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Tail Gatoring

Tail Gatoring
Dexterity game

Not fur zie faint ov heart, tail gatoring iz a fast-

paced game ov alligator aggravation. As ze name
implies, ze players take it in turns to slap an alliga-
tor’s tail. Ze one mit zie most slaps wins! Or ze one
mit ze most limbs remainink...
Mechanics. All players roll initiative when the game
Setting. Zavol Thunderchunk, a one-armed female begins. Unlike normal combat, tail gatoring works in
half-orc (stats of an orc), shakes a bucket with assort- reverse - the lowest initiative roll goes first, and the
ed coinage within. In a cage behind her is Mimsy, a highest goes last.
7-foot-long crocodile, which her owner swears is an At the start of a player’s turn, the player must decide
alligator with a rare colouration. Zavol has already how many times they wish to slap Mimsy’s tail. They
gathered three willing (and slightly inebriated) partic- must roll a number of Dexterity checks equal to the
ipants, as well as a sizeable crowd of onlookers. number of slaps they perform. The DC starts at 10
Rules. The entry fee is 5 sp with the winner taking and increases by 1 for each sequential slap. A crea-
the pot (or bucket, in this case). Once Zavol has at ture scores a point for each successful check. On a
least five participants, she will release Mimsy and the failed check, Mimsy makes one bite attack against the
game begins. Hurting Mimsy or beguiling her with player. On a hit, the player is ‘bitten’ and can’t earn any
spells is not allowed. more points in the game.
Players take it in turns to slap Mimsy’s tail, earning As the game progresses, Mimsy gets more and more
one point for each successful slap. The player with the enraged. At the start of each round, the starting DC
most points at the end of the game wins. The game increases by 2.
ends after 30 seconds (5 rounds) or when all the play- Opponents. Zavol has a +4 Dexterity modifier. The
ers have been bitten. A player bitten by Mimsy can’t other opponents, Alf, Borris, and Challon have modi-
earn any more points for the remainder of the game. fiers of +3, +2, and +1, respectively.

Variations, maps, and NPC tokens available

Art Credit: Liu Zishan (left), Andre1005 (right)
to patrons of Hump’s Wares

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