9.2
B. Record of corrective
measures taken (5)

Feedback collection, analysis
9.3. Feedback on facilities 5 Marks for
and corrective action (5)

A.   Scope for self-learning(2)

B.   Self Learning facilities, Overall

9.4. Self Learning 5 materials for learning beyond Marks for
syllabus, Webinars, Podcast, 9.4
MOOCs etc. and demonstrate
its effective utilization (3)

Tier II
Institutions 158
National Board of Accreditation

A.Availability of career guidance

facilities (2)

Career Guidance, B. Counseling for higher studies Overall

9.5. Training, Placement 10 (GATE/GRE, GMAT, etc.) (2) Marks for
C. Pre-placement training (3) 9.5

D. Placement process and support


A. Entrepreneurship initiatives (1) Overall

9.6. Entrepreneurship Cell 5 Marks for
B. Data on students benefitted (4) 9.6
A. Availability of sports and
Co-curricular and cultural facilities (3) Overall
9.7. Extra-curricular 10 Marks for
B. NCC, NSS and other clubs (3)
Activities 9.7
C. Annual students activities (4)

Total of Criterion 9 50 Overall Marks for Criterion 9

Criterion 10: Governance, Institutional Support and Financial Resources (120)

10.1. Governance and 40

A. Availability of the Vision &

State the Vision and Mission statements of the
10.1.1. Mission of the 5 Institute (2)
Institution B. Appropriateness/Relevance
of the Statements (3)
10 A.  Governing Body
Composition, senate, and all Overall
other academic and Marks for
administrative bodies; their 10.1
Governing body, memberships, functions and
administrative setup, responsibilities; frequency of
functions of various the meetings; participation
10.1.2. bodies, service rules details of external members
procedures, and attendance therein (4)
recruitment and
B. The published service rules,
promotional policies
policies and procedures with
year of publication (3)

C. Minutes of the meetings and

action-taken reports (3)

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159 Institutions
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National Board of Accreditation

A. List the names of the faculty

members who have been
delegated powers for taking
Decentralisation in administrative decisions (1)
working and
10.1.3. 10 B.Specify the mechanism and
grievance redressal
composition of grievance
redressal cell (2)

C. Action taken report as per

‘B’ above (7)

A. Financial powers delegated

to the Principal, Heads of
Marks for
Departments and relevant in-
Delegation of 10.1
10.1.4. 10 charges (3)
financial powers
B. Demonstrate the utilization
of financial powers for each of
the assessment years (7)

A. Information on the policies,

Transparency and rules, processes is to be made
availability of available on web site (2)
10.1.5. correct/unambiguous 5
information in public B. Dissemination of the
domain information about student,
faculty and staff (3)

Budget Allocation, Expenditure per student: ....................................

Utilization, and
10.2. 30
Public Accounting at
Institute level Fee per student: .................................................

A. Quantum of budget
Adequacy of Budget allocation for three years (5)
10.2.1. 10 Overall
allocation B. Justification of budget
Marks for
allocated for three years (5)
Utilization of Budget utilization for three
10.2.2. 15
allocated funds years (15)
Availability of the
audited statements Availability of Audited
10.2.3. 5
on the institute’s statements on website (5)

Program Specific
10.3. To be evaluated in consultation with the
Budget Allocation, 30
Program Experts

A. Quantum of budget Overall

Adequacy of budget allocation for three years (5) Marks for
10.3.1. 10
allocation 10.3
B.  Justification of budget
allocated for three years (5)

Utilization of Budget utilization for three

10.3.2. 20
allocated funds years (20)

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10.4 Library and Internet 20

A. Availability of relevant
Quality of learning learning resources including e-
10.4.1. 10 resources and Digital Library (7)
resources (hard/soft)
B. Accessibility to students (3)
A. Available bandwidth (4) Marks for
B. Wi Fi availability (2)

10.4.2. Internet 10 C. Internet access in labs,

classrooms, library and offices
of all Departments (2)

D. Security mechanism (2)

Total of Criterion 10 120 Overall Marks for Criterion 10

Tier II
161 Institutions

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