Mechanics and Criteria For The Saudi National Day Contest

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Mechanics and Criteria for the Essay Writing Contest

This Essay Writing Contest is part of the Saudi National Day celebration of Jeel Yanbu
International School activities with this year’s 2022 theme:
“Heya Lana Dar” which means “Saudi is Our Home “
Mechanics of the contest
1. The Essay Writing Competition is open to all class categories namely;
Category A – Grade 4-5
Category B – Grade 6-7
Category C- Grade 8-12
2. All entries can be written in English or Arabic and must have at least 250 words and must not
exceed 600 words.
3. All essays must be original and previously unpublished.
4. All entries will be judged based on content, originality, structure
and style.
5. All entries must follow the specifications below: ·
 Paper: Provided by the participant’s
 Margin: 1-inch margin on each side.
 Contains at least three (3) paragraphs
 All entries will be submitted on September 25, 2022, to Ms. Aisha Somroo

Chairman of Competition & Awards Committee.

B. Criteria for Judging

Creativity ----------------------- 40%
Adherence to Topic---------10%
Total -----------------------------100%

Prepared by Activity Department


Mechanics and Criteria for the Slogan Contest

The Slogan Contest is part of the Saudi National Day celebration of Jeel Yanbu
International School activities with this year’s 2022 theme:
“Heya Lana Dar” which means “Saudi is Our Home “
Mechanics of the contest
1. The Slogan Competition is open to all class categories namely;
Category A – Grade 1-3
Category B – Grade 4-6
Category C- Grade 7-12

2. The participants will make their own slogan based on the 2022 theme
“Saudi is Our Home”

3. Entries should be written in A3 Size white bond paper.

All entries will be submitted on September 25, 2022, to Ms. Jennifer

Member of

B. Criteria for Judging

Creativity ----------------------- 30%
Neatness ------------------------ 15%
Relevance to the theme ---------35%
Originality ---------------------- 20%
Total ------------------------ 100%

Prepared by Activity Department


Mechanics and Criteria for the Speech Choir Contest

The Speech Choir contest is part of the Saudi National Day celebration of Jeel Yanbu
International School activities with this year’s 2022 theme:
“Heya Lana Dar” which means “Saudi is Our Home “
Mechanics of the contest
SPEECH CHOIR COMPETITION (Guidelines, Mechanics, and Criteria)
1. There shall be one (1) contest piece. The contest piece shall be given two (2) weeks before
the contest.
2. The minimum number of contestants shall not be less than (10) members.
3. Costumes and props are allowed.
The criteria for judging are as follows:
Interpretation (the manner in which the piece is internalized & presented)
30 %
Delivery (quality of voice, fluency, pronunciation, blending & harmony)
Stage Presence (stage poise, eye contact & audience impact)
Costume & Sound Effects (attire is related to the concept, and sound production)
Mastery of Piece 10%
Total of 100%

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