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1. Introduction to Fitness

2. Exercise Anatomy & Physiology

3. Energy Systems

4. 5 Aspects of Fitness

5. Basics of Heart Rate Training (Cardio Vascular Training)

6. Basics of Weight Training / Strength and Conditioning

Introduction to Fitness
Fitness, as we know it today, seems to be a relatively modern invention – something that started vaguely in the
70s with jogging and Jazzercise. But physical exercise obviously goes back much further than that, to a time where
people wouldn’t have thought of it as working out, but rather a way of life. Centuries and millennia ago, they did not
have all the machines and weights and gyms that we have today, and yet they were in better shape than we are.
The most common benets of tness:

- Healthy Lifestyle
- Self condence & popularity in social life
- Overcome Stress
- Avoid injuries & illnesses
- Improved performance in sports
- Better Sex life
- Weight Control
- Boost Energy & Stamina

Fundamentals of Exercise Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy – Human anatomy is the scientic study of the body’s structures. Some of these structures are very small
and can only be observed and analyzed with the assistance of a microscope.
Like most scientic disciplines, anatomy has areas of specialization. 

- Gross anatomy is the study of the larger structures of the body, those visible without the aid of magnication.
Macro- means “large,” thus, gross anatomy is also referred to as macroscopic anatomy. For Ex: Skeletal Anatomy &
Muscle Anatomy.
We will discuss mostly on this aspect of anatomy in tness study.

- Micro anatomy In contrast, micro- means “small,” and microscopic anatomy is the study of structures that can be
observed only with the use of a microscope or other magnication devices.

Skeletal Anatomy

Bone is an osseous tissue composed with calcium salts.

Adult human have 206 bones.
New Born have 300 Bones.

Functions of Skeletal System How do bone help? Parts of the Skeletal System
- Support - Bones
- Protection - Joint
- Movement - Cartilage
- Tendons
- Ligament

Bones - is the substance that forms the skeleton of the body. It is composed chiey of calcium phosphate and
calcium carbonate.

Joints - the movable or xed place or part where two bones or elements of a skeleton join provides mobility.

Classied : Fibrous , Cartilaginous and Synovial
Cartilage - rm, exible connective tissue found in various forms in the external ear and respiratory tract.
Tendons - a exible but inelastic cord of strong brous collagen tissue attaching a muscle to a bone.
Ligaments -  exible brous connective tissue which connects two bones or cartilages or holds together a joint.
Classication of Bones

Long bones

- Typically, longer than wide

- Have a shaft with heads at both ends
- Contain mostly compact bone.
- Provides Leverage.

Examples: Femur, humerus, ulna, radius, metacarpals.

Short bones

- Generally, cube-shape
- Contain mostly spongy bone
- Provides Stability for certain movement

Examples: Carpals, tarsals

Flat bones

- Thin and attened

- Usually curved
- Thin layers of compact bone around a layer of spongy bone
- Provides Protection of the vital organs

Examples: Skull, ribs, sternum

Irregular bones

- Irregular shape
- Do not t into other bone classication categories
- Provides protection for spine

Example: Vertebrae and hip

The skeletal system is made up of 206 bones.  It also includes cartilage, tendons and ligaments. The primary purpose
of the human skeletal system is to provide locomotion, support and protection for the body.  Vital organs, such as
the brain, heart, and lungs, are protected by the skeletal system.  In addition to locomotion, support, and protection,
the skeletal system also produces red blood cells, and stores important minerals for the body.
Types of movements in bones
Biomechanical Movement
1. Flexion - bending of a joint that decreases the angle.
2. Extension - straightening of a joint that increases the angle.
3. Hypo extension - less extension than normal.
4. Hyperextension - extension beyond normal limits.
5. Abduction - away from the body.
6. Adduction - toward the body.
7. Pronation - palm turning down.
8. Supination - palm turning up.
9. Rotation - around an axis.
10. Circumduction - circular movement.
11. Protraction - forward motion, occurs at glenohumeral joint.
12. Retraction - backward motion, occurs in the glenohumeral joint.
13. Internal rotation - while rotating on its own long axis, the anterior surface moves towards the midline.
14. External rotation - while rotating on its own long axis, the anterior surface moves away from the midline.
15. Elevation - moving or lifting and body part in a superior direction.
16. Depression - moving a body part in an inferior direction.
17. Dorsiexion - (ankle) pointing foot up towards body.
18. Plantarexion - (ankle) pointing foot down.
19. Inversion - turning feet inward so the soles face each other.
20. Eversion - turning the soles outward.
21. Gliding - movement of non-angular joints over each other.
22. Deviation - departure from the midline
Anatomy of Muscles
Muscle Anatomy

Muscle is one of the four primary tissue types of the body, and the body contains three types of muscle tissue:
Visceral muscle, cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle. All three muscle tissues have some properties in common; they
all exhibit a quality called excitability as their plasma membranes can change their electrical states (from polarized to
depolarized) and send an electrical wave called an action potential along the entire length of the membrane. While the
nervous system can inuence the excitability of cardiac and smooth muscle to some degree, skeletal muscle
completely depends on signaling of nervous system to work properly. On the other hand, both cardiac muscle
and smooth muscle can respond to other stimuli, such as hormones and local stimuli.

Muscle Types

There are three types of muscle tissue: Visceral, cardiac, and skeletal.

1. Visceral Muscle: Visceral muscle is found inside the organs like the stomach, intestines, and blood vessels. The
weakest of all muscle tissues, visceral muscle makes organs contract to move substances through the organ.
Because visceral muscle is controlled by the unconscious part of the brain, it is known as involuntary muscle—it
cannot be directly controlled by the
conscious mind. The term “smooth muscle” is often used to describe visceral muscle because it has a very smooth,
uniform appearance when viewed under a microscope. This smooth appearance starkly contrasts with the banded
appearance of cardiac and skeletal muscles.
2. Cardiac Muscle: Found only in the heart, cardiac muscle is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
Cardiac muscle tissue cannot be controlled consciously, so it is an involuntary muscle. While hormones and signals
from the brain adjust the rate of contraction, cardiac muscle stimulates itself to contract. The natural pacemaker of
the heart is made of cardiac muscle tissue that stimulates other cardiac muscle cells to contract. Because of its
self-stimulation, cardiac muscle is considered to be auto rhythmic or intrinsically controlled. 

The cells of cardiac muscle tissue are striated—that is, they appear to have light and dark stripes when viewed under
a light microscope. The arrangement of protein bers inside of the cells causes these light and dark bands. Striations
indicate that a muscle cell is very strong, unlike visceral muscles. 

The cells of cardiac muscle are branched X or Y shaped cells tightly connected together by special junctions called
intercalated disks. Intercalated disks are made up of ngerlike projections from two neighboring cells that interlock and
provide a strong bond between the cells. The branched structure and intercalated disks allow the muscle cells to resist
high blood pressures and the strain of pumping blood throughout a lifetime. These features also help to spread
electrochemical signals quickly from cell to cell so that the heart can beat as a unit.

3. Skeletal Muscle: Skeletal muscle is the only voluntary muscle tissue in the human body—it is controlled
consciously. Every physical action that a person consciously performs (e.g. speaking, walking, or writing) requires
skeletal muscle. The function of skeletal muscle is to contract to move parts of the body closer to the bone that the
muscle is attached to. Most skeletal muscles are attached to two bones across a joint, so the muscle serves to move
parts of those bones closer to each other.

Skeletal muscle cells form when many smaller progenitor cells lump themselves together to form long, straight,
multinucleated bers. Striated just like cardiac muscle, these skeletal muscle bers are very strong. Skeletal muscle
derives its name from the fact that these muscles always connect to the skeleton in at least one place.
Function of Muscle Tissue

The main function of the muscular system is movement. Muscles are the only tissue in the body that has the ability to
contract and therefore move the other parts of the body.
Related to the function of movement is the muscular system’s second function: the maintenance of posture and body
position. Muscles often contract to hold the body still or in a particular position rather than to cause movement. The
muscles responsible for the body’s posture have the greatest endurance of all muscles in the body—they hold up the
body throughout the day without becoming tired.
Another function related to movement is the movement of substances inside the body. The cardiac and visceral
muscles are primarily responsible for transporting substances like blood or food from one part of the body to another.
The nal function of muscle tissue is the generation of body heat. As a result of the high metabolic rate of contracting
muscle, our muscular system produces a great deal of waste heat. Many small muscle contractions within the body
produce our natural body heat. When we exert ourselves more than normal, the extra muscle contractions lead to a
rise in body temperature and eventually to sweating.

Muscle Properties


For a muscle to contract and do work, its cells must be stimulated, most often by the nerves supplying them. Nervous
impulses cause the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at the nerve-muscle junction, and the acetylcholine
activates receptors on the surface of the muscle cell. This results in an inux of positively charged sodium ions into the
muscle cell and a depolarization of the muscle cell membrane, which in the resting state is quite negatively charged.
If the membrane becomes sufciently depolarized, an action potential results; the muscle cell is then “excited” from
an electrochemical standpoint.


In the case of skeletal muscles, muscle cells contract when stimulated by neural input; smooth and cardiac muscles
do not require this input. When a muscle cell is excited, the impulse travels along various membranes of the cell to its
interior, where it leads to the opening of calcium channels. Calcium ions ow toward and bind to a protein molecule
called troponin, leading to sequential changes in shape and position of the associated proteins tropomyosin, myosin
and actin. The upshot is that myosin binds to small strands within the cell called myolaments and pulls them along,
causing the cell to shorten, or contract. Since this is going on simultaneously and in a coordinated fashion in many
thousands of myocytes at the same time, the muscle as a whole contract.


Most of your body’s cells lack the capacity to stretch; attempting to do so only damages or destroys them. Your long,
cylindrical muscle cells, however, are a different story. Muscle cells contract, and in order for them to retain this ability,
they must accordingly possess extensibility, or the capacity to lengthen. Your muscle cells can be stretched to about
three times their contracted length without rupturing. This is important because in a lot of coordinated movements,
so-called antagonistic muscles operate such that one is lengthening while the other is contracting. For example,
when you run, the hamstring in the back of your thigh contracts while your quadriceps are extended and conversely.

When something is described as elastic, this is simply a statement that it can be stretched or contracted by some
amount above or below its resting or default length without damaging it, and that it will return to this resting length
once the stimulus for stretching or contraction is removed. Your muscles require the property of elastic recoil for them
to be able to do their jobs. If, say, your biceps muscles failed to recoil to their resting length after being stretched
during a series of curling exercises, they would become slack, and slack muscles with no tension are unable to
generate any force and are therefore useless as levers.


Cartilage one of the types of connective tissue in your body. It consists of cells called chondrocytes mixed with
collagen and sometimes elastin bers meshed into a matrix. It’s softer and more exible than bone.

Cartilage gives support and structure to other bodily tissues. It also helps to cushion your joints. There are three
different types of cartilage in your body: hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage and brocartilage.

Hyaline cartilage contains mostly collagen bers. It lines the bones in all of your joints, helping you to move about
freely. This type of cartilages are most common throughout the human body.

Elastic cartilage contains elastin bers, making it more exible than other types of cartilage. Elastic cartilage balances
structure with exibility, making it the perfect substance to help keep tubular structures open. You can nd
elastic cartilage in your ears and your larynx.

Fibrocartilage contains even more collagen bers than hyaline cartilage. It’s the most rigid type of cartilage and
can be found in intervertebral discs in the spine. It’s also the strongest type of cartilage. This quality makes it a good
connector in high-stress areas of the body, such as between bones and ligaments and tendons.
Cartilage is avascular, which means there are no blood vessels supplying it with nutrients. Instead, cartilage
receives nutrients as they diffuse through surrounding connective tissue. Because cartilage lacks blood vessels, it
tends to heal more slowly when injured.
A tendon is a tough band of brous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone. They are similar to ligaments
expect that ligaments join one bone to another. Tendons are designed to with stand tension. Typically, tendons connect
muscles to bones, together a combination of tendons and muscles can only exert a pulling force.

Tendons fall into the connective tissue category. A complete tendon is built by building up and combining multiple
layers of connective tissue. Let’s examine the building process, beginning at the microscopic level.

The primary building blocks of tendons are collagen bers. These bers are very strong, exible, and resistant to
damage from pulling stresses. Collagen bers are usually arranged in parallel bundles, which helps multiply the
strength of the individual bers.

Now, do you remember that the function of a tendon is to connect muscle to bone? Well, the structure of the tendon
and the muscle are literally connected and intertwined. Deep inside a muscle are individual muscle bers. Collagen,
in conjunction with other types of connective tissue, forms very thin sheaths that keep the individual muscle
bers separate from each other. This layer is called the endomysium. 'Endo-' translates to 'within', and '-mysium'
translates to 'muscle'.

Groups of 10 to 100 muscles bers securely wrapped in the endomysium sheets form fascicles.
Collagen from the endomysium layers extends out and combines with a larger layer of collagen that covers each
fascicle. This layer is called the perimysium, 'peri' meaning 'around'.

By combining the many individual muscle fascicles, you get an entire muscle, such as the gastrocnemius, or calf
muscle, from the introduction. Surrounding each muscle is another collagen layer called the epimysium
('epi-' means 'upon') This layer is also composed of lengths of collagen bers from the layers beneath it, the
perimysium and endomysium.

Now, we have one more layer to look at before we circle back to tendons. Often there
is more than one muscle responsible for a specic movement. The muscle of your upper arm that bends your elbow
is generally known as the biceps muscle. The bending of your elbow, however, requires two major muscles in your
upper arm, the well-known biceps brachii, and the lesser-known brachialis.

Each of these muscles is wrapped in its own epimysium, but they are also held to each other by another layer of
collagen called deep fascia. This layer holds the muscles together, allows for free movement of those muscles,
and provides the blood supply. The collagen of the deep fascia is also connected to the collagen from the lower
muscle layers.

Finally, we can get back to the tendon. Each of the four layers from above are composed primarily of
collagen. Collagen from the deepest endomysium layer all the way up to the collagen of the deep fascia combine to
form the tendon. So, you can imagine that where the cord-like structure of your Achilles tendon meets the calf muscle,
it begins branching into the many collagen layers that inltrate the muscle. When you ex or move your lower leg, you
engage the Achilles tendon and the calf muscle, since they are inextricably linked. This ensures that the force of the
muscle contraction is spread out throughout the entire length and depth of the muscle. It also ensures that no portion
of the muscle is experiencing more stress than the others, protecting the muscle from tearing.
A ligament is short band of tough brous connective tissue composed mainly of long, stringy collagen bers.
Ligaments connect bones to other bones to form a joint. Some ligaments limit the mobility of articulations or prevent
certain movements altogether.
Capsular ligaments are part of the articular capsule that surrounds synovial joints.
They act as mechanical reinforcements.
Extra-Capsular ligaments join the bones together and provide joint stability.


Yours legs are a massive collection of muscle groups, joints, and bones. To better target specic muscles and
increase the overall strength and performance of your lower body, you need to know a little bit about your anatomy
and how each bone, joint, and muscle work together. Let’s start with the muscles.


Your quads are made up of four main muscle groups

—hence the prex, “quad”.
These muscles are the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis,
vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris.
These muscles work in concert to extend your knee.
If you want to develop big quads, you need to spend an equal amount of time developing the back of your legs.
The hamstrings have three main muscle groups: the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and the semitendinosus.
These muscles work to ex your knee. In other words, they bring your heel toward your butt.


We like to talk about glutes because of their potential beauty, but it’s important to note that the glute muscles are
hugely important for keeping our trunk upright. We don’t have big butts just for looks, after all. The gluteal muscles
are made up of the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus.


We’ve all sat in the adductor-abductor machine and wondered, “Why am I doing this?” The adductors are actually
very important muscles. There are ve muscle groups to discuss here, and all of them originate at the inside of your
hip (pubis) and attach to the inside of your thigh. The adductors are layered, almost like the shape of a fan.

In terms of training, the adductors are important for stabilization. They don’t get much use in common movements,
so it’s important to work them specically. Strong adductors help you stabilize during unilateral movements and are
essential to a good squat.

You can’t have great legs without a good set of calves. The two main muscles in your calves are the
gastrocnemius and the
soleus. These muscles work to ex and point your foot.



With a system as large as your legs, just knowing the muscles isn’t enough. Learn more about the bones and joints
that are necessary for you to walk, run, and squat!


I want you to have a really good understanding of how your bones, joints, and muscles work together to create
seamless, uid movement. Here’s what these muscles do in the gym.

The quadriceps muscles are responsible for extending your knee. Movements like squats and leg extensions will
bring out your quads. I’d like you to pay special attention to your rectus femoris because it crosses two joints, the hip
and the knee. The rectus femoris helps to ex your hip. You can work it by doing step-ups or sprints.

Your hamstrings come into play when you extend your hips. You’ll hit your hamstrings doing any deadlift
variation. Your hammies are also used in movements with knee exion. Leg curls, glute-ham raises, and squats will
all grow the back of your legs.

Your glutes get worked when you load the hips. Heavy deadlifts can help build that glute max, while unilateral exercises
like split squats will engage the smaller glute muscles for stability.

Your adductors are there for stability and control. Exercises like lunges will engage and strengthen them.

To best train your gastrocnemius, do the standing calf-raise. Your soleus is better trained when the knee is exed, so
perform seated calf-raises to work it.




To better target and more effectively train your chest, it’s important to understand how the muscles are put together.
Here’s what you need to know about the muscles in your chest.

This is the one you’re probably most interested in training. Your pec major, which is your biggest chest muscle,
actually has three sub-heads: the clavicular head, the sternal head, and the abdominal head. These heads are
important to know because they can be specically trained through particular movements.

Your bones and joints play a critical role in how your chest works and how you train it. You can’t train your chest
without also thinking about your shoulders, back, and elbows.


Let’s put all the pieces together and see how your muscles and bones work together in real-world, functional
movements that you do every day.

All three heads of your pec major work together to create internal rotation. If you put your arm out to the side and
rotate it down and forward, you’re rotating your arm internally. Your arm can’t do that without the help of
your pecs.

A lot of us aren’t too worried about how functionally our chest can rotate our arm. Instead, we want to see
striations and learn how to get big and lean. One of the best exercises to do this is the incline ye. This movement is
called horizontal adduction—you pull across your body.
As you do the movement, those pec bers elongate and then shorten and get tight. All the heads must work together
to perform horizontal adduction.

Your clavicular head is responsible for shoulder exion, or raising your arm over your head. Incline presses, when
your arms go overhead, are going to hit that top portion of your chest.


To best hit the bottom portion of your chest, decline presses and dumbbell pull-overs are best. Your torso position and
the position of your shoulders make a huge difference in which portion of your chest you train.
Your serratus anterior is most noticeable when you do something which protracts your shoulder. When you reach
forward like you’re doing a row, you protract your shoulder. The top part of a push-up really works the serratus
anterior. Push-ups may not make your chest massive, but they denitely train that serratus.
The serratus is also one of three muscles which allow your shoulder blade to rotate upward so you can put your
arms over your head. Your serratus, lower traps, and upper traps work together to create upward rotation. Visible
serratus muscles look cool, but their function is critically important to your shoulder health.



Your back is made of multiple muscles. Although we can’ go over every single one, I’m going to cover the primary
movers most people are interested in training. Here’s what you should know to build a barn-door back.



Your spine is incredibly important for any major movement, but training your back doesn’t begin and end with the
spine. There are other important bones and joints that you should recognize and understand.

As you begin to know and understand the muscles, bones, and joints in your back, you'll learn how they create
movement. Movement, as we all know, is the basis for our training. Understanding how these movements work will
help you develop a solid upper back and keep your shoulders healthy.

Your lats are responsible for moving your shoulder joint. Your shoulder can extend, adduct, and internally rotate
because of the lats. Strong, activated lats are especially important for pull-ups, heavy deadlifts, and other big pulls.

Your traps also move your shoulders. When you reach up, your upper and lower traps and your serratus work
together to create upward scapular rotation. Your traps also have a role in pulling your shoulders together and sliding
your scapula down your ribcage. You also use your traps to slide your scapula upward when shrugging.

The rhomboids are responsible for your scapula’s retraction and downward rotation.
We don’t train the back with jerky motions that bend and twist the spine. Instead, we use our muscles, bones, and
joints together to create smooth, efcient movement. These exercises will challenge the components of your back to
work in concert for maximal development.
It’s also important for you to learn how your body works in different planes of motion. Each of these exercises will
challenge your back muscles on various planes, giving you a well-rounded physique and solid overall athletic



Your shoulders are a complex, synergistic bunch of muscles that are responsible for a huge amount of movement.
Here are the muscles you should be concerned with

One of the best ways to think about your shoulder muscles is to pretend you’re peeling layers off an onion. The
rst layer of muscle around your shoulder joint is called the deltoid. The deltoid has three particular heads.

Bones and joints play a critical role in how your shoulders move. A solid grasp on how they work together will help
you care for your shoulders better and train them more effectively.

The thoracic spine refers to the topmost 12 vertebrae. It starts at the base of the neck and ends at the top of the lower
back. These vertebrae attach to ribs.


It’s great to know anatomy, but that knowledge doesn’t do us any good if it’s not applicable. Here’s how those
muscles, bones, and joints you just learned about move in the gym.

All three heads of your delts work together most of the time. For example, any time you take your arm
overhead—like you would for an overhead press—all three of your deltoid heads will move synergistically.
We can, however, perform movements to further isolate each head of the deltoids.

One of the roles of the anterior delt is creating shoulder exion. Shoulder exion is raising your arm in front of your body …
picture doing a front raise.

Your middle or lateral delts create shoulder exion, but they also help create shoulder abduction. Shoulder abduction
occurs when you bring your arms away laterally from the midline of your body.

Your posterior delts are responsible for shoulder extension. Shoulder extension occurs when you bring your humerus
back behind your body.

The rotator cuff primarily creates stability. In other words, those muscles are always working to keep your humerus
in the shoulder joint. The rotator cuff is also responsible for the internal and external rotation of your humerus.

If your shoulder and rotator cuff do what they,re supposed to, you don’t need a lot of isolated training to get the
results you’re looking for.
Your subscapularis starts on inside of shoulder blade and turns your shoulder inward.

On the backside of your shoulder blade lie your infraspinatus and your teres minor. These muscles externally rotate
your humerus.

The supraspinatus is there to lift your arm away from your side. If you read the research, you’ll learn that the
supraspinatus is responsible for the rst 30 degrees of movement away from the body’s midline.




To train your arms effectively and efciently, you need to understand how they’re put together. Here’s what you need
to know about the muscles in your arms.

To train the front of your arms and build a set of baseball biceps, you need to focus on three specic muscles: the
biceps brachii, the brachialis, and the brachioradialis. The differences in these muscles are important to note.


Most people are focused on their biceps because they pop in the mirror, but your triceps brachii are arguably up to 75
percent of your upper arm, so it’s important to give them just as much attention. Triceps means “three heads”.
To get that horseshoe shape, you need to hammer each head of your triceps.

Bones and joints play a critical role in how your arms are able to move. Understanding how your bones and joints
work will help you tweak exercises and target specic muscles.


Two key joints inuence your biceps training. The position of these joints can alter which muscles are being trained.


The same joints and bones are important to your triceps training, but for different reasons.

Up to this point, we’ve covered muscles, bones, and joints involved in arm training. Let’s take it a step further and
look at how all of those aspects work together to move your body. As you begin to understand different shoulder
and elbow positions, you’ll learn how to maximize your arm growth and you’ll get more out of your arms training.


The biceps brachii are important because they help create exion and supination. To hit your biceps most effectively,
use a supinated grip.

As soon as you go into a neutral grip, like a hammer curl, you have a direct line of pull and will maximize development
of brachialis.

If you go into a fully pronated grip, you lose the mechanical advantage of your biceps. That’s important because,
in this position, you have a direct line of pull to your brachioradialis. So when you’re doing a reverse curl, you’re really
going to isolate the brachioradialis.

When you go from a exed to an extended elbow position, you’re working all three heads of the triceps equally.


As soon as you move the weight over your head, you start to preferentially recruit the long head of your triceps.





Despite popular belief, your abdominals are much deeper and more complicated than that supercial six-pack you
check out in the mirror. Let’s get to the core of the issue


Your core consists of more than just the muscles on the front of your body. It’s important to know what’s
happening on the back. We’re going to focus on three specic muscle groups in this section: the multidus,
quadratus lumborum, and erector spinae.

We many not think about them as often, but the bones and joints of your abdominal region are just as crucial to your
training and development as your muscles.


The following are the exact movements your core is designed to do. A lot of people like talking about big-bang
exercise like crunches, sit-ups, and side bends. In reality, your abs do a lot more than just ex. Here are the ve
motions you should know.

Take a deep breath in and hold it. That's your diaphragm pressing down into your pelvic oor and out into
your transverse abdominus. This pressure gives you a strong, stable spine to squat, deadlift, and overhead press.

Most people think your abdominals are only made to ex your trunk. They also control extension through the spine
and lower back. Many people struggle to control arching backward. Your rectus abdominus and your internal and
external obliques connect to the front of your pelvis and help control your lower back.


Internal and external obliques help you bend toward one side. This is called lateral exion. The obliques and the
quadratus lumborum are also important for keeping your spine neutral, which is called anti-lateral exion. Imagine
carrying a heavy bag of groceries. You need one side of your body to stay strong to control the motion so the other
side doesn’t just drop to the side.


The rectus abdominus, transverse abdominus, and internal and external obliques are responsible for keeping your
body from rotating too far. Like anti-lateral exion, anti-rotation helps keep the torso neutral against pressure. To do
any push or pull with one side of the body, you need anti-rotation.
Crunches and sit-ups are examples of exion. Your ability to bend forward is important, but if you’re squatting
or deadlifting, you better hope you don’t fall over forward. Your core’s ability to keep your torso from
rounding over is going to keep your spine healthy and allow you to move more weight.


Physiology – The Study of the functions of the body.

Structural Organization – Atoms (Chemical Level) – Cells – Tissues – Organs – Organ System – Organism.

Cells – the smallest structural and functional unit of living organism.

Tissue – A group of similar cells performing a specic function.

Organs – Group of one or more tissue performing one or more specic function.

Organ system – Group of organs together performing major physiological function.

Organism – The highest level of the organization.

Homeostasis – Constant and stable internal environment in regard to the changes occurring outside.

The major systems covered in the study of human physiology are as follows:
- Circulatory system - including the heart, the blood vessels, properties of the blood, and how circulation works in
sickness and health.

- Digestive/excretory system - this domain charts the movement of solids from the mouth to the anus and includes
study of the spleen, liver, and pancreas, the conversion of food into fuel and its consequent expulsion from the body.

- Endocrine system - the study of endocrine hormones that carry signals throughout the organism, helping it to
respond in concert. The principal endocrine glands - the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, parathyroid, and
gonads - are a major focus, but nearly all organs release endocrine hormones.

- Immune system - the body’s natural defense system is comprised of white blood cells, the thymus, and
lymph systems. A complex array of receptors and molecules combine to protect the host from attacks by pathogens.
Molecules such as antibodies and cytokines feature heavily.

- Integumentary system - the skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands (secreting an oily or waxy

- Musculoskeletal system - the skeleton and muscles, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Bone marrow - the site of
red blood cell creation - and how bones store calcium and phosphate are included.

- Nervous system - the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system. Study of
the nervous system includes research into the senses, memory, emotion, movement, and thought.

- Renal/urinary system - including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, this system removes water from the
blood, produces urine, and carries away waste.
- Reproductive system - consisting of the gonads and the sex organs. Study of this system also includes
investigating the way a fetus is created and nurtured for 9 months.

- Respiratory system - consisting of the nose, nasopharynx, trachea, and lungs. This system brings in oxygen and
expels carbon dioxide and water.

Functions of Human Life.

- Metabolism – The sum of all anabolic and catabolic reactions in the body.
- Anabolism – Simpler molecules are combined into larger complex substances.
- Catabolism – Larger Substances are broken down into simpler molecules.
- Responsiveness – Ability to change to the stimuli

Stimulus - That which inuences the or causes temporary in the physiological system.

- Movement – Motion of the Organism organs and also cells.

- Development and Growth – Changes the body undergoes.
- Reproduction – The formation of new organisms from parental organisms

The rst thing to remember is that ANY muscle contraction/force exertion is due to a molecule called adenosine
triphosphate (ATP).

Conventionally, there are three energy systems that produce ATP: ATP-PC (high power, short duration), glycolytic
(moderate power/short duration), and oxidative (low power/long duration). All are available and “turn on” at the
outset of any activity. What dictates which one (or two) is relied upon the most is the effort required.

The ATP-PC Energy System – High Power/Short Duration

ATP and phosphocreatine (PC) compose the ATP-PC system, also sometimes called the Phosphogen system. It is
immediate and functions without oxygen. It allows for up to approximately 12 seconds (+ or -) of maximum
effort. During the rst few seconds of any activity, stored ATP supplies the energy. For a few more seconds beyond
that, PC cushions the decline of ATP until there is a shift to another energy system.It is estimated the ATP-PC
system can create energy at approximately 36 calories minute.
Examples: a short sprint, lifting a heavy resistance for three repetitions, or pitching a baseball.
The Glycolytic System – Moderate Power/Moderate Duration

Now it becomes more complicated as energy demands shift to this system. The glycolytic system is the “next in
line” tool after the ATP-PC system runs its course. Dietary carbohydrates supply glucose that circulates in the
blood or is stored as glycogen in the muscles and the liver. Blood glucose and/or or stored glycogen is broken
down to create ATP through the process of glycolysis. Like the ATP-PC system, oxygen is not required for the actual
process of glycolysis (but it does play a role with the byproduct of glycolysis: pyruvic acid). It is estimated glycolysis
can create energy at approximately 16 calories per minute.
Here is where it gets interesting. After maximum power declines around 12 seconds, further intense activity up to
approximately 30 seconds results in lactic acid accumulation, a decrease in power, and consequent muscle
fatigue. This high, extended effort is labeled “fast” glycolysis. Exerting further effort up to approximately 50
seconds results in another drop in power due to the shift in dependence on the oxidative system. Bottom line: it is
getting tougher.
Example: think of an all-out sprint, to a slower jog, to an eventual walk. That is the progression of the three energy
systems when going all-out.
Enter “slow” glycolysis into the discussion (warning: more science jargon ahead, but hang in there). Recall the
byproduct of glycolysis is pyruvic acid. In fast glycolysis, more power can be generated, but pyruvic acid is
converted to lactic acid and fatigue ensues quickly. Slow glycolysis is different. Relatively less power is generated,
but pyruvic acid is converted to acetyl coenzyme A (acoA), fed through the oxidative Krebs cycle, more ATP is
produced, and fatigued is delayed. Thus, extreme fatigue can be avoided (but relatively less-intense effort can
continue to be expressed) in slow glycolysis as compared to fast glycolysis.
Examples: any moderately-long runs such as 200-400 yards, a 1:30 effort of all-out MMA maneuvers, or a one-
minute full-court press - offense display - and another full-court press effort in basketball.
The Oxidative System – Low Power/Long Duration
Your maximal effort was fueled initially by the ATP-PC, but your performance declines. Continued effort results in
further decline, either via fast glycolysis (quick decline) or slow glycolysis (slower decline). You’re now entering the
complex world of the low power but longer duration oxidative system, which is estimated to create approximately
10 calories per minute.

 Examples: 6-mile run, low-level manual labor on an eight-hour work shift, or a 3-mile walk.
Cardiovascular (CV) Exercise.
Cardiovascular exercise, also called cardiorespiratory exercise, involves movement that gets your heart rate up to
improve oxygen consumption by the body. An essential part of every exercise program, cardio not only helps you
lose or maintain weight, it helps you build endurance so you can remain active for a longer period of time.
The 7 Basic Types of Cardiovascular Training.
There are a number of types of cardiovascular training which can help you meet your tness goals. Each has it’s
own advantages and disadvantages. Some types of training are better for advanced trainers while some are more
appropriate for beginning trainers.
Most Common
Here are 7 of the most commonly used cardiovascular training types.
1. Low Intensity, Long Duration
This type of training involves intensities of around 40 to 60% of Maximum Heart Rate. It is basically something
slow, easy, continuous and long (over 40 minutes). This can be walking, cycling, jogging, etc. You should be able to
converse comfortably while doing it (called the talk test).

2. Medium Intensity, Medium Duration

This involves aerobic work done at around 70% of max HR. It is harder, therefore it cannot be done for as long,
usually between 20 to 40 minutes. This is also the next step up from the low intensity work.

3. High Intensity, Short Duration

This version of aerobic work is done at around 80 to 85% of HR max. That point, at 85% of your HR max, is
generally considered to be the Anaerobic Threshold, though this can vary depending on genetics and tness level.
This is a very demanding form of training. It is done for between 5 to 20 minutes generally, depending on tness
level andintensity.

4. Aerobic Interval Training

The rst way of doing aerobic interval training involves doing a period of moderate to high intensity aerobic work,
alternating with a period of rest of low intensity work, e.g. 3 minutes of fast running then 1 minute of slow walking,
repeated 4 times. You can vary the intervals and intensities to your liking, e.g. 10 minutes of moderate work, 2
minutes easy, 1 minute hard, or perhaps 5 minutes hard, 5 minutes easy. The key is variation during the work while
not working so hard that you must stop completely.

5. Anaerobic Interval Training

This type of training involves going hard for short periods of time then resting for equal or longer periods of time. It
is done at intensities of 85 to 100% of your HR max.
Here is an example of how it works:
- Sprint as hard as you can for 30 seconds,
- Walk for 30 seconds,
- Sprint 30 seconds,
- Walk 30 seconds, etc.
- Repeat 3 to 6 times depending on tness level.

6. Fartlek Training
This is translated from Swedish, this means speed play. Basically, you mix up all of the above types of training
together into one session. You might run for 10 minutes, sprint for 30 seconds, walk for 2 minutes, run fast for 2
minutes, jog slowly for 5 minutes then sprint again.

7. Circuit Training
Circuit training is basically aerobic weight training. Here is an exmaple of how it works:
- Set up a number of stations with a variety of exercises that work the entire body,
e.g. bench, curls, pulldowns, leg curls, etc.
- Use a fairly light weight that you can lift without going to failure for a preset period of time.
- You will do each exercise continuously for a specied time interval, e.g. 1 minute at each station and go
through the cycle 1 to 3 times.
Cardio training benets
5 Great Benets Of Cardiovascular Exercise!
Cardio, short for cardiovascular exercise, is any movement that gets your heart rate up and increases blood
circulation. Learn 5 key benets of performing cardio right here!



Those are just a few of the benets that you will see with regular cardiovascular exercise.

If you are just getting started, rst focus on simply nding an activity that gets you moving and gets your heart rate
up. Those are the two key components to what cardio is. Any form of exercise will do, whether it is going for a
walk, a bike ride or performing in an organized sport.

The important thing is to keep your body moving. Weight lifting, unless done in a circuit style fashion, would not be
considered aerobic cardio exercise since you are not moving continuously. It would be anaerobic and would use a
different energy system than that of cardio (the ATP-CP system).
As you build up your tness level, then you can concentrate on performing more advanced forms of cardio such as
interval training, tempo training, HIIT sprints and so forth. First get started on building a solid cardio base though
and then work from there.

Cardio is one thing you do not want to overdo in the beginning because spending hour upon hour on a machine at
a moderate pace is really not going to give you any further benets than someone doing a more moderate volume.
Once you are able to do 30-45 minutes 3-5 times a week then step it up a notch and look at those advanced
principles. It’s usually better to increase the intensity of your cardio, rather than the volume (unless you happen to
be training for a long distance even such as a marathon for example).
How much cardio exercise should I do?
To get health and tness benets, you should aim to do at least 30 minutes of continuous CV exercise ve times
per week. Although this may seem like a lot, if you factor in activities such as walking as well as specic exercise
sessions, it is easily achievable. Statistics show that 17 per cent of car journeys are less than one mile - which
include trips to drop the kids off at school or going to the local shops - whereas a mile can easily be covered in 15
minutes on foot and will give you numerous health and tness benets.
Cardio exercise precautions

If you are at all unsure about starting a CV exercise programme or have not exercised for some time, then get the
all clear from your doctor before you begin. There are also certain forms of CV training that are unsuitable for
some people – for example, if you suffer from arthritis or joint problems then impact activities such as jogging and
running will not be good for you. Also, asthmatics will nd CV exercise easier to do in moist, warm conditions – so
swimming in a heated, indoor pool is ideal for people who suffer from asthma.
To fully exercise your CV system you need to carry out at least ve sessions per week, but you should always factor
in one complete rest day each week to avoid excessive fatigue and overtraining, and to allow your body to recover
and rebuild stronger.

Keeping your heart and lungs in good shape has to be a priority for your tness programme, because CV training is
essential for long-term health and tness. In addition to the whole host of health and tness benets that you can
gain from regular cardio exercise, CV workouts can be fun and enjoyable, leaving you feeling great for hours
afterwards! The ‘runner’s high’ is a well known phenomenon that runners often experience after a session – but
this can equally be experienced through any of the different forms of CV activity.
A system of conditioning muscles involving lifting weights especially for strength and endurance.
What are Muscles?
Functions of the Muscles

The Human muscular system is made up of a complex network of soft tissues which are called muscles. Muscle
tissue is found throughout the human body and it has the following functions;
1. Movement.
2. Maintenance of Posture.
3. Joint stabilization.
4. Heat generation.

Characteristics of Muscles
Muscle Tissue possesses some unique characteristics that help to differentiate it from other bodily tissue such as
the following;
1. Contractility. 
2. Excitability.
3. Extensibility.
4. Elasticity.

Types of Muscles
Types of muscles which make up the Human Muscular System.
There are three classications of muscles found throughout the human body. These are, Skeletal, Cardiac, and
Smooth Muscles.

Skeletal Muscles
Most muscles that make up the human body are under our conscious or voluntary control meaning we can
command their movement by messages sent from our brains to the muscles via the nervous system. These
muscles are called Skeletal Muscles and are usually connected to the skeletal system by bundles of collagen bers
which are more commonly known as tendons. The point at which the muscle attaches to the bone is called
the origin of the muscle. This origin point tends not to move by the contraction of the attached muscle and tends
to be closer to the center of the body and have greater mass than what the other end of the muscle attaches to.
The opposite end of the muscle is called the insertion. The attachment point of insertion tends to be further away
from the center of the body and has less mass than the site of the origin attachment. The insertion end of the
muscle attachment is more likely to be the end that moves when the muscle is contracted. Skeletal Muscles never
attach themselves to another muscle. that we usually So if we want to turn the water off at the kitchen sink, we
would command the action via our brains which would send signals down through our nervous system to the
muscles required to turn off the tap. It is important to note that skeletal muscles work in tandem with
corresponding skeletal muscles to create movement. These muscles can only pull and not push so on their own
they are nonfunctioning. In most cases of Skeletal muscles you will nd a pair which work together such as
the biceps and the triceps or the hamstring and the quadriceps. Skeletal muscles make up around 43% of a man’s
and 36% of a woman’s whole-body mass, making it the most abundant tissue in the human body.

Slow Twitch (Type 1)

As the name suggests, Slow Twitch Muscle bers re more slowly than fast twitch muscles and have the ability to
function over a longer period of time therefore they are considered to be an endurance muscle ber. Slow Twitch
Fibers are redder because they are dense with capillaries as well as have an abundance
of Mitochondria and Myoglobin making it more efcient in carrying oxygen and therefore sustaining aerobic
activity for longer periods of time. Slow Twitch muscle bers are predominantly powered by the oxidation of fats
and carbohydrates to continue contracting for longer periods of time with little force. As a result of the endurance
qualities of slow twitch muscle bers, it is believed that endurance athletes such as marathon runners, long
distance swimmers and cyclist have a greater percentage of slow twitch muscle bers compared to fast twitch
muscle bers in their Skeletal muscle make up.
Fast Twitch (TYPE 1)
Fast twitch muscle bers function using anaerobic chemical reaction in the muscle to create adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) molecules which are the fuel used to power the movement and as a result they are much more
procient at generating short bursts of contractions resulting in higher levels of strength and speed. However due
to the explosive nature of Fast twitch muscle bber they fatigue rapidly, only able to sustain short anaerobic bursts
of activity before the muscle becomes painful. Fast twitch muscle bers contribute to more muscle strength than
its counterpart and has the greater potential to increase in size. Fast Twitch muscle bers are whiter in color due
to the fact that they possess less mitochondria and Myoglobin. It is considered that sprinters, weight lifters have
more Fast Twitch muscle bers providing them with the explosive power and strength required to partake in their
give sports. Type IIa – Fibers These fast twitch muscle bers are also known as intermediate fast-twitch bers.
They can use both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism almost equally to create energy. In this way, they are a
combination of Type I and Type II muscle bers. Type IIb– Fibers These fast twitch bers use predominately
anaerobic metabolism to create the high energy needed to producing quick, powerful bursts of speed. This muscle
ber has the highest rate of contraction (rapid ring) of all the muscle ber types, but it also has a much faster rate
of fatigue and cannot function very long before requiring rest.

Cardiac Muscles
As the name suggest the cardiac muscle is the only muscle of its kind in the body and it is responsible for our
beating heart. The cardiac muscle is an involuntary muscle meaning we have no conscious control of its motion.
The cardiac muscle is responsible for coordinated contractions (heart beats) of cardiac muscle cells in the organ
which pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body.

Smooth Muscles
Smooth muscles are also involuntary muscles which are usually found internally in the human body. These Smooth
muscles surround or are part of internal organs such as the lungs, intestines, bladder, the reproductive tracts, the
iris of the eyes as well as within the walls of blood vessels. These smooth muscles play a huge importance to the
day to day functions of our bodily organs and like the Cardiac Muscle we have no conscious control of their

Contraction Cycle
Muscles contract when stimulated by signals from their motor neurons. Motor neurons contact muscle cells at a
point called the Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ). Motor neurons release neurotransmitter chemicals at the NMJ
that bond to a special part of the sarcolemma known as the motor end plate. The motor end plate contains many
ion channels that open in response to neurotransmitters and allow positive ions to enter the muscle ber. The
positive ions form an electrochemical gradient to form inside of the cell, which spreads throughout the
sarcolemma and the T-tubules by opening even more ion channels.
When the positive ions reach the sarcoplasmic reticulum, Ca2+ ions are released and allowed to ow into the
myobrils. Ca2+ ions bind to troponin, which causes the troponin molecule to change shape and move nearby
molecules of tropomyosin. Tropomyosin is moved away from myosin binding sites on actin molecules, allowing
actin and myosin to bind together.

ATP molecules power myosin proteins in the thick laments to bend and pull on actin molecules in the thin
laments. Myosin proteins act like oars on a boat, pulling the thin laments closer to the center of a sarcomere. As
the thin laments are pulled together, the sarcomere shortens and contracts. Myobrils of muscle bers are made
of many sarcomeres in a row, so that when all of the sarcomeres contract, the muscle cells shortens with a great
force relative to its size.
Muscles continue contraction as long as they are stimulated by a neurotransmitter. When a motor neuron stops
the release of the neurotransmitter, the process of contraction reverses itself. Calcium returns to the sarcoplasmic
reticulum; troponin and tropomyosin return to their resting positions; and actin and myosin are prevented from
binding. Sarcomeres return to their elongated resting state once the force of myosin pulling on actin has stopped.
A muscle ber generates tension through actin and myosin cross-bridge cycling. While under tension, the muscle
may lengthen, shorten, or remain the same. Although the term contraction implies shortening, when referring to
the muscular system, it means the generation of tension within a muscle ber. Several types of muscle
contractions occur and are dened by the changes in the length of the muscle during contraction.
Isotonic Contractions
Isotonic contractions maintain constant tension in the muscle as the muscle changes length. Isotonic muscle
contractions can be either concentric or eccentric.
Types of Muscle Contraction
An isotonic concentric contraction results in the muscle shortening, an isotonic eccentric contraction results in the
muscle lengthening. During an isometric contraction the muscle is under tension but neither shortens nor

Concentric Contractions
A concentric contraction is a type of muscle contraction in which the muscles shorten while generating force,
overcoming resistance. For example, when lifting a heavy weight, a concentric contraction of the biceps would
cause the arm to bend at the elbow, lifting the weight towards the shoulder. Cross-bridge cycling occurs,
shortening the sarcomere, muscle ber, and muscle.

Eccentric Contractions
An eccentric contraction results in the elongation of a muscle while the muscle is still generating force; in effect,
resistance is greater than force generated. Eccentric contractions can be both voluntary and involuntary. For
example, a voluntary eccentric contraction would be the controlled lowering of the heavy weight raised during the
above concentric contraction. An involuntary eccentric contraction may occur when a weight is too great for a
muscle to bear and so it is slowly lowered while under tension. Cross-bridge cycling occurs even though the
sarcomere, muscle ber, and muscle are lengthening, controlling the extension of the muscle.

Isometric Contractions
In contrast to isotonic contractions, isometric contractions generate force without changing the length of the
muscle, common in the muscles of the hand and forearm responsible for grip. Using the above example, the
muscle contraction required to grip but not move a heavy object prior to lifting would be isometric. Isometric
contractions are frequently used to maintain posture.
Isometric contractions are sometimes described as yielding or overcoming.

A yielding contraction occurs when a muscle contraction is opposed by resistance. For example, when holding a
heavy weight steady, neither raising nor lowering it. 

An overcoming contraction occurs when a muscle contraction is opposed by an immovable object, such as the
contraction generated in the muscles when pushing against a wall.

In both instances, cross-bridge cycling is maintaining tension in the muscle; the sarcomere, muscle bers, and
muscle are not changing length.

Types of Muscle System during exercise.

Prime mover – muscle with the major responsibility for a certain movement

Antagonist – muscle that opposes or reverses a prime mover

Synergist – muscle that aids a prime mover in a movement and helps prevent rotation

Fixator – stabilizes the origin of a prime mover

Types of strength training
Training for muscle power

This technique aims to improve a muscle’s explosive power, meaning its ability to perform a powerful movement

in minimal time. Examples include launching into a fast sprint or jumping. Training for muscle power is generally

used to help people improve their sporting performance. It involves doing one to six repetitions of each exercise at

maximum speed. Depending on training goals, a power program can consist of one to three or three to six sets. For

high-intensity exercises, a rest period of at least two to three minutes per set is recommended.

Training for muscle strength

All types of weight training will improve your strength. But this technique aims to improve absolute strength —

meaning the ability to lift or push heavy weights. It involves one to six repetitions of each exercise performed

relatively slowly. This can be done for three to six sets with a rest interval of 1-2 or 2-3 minutes, depending on the

amount of weight being lifted.

Training for muscle hypertrophy

This type of training aims to increase the amount of lean muscle in the body. It’s especially useful for weight loss. It

can also help with achieving a lean, toned look. For older adults, it can help counteract or reverse the age-related

muscle loss that can lead to frailty. For novice and intermediate training, it involves doing 8 to 12 repetitions

relatively slowly, generally for one to three sets per exercise. Rest periods of 1-2 or 2-3 minutes are advisable

between sets, depending on the load.

Training for muscular endurance

This kind of training helps muscles to be able to keep performing a movement for a prolonged period of time such

as in rowing. Training for muscular endurance involves doing 20 repetitions or more at a controlled speed,

generally for one to three sets. It is recommended that short rest periods be used for muscular endurance training

- 1-2 minutes between sets of 20 repetitions and even less than a minute if you are doing a more moderate

number of repetitions, such as 10-15.

1)You should train athletes based on movements performed in the sport only?

A. True
B. False

2)Flexibility is an important part of every program?

A. True
B. False

3)Hyperextension is?

A. Moving a body part in an inferior direction

B. More extension than normal
C. Toward body
D. None of the above

4)Elevation is moving a body part in superior direction.

A. True
B. False

5)These bones are intended for strength and are very limited in movement

A. Long
B. Short
C. Flat
D. Irregular

6)Which is not correct about Ligaments?

A. Dense connective tissue

B. Stretch less than tendons
C. More elastic bers than tendons
D. None of the above

7)An example of a long bone is

A. Femur
B. Scapula
C. Vertebrae
D. Metacarpal

8)Extension of the spine means that you are

A. Bend forward from the waist

B. B. Bending backwards
C. C. Bend Sideways
D. Rotating for the hips
9)What is the total number on bones in an adult human body?

A. 350
B. 206
C. 150
D. 288

10)The Rhomboids are more medial than the deltoids

A. True
B. False

11)The hips are inferior to the Ribcage

A. True
B. False

12)Actin and Myosin are proteins that work independently in the Myobrils

A. True
B. False

13)What is ATP?

A. Energy
B. Protein
C. Fats
D. Carbohydrates

14)Fast twitch motor units are responsible for

A. Sustaining a load over a prolonged period

B. Speed and strength
C. Producing energy over long periods
D. Endurance

15)What is produced from the breakdown of glucose and seen as an end product of anaerobic glycolysis?

A. Lactic acid
C. Glycogen
D. Phosphogen

16)The Oxidative system makes the greatest contribution to which event?

A. 800m run
B. 100 m sprint
C. Half marathon
D. Multi sprint sports
17)Resistance exercise is:

A. Aerobic
B. Anaerobic (strength)
C. Isometric
D. Plyometric

18)In the living cell, the main high energy compound is

A. Creatine
C. Gylcogen

19)During muscular contraction ATP is broken down into what substance

C. Glycogen
D. none of the above

20) Circuit training involves performing a series of exercises with

A. No resistance
B. Little or no rest between exercises
C. Long rest between exercises
D. Both a and b

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