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0 Background

LifeNet is an International Christian organization working towards transforming African healthcare

facilities to provide high-quality, sustainable, and compassionate healthcare. Since 2012, LifeNet has
transformed healthcare in 380+ health facilities, providing care to more than 25 million healthcare
visits for vulnerable patients in Burundi, Uganda, Malawi, Ghana, Kenya, and the DR Congo.
Consequently, participating health facilities have doubled the quality of care they provide to patients
and improved their financial and administrative management. As an evidence-based organization,
LifeNet has considered enhancement of its data collection, analysis, reporting, and use processes
through the development and implementation of a new M&E information system. This Terms of
Reference (TOR) provides a description of the desired M&E Information System and guidance to
prospective firms on submission of proposals.

2.0 General Scope

The main outcome is improved timely data-based decision making through development and
implementation of a user-friendly interoperable M&E Information System to facilitate systematic
data collection, analysis, reporting, and use. This shall generally involve;

A detailed review of LifeNet’s current M&E system (includes; processes, data, users, technology, and
documentation) to gain an understanding of functionality and existing gaps

Use existing requirements and findings from (a) above to develop a clear plan and roadmap for
customization of an M&E Information System suitable for LifeNet programming context

Design, Develop, test, and deploy a mobile and web-based M&E Information System for both the
anglophone and francophone programming contexts

Training of users and technical backstopping to ensure system adoption, acceptance, routinization,
and infusion in LifeNet programs

Develop an easy-to-use instruction manual and fully handover the M&E system

3.0 Functionalities of the M&E System

The system is expected to deliver the following functional and non-functional requirements

The mobile application should allow the collection of data from health facilities during monitoring,
including; stock-outs, patient visits, financial data, diagnosis, key indicators, pre/post-lesson
assessments as well as baseline/end line Quality Scorecard modular performance. The web-based
end of the system should as well allow a provision to import such data from external data sources
such as DHIS2, Moodle, Clinic Management System, etc

The mobile application should have an offline capability and allow synchronization upon access to an
internet signal. The web-based end should also be suitable for access and utilization even with
limited internet / slow internet speeds.

Registration/coding of current and prospective partner health facilities, each with their summary
profiles such as; location/address, contact information, average monthly patient volume, etc. In the
monitoring process, the system should as such allow the selection of a health facility from a drop-
down list as opposed to manually typing in facilities. These should be arranged in line with country-
specific administrative structures such as Country, District, County, sub-county e.t.c

Registration of staff and their roles, including attaching them to respective cohort facilities

Allow geo-location tracking and reporting for all partner facilities

Aggregation of all data collection and analysis to generate meaningful reports (in .xls, .csv, doc or pdf
formats) in user-friendly forms such as tables, charts, graphs, and maps. Analysis of data should be
by country, region, district, health facilities, date range, reporting period (monthly, quarterly,
annually), staff, etc

Monitor the progress of the project activities and collect all indicators of the results M&E framework

Multi-staff data input, real time tracking of indicators, data processing, analytics, and standardized
reporting leveraging tools like powerBi

Reports and Dashboard that allows for easy tracking of key indicators against targets (baseline,
target, milestones)

Have an integration of a business intelligence component to generate specific recommendations

based on performance of key indicators but also capacity to trigger email messages for key system
events such as non/under-reporting by country, facility, data quality checks, etc

The mobile application should run on android platforms, the web-based end should be compatible
with a number of browsers such as Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc

The System should have other critical functionalities such as; security at all levels ensuring the
integrity of data and reliability to deliver expected/accurate data/results over time.

Run a secure backup mechanism for all data and have clear recovery/restoration protocols

User-friendly with very intuitive user interfaces to allow acceptance and use by all users including
the non-techies

4.0 Deliverables and Timelines

Signing of Contract – Signed Contract – 1 day

Entry meeting and clarification of the Terms of Reference – Clear understanding of the Terms of
Reference and Deliverables – 1/2 a day

Review of LifeNet’s current M&E system after an inception meeting – An inception report with
comprehensive M&E system requirements and an implementation plan – 10 days

Design, Development, Testing and Deployment – A functional M&E Information System – 73 days

Training of users – User Training Manual – 5.5 days

Ongoing Technical Support – TBD in the contract

5.0 Required Documentation

Technical – not more than 15 pages excluding annexes

Financial proposal (in USD)

CV the lead consultant and summary bios/profiles of team members

Examples of previous work done in designing and deploying similar systems

Minimum of 3 Written references from previous clients

Administrative papers: Legal registration, Income tax clearance, VAT/TIN, Registration with NITA,
Prequalified with PPDA (For Ugandan Firms);

6.0 Skills/Competencies

The team leader should have solid expertise in development and implementation of results-based
M&E systems

The Team leader/Consultant should have a minimum of a Masters Degree in Computer Science,
software engineering, IT, Monitoring and Evaluation or Statistics, and any relevant qualification from
a reputable university.

Minimum experience of 10 years in designing, developing, and supporting implementation of M&E

information systems preferably for humanitarian organizations. At least 5 years of experience
working for any international donor-funded program

Experience in development of M&E/MIS systems for health-related programs

Excellent understanding and skill sets in Monitoring and Evaluation and Project Management

Excellent communication, interpersonal, and relationship management skills, Demonstrated

problem-solving and analytical skills, Experience, and skills in training and transfer of knowledge.

An excellent command of the English language is a requirement

Proficient knowledge of French by the team leader or company staff is a plus

7.0 Scoring Criteria

Understanding of the Assignment

Proposed development Methodology

Value proposition for Proposed technologies

Experience of the Team

Team Composition

Proposed Budget

Registered firms can submit technical and financial proposals to not
later than 13th March 2023
Please Note: Previous applicants may not apply

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