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Establish the connection between cyberbullying and the book one of us is lying.

Please in key points.

a gossip app that allows anonymous people to post rumors and secrets about their

This app contributes to cyberbullying and the spread of harmful rumors in the
school, causing harm to multiple students.

The theme of cyberbullying is a central aspect of the story and serves to emphasize
the importance of responsible technology use

Which role do the media play for the plot?

The media plays a significant role in the plot of "One of Us is Lying" by shaping
public perception and influencing the investigation of the murder case.

The media outlets, including news channels and social media platforms, spread
rumors and information about the suspects, impacting public opinion.

The media coverage affects the reputation of the students involved and shapes the
way the case is perceived by the public and the authorities.

The media also serves as a tool for the characters to manipulate information and
influence public opinion, adding complexity to the story's plot.

Overall, the media serves as an important aspect of the story, highlighting the
power of information dissemination and the influence it can have on people's lives.

Examine the relevance of the concept of news stories "If it bleeds, it leads" for
the book

The concept of "If it bleeds, it leads" is a relevant theme in "One of Us is


The murder case at the center of the story is a sensational and shocking event,
drawing media attention and coverage.

News outlets prioritize coverage of the case because it is a source of conflict and
drama, following the principle that stories with violence and suspense are more
likely to capture the public's attention.

The media's emphasis on the sensational aspects of the case creates a distorted
public perception, perpetuating stereotypes and amplifying rumors and speculation.

The book highlights the negative impact that this kind of media coverage can have,
particularly on the lives and reputations of the people involved.

"If it bleeds, it leads" serves as a backdrop for the story, demonstrating the ways
in which the media can manipulate public perception and exploit people's emotions
for the sake of attracting viewers and increasing ratings.

Write a newspaper article about the Simon Kelleher case. Some aspects to cover in
your article:
"Simon Kelleher Case Solved: Flaws in Police Inquiry Exposed"

The Simon Kelleher case, which has captivated the nation for the past several
months, has finally come to a close. The high school student and creator of the
controversial gossip app, "The Basin List," was found guilty of murder in a
stunning twist of events.

While the police may have solved the case, it is clear that the inquiry was not
without its flaws. Eyewitness accounts were ignored and crucial evidence was
overlooked, leading many to question the thoroughness of the investigation.

The media, specifically the investigative journalism program "Mikhail Powers

Investigates," played a crucial role in uncovering the truth. With their tenacious
reporting, they were able to shed light on the flaws in the police inquiry and
bring attention to key pieces of evidence that were initially ignored.

Social media also played a significant role in the case, with the victim's social
media activity serving as a key piece of evidence. The impact of Simon's own app,
"The Basin List," which allowed anonymous individuals to post rumors and secrets
about their classmates, also came under scrutiny. The case highlights the negative
consequences of using technology for malicious purposes and the need for
accountability in the digital age.

The Simon Kelleher case serves as a cautionary tale about the power of technology
and the need for thorough and unbiased police inquiries. It also underscores the
crucial role that media and investigative journalism can play in seeking the truth
and holding those in power accountable.

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