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Before gathering information on certain individuals or group there should be

enough proof/intelligence that they were planning or engaging in a crime for
example terrorism like in the movie. The investigator or agent should know who is
the mastermind, they need a name, alias and a face, and connections from other
group or individuals. These information's usually shared among the intelligence
agencies and they collaborate in missions. Agents usually talks face to face with
witness, victim, and accused/offender. There were these scenes in the movie where
they set up the room like a hospital room and even the "news" to make the weapon
specialist cooperate which he did. As for undercover they did pose as buyer of the
plutonium core in Germany where they lost it. Posed again as John Lark to infiltrate
and win the trust of the "white widow" to get the one plutonium core she has. The CIA
and MI6 were the only real-life intelligence agency. The Central Intelligence Agency
of the United State of America and the Secret Intelligence Service or MI6 of the
United Kingdom.

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