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1. API653. 2014 Edition

1. To qualify to write the API 653 ICP certification examination, what is the inspection experience
requirement for a high school graduate?
A) Three years of experience in inspection of aboveground storage tanks
B) Two years of experience in inspection of aboveground storage tanks, of which one year must be in
supervision of inspection activities or performance of inspection activities
C) Three years of experience in inspection of aboveground storage tanks, of which one year must be in
supervision of inspection activities or performance of inspection activities
D) Five years of experience in inspection of aboveground storage tanks, of which two years must be in
supervision of inspection activities or performance of inspection activities

nswer: c.........API 653 , Ins r Certification [Annex D D.2. (g 11••••••••

2. API 653 authorized inspector certification How many years of storage tank inspection or inspection
supervision experience must an applicant with a degree in engineering or technology have in order
tosatisfy API acceptance criteria?

A) 5 years
B) 3 years
C) 2 years
D) 1 year

!Answer: D.........API 653 , Inspector Certification [Annex D, D.2. (A)

inspector recertification How often must an API 653 certified aboveground storage tanks, who is actively
involved in tank inspections be 'recertified' by API?
A) Every year

B) Every 3 years ]
C) Every 5 years
D) It depends on how many individual tanks they have inspected J

~nswer: B.........API653, Ins~or Certification [Annex D, D.5.1

4. For Recertification purpose, as per API 653 Actively engaged as inspector is defined as which of the
11 11

A) Minimum of 20% oftime spent on performing or supervision of inspection activities as per API 653 J
B) Performance of or supervision of inspection activities on 75 aboveground storage tanks.

C) Either (a) or (b)

D) Both (a) and (b) are required

5. inspector recertification An inspector achieved API 653 certification 3 years ago but has only been actively
engaged in tank inspections for 20% of his time over the past 3 years. What does this inspector have to do j
to achieve his 3-yearly recertification?

A) Sit a full recertification examination covering the whole API 653 syllabus
B) Sit an on-line examination covering recent code revisions only
C) Just apply for recertification without any exam
D) Both(b)and(c)above

0 C.........API 653, Inspector Certification [Annex D 0.5.2 (a) and

6. Actively engaged inspectors shall demonstrate knowledge of revisions to API 653 __

A) Once every other certification period (every Six years)

B) One every Nine years
C) At the time of each recertification (every there years)
D) There is no such requirement

(Answer: A.........API 653 Inspector Certification Annex,

7. The API 653 standard covers the maintenance inspection, repairs, alteration, relocation and
Reconstruction of tanks constructed to which one of the following standards :-
B) API651
C) API652
D) API650.

!Answer: D.........API 653, Introduction [1.1.1

8. API 653 Code covers storage tanks that have been built or constructed to:

A) API 650 requirements only

B) API 650 and API12C requirements
C) Both API 653 and API 650 requirements
D) API 653 requirements only

9. API 653 Scope does NOT cover:

A) Inspection
B) Repair and Alteration
C) Relocation and reconstruction
D) Construction and repair

10. API 653 scope is limited to the tank foundation, bottom, shell, structure, roof, attached appurtenances,

and nozzles to the:

A) Face of the first flange, first threaded joint, or first welding-end connection
B) First flange face or valve
C) First flange face
D) First valve

!Answer: A.........API 653, Introduction [1

11. If there is a conflict of technical requirements between API 650 and API 653 on activities that must be
carried out on an in-service tank, what actions would you take?

A) Follow API 650

B) Follow API 653
C) Use API 579 instead
D) Use API 2217A instead

!Answer: B.........API 653, Introduction [1

12. The API 653 standard employs the principles of _ __

A) API650
B) ASME Article 4
C) AWS D1.1
D) API 1104

!Answer: A.........API 653 ,Introduction [1.1.3)· · · · · · · · · · · · ·

13. API 653 is intended for use by organizations that maintain or have access to:
A) Engineers trained and experienced in tank design, fabrication, repair and reconstruction. I ]
B) Inspectors trained and experienced in tank fabrication, repair, reconstruction and inspection
C) engineering and inspection personnel technically trained and experienced in tank design, fabrication, I
repair, construction, and inspection.
D) Engineers and inspectors trained, experienced in tank design, fabrication, repair and reconstruction 1

nswer: C.........API 653 ,

14. When design and construction details are not given, and are not available in the as-built standard, details

MUST be used that provide a level of integrity equal to level provided by:

A) Current edition of API 653

B) Current edition of API 650

C) Edition of API 650 chosen by Engineer

0 D) None of these are correct per API 653

nswer: B.........API 653 ,Introduction [1.

15. What Document May Be Used to evaluate the various types of degradation or test requirements

addressed in API 653?

A) API 579-1/ASME FFS-1

B) API 580
C) API 581
D) API 571

~nswer: A.........API 653, Introduction [

16. Who has the ultimate responsibility for compliance with API 653 requirements?

A) The company that inspects it

B) The API authorized inspector

C) The owner/operator
D) All of the above share the responsibility

!Answer: B.........API 653 , Compliance with This Standard [1.

17. If a contractor is to relocate or reconstruct an aboveground storage tank, the limits of responsibilities are

defined by ?

A) API653

B) the contractor

C) the authorized inspector

D) the owner/operator
nswer: D.........API 653 , ComP-liance
18. If an API 653 provision is in conflict with a jurisdictional regulation or requirement, and the API 653
requirement is more stringent, which of the following statements is correct?
A) Jurisdictional requirements SHALL govern in all cases and must be used instead of API 653
B) Jurisdictional requirements SHOULD govern and may (or may not) be used instead of API 653
C) API 653 requirements SHALL be followed if they are more stringent than jurisdiction rules
D) API 653 requirements SHOULD be followed if they are more stringent than jurisdiction rules

19. If any provision of API 653 presents a direct or implied conflict with any statutory regulation and the
statutory regulation is more stringent .
A) the government regulations govern
B) the API 653 standards govern
C) the owner/operator requirements govern
D) the inspector will decide which regulations govern

~nswer: A .........API 653 1 Jurisdiction [1.3

20. To assure safe working practices during inspection, repair and dismantling of tanks, what API guidelines
include safeguards for personnel health and safety, prevention of accidental fires and explosions, and the
prevention of property damage?
A) API2015, API 2016, and API 2217A
B) API2201, API 2207, and API2217A
C) API653, API2201, and API 2217A
D) API2015, API2207 and API2217A

!Answer: A .........API 653 1 Safe Working Practices

21. Where welding and hot work are involved, WHAT API DOCUMENT states "Except in areas specifically
designated as safe for hot work, a hot work permit shall be obtained before starting any work that can
involve a source of ignition."

A) AP12015
B) API 2201
C) API 2217A 1

!Answer: D.........API 653 , Safe Working Practices [

22. API 653 standard recognizes fitness-for-service assessment concepts for evaluating in-service degradation
of pressure containing components using which of these documents?
A) API 579-1/ASME FFS-1
B) API 580
C) API 581
D) None of these

!Answer: A.........API 653 , Referenced Publications [2.1] /Introduction [1.1.6]

23. API RP "Safe Welding, Cutting, and Hot Work Practices in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries" is:
A) API2015
B) API2016 ]
C) API2217A
D) API RP 2009

~swer: D.........API 653 1 Referenced Publications [2.1] /Introduction [

24. Recommended Practice for Design, Fabrication, and Inspection of Tanks for the Storage of Petroleum
Refining Alkylation Unit Spent Sulfuric Acid at Ambient Temperatures is: 1
A) API2015

B) API2016
C) NACE RP 0205
D) API RP 2009

25. The document for "Personnel Qualification and Certification in NOT" is:
B) ASME V, Article 1
C) ASNT CP-189
D) None ofthese

nswer: A.........API 653 1 Referenced PUiiiffi~iajJLU~cr

26. API Publication "Design and Construction of Large, Welded Low Pressure Storage Tanks" is:
C) API620
D) None of these

27. API Publication "Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Storage Tanks" is:

A) API575
B) API651
C) API652
D) None of these

~swer: B.........API 653 1 Referenced Publications [2.

28. API Publication "Lining of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms" is:
A) API575
B) API651
C) API652
D) None of these

nswer: C.........API 653 1 Referenced Publications [

29. The critical API Publication titled "Venting Atmospheric & Low Pressure Storage Tanks" is:
A) API2015
B) API2016
C) API2217A
D) API2000

30. The API Publication titled "Safe Hot Tapping Practices in Petro/Petrochem Industries" is:
A) API2015
B) API2016

C) API 2217A
D) API2201

!Answer: D.........API 653 , Referenced Publications [2.

31. API Publication "Requirements for Safe Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks" is:
A) API2015
C) API2207

!Answer: A.........API 653 , Referenced Publications

32. API Publication "Guidelines/Procedures for Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks":
A) API2015
B) API2016
C) API2207
D) API2217A

~nswer: B.........API 653 , Referenced Publications

33. API Publication "Preparing Tank Bottoms for Hot Work" is:
A) API2015
B) API2016
C) API 2207
D) API2217A

!Answer: C.........API 653 , Referenced Publications

34. API Publication "Guidelines for Safe work in Inert Confined Spaces in the Petroleum and Petrochemical
A) API2015
B) API2016
C) API2207
D) API 2217A

~nswer: D.........API 653 , Referenced Publications [2.

35. means any work on a tank involving cutting, burning, welding or heating operations that changes
the physical dimensions and/or configuration of a tank.
A) Repair
B) Reconstruction
C) Reworking
D) Alteration

~wer: D.........API 653, alterations [3.:1]11· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

36. The standard (such as API standard or UL standard) used for the construction of the tank component in
question is referred to as the:

A) As-built standard
B) Construction standard
C) Current applicable standard
D) None of these

37. If this standard is not known, the as-built standard is the standard that was in effect:
A) At the date of the installation of the component
B) One year prior to the date of the installation of the component
C) Six months prior to the date of the installation of the component
D) None of these is correct using API 653 rules regard ing effective dates for documents

swer: A.........API 653 , as-built 51:CII ~~~L~~.

38. If the date of the installation of the component is unknown, then the current applicable standard shall be
considered to be the:
A) As-built standard
B) Construction standard
C) Current applicable standard
D) None of these

!Answer: A.........API 653 , as-built standard [3.

39. What API 653 Annex provides a list of API welded storage tank standards?
A) Annex A
B) Annex B
C) Annex C
D) Annex D

!Answer: A.........API 653 , as-built standard

40. API 653 Annex A provides a list of API welded storage tank standards that goes back to 1936 and the All-
WELDED OIL STORAGE TANKS (All Tanks before that were riveted). What was the name of the 1936 API
C) API620

(Answer: D.........API 653 1 as-built standard [3.2/ Annex A .!"!'...!~~=..

41. The standard used for repairs or alterations made after original construction is the:
A) As-built standard


B) As-built standard only for those repairs or alterations
C) Construction STD only for those repairs or alterations
D) None of these are correct

42. If a tank was built today using an API or UL standard for tanks, it would be referred to as:
• Note:-
A) As-bu1lt standard 3.2 as-built standard
B) Construction standard The standard (such as API standard or UL 5 standard) used
for the construction of the tank component in question.
C) Current applicable standard 3.11 current applicable standard
D) None ofthese The current edition of the standard (such as API standard
or UL standard) that applies if the tank were built today.

!Answer: C.........API 653 1 current applicable sta

43. Which of these is NOT an Authorized Inspector Agency?
A) Inspection organization of the jurisdiction where the aboveground storage tank is operated.
B) Inspection organization of an insurance company which is licensed or registered to and does write
aboveground storage tank insurance ..
C) An owner/operator of one or more aboveground storage tank(s) who maintains an inspection
organization for activities relating only to his/her equipment and for aboveground storage tanks intended
for sale or resale.
D) An independent organization or individual under contract to and under the direction of an
owner/operator and recognized or otherwise not prohibited by the jurisdiction in which the aboveground
storage tank is operated.

!Answer: C.........API 653 1 authorized inspection agency

44. Which of the following is considered an Authorized Inspector Agency?
A) Inspection organization of the jurisdiction where the aboveground storage tank is operated
B) Inspection organization of Insurance company which is licensed or registered to buy other aboveground
storage tank insurance policies
C) An owner/operator of one or more aboveground storage tank(s) who maintains an inspection
organization for activities relating only to his/her equipment and for aboveground storage tanks intended
for sale or resale.
D) An independent organization or individual under contract to and under the direction of an
owner/operator and recognized and prohibited by the jurisdiction in which the aboveground storage tank is

~nswer: A .........API 653 1 authorized inspection ageng

45. An employee of an authorized inspection agency that is certified as an aboveground storage tank
inspector per Annex D of API 653 is called:
A) authorized inspector
B) tank inspector

C) aboveground storage tank inspector
D) None of these

46. An Authorized Inspector is an employee of an Authorized Inspection Agency certified per:

A) Annex A
B) Annex B
C) Annex C
D) Annex D

47. The area on the tank bottom where the settlement begins is called:
A) Bulging Point
B) Settlement Point
C) Breakover Point
D) None of these

~swer: C.........API 653 J brea

48. The tank for which corrosion rates are NOT known is called the:
A) Candidate Tank
B) Control Tank
C) Critical Service Tank
D) Critical Tank

!Answer: A •••••.••• API 653 1 candidate tank

49. A "change in service" from previous operating conditions involves different properties of stored product.
A "change in service" may include all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Increase or decrease in temperature or pressure
B) Increase or decrease in specific gravity
C) Change in degree of corrosivity
D) Change in the corrosion rate

~swer: D.........API 653 1 change in -i*~

50. _ _ _ _ is a change from previous operating conditions involving different properties of the stored
product such as specific gravity or corrosivity and I or different service conditions of temperature and I or
A) Re-rating
B) Change in service
C) Repair

nswer: B••.•••••• API 653 1 change in service

51. The tank for which corrosion rates are known is called the:
A) Candidate Tank
B) Control Tank
C) Critical Service Tank

D) Critical Tank

IAiiswer: B.........API 653 1 control tank

52. Per API 653, the definition for "Corrosion rate" is:
A) Total metal loss divided by the period of time over which the metal loss occurred
B) Metal loss subtracted from the period of time over which the metal loss occurred
C) Metal loss multiplied by the period of time over which the metal loss occurred
D) None of the above is correct

53. The critical zone of the tank bottom is within the.

A) Annular plate ring, within 6" of the shell or within 6" of the inside edge of the annular ring.
B) Annular plate ring, within 10" of the shell or within 10" of the inside edge of the annular ring.
C) Annular plate ring, within 12" of the shell, or within 12" of the inside edge of the annular plate ring.
D) Annular or bottom plates within 3 inches of the inside edge of the shell.

!Answer: D.........API653 1 critical zone [3.

54. A formal visual inspection, supervised by an authorized inspector, to assess all aspects of the tank as
possible without suspending operations or requiring tank shutdown is called a(n):
A) On-Stream inspection
B) External inspection
C) Routine inspection
D) None of these

!Answer: B.........API 653 1 external inspection [3.

55. Methodology where flaws contained within a structure are assessed to determine the adequacy of the
flawed structure for continued service without imminent failure is:
A) Process Safety Management Assessment
B) Risk-Based Inspection Assessment
C) Fitness-For-Service Assessment
D) None of these are correct

!Answer: C.........API 653 1 fitness-for-se rvice assessment [3.15]

56. _ _ identifies a procedure for installing a nozzle in the shell of a tank that is in service.
A) Repair
B) Alteration
C) Hot tap
D) Reconstruction

~nswer: C.........API 653 1 hot tap [3.

57. Hydrotest is defined as a test performed with water, where the test load is produced by:
A) Water column
B) Specific Gravity
C) Static fluid Head

D) Total static head

58. An internal inspection is best defined by which of the following statements:

A) Formal inspection of selected internal tank surfaces supervised by authorized inspector
B) Formal inspection of some accessible internal tank surfaces supervised by authorized inspector
C) Informal incomplete inspection of all accessible internal tank surfaces supervised by Authorized Inspector
D) Formal complete inspection of all accessible internal tank surfaces supervised by an Authorized Inspector

59. To be an alteration a nozzle must be:-

A) 12" or greater NPS nozzles
B) greater than 12" NPS nozzles
C) greater than 2" NPS nozzles
D) greater than 10" NPS nozzles

swer: B.........API 653 ma ·or alteration or major repair

60. The addition of manways and nozzles greater than 12-inch NPS or increasing or decreasing the tank shell
height is considered-- --:
A) reconstruction
B) rebuilding
C) reworking
D) alteration

~nswer: D......••.API 653, major alteration/or major repair [3.20

61. Installing a shell penetration larger than NPS 12 beneath design liquid level is considered:
A) Alteration
B) Repair
C) Major alteration
D) None of these

swer: C.........API 653, major alteration/. or major repair L===...~=·. .

62. Installing a bottom penetration within 12 inches of the shell is considered:
A) Major alteration
B) Alteration
C) Repair
D) None of these

swer: A.........API 653, major alteration/or major re air1 3.20

63. Removing and replacing or adding a shell plate beneath the design liquid level where the longest
dimension of the replacement plate exceeds 12 inches is considered:
A) Repair
B) Alteration
-- 1
C) Major repair
D) None of these

swer: c.........API653 1 major alteration/or major repair [3.20

64. Removing or replacing annular plate ring material where the longest dimension of the replacement plate
exceeds 12 inches is considered:
A) Repair
B) Alteration
C) Major repair
D) None of these

!Mswer: C......•.•API653 1 major alteration/or major repair [3.20 (d)]

65. Complete or partial (if more than Yz weld thickness) removal & replacement of more than 12 inches of
vertical weld joining shell plates or radial weld joining the annular plate ring is:
A) Repair
B) Alteration
C) Major repa ir
D) None of these

!Answer: C.........API653 1 major alteration/or major repair [3.20 (e)]

66. Installing a new bottom that results in removal of any floor plate or annular ring within the critical zone is
A) Repair
B) Alteration
C) Major alteration
D) None of these

!Answer: C.........API653, major alteration/or major repair [3.20

67. removing and replacing part of the weld attaching the shell to the bottom, or to the annular plate ring, in
excess of the amounts listed in a);:
A) Repair
B) Alteration
C) Major repair
D) None of these

!Answer: C•.....•.•API653 1 major alteration/or major repair [3.20

68. Work necessary to maintain or restore a tank to a condition suitable for safe operation is:
A) Alteration
B) Repair
C) Major repair

D) None of these

69. Removal and replacement of material such as roof, shell, or bottom material, including weld metal to
maintain tank integrity is considered:
A) Alteration
B) Repair
C) Major repair
D) None ofthese

70. re-leveling and/or jacking of a tank shell, bottom, or roof is considered:

A) Alteration
B) Repair
C) Major repair
D) None of these

!Answer: B.........API 653 1 repair [3.26

71. adding or replacing reinforcing plates (or portions thereof) to existing shell penetrations is considered:
A) Alteration
B) Repair
C) Major repair
D) None of these

!Answer: B.........API 653 1 repair [3.26 (

72. repair of flaws, such as tears or gouges, by grinding and/or gouging followed by welding is considered:
A) Alteration
B) Repair
C) Major repair
D) None ofthese

~swer: B••..••••• API 653 1 reP-.@ir [3.26

73. The legal entity having both control of and/or responsibility for operation and maintenance of an existing
storage tank is called:
A) Owner/Operator
B) Owner/User
C) Responsible Operating Organization
D) Jurisdiction

swer: A.•.••••••API 653 1 owner operator

74. _ _ _ _ means the work necessary to reassemble a tank that has been
dismantled and relocated to a new site.
A) Reconstruction
B) Rebuilding
C) Reworking
D) Alteration

~nswer: A.........API 653 1 reconstruction [

75. Any work necessary to reassemble a tank that has been dismantled and relocated to a new site is called:
A) Relocation
B) Constru ction
C) Reorganization
D) Reconstruction

!Answer: D.........API 653 1 reconstruction L~=.. ~

76. An organization having assigned responsibility by the owner/operator to design and/or reconstruct a
A) Repair Organization
B) Relocation Organization
C) Construction Organization
D) Reconstruction Organization

!Answer: D.........API 653 1 reconstruction organization [

77. Which of the following DOES NOT meet the definition of a repair organization?
A) Owner/operator of aboveground storage tanks who repairs or alters his own equipment per API 653
B) Contractor making repairs/alterations to API 653 with qualifications acceptable to aboveground storage
tanks Owner/operator.
C) Owner/operator of aboveground storage tanks who repairs or alters his own equipment as he sees
D) One who is authorized by the jurisdiction, and who makes repairs per API 653

!Answer: C.........API 653 1 repair organization [3.

78. Which of the following meets the definition of a repair organization?
A) Owner/operator of aboveground storage tanks who repairs or alters his own equipment without
following API 653.
B) Contractor making repairs/alterations to API 653 with qualifications acceptable to aboveground storage
tanks Owner/operator.
C) One who makes repairs per API 653 but is outside of and not authorized by the jurisdiction
D) Contractor making repairs/alterations with qualifications acceptable to Owner/operator.

!Answer: B.........API 653 1 repair organization [3.

79. Process by which corrosion rates and inspection intervals are established for a candidate tank using
corrosion rates and service history from a control tank for the purpose of establishing the next inspection
date is called a(n):
A) Corrosion Rate determination
B) Inspection Interval assessment
C) Similar service assessment
D) None of these

80. One or more persons or organizations acceptable to owner/operator and knowledgeable and experienced
in the engineering disciplines associated with evaluating mechanical and material characteristics that
affect the integrity and reliability of aboveground storage tanks is:
A) Fitness for Service Organization
B) Engineering Organization
C) Storage Tank Engineer
D) None of these

nswer: c.........API 653 1 storage tank engineer [

81. Who consults with appropriate specialists and can be regarded as a composite of all entities needed to
properly assess technical requirements that affect integrity and reliability of aboveground storage tanks?
A) Owner/Operator
B) Engineering Organization
C) Engineer
D) Storage Tank Engineer

!Answer: D.........API 653 1 storage tank engineer [3.

82. A condition that exists when the material of a component is deemed acceptable for use by provisions of
many requirements for Brittle Fracture assessment using the decision tree:
A) Unknown toughness
B) Acceptable toughness
C) Recognized toughness
D) None ofthese

!Answer: c.........API 653 I recognized toughness [3.

83. An evaluation is required to determine a tank's suitability for continued service when:
A) Tank inspection results show a change has occurred from its original physical condition.
B) Tank inspection results provide both a short term and long term component corrosion rate.
C) Tank inspection results provide a current thickness of a tank's bottom plates using MFL
D) Tank inspection results provide a remaining life value for any tank component.

swer: A.........API 653 1 General [4.1

84. What factors are required for consideration when performing an evaluation for continued use of an
aboveground storage tanks?
A) Only those listed in API-653
B) The recommended list of considerations provided in API-510 can be modified to suit this purpose
C) Engineering analysis and judgement required for each situation
D) Only those.
nswer: C.........API 653 1 General [ 4.
85. Which of the following is not a factor in determining suitability for service of shell tanks :-
A) Internal corrosion due to the product or water bottoms 0
B) Location relative to other tanks
C) Chemical analysis and mechanical properties ofthe materials of construction
D) Tank foundation, soil and settlement conditions Q
!Answer: A .........API 653 1 General [
86. A corroded roof plate is found to have an average thickness of 0.1" measured over an area of 100 sq.
inches. This area shall be:-
A) Repaired or replaced
B) Found to be acceptable
C) Repair is prohibited
D) Replacement is mandated

!Answer: B.........API 653 1 Tank Roof Evaluation I General []

87. In regard to API653, roof plates corroded to an average thickness of ___ inch in any 100 square inch
area shall be repaired or replaced.
A) less than 0.09
B) 0.09
C) greater than 0.09
D) no API 653 requ irement, owner's requirement

!Answer: A .........API 653 1 Tank Roof Evaluation I General [ 4.2.

88. When evaluating roof support systems, special attention should be paid to
A) Rafters
B) Prior repairs;
C) Distortions
D) The possibility of severe internal corrosion of pipe columns.

~nswer: D.........API 653 1 Tank Roof Evaluation I Fixed Roofs [ 4.2.2.

89. Methods employed to inspect overhead roof support members for soundness shall be acceptable to the:
A) Responsible Inspector
B) Authorized AST Inspector
C) Owner/Operator's Inspection Organization
D) AST Engineer

!Answer: ~.........API 653 1 Tank Roof Evaluation I Fixed Roofs [ 4.2.2.

90. A roof-to-shell joint is considered frangible IF:
A) The joint slope does not exceed 2:12 and support members are not directly attached to a roof.
B) It is attached to the top angle of the tank with a continuous fillet weld all around on the top.
C) It is attached to the top angle of the tank with an intermittent fillet weld all on the top.
D) It will fail prior to the shell-to-bottom joint in the event of excessive internal pressurization.
nswer: D.........API 653, Tank Roof Evaluation 1 Fixed Roofs 1API 650 [ -
91. Small punctures in floating roof systems :-
A) may be ignored ifthey have been determined to be non-critical
B) shall be repaired
C) shall be replaced

swer: D••••••••• API 653

92. Which of the following is not true regarding small punctures in a floating roof plate :-
A) May be ignored if they have been determined to be non-critical
B) Shall be repaired
C) Shall have affected sections replaced
D) Is considered a change from the original condition.
IAi]swer: A•••••.••• API 653 Tank Roof Evaluation Fixed

93. Floating root anti-rotation devices shall be evaluated for :-

A) needed repairs
B) replacement;
C) ultrasonically for flaws
D) only (A) and (B) above.
. .:. ':==--=~ ..
~Ai!swer: D.........API 653 , Tank Roof Evaluation I Fixed Roofs [4
94. Which statement is true regarding evaluation of corroded floating roof plates and pontoons?
A) Areas of roof plates and pontoons showing cracks or holes may be repaired or replaced.
B) Holes through the floating roof plates may be patch repaired or the plates fully replaced.
C) Pitted areas may be evaluated to determine likeliness of thru-pitting before a next internal inspection.
D) If through-pitting occurring prior to the next scheduled internal inspection, affected areas must be repaired
or replaced.
nswer: D.........API 653 , Tank Roof Evaluation 1 Fixed Roofs [-w..... ~.,.,..
95. Guidance for the evaluation of existing floating roofs shall be based on:
A) Criteria of API 653, Annex H (external floating roofs) and Annex J (Internal floating roofs)
B) Criteria of API 575, Annex D (external floating roofs) and Annex L (Internal floating roofs)
C) Criteria of API 650, Appendix C (external floating roofs) and Appendix H (Internal floating roofs)
D) Criteria of API 2217 A, Guidelines for the Evaluation of Existing Floating Roof Tanks

96. Before changing a tank's service to operate at new Internal Pressure , which of the following requirements
shall be considered in the evaluation and subsequent alterations to the tank roof and roof-to-shell
A) current applicable standard (API 650, Annex F)
B) API 650, Appendix M
C) API 650, Annex V

D) API 650, Annex F

!Answer: A.........API 653 1 Change of Service /Internal Pressure []

97. which of the following requirements must be used for evaluating the effects of design partial vacuum on
tank roofs?
A} API 650, Annex H
B) API 650, Annex M
C) API 650, Annex V
D) API 650, Annex F

!A:nswer: c.........API 653 I Change of Service /Internal Pressure [ --=:-=.==..,

98. Above what operating temperature shall API Standard 650, Annex M, be considered before changing the
service of a tank?
A}500°F I

!Answer: D......•..API 653 1 Change of Service I Operation at Elevated Temperature []-
99. All requirements of API 650, _ ___, shall be considered before changing the service of a tank to
operation at temperatures above 200oF.
A} Annex M
B) Annex J
C) Annex C
D) Annex K
!Answer: A.........API 653 1 Change of Service I Operation at Elevated Temperature []- fJ
100. Before elevating the operating temperature of a shell tank to a temperature above 200 degrees F,
what document must be considered?
A} API RP 650, Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage
B) API 650, Appendix M
C) API RO 650, Lining of Aboveground Petroleum Tanks
D) Publication 2207, Preparing Tank Bottoms for Work.

!Answer: B......••.API 653 1 Change of Service I Operation at Elevated Temperature []-

101. Under what conditions may a tank be operated at a temperature lower than the original design?
A} When the requirements for impact testing of ASME Section VIII, Div.l have been met
B) When the requirements of the current applicable standard or API Standard650 for the lower temperature
shall be met.
C) When the requirements of ASTM Specification A-370 have been met
D) When the requirements of ASTM Specification A-20 have been met

102. The evaluation of the existing tank shell shall be conducted by____ ,
A) Owner/Operator
B) Engineering Organization
C) Authorized Inspector
D) Storage Tank Engineer

nswer: D••••••••• API 653 Tank Shell Evaluation General [ 4.3.

103. Existing shells shall be analyzed by a storage tank engineer for :-
A) Fluid static head, internal and external pressure, wind loads, settlement and business needs
B) Wind loads, settlement, fluid static head, internal and external pressure and nozzle loads
C) Internal and external pressure, wind loads, fluid static head, settlement and if it convenient.
D) Only (a) and (b) above.

104. Flaws, deterioration, or other conditions that might adversely affect the performance or structural
integrity of the shell of an existing tank must be evaluated. a storage tank engineer shall conduct the
evaluation. This analysis shall take into account any of the following except
A) Fluid static head
B) Internal and external pressure
C) Organization that manufactured the tank
D) Seismic loads
!Answer: C.........API 653 , Tank Shell Evaluation/ General [ ...~~·..J
105. Pitting does not normally represent a significant threat to the overall structural integrity of a shell
A) Pits are severe and exceed the "Yz mint" requirement of API 653
B) Pits exceeding "Yz mint" along any vertical line does not exceed the 2 inch in 8 inch rule
C) Pits are severe in nature and in close proximity to one another
D) Pitting rarely if ever represents a significant threat to overall shell structural integrity

106. When is pitting an important factor in determining tank shell acceptability?

A) When pits are 1/4" in diameter;
B) When the pits are 1/8" in diameter.
C) When the pits are present in a severe form in close proximity.
D) Pitting always represents a significant threat.
r~~~~~~--~~~~~--~~j }

107. Minimum thickness calculation for shells oftanks 200 feet or less in diameter shall be done using_:-
A) the variable design point method for API 650.
B) ASME section VII, div. 1
C) the formula given in API 653
D) either (A) or (C) may be used.

nswer: D.........API 653 1 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
108. The shell plate formula tmin =2.6(H-1}DG/SE
A) only (B) and (C) below
B) is only valid if tmin is not les than 0.1in.
C) applies only to tanks less than 200 feet in diameter.
D) does not apply to riveted construction.

!Answer: c.........API 653 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-

109. E =1.0 when evaluating the retirement thickness in a corroded plate, when away from welds or joints
A) at least the greater of 1 in.
B) twice the plate thickness
C) at least the Less than 1 in.
D) A orB above

!Answer: D.........API 653 1 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-

110. weld joint efficiency factor for a tank built in 1950 with a ,_u
single_ butt
___ joint
_ with a 'back-up
...:,, _..., 0
bar'? The construction standard is not known.
B) 0.85
.::;:, .,1 :,.

--... 1111


--~.- 0 16
C) 0.7 ~~-·-· ........


.....,... ... Rt

D) 0.35

{tM f ta ii1RI --

OJII • ..S

••"* I
M lfl - f

!Answer: c.........API 653 I Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
111. If the yield strength (V) of a material of construction is 35,000 psi and the tensile strength (T) is 60,000
psi, what is the value of the maximum allowable stress for the bottom two courses of a tank made of this
A) 25,740 psi 0
For Thickness Calculation : D
B) 28,000 psi S is the maximum allowable stress in pound force per square inch (lbf/in.2);
~ use the smaller of 0.80 Y or 0.429 T for bottom and second course;
C) 35,000 psi ~ use the smaller of 0.88 Y or 0.472 T for all other courses.
D) 30,680 psi ~ S =Smaller 35000 x 0.80 = 28000 OR 60000 x 0.429 = 25740 PSI

nswer: A.........API 653., Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded liank Shell Table 4.1J I
112. What will be Allowable product test stress for ASTM A-285, Grade C in lower course shell in tank?
J ,... ,

-=- -- -·-
A) 23,600 psi .......,.AIIMIIIIt lllll llriiWI(HDI IIDrUM fDr lltaJnllruaiG,._._ ._IJ

B) 26,000 psi
- $tllllL1 1~71 _..._!l ~'~~ !l
C) 27,000 psi
D) 28,200 psi. -:.=- .=:
r-."T" r~~
" : : : - U.rc:-.. ~ .,..,o...

... ..
».CClt •.coo
111.000 ft lii.COO
38.000 ,.,..,

:14.-:D 27,10)
o\~I. CS
51 .COO
swer: A.........API 653 1 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell
113. What will be Allowable hydrostatic test stress for ASTM A-285, Grade C in lower course shell in tank?
A) 23,600 psi
B) 26,000 psi
C) 27,000 psi
D) 28,200 psi.
~nswer: A.........API 653 1 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell [ 4.1]1
114. What will be Allowable hydrostatic test stress for ASTM A-516, Grade 70 in lower course shell in tank?

- --
A) 28,200 psi
B) 30,000 psi
,._...,.. '1::.:'
- ... ll:fM .•!!N- ! )

C) 33,000 psi ~- r,...........

D) 34,200 psi.


10 liDO

!Answer: c.........API 653 I Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell [ 4.1]1
115. What will be Allowable hydrostatic test stress for ASTM A-516, Grade 70 in 3'd course shell in tank?
A) 28,200 psi
B) 30,000 psi
C) 33,000 psi
D) 34,200 psi.
~swer: D .........API 653 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell [ 4.1J I
116. During an inspection, you are required to calculate the retirement thickness for the bottom course of
a tank. The information available is as follows :-
Diameter = 150 feet Height = 40 feet
Specific gravity of contents= 0.77 Joint efficiency= 1
Material tensile strength is unknown Material tensile strength is unknown;
Material maximum allowable stress is unknown.

A) 0.050 in.
- .. .... f1.,_,...11U _ _ _ , _ _ _I
B) 0.7141 in. 1--.IIIDAIID--~-~-1Df

C) 0.500 in. AIIOMb6t . . . . . . . IQ
T............ ,.., ...... J,.,...n
D) 0.5625 in. ............. u~o. ......."'
• Given information:-
.,,.,,,, c
A2...,_: ....,..,
...... .......
.....,.. .
~~ ~ ;!81
""""' "

::-r•;o ~-
};> D = 150 feet "'""
At!n •"'- IJ , CA
"''2 1-eH )IIt
:;a.l, tOJ
~ ......
::~: ! ID
n ...:.,
.. ~ ... )1'\
... o::oo
:~e. em;)

};> =
H 40 feet A ~.l·Ut
A!P":: ttt
A ~.>.YU
'2. Q,CQG
r o..oa1

G = 0.77
~ ~

};> ............,.., t,,,....
Material is unknown .,., . ..,
JolCIJIJ ..H.J:.-J


.= 2.6x(H -t) XDXG = 2.6x39Xt50x0.77 = 0. 11,00! :l t h!lfl

1 496in.
""" SE 23600Xl Cl 0.500 in.
Answer: c.........API 653 I Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
117. A tank has the following dimensions:
Nominal tank diameter 150ft
Total height of tank 30ft 0

Maximum fill height 30ft
Number of courses equally spaced 5
Specific gravity of contents 0.85 I
Construction code API 650 basic standard 5th edition
Material of construction A283 C
What is the minimum acceptable thickness tmin for the bottom course? Use the 'full course' equation tmin
= 2.6(H1)DG/SE
~~~~~~~l'!vMI D
A) 0.48 in AIWilill "',.._
SIMI:l'J!!:Il:') ( b !l Jta Simi, St Ltiln.~ IH• 71
B) 0.35 in l"linun Mlnlnllm I
C) 0.25 in Mlllri~~n
~ ~ Upper Colrus
l.aer TIID Upper Courlet
I ll s~
D) 0.75 in. I
Ami Speafl:llln I
• Given information:- I

t\2ll.C 55,{00 2&,{00 26,{00 21,(00
A21B-C 3Q.OOO !5,{00 2U)O 211,{00 27,(110
A)5 36.0)0 58,{00 24,93n VACO 27,1/'1J Jl,100
};> D =150 feet AllH\.B CS 34.CIOO 58000 24JOII 27.ACO 27.400 Jl .100
lt1JI.fH36 &1.000 71000 J).5)0 Jl.9l) Xl.slO 31SJO
};> H fill= 30 feet
};> G = 0.85 tmin.= 2.6(H-l)DG/SE = 2.6(29)150x0.85/(23600x0.85) = 0.479
};> E=1
A) 0.48 in
};> A 283 Gr.C
linswer: A......•.•API 653 1 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
118. An inspection is performed on an a aboveground storage tank 24 feet tall, 22 feet fill height, 94 feet
diameter, water storage service, earth foundation. There is one area of general internal corrosion on the
south side of the shell 20 inches wide and 20 inches in vertical length. There is evidence of bottom
Calculate the minimum thickness of the first course based on product alone.

A) 1.175 in.
-AIIIIMI*IIIIIIIIIeaeiiJIOtlarU.faf~ . . . . . . . . . . .

- --=- -·
'rutlt ..,
B) 0.228 in.
!! Is

C) 0.551 in. .......... ~

_ _ !J ...._'l ~ Jl

-- ... .....--
D) 0.217 in.
--::-= .=:=
1 •
":::' .... c-.. ' : : : ..... c-s
• Given information:- .,.':.r; :=

...... --
ASIU . . . .'
AlD-C ~ J?...
);> D = 94 feet A:& C
,..,.. a.tal J?. . .
A» ~ ~.

);> H fill = 22 feet AUMB.C& 5f.QII; D.a

- -
AUJ.etlll $l,mll Jt,ale lO,:IIID SI,Sit ~
Ama 'D.CIIt
);> G=l lo5l)4f
IUlO 30,-
:10,~ Sl,tOO
~ c;!,IDI .nrrD 11.11111
);> E=l

-- --
);> Material is unknown a.xo aD

~ .....,
GICJ\. a\1f 11,1100
:n... :D.JIII JGT.IQ !a.
GIQ2l.CI:"Ir SII.IDi c.a :IIlJa) IQ1DD
!III.CUi ~

r: ,.....,,._

atilt ZUDI aDID

~-- J
1 --· ..
llol! ::r..-
71- auac <~~.-o

tmlrae 2,§ (tt·ll~ = 2,§ (22·ll 'i~Ull = .217"' C) 0.500 in.

se 23.600

nswer: C.........API 653, Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
119. An inspection is performed on an a aboveground storage tank 24 feet tall, 22 feet fill height, 94 feet
diameter, water storage service, earth foundation. There is one area of general internal corrosion on the
south side of the shell 20 inches wide and 20 inches in vertical length. There is evidence of bottom
Calculate the minimum thickness for the third course, if each course is 4 feet in height.
A) 0.122 in. D H 3rd course= 22-2x4 =14 feet
B) 0.100 in.
D S= 26,000 (From Table 4-1)
C) 0.275 in.
D) 0.132 in.
0 Given information:-
trntn- 2 e <H-1 \QG
);> D = 94 feet SE
);> H fill= 22 feet 'rntn- 2 a 11 4-u <&4 u 1)
);> Course height =4 feet
trntn. 3 177 2
);> G=l 28,000
);> E=l '"''"'"" . 122
);> Material is unknown A) 0.122 in.

nswer: A.........API653, Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
120. An inspection is performed on an a aboveground storage tank 24 feet tall, 22 feet fill height, 94 feet
diameter, water storage service, earth foundation. There is one area of general internal corrosion on the
south side of the shell 20 inches wide and 20 inches in vertical length. There is evidence of bottom
If the maximum liquid level in the tank were to be lowered by 5 feet, what is the minimum
thickness of the first course?
D H = 22-5=17 feet
A) 1.73 in.
B) 0.168 in. D S= 26,000 (From Table 4-1)
C) 0.200 in. tm1n- 2 6 CH-1 >QG
D) No change from original design thickness SE

D Given information:- trnln = 2 .6 C1 Z-1 l C94>Cl)

23 . 600(1)
):> D = 94 feet
);:> H fill = 22 feet tmtn.... 3 91 o 4
);:> maximum liquid level in the tank were
to be lowered by 5 feet
);:> G=1
);:> E=1
);:> Material is unknown
B) 0.168 in.
!Answer: B.........API 653, Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
121. For an existing 150 foot diameter storage tank, which has been in service for 28 years, known
joint efficiency is 1.0, contents have been the same, with a specific gravity of 1.0, material
yield of plate is 30,000 and tensile strength is 55,000, liquid fill level is 50 feet, calculate the
minimum allowable thickness for the second course :-
A) 0.6789 in.
B) 0.7962 in. 2
S: Maximum allowable stress, lbf/in , If not found in table , it can be
C) 0.8056 in. calculated as the following:
D) 0.8156 in. For first Two courses (from the bottom)= smaller of 0.80Y or 0.429T
= Smaller 24000 or 23595 psi
D Given information:-
= 23,595 psi
);:> D = 150 feet

);:> H = 50 feet

);:> G=1

);:> E=1 .
=2.6x(H -I)XDXG = 2.6x49X150x I =O.S099in.
);:> Y = 30,000 psi & T = 55,000 psi mm S£ 23595XJ

D) 0.8156 in.
~swer: D.........API 653 , Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
122. What is the minimum acceptable shell plate thickness for a tank shell made of A 285 grade C

material, 70 feet in diameter and 50 feet high ? Specific gravity of contents is 0.8. Original

joint efficiency was 100%.? J Table 4.1-MaxinunAbilleSheiiStresses!NOtbUseforReconstnltedTris,seeNote~

A) 0.356 in.
B) 0.339 in.

C) 0.480 in.
D) 0.304 in.
D Given information:-
);> D = 70 feet

);> H = SO feet

);> =
G 0.8

);> E=1

);> A 285 Gr. C

= 2.6x(H - l)XDXG = 2.6x49X70x0,8 =O.J02Jin. D) 0.304 in.
min SE 23600X1
[Answer: D.........API653, Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
123. A tanks bottom course has corroded in a general uniform manner (including the
welds). The tank's diameter is 137 feet and its height is 40 feet . The liquid stored in the tank is hydrocarbon
with a specific gravity of 0.82 and it is not corrosive. The tank was constructed from ASTM A-285, Grade C
carbon steel. Determine the minimum thickness of the bottom course for full height operation. Round to the
nearest hundredth.
A) 0.805 in.
J Till* 4.1-Muilun Alorlble Shel Stresses (Not for Use for Reconstruded ,._. See Nee ~
B) 0.691 in.
Alnalllt ltlttos1atic
C) 0.200 in.
TestStress,S,!R&~(N· 7)
D) 0.483 in.
0 Given information:-
lblerial scmcalicn Spdal
Tensle LowerTwo U,.aerCons Lower Two u- Coines
);> D = 137 feet and de fBI Stress, Comses Ccarrses ,....
);> H =40 feet l'{llfh~
);> G =0.82 ASlU~
);> E=1
);> A 285 Gr. C
A131-A, 8, CS 34.000 !.000 24~ 27,400 27,400 31,100
A131.£H36 51.000 71,000 30~ l\9JO 33,500 :Ji,llll

. = 2.6x(H -I)XDXG = 2.6x39X137x0.82 =0.4SJin.
mm SE 23600X1 D) 0.483 in.
swer: D.........API 653, Minimum Thickness calculation for Welded Tank Shell]-
124. An inspection is performed on an existing AST 67' tall, 190' in diameter with a fill height of
60'. What is the minimum thickness of the first course, based on product
alone, if the specific gravity of the product is .8?.
A) 0.805 in.
B) 0.691 in. tmin= 2.6 (H-1)DG I SE
C) 0.988 in. tmin= 2.6 (60-1) (190) (.8) /23,600 (1)
tmin= 0.988"
D) 0.483 in.

!Aiiswer: c.........API 653 I Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
125. An inspection is performed on an existing AST 67' tall, 190' in diameter with a fill height of
60'. What is the minimum thickness of the fourth course of the tank, if each course is 5' high, based on
product alone, if the specific gravity of the product is .8?.
A) 0.805 in.
B) 0.670 in. H = 60- 3 X5=45'
C) 0.988 in. tmin= 2.6 (H-l)DG /S E
D) 0.483 in. tmin= 2.6 (45-1) (190) (.8) /26,000 (1)
tmin= .670"
!Answer: B••••••••• API 653 ,Q-019: Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
126. An API12C 15th edition tank of diameter 150ft has a bottom course made of A285 Gr. C. The
measured minimum average thickness for the entire bottom course is 0.2 in. What is the maximum
allowable fill height for hydrotesting this tank?
B) 12.3 ft
~ Ht = [S t E tmin./2.6 D I +1
~ St=26,000(FromTa ble4-1}
~ E= 0.85 (From table 4.2 @ API 12C 15 )

C) 15.4 ft ~ Ht = [ (26,000} (0.85) (0.2} /2.6(150}] +1

D) 20.6 ft ~ Ht = 12.33 feet
!Answer: B.........API 653 ,Q-020: Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
127. What is the hydrostatic test height of an in-service welded aboveground storage tank built to API 650,
8th Edition, 82 feet diameter, 40 feet tall with a minimum first course thickness of 0.197 in. The material of
constructionisA-51 6, Grade70?. ;.. Ht= [StE tmin./2.6 D )+1
A)40' ;... St=33,000(FromTa ble4-1)
B) 36'- 2" ;.. Ht = [ (33,000} (1) (.197} /2 .6(82}) +1
C) 32'- 8" ;.. Ht = 30.49' +1
,. Ht = 31 .49' or (approx. 31' 6")
D) 30'- 6"
!Answer: D.........API 653 ,Q-021: Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []- 0
128. An inspection is performed on an a aboveground storage tank 24 feet tall, 22 feet fill height, 94 feet
diameter, water storage service, earth foundation. There is one area of general internal corrosion on the I
south side of the shell 20 inches wide and 20 inches in vertical length. There is evidence of bottom
What is the hydrostatic test height of this tank if a minimum thickness 0.217 in.?
A) 24 feet
~ Ht = [S tE tmin./2.6 D ] +1
B) 34.2 feet
~ St= 26,000 (unknown material ,From Table 4-1)
C) 18.6 feet ~ Ht = [ (26,000} (1} (0.217} /2.6(94}] +1
D) Not enough information given. ~ Ht = 23' +1
~ Ht = 24'
~swer: A.........API 653 , Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell []-
129. A riveted tank shell with a butt joint has 3 rows. What is the joint efficiency?
A) 0.75
Tebl• •.3-..lolnt Efficlenca.. for Riveted .loin..
B) 0.85
TYpe Of Numbef of Joint l!mctency
C) 0.90 .Joint RfvetR- E
D) 0.91 L&lp 1 0 .4S
u.p 2 0 .80
lAp 3 0 .70
Lap 4 0 .75
Butt • :z u 0 .76
Bua 3D 085
4 D
0 .80
0 .81 -
Butt 6D 0 .92
All bUU taints lrStbd havD bull.* tnlP!S -~ ond outside
I•D N umbEif or fOIW Otl eooto Sido o f foltll centet Kue

130. What allowable stress is used in evaluating a riveted joint when using joint efficiencies given in Table
4-3 of API 653?
A) 16,000 psi
B) 18,000 psi
C) 19,000 psi
D) 21,000 psi

!Answer: D.........API 653, Tank Shell Evaluation [

131. How does the calculation of minimum thickness for a riveted tank shell differ from that of a welded
tank shell :-
A) The formula for the calculation of minimum thickness of a riveted tank shell is the same as for a welded tank
shell except that the maximum allowable stress (S) is 21,000 lbf I sq. inch and the efficiency equals 1 for the
shell plate 6 inches away from rivets.
B) The formula for the calculation of minimum thickness of a riveted tank shell is exactly the same for a welded
C) The formula for the calculation of minimum thickness of a riveted tank shell is the same as for a welded tank
shell except the minimum allowable stress (S) is 21,000 lbf/s q. inch and the efficiency equals 0.85 for the shell
plate 6 inches away from the rivets.
D) API does not set minimum thickness.

nswer: A.........API 653 Tank Shell Evaluation [}TABLE 4.3

132. The "L" in actual thickness determination for each shell course :
A) may be greater than 40"
B) is valid only when corroded area is less than 40"
C) applies even if corroded area is greater than L
D) requires converting "D" from feet to inches.
133. When determining average thickness in a corroded area of a shell, a minimum of equally paced
measurements shall be taken over a length of L.
A) 10
b) 5
~nswer: c.........API 653 I Actual Thickness Detennlnation [ (
134. The minimum shell thickness t2 (exclusive of isolated pits) in a tank of 100 ft diameter is measured at
0.375 in. What is the critical length over which the thickness readings should be averaged out?
A) 138.75 in
B) 22.65 in D L= 3. 7 >/ Dt 2 , but not more than 40 in.
C) 6.12 in );> L= 3. 7 >/Dt 2 = 3.7 v'100 x 0. 375-22.65 in.
D) lOin
~nswer: B.........API 653 , Actual Thickness Detennination [

135. A 200 feet diameter tank, 40 feet tall, storing a product with a specific gravity of .85. A
corroded area was noted with UT on the bottom course with a minimum thickness of 0.51 in. at 1 feet above
the weld. No thinning was noted within 10 in. of any weld. What is the L length of the corroded area?
A) not enough information to answer
B) 10.10 in. D L= 3. 7 >/ Dt 2 , but not more than 40 in.
C}37.37in. );> L= 3.7 >/Dt 2 = 3.7v'200x0.51=37. 37in.
D) 40 in.
!Answer: C.........API 653, Actual Thickness Detennination [
136. An inspection is performed on an a aboveground storage tank 24 feet tall, 22 feet fill height, 94 feet
diameter, water storage service, earth foundation. There is one area of general internal corrosion on the
south side of the shell 20 inches wide and 20 inches in vertical length. There is evidence of bottom
Calculate the "l" length for an area of general corrosion found 10' from the bottom on
the south side of the shell, T2=0.125 in.
B) 12.68 inches
D L= 3. 7 >/ Dt 2 , but not more than 40 in.
C) 6.80 inches
D) 11.75 inches );> L= 3. 7 >/ Dtz= 3.7 v'94 x 0.125= 12.68 in.
!Answer: B.........API 653, Actual Thickness Detennination [
137. A tank has a corroded area on its second course. It is elliptical in shape with the major axis parallel to
the horizontal weld seam. The major axis dimension is 35" and the vertical minor axis is 21 inches. The
tank diameter is 127 feet and its height is 40 feet. The minimum thickness measured in the corroded area
is 0.52 in. The general thickness of the second course (away from the corroded area) is 0. 75 in. What is the
maximum critical length that can be used in determining the averaging out of the hoop stresses around
the corroded area. Round to the nearest 0.1".
B) 36.1 inches D L= 3. 7 >/ Dt2 , but not more than 40 in.
C) 30.1 inches );> L= 3. 7 ,jDt 2 = 3.7 v'127 x 0. 52-30.1 in.
D) 28.1 inches

nswer: c.........API 653, Actual Thickness Detennination [4.=3=.2=•::.... ·-~ ..

138. Widely scattered pits may be ignored, provided.
A) no pit depth results in the remaining shell thickness being less than 1/2t min acceptable tank shell thickness,
exclusive of corrosion allowance.
B) the average pit depth is greater than 1/2tmin, exclusive of the corrosion allowance
C) no pit depth is greater than 1/2tmin, including the corrosion allowance
D) no pit depth is less than 1/2tmin, including the corrosion allowance
swer: ........API 653 J Tank Shell Evaluation 4.3.2.
139. Widely scattered pits may be ignored provided that the sum of their dimensions along any vertical
line does not exceed 2 inch in an 8 inch length and no pit depth results in a shell thickness of less than
__the minimum thickness exclusive of corrosion allowance :-
A) 5/8
B) 3/4
C) 1/2
D) 2/3

140. How many pits of less than half the minimum required wall thickness, each of 0.25 in diameter, are
allowed in an 8 in vertical line of corrosion on a tank?
A) 4 pits The pits are acceptable if:
B) 8 pits A. Thickness at bottom of pit (excluding C.A.) ~% tmin.; and
C) 10 pits B. Sum of dimensions in 8" length s 2"
D) 16 pits
No. pits 0.25 x 8 2 in. =
~nswer: B.........API 653 , Tank Shell Evaluation [•.~'•-'••'-J
141. During an internal inspection of a tank, pitting that measures 0.30 inches deep was found in the shell
(0.625 Thickness). The required thickness of the shell in this area is 0.5 inches. Based on the above
information should a repair be made?
A) Yes CJ t mln.=t required = 0.5 ln. , t Initial = 0.625 ln. , so C.A = 0. 625 - 0.5 =0.125 ln.
B) No CJ t Initial = 0.625 in. t depth pitting =0.3 , so Thickness at bottom of pit= 0.625 -
C) The inspector option 0.3=0.325 ln.
CJ Thickness at bottom of pit (excluding C.A.)= 0.325 ln. -0.125 =0.2 ln.
D) Repair Contractor's option CJ The pits are acceptable If:
A. Thickness at bottom of pit (excluding C.A.) i'!: Y. tmin.; and
Sum of dimensions In 8" length :S 2
Thickness at bottom of pit ng C.A.)= 0.2 ln. and Y. tmln.=1/2 x 0.5= 0.251n.
[Answer: A..... Alm~~~~h, -n~~~~w~~~~~~~

142. There are three pits aligned vertically on the north side of the tank, in the first course. The diameter of
the pits are 1.250", 1", and .500" in length along a vertical line 8" long.
Note: Assume pit depth of slightly less than one-half of the minimum acceptable tank shell thickness,
exclusive of the corrosion allowance.
A) Because the pits are aligned vertically no repair is required
B) Scattered pits may be ignored CJ The pits are acceptable if:
• • • A. Thickness at bottom of pit (excluding C.A.) i'!: Y. tmln.; and
C) If the p1t IS round, it may be Ignored s. sum of dimensions In 8" length :s 2"
D) A repair is required CJ Thickness at bottom of pit (excluding C.A.) > Y. tmln. -OK
CJ Total sum= 1.250 + 1+ 0.500=2.75 > 2"--------- Not OK

[Aiiswer: D.........API 653 Tank Shell Evaluation~~·-,, ....,__,

143. Three circumferentially scattered pits are located on the west side of the tank 18" from the bottom.
The pits measure .500", .477" and .732" in diameter. Note: Assume pit depth of one-half of the minimum
acceptable tank shell thickness, exclusive of the
corrosion allowance.
A) Because the pits are scattered circumferentially no repair is required
B) All pits may be ignored CJ The pits are acceptable if:
C) If the pit is round it may be ignored A. Thickness at bottom of pit (excluding C.A.) 2: V. tmin.; and
. . . ' B. Sum of dimensions in 8" length :S 2"

D) A repair IS required CJ Thickness at bottom of pit (excluding C.A.) > Yz tmin. --OK
[J Total sum= 0.500+0.477+0.732 =1.709 < 2" ·- ·----··--OK
!Answer: .........AI»I 653 1 Tank Shell Evaluation [ .......... ~~J••
144. Typical corroded areas on a shell plate are exhibited in Figure with measured thickness in inches
indicated on the sketch. The minimum required thickness of the shell plate is 0.750" and C.A. required is 1
0.15". The total length of arrow line drawn is 8 inches. The length of the line in each of the corroded areas
A, Band Care 1.5", 0.8" and 0.2" respectively. Comment on the acceptability of the corroded condition.
A) The pitting can be ignored as a case of widely scattered pitting as both pitting depth and dimensions are
within limits
B) Not acceptable as size are not OK, total length of the pit dimensions is more than permitted
C) The pitting can be ignored as a case of widely scattered pitting since depth are OK
D) The pitting cannot be ignored as a case of widely scattered pitting since depth are not OK
The pits are acceptable if: ;"'iX\
A. Thickness at bottom of pit (excluding C.A.);::: Y2 tmin .; and {~
B. Sum of dimensions in 8" length s 2" ~ I
In the Q-01, i
j \AREA 'B"
A. The minimum thickness at bottom of the pit = 0.54", so The

thickness excluding C.A. =0.54 - 0.15 = 0.39"
This thickness;::: Y2 tmin

~ 0.39" ~% (0.75), i.e., 0.39" ~ 0.375" ------OK
B. Total sum= 1.5 +0.8+ 0.2 =2.5 > 2"--------- Not OK
B) Not acceptable as size are not OK, total length of the pit
dimensions is more than permitted I
!Answer: .........API 653 1 Tank Shell Evaluation [ 4.3.
145. Which of the following is not a shell distortion?
A) undersize weld
B) out of roundness
C) flat spots
D) buckled areas.
!Answer: A ••••••••• API 653 1 Distortions []
146. Which of the following is not a shell distortion?
A) rigid settlement
B) loss of thickness
C) flat spots
D) A and B above
nswer: D••••••••• API 653 1 Distortions
Lt:!::~~J I
147. Which ofthe following is not considered shell distortion?
A) Uniform settlement of a tank
B) Out-of-roundness of a tank
C) Flat spots and buckled areas
D) Peaking and banding at weld joints

148. What of the following are not principal causes of shell distortion :-
A) Thinning caused by corrosion;
B) Foundation settlement;
C) Over-or under-pressuring;
D) High wind.
149. Distorted anchor bolts may indicate :-
A) overpressure uplift condition
B) foundation settlement
D) anchor bolts do not distort.

~swer: C.........API 653 1 Distortions [ 4.3.5.

150. What action should be taken after a flat spot is discovered in the second ring of a 200 feet diameter
aboveground storage tank?
A) The shell distortion shall be evaluated
B) The area shall be cut out and replaced
C) Since no product is leaking out of the area, it may be ignored
D) The inspector has the option to repair or ignore

[Answer: A ••••••••• API 653 1 Distortions [

151. Flaws such as cracks in the weld in shell-to-bottom of a tank are :-
A) not critical
B) acceptable if length is less than twice the width
C) to be removed and repaired
D) welded over without needing to be removed

nswer: C••..••••• API653 1

152. Repairs of cracks in the shell-to-bottom :-

A) are only necessary if they exceed 0.25" in length
B) are performed on an individual basis, according to extent of damage
C) may be welded over and left as is without re-inspection
D) both (B) and (C) above.

swer: B.........API 653 1 Flaws[4.3.

153. Wind girders are evaluated for :-
A) Corrosion of structural elements
B) attachment welds
C) the same evaluation as for shell stiffeners
D) all of the above.

!Answer: D.........API 653 , Wind Girders and Shell Stiffeners

154. Piping connections such as nozzles shall be inspected for :-
A) structural adequacy
B) thickness of component
C) Reinforcement
D) all of the above.

!Answer: D.........API 653 1 Shell Penetrations [ 4.3.9.

155. Shell penetrations experiencing corrosion must be assessed and :-
A) tank rerated
B) repair procedures established
C) tank removed from service
D) both (A) and (B) above.

!Answer: D......... API 653 1 Shell Penetrations []· · · · ·

156. Existing elevated temperature service tank that were not originally designed and constructed to the
requirements of API 650, Appendix M, but have a successful service history of operation, what's your
great action?
A) Tank shall be evaluated for continued service In addition, the maximum operating
B) Establish repair procedures established temperature shall not exceed the
temperatures at which the tank has
C) analysis of the critical zone is required
operated successfully in the past.
D) None of the above.

157. If the tank diameter exceeds 100ft and the tank was not constructed with a buttwelded annular ring,
an analysis of the critical zone is required, what's your great action?
A) Tank shall be evaluated for continued service
B) Establish repair procedures established
C) analysis of the critical zone is required
D) None of the above.
158. The assessment period for inspection of tank bottom integrity is :-
A) is always 5 years;
B) is fixed by corrosion rate;
C) less than or equal to the appropriate internal inspection interval given in API-653, 6.4.2
D) determined by the designer.

159. Which of the following is not a cause of bottom failure :-

A) Stresses placed on the bottom plates by roof support loads and shell settlement
B) Inadequate drainage
C) Rock or gravel foundation pads with inadequately filled-in surface voids
D) Operating conditions

swer: D.••••.•••API 653 , Causes of Bottom Failure [4.4.2

160. API supports the use of a release prevention system (RPS) to maintain the integrity of tank bottoms.
THE TERM "RPS" refers to the numerous API standards and recommended practices that are designed to:

A) Maintain tank integrity and thus protect the environment

B) Protect owner/operator interests and prevent losses
C) Prevent accidental releases into the workplace
D) None of these is correct per API 653

~nswer: A......API 653, Tank Bottom Release Prevention Systems (RPSs) [4.4.3

161. Tank Bottom Release Prevention Systems per API 653 include all of these EXCEPT:
A) Internal inspection of the tank bottom
B) Leak detection systems and leak testing of the tank
C) Installing an area impressed current cathodic protection system for the entire tank farm
D) Lining tank interior bottom or providing a release prevention barrier under the tank bottom

162. Tank leak detection systems and testing methods are listed and covered by:
A) API 653
B) API575
C) API 650
D) None of these

~swer: A ......API 653 1 Tank Bottom Release Prevention

163. Cathodic protection systems are intended to mitigate corrosion of steel surfaces in contact with soil,
such as the underside of tank bottoms. A selection basis for cathodic protection systems is covered by:
A) API652
B) API575
C) API650
D) API651

!Answer: D......API 653 1 Tank Bottom Release Prevention Systems RPSsJ [
164. Internal linings and coatings for the top side of the tank bottom are intended to mitigate corrosion by
providing a barrier between the tank bottom and corrosion sources. Applied linings and coatings for
internal surfaces of tank bottoms are covered by:
A) API652
B) API575
C) API650
D) API651

!Answer: A ......API653 1 Tank Bottom Release Prevention Systems (RPSs) [

165. Which of the following are API 653 examples of types of Release Prevention Barrier?
A) Undertank leak detection systems designed to identify when a significant leak has occurred
B) Steel bottoms, synthetic materials, clay liners, concrete pads, and all other barriers or combinations of 1

barriers placed in a bottom of or under a tank '

C) Coating systems applied to floors with CP systems used
D) None of these are correct
!Answer: B......API653 1 Tank Bottom Release Prevention Systems (RPSs) [ 1
166. The purpose and function of a release prevention barrier (RPB) is to:
A) Prevent escape of released material
B) Contain or channel released material for leak detection
C) Prevent escape of released material and contain or channel released material for leak detection
D) Prevent escape of released material, contain or channel released material for leak detection, and allow the
owner/operator freedom to run equipment even with small leaks present

!Answer: c ......API653 I Tank Bottom Release Prevention Systems (RPSs) [ 1

167. Bottom Plate Thickness Measurements most commonly utilize which of the following reliable
methods for determining tank bottom plate soil side corrosion:
A) Magnetic flux leakage (MFL) tools and with ultrasonic (UT) thickness measurement tools
B) Magnetic flux leakage {MFL) tools and with sample plate removal (coupons) taken from floor
C) Magnetic flux leakage (MFL) tools only per Annex G requirements of API 653
D) None of these is correct because tank bottom plate testing is never reliable
168. The quality of data obtained from both MFL and ultrasonic thickness techniques is dependent on all of
the following EXCEPT:
A) Personnel
B) Equipment
C) Procedures
D) Underside floor access

169. What is the minimum thickness for a tank floor plate with no means for leak detection or secondary
containment if an RBI program is not in place?
A) 0.005 ~bl• 4 . 4--•onorn ,..l•t• Minimum Thlokn•• • in .
B) 0.050 .:.':.-::.~~~.:.~~:-::, Tank aonornl in.
Next lnepectlon ~ounelatlon ~alan
C) 0.075 (ln. ) in.
Tank boUonvrcu..tnclaUOn d - t g n with no n.aan•
D) 0.100 0 10 for detection ancl contelnn.ent or
a botton. leak. in.
Tank boUornlfounclatlon de,.lgn with n.eana to
0 . 06 provide detec:tlon end contalnn.ent botton. or •

Applied tenk botton. reinforced lining ,

0 . 06 ~ o .osln . thlek, If'\ aceordane• with
API Bl52 .

~nswer: D•••••• API 653, Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Plate [
170. What is The minimum bottom plate thickness for a tank with an applied reinforced lining
greater than 0.05" thick, applied in accordance with API RP 652 ?
A) 0.005"

•otiiDfl• Plata MinimUm Tblallness

B) 0.050" ......
~ --....
C) 0.075" ,__-.,......,no .....,.

-AppliN-- ..--.
11 10 b............,
.-1d af. boaDm ...
c:cNicMIIII!'eld k.

D) 0.100"
-~-..wilh,_,.ID -.
11 06 ... 11.0610\ -.~n--
API 652.

~swer: B•••••• API 653 Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Platei4.4.5.1LTab le

171. Anticipated minimum thickness of tank bottom where bottom I foundation design provides for leak
detection and containment is :-

A) 0.005" ......
p ldOR

--·-·"· --
B) 0.050

11 10

D) 0.100" .....
D) same as without
"' 0.01ilft _ _ ... _ _
005 ~--- -..

swer: B......API 653 1 Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Plate [ 4.4]
172. An aboveground storage tank have bottom SO mils coat and bottom/foundation design without
Release Prevention Systems (RPSs). What is Minimum Bottom Plate Thickness at Next Inspection?
A) 0.1 inch T•l>l• 4 .- • o t t o m Plate Minimum Thlokn•••

B) 0.05 inch .:.'!':.';h~tc~C:.'!:'::t Tank Bottom/

N4tactln•~ctlon ,.ound•Uon Deelan
C) 0.05 inch
(In ~ )

~nk bottanVfound•Uon d••lgn wl lh n o n1e•n•

for d•tectlon •nd containment ot • bottOm l••k.
D) 0.23 inch.
0 .015

0 .05
Tank bottom/foundation deelgn
w ith
d•t.ctJon and cont•fnrn.nt

Appll•d t•nk bottom retnfora.d lining.

meena to

• 0 ,05 ln . thkUc . In •ccordene • - nh

• bottOt"n
nswer: A......API 653 1 Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Plate [ 4.4]
173. Or= 10 years
RTbc = .200
RTip = .190
StPr = .002
UPr = .010
A. Using data from above, calculate MRT. (metal loss from the bottom side corrosion).
A) 0.250 B)0.070 C)0.002 D) 0.080
B. Using data from above, calculate MRT. (metal loss from internal corrosion).
A) 0.250 8)0.070 C)0.002 D) 0.080
Or= 10 years RTbc = .200 RTip = .190
StPr = .002 UPr = .010
A. Using data from above, calculate MRT. (metal loss from the bottom side corrosion).
A) 0.250 B)0.070 C)0.002 D) 0.080
MRT a: RTI)¢ • Or(fltpr + lJ Pr)
MnT .- 200 • 10(.002 ~ .010)
MHI = lo!U0 - 1U(01:.!)
MH I = .:.!00 . Hl
MRT- .080

!Answer: D ......API 653 , Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Plate [ 4.4.5.

B. Using data from above, calculate MRT. (metal loss from internal corrosion).
A) 0.250 B)0.070 C}0.002 D) 0.080
MRT - RT1p • Or{StPr 't' UPr)
MRT - .HIO ·10(.002,.. .010)
MAT ... 190 • 10(.012)
MHI • .1UO·.I2
MAT• 070

!Answer: B ......API 653 , Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Plate [ 4.4.5.
174. a statistical analysis is made of thickness data from measurements projecting remaining thickness, is
referred to as the:
A) probabilistic method
B) Deterministic method
C) Procedures
D) statistical analysis

lfmswer: A ......API 653 , Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Plate

175. After a tank bottom assessment, if the minimum projected tank bottom thickness for the next
inspection interval is calculated to be less than the minimum bottom renewal thickness values per API 653
Tables (Assume no RBI is done) what shall be done per API 653?
A) Only option is to shorten the next internal inspection interval.
B) Only option is to line or repair or replace the affected bottom area.
C) Bottom shall be lined, repaired, replaced or the next internal inspection interval shortened.
D) Bottom shall be lined, repaired, replaced and the next internal inspection interval shortened.

swer: c......API
176. Unless a stress analysis is performed, what is the minimum thickness of bottom plates in the critical
A) Smaller of~ the original bottom plate thickness or 50% of tmin of the lower shell course but not less than 0.1
B) Smaller of X the original bottom plate thickness or 25% of tmin of the lower shell course but not less than 0.1
C) Smaller of% the original bottom plate thickness or 75% of tmin of the lower shell course but not less than 0.1
D) Smaller of~ the original bottom plate thickness or 50% of tmin of the lower shell course but not less than

~nswer: A ......API 653 , Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Plate [ ..."it.:~~ ....

177. Unless a stress analysis is performed, the minimum tank bottom plate thickness in the critical zone of
the tank must NEVER be less than:
A) The tmin value is used as isolated pitting will not appreciably affect the strength of the plate
B) API 653 value in "Bottom Plate Minimum Thickness" table (depends upon foundation design)
C) 0.050 inches
D) 0.100 inches

swer: D......API 653 , Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Plate []
178. The repair of internal pitting, when performed to extend the in-service period of operation, shall be

A) pit welding followed by inspection and testing.

B) overlay welding followed by inspection and testing
C) lap patching, followed by inspection and testing.
D) pit welding, overlay welding, or lap patching, followed by inspection and testing.

swer: D......API 653-' Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Plate [ 4.4.5.
179. When repairing internal pitting for the extension of in-service operating period, the repair shall be by
any of the following methods except.
A) Pit welding
B) Brazing
C) Overlay welding
D) Lap Patching

[Answer: B......API 653 , Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Platej -.."1r.;;;,,,;;;,
180. bottom plate beyond the shell as measured from the toe of the outside bottom-to-shell fillet weld?
(Assume you are evaluating the "corroded condition" of the bottom plate)
A) Thickness shall not be less than 0.050 inches and projection of bottom plate at least 3/8 in.
B) Thickness shall not be less than 0.100 inches and projection of bottom plate at least 3/8 in.
C) Thickness shall not be less than 0.050 inches and projection of bottom plate at least~ inch.
D) Thickness shall not be less than 0.100 inches and projection of bottom plate at least~ inch 110:·'---------'

181. The thickness of the bottom plate projection beyond the shell, measured at the toe of the weld of the
outside bottom-to-shell fillet weld shall be not less than?
A) 0.25 inch
B) 0.01 inch
C) 0.50 inch
D) 0.10 inch

!Answer: D......API 653 1 Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Plate [ 4.4.5.
182. The projection of the bottom plate beyond the toe of the shell-to-bottom weld shall be at least?
A) 0.125 inch
B) 0.250 inch
C) 0.375 inch
D) 0.500 inch

!Answer: C......API 653 1 Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Plate [ 4.4.5.
183. The first shell course thickness is 0.8 in. and its Stress 20,000 psi. What will be the minimum thickness
annular plate if the product specific gravity is 0.9. ?
A) 0.17 in.

... -- ._.. . _. - ....-

B) 0.20 in. I I I L I - - - ·J.81

... ...
C) 0.31 in. .- .,., •ft,,..
D) 0.38 in. .,.
"" .....
U ~_l

t i)O•••,.zs. 0 17 O.)lll D» . ..
·~" t •1 :0 O» 0 ,. D .. f ON
• • •!11 0 7T' o~ a~ orse

• - - .. -=---_..ll ..>&lf - t.,


!Answer: A......API653 1 Minimum Thickness for Annular Plate Ring [ 4.5]-

184. A tank is 26,000 psi and the course is~ in thick, what is the minimum thickness if the product specific
gravity is 0.9.?
A) 0.17 in
B) 0.2 in
C) 0.27 in
D) 0.34 in

swer: B......API 653 1 Minimum Thickness for Annular Plate Rin_g [ 4.5]-

185. A 125 feet diameter and 40 feet high storage tank has questionable thickness annular plates. The first
shell course thickness is 0.61 in. The thickness of the corrosion allowance for the tank is 0.125 in. The
product specific gravity is less than 1. What is the minimum thickness for the annular plate?
- · - - -· · ..
B) 0.20 in.
-· ...
...,.... "~
C) 0.325 in.
D) 0. 295 in.
.. ·-- ...
·- ·-·-
------.;;;.. •• •... +--::
---- -

CJ Given information:· 1~· = ...

:s.: ~
);> D = 125 feet ·- - - - - · -.- ~-
);> H = 40 feet [J Stresses are calculated from (2.34D (H- 1)]ft.
);> 1st course t =0.61 in l> Stress= 2.34 x125x391 0.61 = 18700 psi.
l> From table 4-5@ G <1 ,Stress= 18700 psi. and t= 0.61 in., so the annular bottom
);> C.A= 0.125 thickness plate = 0.17 ln.
);> G <1 [J the minimum thickness for the annular plate= 0.17 + C.A =0.17 +0.125 =0.295 in.

D) 0.295 in.

nswer: D......API 653 , Minimum Thickness for Annular Plate Ring [
186. Due to strength requirements, the minimum thickness of annular plate ring is usually_ _.
A) greater than 0.10 in.
B) lower than 0.10 in.
C) greater than 0.20 in.
D) 0.10 in.

!Ai1swer: A ......API 653 , Minimum Thickness for Annular Plate Ring [ /Table 4.5]-
187. The principal causes of foundation deterioration include all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Settlement of the tank
B) Erosion and Cracking of the tank foundation
C) Deterioration of concrete from calcification and attack by sulfate-type alkalis
D) Deterioration of concrete from attack by underground water, frost and acids

swer: c......API 653 , Tank Foundation Evaluation [ 4.5.

188. Settlement, erosion, cracking, and deterioration of concrete are all examples of which of the following
principle modes of failure or deterioration?
A) Annular plate ring failure
B) Shell-to-bottom weld failure
C) Deterioration of walkways and roadways
D) Deterioration of foundations

swer: D......API 653 , Tank Foundation Evaluation •...:..:.=:=.=:•

189. To ensure suitability for service, what is the minimum permitted frequency of tank foundation

A) Annually
B) Every five years
C) Monthly
D) Periodically
nswer: D......API 653 , Tank Foundation Evaluation [
190. Which of the following is a principle cause of concrete foundation deterioration :-
A) Attack by frost
B) Rusting
C) Wind load
D) Floods.

!Answer: A ......API 653 , Tank Foundation Evaluation []

191. What is calcining :-
A) An accumulation of a mineral coating on the lining of the tank;
B) Increase of water of hydration
C) Loss of water of hydration
D ) Form of tank deterioration

!Answer: C......API 653 , Tank Foundation Evaluation [

192. Calcining can occur when concrete has been exposed to _ __
A) chemical attack
B) sulfate- type alkalis

C) chlorides
D) sufficiently high temperature

!Answer: D......API 653 , Tank Foundation Evaluation [ 4.5.1.
193. do not seriously affect the strength of the concrete foundation structure; however, these
cracks can be potential access points for moisture or water seepage that could eventually result in
corrosion of the reinforcing steel.
A) temperature cracks (hairline cracks of uniform width)
B) hydrogen cracks
C) deterioration of concrete exposed to underground water
D) sulfate-type alkalies

!Answer: A ......API 653 , Tank Foundation Evaluation [

194. Distortion of anchor bolts and excessive cracking of concrete structures may be indications of what
two conditions?
A) Serious foundation settlement of a tank overpressure uplift condition
B) Inferior material used in the anchor bolts and the concrete structure
C) Over tightening of the anchor bolts and improper mixing of the concrete
D) The tank was struck by lightning and wind caused movement of the tank
!Answer: A ...... API 653 , An~hor
195. What is the purpose of Figure 5-1 of API-653?
A) Provides a procedure to be used in the evaluation of the remaining life of tank bottom plates
B) Provides a procedure to be used in the evaluation of the likelihood of floating roof pontoon failure
C) Provides an assessment procedure for evaluating aboveground storage tanks operating at 15 psi
D) Provides an assessment procedure for evaluating atmospheric aboveground storage tanks for brittle fracture

196. Incidents of tank failure due to brittle fracture have occurred shortly after erection during hydrostatic
testing or in all but which of the following incidents?
A) On the first filling in cold weather
B) After a change to a higher temperature service
C) After a change to a lower temperature service
D) After a repair or alteration

197. The risk of tank failure due to brittle fracture is minimal after what condition(s)?
A) The tank has demonstrated its ability to withstand the combined effects of maximum liquid level (highest
stresses) and highest operating temperature
B) The tank has demonstrated its ability to withstand the combined effects of
intermediate liquid level (highest stresses) and lowest operating temperature
C) The tank has demonstrated its ability to withstand the combined effects of maximum liquid level (highest
stresses) and lowest operating temperature
D) The tank has demonstrated its ability to withstand the combined effects of maximum liquid level (highest
stresses) and intermediate operating temperature

198. If it is decided to change the service to a more severe service, it is necessary to

A) Consider the need for pneumatically testing the entire tank
B) Consider the need to recalculate the effectiveness of all reinforcement of openings
C) Consider the need for hydrostatic testing
D) Consider removing all previous welded repairs and have them redone

!Answer: c......API 653 I Brittle Fracture Considerations [5.

199. If a tank has had a suitability for service evaluation per API 653 and a tank shell thickness is no greater
than 0.5 in., the risk of failure due to brittle fracture is_ _ _ __
A) Impossible
B) Minimal
C) Likely
D) None of these are correct

!Answer: B......API 653 _, Brittle Fracture Considerations 15.

200. No known tank failures attributed to brittle fracture have occurred at shell metal temperatures of
_ _°F and above.
A) -20
201. According to industry experience and laboratory tests, what membrane stress is required to caused
failure due to brittle fracture?
A) 6 ksi
B) 7 ksi
C) 10 ksi
D) 12 ksi

~nswer: B......API 653 1 Brittle Fracture Considerations •"'-"'=~·

202. What is the lowest temperature that a tank, The maximum thickness of the shell is 0.625" constructed
of carbon steel of unknown toughness, may be used?
A) 40oF -- '. ' -..~ .. !..

-r-- - 1- "II!. -- -li-illd- -

B) 45°F
I •
t-;;..:: ~ "" ~ -
I •

.. .. .. ..
!Answer: B......API653 1 Brittle Fracture Considerations [5.3.8/Figure 5-2]
203. Tank fabricated from steels of unknown material specifications, thicker than 1/2 in. and operating at a
shell metal temperature below 60 oF , tank _ _ _ __
A) can be used
B) can not safe for use
C) may required alteration .
D) None of the above

!Answer: A......API653 1 Brittle Fracture Considerations [5.3.8/Figure 5

204. Tanks fabricated from steels of unknown material specifications, 1/2 in. and operating at a shell metal
temperature 20 OF I these tanks o·

A) safe for use

B) not safe for use
c) Required alteration .
d) None of the above

!Answer: A......API653 1 Brittle Fracture Considerations [5.3.8/Figure 5-


205. up to what thickness is a tank operating at 20 degrees F safe for use for unknown material?
A)O.S in .
B) 1 in.
c) 1.5 in.

!Answer: A......API 653 1 Brittle Fracture Considerations ..==" -"-'• -"''-"-""-""--'"..

206. The purpose of Periodic in-service inspection of tanks is to:

A) Assure continued tank integrity
B) Meet jurisdictional requirements
C) Assure proper operation of the tank
D) None of these is correct per API 653

swer: A ......API 653

207. Which of these is NOT a consideration in determining inspection intervals for ASTs?
A) Corrosion prevention systems
B) Length of time a product is stored
C) Results of visual maintenance checks
D) Corrosion allowances and corrosion rates

nswer: B......API 653

208. Which of these is NOT a consideration in determining inspection intervals for ASTs?
A) Conditions expected at future inspections
B) Methods and materials of construction and repair
C) Location of tanks such as those in isolated or high risk areas
D) Potential risk of air or water pollution

!Answer: A ......API 653 Inspection Frequency Considerations L-··=~·--
209. Which of these is NOT a consideration in determining inspection intervals for ASTs?
A) Jurisdictional requirements
B) Leak detection code requirements
C) Change in operating mode (filling frequency, etc)
D) Changes in service (incl. changes in H2 0 bottoms)

!Answer: B......API 653 1 Inspection Frequency Considerations [6.2.1

210. The inspection interval for a tank is determined by :-
A) Size
B) service history
C) the manufacturer
D) type of tank

swer: B......API 653 1 Ins~on fr~uency Considerations

211. Which is not a factor in determining intervals between internal inspections for storage tanks:-
A) Measured during previous inspection.
B) Based on experience with similar tanks.
C) Anticipated corrosion rate.
D) Consistent with conditions at a particular site.

nswer: D......API 653 1 Ins~on f~uency Conside tions [6.2.2

212. When establishing inspection frequency, what inspection methods must be considered?
A) Established and proven tank inspection methods
B) On-stream, non-destructive methods of inspection
C) Informal Code adopted practices in a jurisdiction
D) None of these is correct

!Answer: B•••••• AP1653 1 Inspection Fr~uency Considerations [6.2.2

213. Three types of external inspections are :-
A) routine inspection and Cathodic Protection Surveys
B) routine and external inspections
C) routine, external, visual and internal inspections
D) routine, visual and UT inspections

!Answer: D......API 653 1 Inspections from the Outside of the Tank [6.3.1/ 6.3.2/
A new tank is placed in service. In seven years, which of the following inspections should have been
A) routine inspection I
B) routine and Scheduled inspections
C) routine, external, visual and internal inspections 0
D) routine, Scheduled and UT inspections

!Answer: D......API 653 1 Inspections from the Outside of the Tank [6.3.1/ 6.3.2/ 6.3
Routine visual in-service inspections of aboveground storage tanks from the ground may be done
by ?
A) authorized inspectors only
B) owner/user personnel other than authorized inspectors I
C) jurisdictional inspectors only
D) insurance inspectors only D

!Answer: B......API 653 1 Routine In-service Inspections [6.3.
216. Routine in-service visual inspections of the external condition of the tank shall not exceed _ _ _ ,
A) one month
B) six months
C) one year
D) five years

!Answer: A......API 653 1 Routine In-service Inspections [6.3

217. Inspection of insulation:-

A) is not required
B) is done in routine in-service inspections
C) requires material traceability records
D) only (B) and (C) above.

!Answer: B......API 653 1 Routine In-service InsP-ections ..===..

218. All tanks shall be given a visual external inspection by an authorized inspector shall be done at least:-

A) Every 5 years or RCA/4N years whichever is less

B) Every 5 years or RCA/2N years whichever is less
C) Every 2 years
D) Every 1 year or RCA/4N years whichever is greater

swer: A.•.•..API 653

219. Per API 653, tanks shall have a formal visual inspection once every ____ years or RCA/4N years,
whichever is less.
A three
B) four
C) five
D) seven

220. The known rate of corrosion of shell is 5 mils per year. As per API Standard 653, when should the
external visual inspection by an Authorized Inspector be carried out at an interval not exceeding?
A) One year
D When the corrosion rate is known, the
B) Five years
maximum interval shall be Smaller of
C) Twelve and half years
D) Ten years
RCAI2N years or 5 years.
D Smaller of RCA/4N= ( t actual - t required )14
Missed Data N=(750-500)1(4x5) =12.5 years or 5 years.
D So, 5 years

~swer: B......API 653, Extemallns~on [6.3.2.

221. Thickness readings taken on a tank shell after 5 years of service show a minimum thickness of 0.420
inches. The data sheet shows the original thickness as 0.5 inches. What is the corrosion rate for the tank?
A) 0.008 ln./year
B) 0.0016 ln./year D N = Metal Loss I time = ( t
C) 0.016 ln./year initial- t present) I time
D)O ~ N = (0.500 - 0.420) I 5 =
N = 0.016 in./year

222. Thickness readings taken on a tank shell after 5 years of service show a minimum thickness of 0.750
inches.The data sheet shows the original thickness as 0.725 inches. What is the maximum interval
between visual external inspection if tmin=0.630 inches?
A)5 years A. What is Corrosion Rate (N)?
B) 4.5 years CJ N .. Metal Loss I time= ( t initial- t present) I time
J;> N= (0.750 - 0.725) I 5 = 0.005
C) 2 year J;> N = 0.005 in.lyear- 5 mils/year
D) 2 }'2 years B. What is Remining Corrosion rate RCA?
CJ RCA .. t adual- t required
J;> RCA= 0.725-0.630 = 0.095
J;> N .. 0.095 in.= 95 mils
C. What is the maximum interval between visual external inspection ?
CJ I .. at least every 5 years or RCAI4N years whichever is less.
J;> I = 5 years or (9514X5)= 4.75 years whichever is less.
J;> I• 4.75 years

223. Insulated tanks shall have their insulation removed :-

A) completely prior to inspection
B) yearly
C) from welded joints only
D) to extent necessary to determine the external condition

224. Tank grounding shunts or mechanical connections of cables shall be inspected :-

A) visually
B) infrared camera
C) by a certified electrician
D) need no inspection

!Answer: A......API 653 1 External Inspection [6.3.2.:3]1 · · · · · · ·

225. Tank grounding system components such as shunts or mechanical connections of cables shall be
visually checked. Recommended practices dealing with the prevention of hydrocarbon ignition are
covered by what API document?
A) API2000
B) API2003
C) API2016
D)API2217A I

!Answer: B......API 653 1 External Inspection []

226. Ultrasonic thickness measurements taken externally on the shell when a tank is in service can help to
A) The rate of uniform general corrosion and can provide an indication ofthe shell's integrity
B) The rate of uniform localized corrosion in a given area where thickness readings are taken
C) The rate of uniform general corrosion in a given area where thickness readings are taken
D) None of these is correct

!Mswer: A......API 653 1 Ultrasonic Thickness Inspection [

227. The extent of UT Thickness measurements shall be determined by:

A) Owner/operator
B) Authorized Inspector
C) Storage Tank Engineer
D) Authorized Inspection Agency

228. When used, in-service UT thickness measurements shall be taken :-

A) 10 years after commissioning

B) 15 year intervals where corrosion rate is unknown
C) the smaller of RCA/2N or 15 years
D) all of the above

229. When used, ultrasonic thickness measurements shall be made at _ _ _ year intervals after
commissioning new tanks.
A) 5
b) 7
C) 10

nswer: A......API 653 1 Ultrasonic Thickness iruijiiia]!Qiilfi~~~]

230. You have calculated external inspection interval as 2 years then what will be the UT interval?
A) 5 years
B) 4 years
C) 15 years
D) 20 years.

lijiswer: B......API 653 1 Ultrasonic Thickness Inspection[==.. -.. ·-~ ..

231. AnAST has a measured shell thickness of 0.75"; and its minimum required thickness is 0.5''. The
known rate of corrosion of shell is 5 mils per year. As per API Standard 653, the external ultrasonic
thickness measurement shall be carried out at an interval not exceeding:
A) One year D When the corrosion rate is known, the maximum interval shall be
B) Twenty-five years Smaller of RCAI2N years or 15 years.
D Smaller of RCAI2N= ( t actual - t required )12 N=(750·500)1(2x5) =25
C) Fifteen years years or 15 years.
D) Ten years D So, 15 years
swer: c......API 653 1 Ultrasonic Thickness Inspection L~~~\~JJ

232. When ultrasonic thickness measurements are used to take in-service thickness measurements, what is
the maximum interval for reinspection on a tank corroding at a rate of 1.13 mils per year and has a
remaining corrosion allowance of 22 mils ?
A) 5 years 0 When the corrosion rate is known, the maximum
B) 9 years interval shall be Smaller of RCAI2N years or 15 years.
C) 15 years D RCAI2N= 22 1(2x1 .13) = 9. 73 years

D) 20 years.
swer: C••••••API 653 1 Ultrasonic Thickness Ins~on [u . .;· ~~\!!:!l.J
233. What is the maximum interval between external UT thickness measurements for a tank at a rate of
0.008 in. per year and has a remaining corrosion allowance of 0.064 in. ?
A) 5 years D When the corrosion rate is known, the maximum
B) 4 years interval shall be Smaller of RCAI2N years or 15 years.
C) 8 years o RCAI2N= 0.064 t(2x0.008) = 4 years
D) 3 1/2 years

234. Based on a measured corrosion of 0.006" annually and using a corrosion allowance of 0.120", What is
the interval for the next UT thickness measurements on shell are required for AST?
A) 17 years
B) 15 years
C) 20 years
D) 10 years

!Answer: B......API653 1 Ultrasonic Thickness InsP-ection [!0]

235. When used, the ultrasonic thickness measurements shall be made at intervals not to exceed ---~
A) one month
B) one year
C) five years, (unknown corrosion rate)
D) ten years, (unknown corrosion rate )

!Answer: C...... API653, Ultrasonic Thickness Inspection []

236. AnAST has a measured shell thickness of 0.75; and its minimum required thickness is 0.5''. The rate of
corrosion of shell is not known. As per API Standard 653, the external ultrasonic thickness measurement
shall be carried out an interval not exceeding:
A) One year
B) Five years
C) Six and half years
d) Ten years

!Answer: B......API 653 , Ultrasonic Thickness Inspection [u.~.~-•~J

237. _ _ inspection may be substituted for a program of external UT thickness measurements:-
A) Hydrostatic
B) External
C) Acoustic
D) Internal

!Answer: D......API 653 1 Ultrasonic Thickness Inspection [u•.;~•.~·~

238. Where exterior tank bottom corrosion is controlled by a cathodic protection system, periodic surveys
of the system shall be conducted in accordance with API 651. Who is responsible to review the results of
these CP surveys?
A) Owner/operator
B) Authorized Inspector
C) ST Engineer
D) Authorized lnsp Agency

239. Who is responsible to assure competency of personnel performing Cathodic Protection Surveys?
A) Owner/operator
B) Authorized Inspector
C) ST Engineer
D) Authorized lnsp Agency

240. Where exterior tank bottom corrosion is controlled by a cathodic protection system, periodic surveys
of the system shall be conducted in accordance with API 651 how often?
A) All sources of impressed current are checked at intervals not exceeding 1 month (unless jurisdiction rules
apply) and impressed current protective facilities inspected every 6 months
B) All sources of impressed current are checked at intervals not exceeding 1 month (unless jurisdiction rules
apply) and impressed current protective facilities are to be inspected annually
C) All sources of impressed current are checked at intervals not exceeding 2 months (unless jurisdiction rules
apply) and impressed current protective facilities are to be inspected annually
D) All sources of impressed current are checked at intervals not exceeding 3 months (unless jurisdiction rules
apply) and impressed current protective facilities are to be inspected annually
!Answer: C......API 653 Cathodic Protection Surveys [6.3.4} API 651:-
241. Internal inspection is primarily to :-
A) Ensure that the bottom is not corroded and leaking
B) Gather data for assessment
C) Identify and evaluate bottom settlement.
D) all of the above

242. The interval from initial service date until the first internal inspection shall not exceed _ _ _ _ __;
years unless a tank has one or more of the leak prevention, detection, corrosion mitigation or
containment safeguards listed in Table 6.1.
B) 10
C) 20

!Answer: B......API 653, Initial Internal Ins~on Interval1§.]

243. A formal internal inspection must be conducted every (assume the time is from initial service date
until an initial internal inspection with no RBI or similar service assessment):
A) 5 years
B) 10 years
C) 15 years
D) 20 years

244. In cases where corrosion rates are not known and similar service experience is not available, the
bottom plate actual thickness shall be determined by inspection(s) within how many years?
A) 25 years
B) 20 years
C) 15 years

D) 10 years

!Mswer: D......API 653 , lnitiallntemallm;p~~:m..;~m~r

245. What is the maximum Internal Inspection interval for a % in. bottom that has a release prevention
barrier and Thin-film coating ?
A) 10 10 years (initial)+ 2 years (Thin-film coating)+ 10
B) 20 years (release prevention barrier)= 22 years
C) 22

~nswer: c......API653 I lnitiallntemallnspection Interval [

246. Internal inspection intervals are determined by corrosion rates. Normally, the corrosion rates govern :
A) roof
B) upper shell
C) bottom
D) lower shell

!Answer: c......API 653 I Initiallnternallnspection Interval [ ... _.. __

247. the internal inspection is required solely for the purpose of determining the condition and integrity of
the _ _ _ _ __
A) roof
C) bottom
D) lower shell

!Answer: c......API 653 I lnitiallntemallnspection Interval [6.4.1.

248. Internal inspection intervals normally :-
A) are controlled by bottom corrosion rates
B) shall not exceed 20 years
C) owner I user is free to set any convenient material
!Answer: D......API 653 1 lnitiallntemallnspection Interval [
249. Intervals between internal inspections shall be determined by the corrosion rate. Normally, bottom
corrosion rates control the inspection interval. However, in no case shall the interval inspection interval
exceed __ years :-
A) 10
B) 15
C) 20

~swer: c......API 653 I lnitiallntemallnspection Interval [

250. Which of the following is a recognized alternative to internal inspection interval described in API-653?

A) Risk-based Inspection procedures (RBI)

B) Hydrostatically testing the tank every five years
C) Performing complete calculations for minimum required thickness of the tank shell and bottom
D) API-653 does not permit any alternatives to the internal inspection intervals

251. What is the maximum internal inspection of an Asphalt Storage tank or other type of tank storing
highly viscous substances that solidify at temperatures below llOoF?
A) 10 years
B) 13 years
C) 14 years
D) 15 years

252. If RBI assessment or similar service assessment has been performed, applicable maximum inspection
intervals in API 653 do not apply to a tank storing highly viscous substances which solidify at temperatures
below 110 oF such as all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Asphalt
B) Roofing flux
C) Vacuum bottoms
D) Heavy Crude

~swer: D...•. .API 653 , Initial Internal Inspection Interval [

253. if using the corrosion rate procedures, What is the maximum subsequent internal inspection interval
shall be for tanks without a Release Prevention Barrier?
A) 10
B) 15
C) 20

254. The RBI assessment shall be performed by

A) Owner/Operator and ST Engineer
B) Owner/Operator and Authorized Inspector
C) ST Engineer and Authorized Inspector
D) a team including inspection and engineering expertise knowledgeable in the proper application of API RP 580
principles, tank design, construction, and modes of deterioration

swer: D......API 653 Initial Internal I~on Interval [6.4.2.

255. The RBI assessment shall be reviewed and approved by a team at intervals not to exceed _ _ __

A) 10 years
B) 20 years
C) 30 years l

D) 10 years or more often if warranted by process, equipment, or consequence changes.

!Answer: D......API 653 , Initial Internal Inspection Interval []

256. Corrosion rates from low inspection effectiveness such as spot UT shall __
A) not be used in the RBI process.
B) be used in the RBI process. 1
C) not be used in the corrosion rate procedures.
D) None of the above
!Answer: A......API 653 1 lnitiallntemallnspection Interval
257. External tank bottom inspection is permitted :-
A) when required by the inspector.
B) only when reassembly is being done.
C) where construction, size or other aspects allow
D) is not permitted.

!Answer: c......API653 I Alternative to Internal Inspection to Determine Bottom Thickness [6.5]-

258. Specific work procedures shall be prepared and followed when conducting inspections that will __:-
A) Identify and evaluate any tank bottom settlement
B) Ensure that the bottom is not severely corroded and leaking
C) Ensure the internal surfaces of the tank are thoroughly cleaned Periodically
D) assure personnel safety and health and prevent property damage in the workplace.

!Answer: D......API 653 1 Preparatory Work for Internal Inspection [6.6]

259. The owner/operator is required to maintain complete record file consisting of three types of records.
Which of the following is not one of the three types of records.
A) Repair/alteration history
B) Fill cycles
C) Construction
D) Inspection.

!Answer: B......API653 1 Records [6.8.1]

260. Inspection history as required in the tank records is :-

A) all measurements taken, condition of all parts inspected and a record of all tests and examinations;
B) personnel certification;
C) training records;
D) the as built record from the erector.

261. These inspection reports along with inspector recommendations and documentation of disposition
shall be maintained by the owner/operator for _ _ .
A) 10 years.
B) 25 years.
C) 30 years.
C) the life of the tank

swer: c......APiii~6~5~3-,D::;:;:~~.~·· ==:•

262. Who is responsible to review the inspection findings and recommendations,
establish a repair scope, if needed, and determine the appropriate timing for repairs, monitoring, and/or
maintenance activities?
A) Owner/Operator
B) Authorized Inspector
C) AST Engineer
D) Authorized Inspection Agency

~swer: A......API 653 .t Recommendations

263. What is the maximum Internal Inspection interval for a~ in. bottom that has a release prevention
barrier and a fiberglass lining ?
A) 10 10 years (initial)+ 5 years (fiberglass lining)+ 10 years
B) 20 (release prevention barrier)= 25 years.
C) 22

~nswer: D......API 653, Initial Internal Inspection Interval [ 6.1]

264. All new materials used for repair, alterations, or reconstruction shall conform to:
A) As-built standard
B) Current applicable standard
C) Original construction standard
D) None of these is correct

265. For reconstructed tanks, each individual repair plate without identification shall be subject to:
A) Original contract drawings (unique identification numbers or alpha-numeric codes must be found)
B) Suitable documentation (certified mill test reports showing heat number identification must be found)
C) API nameplates (material specification and grade of shell and bottom plates must be shown)
D) chemical analysis and mechanical tests (as uired in ASTM A6 and ASTM A370 includi Cha
swer: D...... API 653 Q-02: Shell and
266. Tank plates being welded which do not have proper identification shall be subjected to _ _ __
A) chemical analysis and mechanical tests as required in ASTM A6 and ASTM A370 including Charpy V-notch.
B) UT thickness measurements
C) PT testing
D) RT testing

~swer: A......API
267. For reconstructed tanks, unknown materials used on repairs when direction of rolling in a plate used
for tanks is not definitely known, what must be done per API 653 requirements?
A) Tension test specimens shall be taken at right angles to each other from a corner of each plate and one of
those test specimens must meet the specification requirements .
B) Tension test specimens shall be taken at right angles to each other from a corner of each plate and both of
those test specimens must meet the specification requirements.
C) two tension specimens shall be taken at right angles to each other from a corner of each plate, and one of
those test specimens must meet the specification requirements .
D) Charpy impact test specimens shall be taken at right angles to each other from a corner of each plate and one
of those test specimens must meet the specification requirements .

268. For known materials, all shell plates and bottom plates welded to the shell shall meet, as a minimum,
the chemistry and mechanical properties of material specified for the application with regard to thickness
and design metal temperature, per _ _ •
A) ASM Requirements
B) ASME Requirements
C) API 650 Requirements
D) ASTMA 7 Requirements

!Answer: C•••••• API 653 1 Shell and Bottom Plates Welded to the Shell [
269. For reconstructed tanks, existing rolled structural shapes to be reused shall meet minimum
requirements of ASTM A7. New structural material shall meet which of these requirements?
A) ASTM A7 also
D) ASTM A36 or ASTM A992 as a minimum.

!Answer: D......API 653 , Structural [7

270. For reconstructed tanks, per API 653, Flange material used in repairs shall meet the minimum
requirements of:
A) As-built standard
B) ASME B16.5 Specification
C) Current applicable standard
D) Original construction standard (as a minimum requirement)

!Answer: A......API 653, Fla119es and Fasteners []

271. For reconstructed tanks, per API 653, fasteners used in repairs shall meet the minimum requirements
A) As-built standard
B) ASME B16.5 Specification
C) Current applicable standard
D) Original construction standard

~swer: C......API 653 1 Flanges and Fasteners [

272. For reconstructed tanks, if existing plates (roof, bottom, wind girders) are to be used to reconstruct
the tank, they shall be checked for:
A) Excessive corrosion and pitting
B) Proper numerical id and heat numbers
C) Excessive peaking and banding at welds
D) None of these is required for reconstruction

273. Welding consumables used in repairs shall conform to which of these requirements?
A) ASME IX Welding Tables
B) AWS classification listed in the WPS
C) ASME classification listed in the WPS
D) API 650 Welding Tables

274. Welding consumables shall conform to the ___ classification that is applicable to the intended use.

~swer: B•••••• API 653 , Welding Consumables [7

275. Any specific design considerations, other than normal product loading, shall be specified by _ _ _.
A) owner/operator
B) contractor
C) engineer
D) welding foreman

276. Regarding design considerations for reconstructed tanks, any new weld joints shall meet the welding
requirements of the:
A) As-built standard
B) Original construction standard
C) Current applicable standard
D) API 653 specific requirements

277. All new shell joints shall be _ _ _ joints, with complete penetration.
A) butt welded
B) lap welded
C) riveted
D) chemically bonded

~nswer: A ••••••API =~~~~::.::..:=:.::..-

278. On a reconstructed tank, all new shell joints shall be.

A) full fillet welded with complete fusion
B) butt-welded with complete penetration and complete fusion
C) lap-welded with complete penetration and complete fusion
D) single grove with backing strip

~nswer: B......API 653 1 New Weld Joints [8.2.

279. Regarding design considerations for reconstructed tanks, any existing weld joints shall meet the
welding requirements of the:
A) As-built standard
B) Original co nstruction standard
C) Current applicable standard
D) API 653 specific req uirements

!Answer: A......API 653 1 New Weld Joints

280. The thickness to be used for each shell course when checking the tank design after reconstruction
shall be based on measurements taken within __
A) Within 30 days prior to relocation
B) Within 60 days prior to relocation
C) Within 90 days prior to relocation
D) Within 180 days prior to relocation

!Answer: D......API 653 1 New Weld Joints [8.4.

281. The maximum design liquid level for product shall be determined by calculating the maximum design
liquid level for each shell course based on .
A) amount of product needed
B) the specific gravity of the product
C) material coating
D) number of penetrations in the first shell course

!Answer: B......API 653 1 Shell Design [8.4.

282. Regarding design considerations for reconstructed tanks, the maximum design liquid level for product
filling shall be determined by calculating all of the following factors EXCEPT:
A) Specific Gravity of the product
B) Actual measured thickness (each shell course)
C) Construction method to be used
D) Allowable material stress (each shell course)
~nswer: C......API 653 1 Shell Design

283. Regarding design considerations for reconstructed tanks, the maximum design liquid level for
hydrostatic test shall be determined by calculating all of these factors EXCEPT:
A) Specific Gravity of the product
B) Actual measured thickness (each shell course)
C) Design Method to be used
D) Allowable material stress (each shell course)

nswer: A •••••• API 653 , Shell Design [

284. When calculating the maximum liquid level for reconstructed tanks, the required corrosion allowance
shall be:
A) deducted from the actual thickness before calculating maximum liquid level
B) added to actual thickness before calculating maximum liquid level
C) not be considered when calculating maximum liquid level
D) deducted from the original design thickness.

285. According to API 653, the basis for repairs and alterations shall be an ___ ,
A) API Standard 650 equivalence
B) API Standard 2207 equivalence
C) ASME Section V equivalence
D) AWS D 1.1 equivalence 9-Repair
286. Before work begins, all repair work must be authorized by:
A) An Authorized inspector
B) An engineer experienced in storage tank design
C) An Authorized inspector or an engineer experienced in storage tank design
D) An Authorized inspector and an engineer experienced in storage tank design

!Answer: c......API 653 I General [9.1

287. Authorization for alterations to storage tanks that comply with API 650 may not be given without
prior consultation with, and approval by:
A) An Authorized inspector
B) An engineer experienced in storage tank design
C) An Authorized inspector or an engineer experienced in storage tank design
D) An Authorized inspector and an engineer experienced in storage tank design

~nswer: B......API 653 1 General [9.1

288. Before work begins, who shall designate inspection hold points required during the repair or
alteration sequence and the minimum necessary documentation to be submitted upon job completion?
A) An Authorized inspector
B) An engineer experienced in storage tank design
C) An Authorized inspector or an engineer experienced in storage tank design
D) An Authorized inspector and an engineer ced in sto tank

289. All repair work must be authorized by the authorized inspector or an engineer experienced in storage
tank design, before the work is started by the:
A) Maintenance Organization
B) Repair Organization
C) Construction Organization
D) Owner/User Organization
290. An Authorized inspector may give prior general authorization for limited or routine repairs as long as
the authorized inspector is sure that the repairs will not require:
A) Hydrostatic testing
B) An engineering evaluation
C) Both Hydrostatic testing and an engineering evaluation
D) Either Hydrostatic testing or an engineering evaluation l
291. Regarding alterations and repairs, all proposed design, work execution, materials, welding
procedures, examination, and testing methods must be approved by:
A) An Authorized inspector
B) An engineer experienced in storage tank design
C) An Authorized inspector or an engineer experienced in storage tank design
D) An Authorized inspector and an engineer experienced in storage tank design

!Answer: c......API 653 I General

292. Who shall approve all specified repair/alteration work at designated hold points and AFTER
repairs/alterations have been completed in accordance with requirements of API 653?
A) An Authorized inspector
B) An engineer experienced in storage tank design
C) Both an Authorized inspector and an engineer experienced in storage tank design
D) Either an Authorized inspector or an engineer experienced in storage tank design

!Answer: D •••••• API 653 1 General [9.

293. The minimum thickness of the replacement shell plate material shall be calculated in accordance with
A) As-built standard
B) Original construction standard
C) API 653 requirements
D) Current applicable API 650 standard

!Answer: A ••••• .API 653 1 Minimum Thickness of Replacement Shell Plate [9.2.1]

294. Acceptable shapes for shell plate replacement sections that are located away from Vertical and
Horizontal shell welds include all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Circular
B) Oblong (with two radiused ends)
C) Square (with 4 radiused corners)
D) Rectangular as in a door sheet

!Answer: D......API 653 , Minimum Dimensions of Replacement Shell

295. Which of the following is an acceptable shape for shell plate replacement sections when an entire
shell plate is to be replaced?
A) Circular
B) Oblong
C) Square
D) Rectangular

296. The minimum dimension for a replacement shell plate is:

A) 12 inches (in all cases)
B) 12 inches or 12 times the thickness of the replacement plate, whichever is lesser
C) 12 inches or 12 times the thickness of the replacement plate, whichever is greater
D) None of these is correct

nswer: c......API 653 , Minimum Dimensions of ReP-lacement

297. What is radius required (Dimension R) for shell replacement plate (2 inch thick tombstone) that is
being installed in a tank shell that is 2 inch thick using PWHT?
A) 2 inch radius
B) 6 inch radius
C) 10 inch radius
D) 12 inch radius

!Answer: D ......API653, Minimum Dimensions of Replacement Shell Plate [ 9.1]-

298. Prior to welding the new vertical joints, the existing horizontal welds shall be cut for a minimum
distance of beyond the new vertical joints.
A) 12 inches
B) 12 inches or 12 times the thickness of the replacement plate, whichever is lesser
C) 12 inches or 12 times the thickness of the replacement plate, whichever is greater
D) None of these is correct

swer: A•.•••• API 653 , Minimum Dimensions of ReP-lacement Shell Plate [9.2.2.

299. When removing and replacing entire shell plates by cutting and rewelding along existing horizontal
weld joints, which of these below is correct regarding the welding sequence?
A) Vertical joints may be welded before the horizontal joints, which should be welded last
B) Horizontal joints may be welded before the vertical joints, which should be welded last
C) Vertical joints SHALL be welded before the horizontal joints, which shall be welded last
D) Horizontal joints SHALL be welded before the vertical joints, which shall be welded last

300. When removing and replacing an entire shell plate in the bottom shell course by cutting and
rewelding along an existing shell to bottom weld, how far must the cut stop short of or extend beyond an
existing bottom plate weld (before the vertical weld is to be welded)?
A) 3 inches
B) 3 inches or St, use the greater value
C) 3 inches or St, use the lesser value
D) None of these is correct
~nswer: B......API 653 ,- M - i-n-imum Dimensions of Re~lacement Shell Plate [ 9.1 Note]
301. Reference to the figure below, how far must the cut stop short of or extend beyond an existing
bottom plate weld ( C)
A) 2 inches
B) 3 inches or St, use the greater value
C) 3 inches or St, use the lesser val
D) None of these is correct

!Answer: B......API 653 , Minimum Dimensions of Replacement Shell Plate [ Figure 9.1 Note]

302. What is the toe-to-toe spacing required between two round replacement shell plates (both are 18
inches in diameter and one is located directly above the other) that are located in the bottom shell course
that is one inch (25 mm) thick?
A) 3 inches [J Thickness > 'lz in., toe-to-toe spacing shall at least the I

greater of 8 times the weld thickness or 10 in.
B) 6 inches =the greater of 10 in. or 8 x t = 8 in. = 10 in.
C) 10 inches
D) 12 inches
!Answer: c......API 653, Weld Joint Design [ 9.1 and Tables]
303. What is the toe-to-toe spacing required between an existing vertical butt welded shell joint and a
replacement shell section that is 0.375 inches (10mm) thick?
A) 3 inches
B) 6 inches D Thickness S Y. in., the spacing may be reduced
C) 10 inches to 6 in. from the outer edge of vertical joints or
3 in. from the outer edge of horizontal joints.
D) 12 inches

~nswer: B••••••API 653, Weld Joint Design [ 9.1 and Tables]
304. What is the toe-to-toe spacing required between 2 round replacement shell plates (both are 18 inches
in diameter and one is located directly above the other) that are located in the bottom shell course that is
% inches (12 mm) thick?
C) 10 inches
D) 12 inches

nswer: A ......API 653, Weld Joint Design [ 9.1 and Tables]

305. What is the toe-to-toe spacing required from a round replacement shell plate (18 in. diameter)
located away from an existing vertical weld in a bottom shell course 1 inch thick?
A) 3 inches
B) 6 inches
C) 10 inches
D) 12 inches

306. To reduce the potential for distortion of an existing tank due to welding a replacement plate into an
existing tank shell, all of the following must be considered by Inspector EXCEPT:
A) The Welding Sequence
B) Heat Input
C) The Fit-up
D) PWHT requirements

~nswer: D...... API 653 1 Weld Joint Design [9.2.

307. When specified by the owner, shell repairs using lap-welded patch plates may be applied to all of the
following types of tank construction EXCEPT:
A) Tanks with Butt-welded shells
B) Tanks with Lap-welded shells
C) Tanks with fiberglass shells
D) Tanks with Riveted shells

~swer: D......API 653 1 Shell Repairs Using Lap-welded Patch Plates [9.3.

308. Shell repairs using lap-welded patch plates are considered what type of repairs?
A) Temporary repairs subject to ongoing inspection and maintenance program
B) Permanent repairs subject to ongoing inspection and maintenance program
C) Either Temporary or permanent repairs, depending upon the repair design
D) None of the above statements are correct
~nswer: B..... .API 653 1 Shell R airs Using Lap-welded Patch Plates [9.3.

309. When shell repairs using lap-welded patch plates are specified by the owner, all repair material shall
comply with the requirements of:
A) The current applicable standard of construction and API 653
B) The Original construction standard and API 653
C) The As-built standard and API 650
D) None of these are correct

~nswer: A......API 653 , Shell Repairs

310. Lapped patch shell repairs shall not be used to replace door sheets or shell plates and shall not be
used on any shell course thickness (original construction) exceeding?
A) Yz inch
B)% inch
C) 1 inch
D) None of these

nswer: A......API 653 , Shell ~epairs Using Lap-welded Patch Plates []···
311. lapped patch shell repairs MAY be used in which of these circumstances?
A) As a repair on any shell course thickness greater than YI inch
B) As a repair on any shell course thickness YI inch or less
C) As a replacement for a door sheet
D) As a replacement for a shell plate

312. When a lapped patch shell repair is used, what is the minimum thickness permitted for the repair
A) X inches
B) YI inches
C) 3/16 in.
D) None of these are correct, because the repair cannot be allowed

!Answer: c......API 653 I Shell Repairs Using Lap-welded Patch Plates []
313. What is the minimum thickness permissible per API 653 for a lapped patch shell repair plate to be
placed over a corroded area of shell X inches thick (.250 inches) having a nominal shell thickness of Yz
A) The lapped patch shell repair plate must be X inches thick in this case

B) The lapped patch shell repair plate must be YI inches thick in this case
C) The lapped patch shell repair plate must be 3/16 in. thick in this case
D) None of these are correct, because the repair cannot be allowed

Follow rules ... Use the "lesser of" Yz inch or shell t (corroded condition, but not less than 3/16 inch)
!Answer: A •••••• API 653 1 Shell Repairs Using Lap-welded Patch Plates [

314. lapped patch shell repair plates may be circular, oblong, square, or rectangular. All corners, except at
the shell-to-bottom joint, shall be _ _ :
A) rounded to a minimum radius of 1/2 in. 11
B) rounded to a minimum radius of 1 in. U
C) rounded to a minimum radius of 2 in.
D) Any dimension, as long as corners are radiused

(Answer: c......API 653 I Shell Repairs Using Lap-welded Patch Plates [

315. lapped patch shell repair plates may cross any butt-welded horizontal or vertical shell seams that
have been ground flush, but must overlap the shell seam by a minimum of:
A) 3 inches


B) 6 inches
C) 10 inches
D) None of these are correct

316. Lapped Patch Shell Repair plates may extend to and intersect with the external shell-to-bottom joint if
the vertical sides intersect the tank bottom at what angle?
A) goo angle
B) goo angle, +/-So
C) Any angle is permissible
D) None of these is correct

swer: A......API 653 , Shell Repairs Using

317. Lapped Patch Shell Repair plates positioned on the shell interior shall be located such that toe-to-toe
weld clearances are a minimum of what distance to the shell-to-bottom weld?
A) 3 inches
B) 4 inches
C) 6 inches
D) 10 inches

~swer: c......API 653 I Shell Repairs Using laP.-Welded Patch Plates

318. The maximum dimension of the lapped patch repair plate vertically and horizontally shall not exceed:
A) 24 inches vertically and 36 inches horizontally
B) 36 inches vertically and 48 inches horizontally
C) 48 inches vertically and 72 inches horizontally
D) There are no maximum dimensions
~M!swer: c......API 653 I Shell Repairs Using Lap-welded Patch Plates [9.3.1.

319. The maximum (allowed by API 653) vertical and horizontal dimensions of any lapped patch shell
repair plate, and also the minimum dimension is:
A) 48 inches (vertical) and 72 inches (horizontal) maximum, and minimum repair plate dimension is 2 in.
B) 48 inches (horizontal) and 72 inches (vertical) maximum, and minimum repair plate dimension is 3 in.
C) 48 inches (horizontal) and 72 inches (vertical) maximum, and minimum repair plate dimension is 4 in.
D) 48 inches (vertical) and 72 inches (horizontal) maximum, and minimum repair plate dimension is 4 in.
swer: D......API 653 Shell Re irs Usi_ng La_p-welded Patch Plates [9.3.
320. Per API 653, which of these shall not be positioned within a lapped patch shell repair?
A) Shell openings only
B) Shell openings and their reinforcements
C) Shell openings, their reinforcements, and an additional 3 inches beyond reinforcement plate
D) None of these are correct

swer: B......API 653 Shell R~irs Usin

321. Prior to the application of a lapped patch shell repair, the areas to be welded shall receive what
specific type of NOT and for which of these purpose per API 653 rules?
A) MT examination after surface grinding/abrasive blasting is done
B) Ultrasonically inspected for plate defects and remaining thickness


C) Visual examination only is required

D) None of these is correct

nswer: B......API 653 , Shell Re~airs Using La~-welded Patch Plates .. "'-"==.. ,
322. Per API 653, Repair plates shall NOT be lapped onto any of the following areas EXCEPT:
A) Riveted shell seams
B) Lap-welded shell seams
C) Other lapped patch repair plates
D) Areas of repaired cracks or defects

~swer: D•••••• API 653 1 Shell Re~airs Using La~-welded Patch Plates []
323. During the same internal inspection of AST, a square lap-welded patch was found over an existing
nozzle. The inspector should _ _ __
A) have the patch removed.
B) inspect the patch.
C) cut out the entire shell plate.
D) radiograph the patch for weld quality.

!Answer: A......API 653 1 Shell Repairs Using Lap-welded Patch Plates []
324. Which of these statements is FALSE regarding repair of defective welds in existing shells?
A) Cracks, lack affusion, and rejectable slag and porosity that need repair shall be removed com plet ely by

gouging and/or grinding and the resulting cavity properly prepared for welding
B) Existing weld undercut deemed unacceptable shall be repaired (add weld metal or grinding)
C) Corroded weld joints MAY be repaired by welding, and all arc strikes SHALL be repaired
D) Weld reinforcement found exceeding API 650 allowances shall be removed by grinding

!Answer: D......API 653 1 Repair of Defective Welds [9.6.1/ 9.6.3/ 9.6.4/ 9.6.5]
325. Generally, it is not necessary to remove existing weld reinforcement in excess of that allowed by API
650 when _ _ _ __
A) discovered on an existing tank with a satisfactory service history.
B) Weld reinforcement found exceeding API 650 allowances shall be removed by grinding.
C) operating conditions are such that the excessive weld reinforcement may be deleterious.
D) not permitted by API 653.
!Answer: A......API 653 1 Repair of nAt'AI"'·iv""
326. Welded joints that have experienced metal loss due to corrosion __
A) must be X-Rayed prior to further use
B) may be repaired by welding
C) may be repaired by grinding
D) all of the above

!Answer: B......API 653 1 Repair of Defective Welds

327. Arc strikes discovered in or adjacent to welded joints,_ _ _ _,
A) must be X-Rayed prior to further use
B) may be repaired by welding
C) shall be repaired by grinding and/or welding


D)None ofthe ofthe above

328. Repairs to existing shell penetrations shall be in accordance with:

A) API 653 requirements
B) API 650 requirements
C) As-built standard
D) Original construction standard

329. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding repairs of shell penetrations?
A) Reinforcing plates may be added to existing unreinforced nozzles when deemed appropriate
B) Reinforcing plates shall meet all dimensional and weld spacing requirements of API 650
C) Reinforcing plate sections added shall have~ in. tell-tale hole drilled and tapped 1/8 in thread
D) Reinforcing plates are not permitted to be installed on the inside surface of the tank

!Answer: D......API 653 Repair of Shell PP';;;d:;:;;ti;u:.!l:

330. What fillet weld size to use on 1-1/8" Addition of Reinforcing Plate to Existing Shell Penetration?
A)~ inch
B) 3/16 inch
C) 5/16 inch
D) 7/16 inch

nswer: D......API 653 , Re~air of Shell Penetrations L=~~·-~=·~~=

331. What fillet weld size to use on 1-1/8" tombstone type reinforcing plate to nozzle neck?
A)~ inch
B) 3/16 inch
C) 5/16 inch
D) 7/16 inch

332. What fillet weld size to use on 1-5/16" tombstone type reinforcing plate to nozzle neck

and bottom plate?

9-Repair u
A) A is 311 in. and B is 311 in.
B) A is 5/6 in. and B is 311 in.
C) A is 3/8 in. and B is 5/16 in.
D) A is~ in. and B is 3/8 in.

r•nd r
.. . ..,....."

'Yta... II. .,,.

'fllll••ln ~ .,...._ •t•n

.,#Ill In :>
1 "' . . ., ' '·""

- ~-

nswer: D......API 653 1 Repair of Shell Penetrations [9.7 .1/ Fi9ure 9.8]
333. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding addition or replacement of shell penetrations as
it relates to calculations?
A) he variable H shall be the height from the centerline of the penetration to the maximum liquid level, in ft . I
B) calculated for the required penetration reinforcement area must follow API 650 and API 653 rules
C) In case of "unknown" shell material, the allowable design stress factorS= 2,000 lbf/in. 2 D
D) Value forE, known as joint efficiency, may be 1.0 due to API 653 RT exam req uirements
!Answer: C......API 653 1 Addition or Replacement of Shell Penetrations D
334. What is the required reduction taper for a 2-inch thick shell insert plate (at its periphery) having I
integral reinforcement when the existing shell plate is l-inch thick?
A) 1:2 D
B) 1:3
C) 1:4
D) None of these

!Answer: C......API 653 1 Addition or Replacement of Shell Penetrations [9.8.4

335. A new bottom course insert plate (24 in. diam. and 2 in. thick) shall be joined to an existing shell plate
(1/2 inch thick) with full penetration and full fusion butt welds and shall be spaced vertically. What is the
re~uired distance from the splice weld to existing shell penetration ?
A) 3 inches
B) 6 inches
C) 10 inches
D) 16 inches

......__.,_ ..
swer: A......API 653 1 Addition or Replacement of Shell Penetrations [9.8.4 (b)/Figure 9.1 ]-

336. When installing an added nozzle larger than 2 in. NPS without reinforcing plates in a shell course
greater than % in thick and the shell plate material does NOT meet current design metal temperature
criteria, what shell insert minimum dimensional limits apply per API 653?
A) Insert plate minimum diameter shall be at least twice the diameter of the penetration
B) Insert plate minimum diameter shall be twice the diameter or the diameter plus 12 in., whichever is greater
C) Insert plate minimum diameter shall be twice the diameter of the penetration or the diameter plus 12 in.,
whichever is lesser.
D) Insert plate minimum diameter shall be twice the diameter of the penetration or the diameter plus 12 in.,
whichever is greater.
assume 4 NPS without reinforcing plates, In this case 4.5 x 2 (+ .250 opening weld gap) 9.5 inches or 4.50 +
12 = 16.5 inches

_~ Addition or Replacement of Shell

337. When installing an added larger than 2 in. NPS with reinforcing plates in a shell course greater than%
in thick and the shell plate material does NOT meet current design metal temperature criteria, what shell
insert minimum dimensional limits apply per API 653?
A) Insert plate minimum diameter shall equal the diameter of the reinforcing plate plus 12 in.
B) Insert plate minimum diameter shall be twice the diameter or the diameter plus 12 in., whichever is greater
C) Insert plate minimum diameter shall be twice the diameter of the penetration or the diameter plus 12 in.,
whichever is lesser.
D) Insert plate minimum diameter shall be twice the diameter of the penetration or the diameter plus 12 in.,
whichever is greater.

~swer: A......API 653 1 Addition or Replacement of Shell Penetrations [9.8.6 (b)

338. What is allowed to be done to tombstone type reinforcing plate when adding new bottom to tank ?
A) Trim reinforcing plate to increase spacing between welds.
B) Move The existing penetration by cutting the section of the shell containing the fitting and reinforcing plate,
and raising the entire assembly to the correct elevation.
C) Remove the existing reinforcing plate carefully install a new reinforcing plate.
D) All of the above.

339. The shell plate thickness under the telltale hole or drilled hole shall be checked after
drilling and the thickness shall
A) be less than 1/2 tmin., plus any required corrosion allowance
B) not be less than 1/2 tmin. , plus any required corrosion allowance.
C) be greater than 1/2 tmin., plus any required corrosion allowance.
D) not be less than 1/2 tmin., without any required corrosion allowance
swer: B•••••• API 653 Alteration of Existing Shell Penetrations L:..:.==.a.
340. New reinforcing plates shall be installed in accordance with API-653. In order to maintain weld
spacing, what shape reinforcing plate is permitted?
a) Oval
b) Diamond
c) Tombstone
d) Circular is the only permitted shape
swer: C......API 653 1 Alteration of Existing Shell Penetrations


341. A new bottom will be installed through an existing tombstone reinforcing plate , tank shell thickness
of Yz in. What is the minimum J value?
a) 3 in.
b) 3 in. or 4tw
c) 5 in. or 4tw
d) 5 in. or 4tw

!Answer: A......API 653, Alteration of Existing Shell Penetrations [9.9.4 (c) /Figure 9.12]-
342. A new bottom will be installed through an existing tombstone reinforcing plate , tank shell thickness
of Yz in. What is the minimum H value? ~-·-----
a) 3 in.
b) 3 in. or 2 Yz t
c) 4 in. or4t
d) 5 in. or4t

l__~c-l~~~~l~l h
~:--~:;:~·~:::::~:~:::.o:~:~::.:d~:: ::::~:~:;~~:
reinforcing plate (New bottom= 9mm thick)?
::0:::::::::= n
A) Lower portion of existing tombstone reinforcement plate may be removed/re-installed after new shell-to- !1
bottom weld is complete (Cut existing repad at horizontal centerline of the nozzle)
B) Existing tombstone reinforcement plate may be removed, modified, and re-installed after the new shell-to-
bottom weld is complete
C) Remove only that portion of existing reinforcing plate necessa ry to weld/ test new bottom-to-shell weld
(Cut/bevel lower edge of repad reasonably straight/horizontal to facilitate welding
D) Bevel shell from the inside to allow for a full penetration we ld between the bottom and shell

344. regarding new bottom installed through an existing tombstone reinforcing plate, reinforcing plate
shall be re-installed after the shell-to-bottom weld has been completed, inspected, and tested. The splice D
weld shall be made prior to the reinforcing plate weld to bottom plate weld. The completed splice weld
shall be _ _ __
A) MT examined. }
B) RT examined.
C) UT examined.
D) PT examined.



345. Minimum dimension for a welded-on patch plate repair overlapping a bottom seam or an existing
patch is:
A) 3 inches
B) 6 inches
C) 12 inches
D) None of these is correct

346. API 653 allows shapes for a welded-on patch plate that overlaps a bottom seam to be any of the
following EXCEPT:
A) Circular
B) Oblong
C) Polygonal with rounded corners
D) Rectangular

D......API 653 1 Repairing a Portion of Tank Bottoms [

347. Regarding tank bottom repairs, a welded-on patch plate smaller than 12 inches in diameter is
permitted if all of these conditions are met EXCEPT:
A) It extends beyond the corroded bottom area, if any, by at least 2 inches {50 mm).
B) It is not placed fully over an existing patch (partial covering of patch acceptable)
C) It is equal to or exceeds 6 inches in diameter (as a minimum).
D) It does not overlap a bottom seam

!Answer: B......API 653 1 Repairing a Portion of Tank Bottoms (

348. Regarding tank bottom repairs, a welded-on patch shall not be placed over areas of the tank bottom
that exhibit any of the following described conditions EXCEPT:
A) In all areas of local dishing
B) In all areas of global dishing
C) In all areas having settlement exceeding Annex B limits
D) In all areas having distortion (bulging) exceeding Annex B limits

~swer: A......API 653 ReP-airing a Portion of Tank BQ.i~!iiij~J,.g~l.{'~)J

349. When the edge of a welded-on patch plate is approximately parallel to a bottom seam, the edge shall
be held at least from weld seam.
A) 2 in.
B) 3 in.
C) 4 in.
D) 12 in.


350. A leak is noted 11/2" away from the shell-to-bottom weld in the floor of an existing welded tank. The
hole in the floor is 4" in diameter. What type of repair, in compliance with API653, should be made?
A) Use RBI. Because the product might not contaminate the soil or waterways, no repair is required .
B) Weld build-up the area.
C) Install a 'tombstone' shaped, welded-on patch plate, intersecting the shell-to-bottom joint at approximately
D) Install a non-welded patch plate and fiberglass/epoxy to coat the area .

nswer: C......API 653 1 Repairs within the Critical Zone [

351. The use of welded-on patch plates is permitted for repairing a portion of tank bottoms within the
critical zone in addition Perimeter welds on welded-on patch plates within the critical zone shall
be_ _ __
A) one-pass, minimum.
B) two-pass, minimum.
C) three-pass, minimum .
D) four-pass, minimum.

352. During the internal inspection of AST, a patch plate welded to the bottom, with a tombstone shaped
pad, extending to the inside of the shell was discovered. The plate had been seal welded to the bottom,
with a minimum dimension of 12 inches. The inspector should 0
A) have the patch removed .
B) inspect the patch.
C) recommend removal of the patch and floor plates in the repaired area, replacing with new floor plates.
D) this repair is in the critical zone and not allowed.

!Answer: B......API 653 1 Repairs within the Critical Zone [

353. Welded-on patch plates are not permitted in the critical zone on a tank bottom with an operating
temperature exceeding:
A) 200°F for CS and SS
B) 200°F for CS or 100°F for SS
C) 200°F for CS or 300°F for SS
D) 300°F for CS and SS

354. For replacement of tank bottom floor, what is a suitable non-corrosive material for use between the
old and new floor?
A) Dirt
B) Sand or concrete
C) Fiberglass insulation
D) Air

~swer: B......API 653 1 Replacement of


355. New for floating roof support legs and for fixed roof support columns shall be installed when
replacing a tank floor.
A) mud rings
B) leg guides
C) bearing plates
D) support leg pins

lacement of Tank Bottom

356. All arc-gouged areas of the tank shell-to-bottom weld shall be,_ _ _---J and defective areas
repaired and re-examined ..
A) Liquid Penetrant examined
B) magnetic particle examined
C) Ultrasonic examined
D) Radiograph examined

357. Roof repairs involving modification of the roof structure and the frangible joint (if applicable) shall be
in compliance with the requirements of_ __
B) API653
C) API 650, Section 5.10
D) API 650, Section 5.8.5

nswer: c......API 653 , Repair of Fixed Roofs L====..

358. Regarding repair of fixed supported cone roofs, the minimum thickness of new roof plates shall be:
A) 1/4 inch
B) 3/16 inch
C) 1/4 inch plus any corrosion allowance as specified in the repair specs
D) 3/16 inch plus any corrosion allowance as specified in repair specs

359. Repairs to internal floating roofs shall be made in accordance with _ ____;
A) The original construction standard
B) Appendix H of API Standard 650
C) Appendix G of API Standard 650
D) Appendix C of API Standard 650

360. All leaks in pontoons or compartments of double deck floating roofs shall be repaired by_ __
A) caulking the leaking joints and/or using soft patch material
B) rewelding the leaking joints and/or the use of patch plates
C) cutting out the leaking area and flush patching
D) weld overlay any cracks and/or use soft patch material

361. To minimize evaporation losses and reduce potential hazard to workers, no more than __ of the
roof seal system should be out of an in-service tank at one time.
A) One-eighth
B) One-fourth
C) One-half
D) Three-quarters

~swer: B......API 653 1 ReP-air or Replacement of Floating Roof Perimeter Seals [9.13.1]-
362. With regard to installation of primary and secondary seals, what must be done if the roof rim
thickness is less than 0.10 inch.
A) The roof rim shall be thoroughly inspected for damage and corrosion, if it is satisfactory then nothing further
needs to be done 1
B) It shall be replaced . The new roof rim shall be 3/16 inch thickness minimum
C) It shall be replaced. The new roof rim shall be 1/4 inch thickness minimum
D) The tank must be condemned and dismantled

!Answer: B......API 653 1 Repair or Replacement of Floating Roof Perimeter Seals []-
363. What is the maximum hot tap connection permitted in an in-service tank with a minimum shell
thickness of 1/2 inch? The material is of recognized toughness. -t..t:
A) NPS 6
B) NPS 8
C) NPS 14
D) NPS 18

!Answer: D......API 653 1 Hot Taps [ (a) I Table 9.1]

364. hot tap connection size 8 NPZ will be installed on the shell in an in-service tank, What is the minimum

shell thickness if The material is of recognized Toughness? ,_, _ _ _ .., __ _
A)3/16inches ... I -- '"....
B) 1/4 inches
C) 5/16 inches
. 10-l

D) 3/8 inches •• I
... I

I "·
...•• I '•
!Answer: B......API 653 1 Hot Taps [ (a) I Table 9.1
365. A hot tap in a 1.25" thick tank with a minimum metal temperature of 65 Fat time of hot tap, without
having material toughness data is :-
A) not permitted
B) permitted
C) not enough information
D) not addressed by the code


366. For tank shell plates of unknown toughness, all of the following limitations for Hot Tapping operations
apply EXCEPT:
A) Tank liquid height shall result in stress less than 7 ksi at hot tap elevation during hot tapping
B) Shell temp shall be at or above minimum shell design metal temp during hot tap operations
C) All nozzles shall be reinforced and the repad thickness must equal the shell plate thickness
D) Nozzles shall be limited to a maximum diameter of 6 NPS
1) Nozzles shall be limited to a maximum diameter of 4 in. NPS.

367. The owner/operator requires a connection to be made in an in-service tank. The shell material is of
unknown toughness and the thickness is 1.25". The minimum design metal temperature is 45°F. What is the
maximum diameter hot tap connection that may be installed in this tank?
A) NPS 18
B) NPS 14
C) NPS 8
D) NPS 4

[Answer: D......API 653 Hot Taps

368. The minimum height of tank liquid above the hot tap location shall be at least (what height) during
the hot tapping operation?
A) 1 foot
B) 2 feet
C) 3 feet
D) 4 feet

nswer: C•••••• API 653 1 Hot Taps

369. Welding on hot taps shall be done with what type of electrodes?
A) Cellulosic electrodes only
B) Low hydrogen electrodes only
C) Combination of cellulosic and low hydrogen electrodes
D) Any electrodes approved by the Engineer as listed in the WPS

370. Hot Tap limitations/restrictions on ASTs include all of the following except:
A) Hot taps shall not be installed on laminated or severely pitted shell plate
B) Hot taps are not permitted on the roof of a tank or within the gas/vapor space of the tank
C) Hot taps are not permitted on tanks where welding heat may cause environmental cracking
D) Hot taps shall not be performed unless the liquid level is 4 feet above the tapping operation

371. Hot taps are not permitted :-

A) on the roof of a tank or within the gas/vapor space of the tank.
B) on tanks where the heat of welding may cause environmental cracking
C) (A) and (B) are correct.
D) A) only.
nswer: C•••••• API 653 1 Hot Ta


372. A hot tap procedure specific to carrying out the work shall be developed and documented and the
procedure shall include the practices given in:
A) API 2009
B) API2200
C) API2201
D) API2217A

!Answer: C......API 653 Hot TaP-S [9.14.

373. Prior to performing Hot Taps, shell plate thickness measurements shall be taken at how many places
(as a minimum) along the circumference of the proposed nozzle location?
A) Minimum of four locations
B) Minimum of eight locations
C) Minimum of twelve locations
D) Full UT scan of entire area req ui red

374. A hot tap in a 1.25" thick tank with a minimum metal temperature of 65 F at time of hot tap, without
having material toughness data is :-
A) not permitted
B) permitted
C) not enough information
D) not addressed by the code

!Answer: A...... API 653, Hot Taps I Material Limitations [9.14.4]

375. Regarding Hot Tap installation, after the valve has been installed on the flange, a pressure test shall
be performed on the nozzle prior to mounting the hot tap machine that shall be bolted to the valve. What
is the required Hydrotest pressure for the nozzle per API 653?
A) At least 1.5 times the hydrostatic head depending on the API 653 equation
B) At least 3 times the hydrost atic head depending on the API 653 equation
C) At least 50 psig, depending on the AP I 653 equation and specific gravity
D) At least 25 psig, depending on the API 653 equation only

!Answer: A ......API 653, Hot Ta~s /Installation Procedure [9.14.-....... _

376. The required pressure for the pressure test shall be at least the value computed by which of the
following equations (Note: In any calculation you will be given all values):
A) P (psi) = 1.5 x H2 x G x yw ... H2 =the height oftank shell (inch) G =spec gravity & yw =water density (lbf/in 3 )
B) P (psi) = 1.5 x H2 x G x yw ... H2 =the height of tank shell (feet) G =spec gravity & yw =water density (lbf/in 3 )
C) P (psi) = 3.0 x H2 x G x yw ... H2 =the height of tank shell (inch} G =spec gravity & yw =water density (lbf/in 3 )
D) P (psi)= 3.0 x H2 x G x yw ... H2 = the height oftank shell. (feet) G =spec gravity & yw =water density (lbf/in3


9-Repair 10
- ~--~~~"n

377. Who shall approve all reconstruction work at the designated hold points and after reconstruction has
been completed in accordance with the requirement of API653.
A) Authorized inspector.
B) An engineer experienced in storage tank design.
C) 'A' or 'B'.
D) Any one designated by owner/ operator.

378. Storage tanks shall be _ _ _ _ prior to commencement of dismantling.

A) inspected.
B) drained.
C) cleaned and gas-freed
D) vented.

nswer: C......API 653 Cleaning and Gas Freeing

379. When a tank is being dismantled for relocation, roof, shell, and bottom plates may be cut:
A) To one-half the size of the original plates.
B) Along the existing weld seams for transportation to the new site.
C) To a size no smaller than~ max weight allowed by transporting vehicle and crane.
D) To pieces of any size that are readily transportable to the new site.

~nswer: D•.•••• API 653 1 Dismantling Methods [10.3.1 ,...,,n..,lr:!ill

380. The proper method for dismantling tank bottoms that are to be reused shall be cut by:-
A) deseaming of lapwelds.
B) cutting alongside remaining welds at a minimum of 2 inches from existing welds.
C) cutting alongside remaining welds at a minimum of 3 inches from existing welds.
D) Both (a) and (b) are acceptable.

~nswer: D......API653 1 Dismantling Methods [

381. During dismantling of tank, how much minimum distance has to cut from the shell to bottom weld
toe, when the entire bottom is to reuse?
A) 1/2
B) 6 except where crossing existing welds
C) 12
D) 12 is the maximum. A c

if the entire bottom is to be reused, the

bottom may be cut from the shell on the
line C-C leaving the shell with part
of the bottom attached;
382. While dismantling of tank shell plate, any shell ring may be dismantled by cutting out
existing weld seems and the heat affected zone of the weld, for the purpose of this method, the
minimum HAZ to be removed will be._ _ _ _ __
A) 112 of the weld metal width or 1/4inch, which ever is less, in any side of the weld seam.
B) V2 of the weld metal width or 1/4inch, which ever is less on both sides of the weld seam.
C)Cutting through the weld may use for dismantle any shell ring 1/2inch thick or thicker without removing HAZ?
D) All of the above.

!Answer: B••••••API 653 , Dismantling Methods [ Shells]

383. Which of the following is not true regarding dismantling of the shell :

A) Temporary attachments welds must be ground flush.
B) Shell stiffener rings, including wind girders and top angles, may be removed.
C) Shell stiffener rings, including wind girders and top angles, may be left attached.

D) Temporary attachments welds need not be ground flush.

!Answer: D•.••••API 653 , Dismantling Methods [

384. On a reconstructed tank, the cut lines along the floor and the shell adjacent to the corner welds must
be how far away (at least) from the corner weld toe?
A) two inches

B) one inch
C)% of an inch .. c
D) Yz inch
,~"~=--~:1. ~

.:::-.& - . )
_,;,..,,.... t!-

!Answer: D•••••• API 653, Dismantling Methods [ Shells/Figure 10.111 • • • • • •

385. What is the distance in inches, that both a roof plate or a shell bottom must be cut from the weld
when dismantling a shell tank :-
A) One
B) Two

C) Four
D) Six
!Answer: B••••••API 653, Dismantling Methods [10.3.4.
386. What must be done to the tank prior to dismantling to insure proper alignment after the tank is
reconstructed ?
A) Atl east four sets of matching centre punch marks should be placed at the top and bottom edges of each shell
B) At least two sets of matching centre punch marks shall be placed at the top and bottom edges of each shell
C) At least three alignment tabs shall be tack welded to the top and bottom edges of the each shell plate.
D) At least two sets of matching centre punch marks may be placed at the top and side edges of each shell plate.

~swer: B......API 653 Dismantling Methods [ Piece Marki

387. During reconstruction of shell vertical, new vertical joints in adjacent shell courses shall not be
aligned, but shall be offset from each other a minimum distance of plate thickness at the point of offset is

A) 5 t of thicker course.
B) 5 t of thinner course.
C) 6 t of thinner course.
D) 6 t of thicker course.

388. Tank with service temperature 24 "F to be reconstructed. What should you do during welding ( 0-32
"F) or thickness thicker than 1" ?
A) 120 "F
B) Preheat worm to hand (140"F)
C) 160"F
D) 200"F

389. During reconstruction welding the thickness over 1 inch and with in 3 inch of base metal shall be
heated the place where welding to be started to what temperature before welding?
A) 200"F.
B) warm to hand.
C) 100"F.
D) 5o·c.

!Answer: B......API 653 1 Reconstruction [ Weldi

390. When welding horizontal and vertical joints constructed of material that is over 1.5" thick, based on
the thickness of the thicker part, what is the required preheat temperature?
A) Preheating is not required
B) Preheat worm to hand (140"F)
C) 200"F
D) 300"F

391. What will be the maximum allowance undercut for horizontal joints, when a tank reconstruction?
A) 1/64
B) 1/32
C) 1/16
D) 1/8

~swer: B......API 653 1 Reconstruction

The maximum acceptable undercutting on vertical butt welds of a reconstructed tank is _ _ inch.
A) 1/64
B) 1/32
C) 1/16
D) 1/8

!Answer: A......API 653 1 Reconstruction [ Welding]· · ·

393. During reconstruction f shells tack welding used for fit-up in position before welding this tack._ _ _.
A) Shall be removed before welded manually.
B) Cleaned and need not removed for SAW if they are fused.
C) Tack weld shall be made with qualified procedure and welder.
D) All of the above.

!Answer: D•.••..API 653 1 Reconstruction [ Welding]

394. Low hydrogen electrode shall be used for SMAW during reconstruction welding for the following.
A) All shell course of API650 Group 1-111 materials.
B) All shell course over~ inch thick of API 650 Group IV - VI materials. 0
C) Temporary and new permanent attachment to shell of API 650 Group IV- VI materials.
D) All of the above.
c......API 653
!Answer: I Reconstruction [ wa.ll'lilrllnl

395. The sequence of welding of the shell-to-bottom :-

A) is the welder's option.
B) is not addressed.
C) is completed after the bottom joints are fully welded.
D) must be completed before the welding of bottom joints .
396. What is the maximum reinforcement allowed on a 3/4" thick vertical butt weld made on a
reconstructed tank ?
A) 3/16 Table10.1-Maxlmum Thicknn ses on New Welds
B) 3/32 Plate Thickness Mulmum Relnforctment Thickness
(i\.) (it_)
C) 1/8
D) 1/4 Vertica1 Join1s Horizontal Joints

s 112 3f32 118

> 112 1hrough 1 1f8 3JI6

>1 3ft& 114

1Ai1swer: c......API 653 I Reconstruction [ 10.

397. What is the maximum allowable misalignment on a 3/4" vertical butt joint?
A) 10%
B) 1/16"
C) 10% or maximum of 1/8"
D) 12% or maximum of 3/32"

398. What is the maximum permissible misalignment of vertical joints in shell plates that are 0.625" thick?
A) 0.0625" 0 Verticaljoints:
B) 0.00625" li> Misalignment in completed vertical joints over 5/8·in.(0.625") thick shall not
exceed 10% of the plate thickness, with a maximum of 1/8 in.(0.125").
C) 0.125" J;;> Misalignment in joints S/8-in.(0.625") • thick or less shall not exceed 1/16 in.(
D) 0.0125" 0.0625").
J;;> Vertical joints shall be completed before the lower horizontal weld is made.

!Ariswer: A......API 653 1

399. What is the maximum permissible misalignment of vertical joints in shell plates that are .9375" thick?
A) 0.125" 0 Verticaljoints:
B) 0.093 75" li> Misalignment in completed vertical joints over 5/8·in.(0.625") thick shall not
exceed 10% of the plate thickness, with a maximum of 1/8 in.(0.125").
C) 0.00937 5" J;;> Misalignment in joints S/8-in.(0.625") thick or less shall not exceed 1/16 in.(
D) 0.0125" 0.0625").
;... Vertical joints shall be completed before the lower horizontal weld is made.

[!mswer: B......API 653 1 Reconstruction [ ... v ........... ...

400. In completing horizontal joints, what is the maximum projection of the upper plate, beyond the face
of the lower plate, at any point for plate thickness of 1.125"
A) 0.25" 0 completed horizontal butt joints,
B) . " li> the upper plate shall not project beyond the face of the lower plate at any point by
0 225 more than 20% of the thickness of the upper plate, with a maximum proJection of
C) 0.125" 1/8 in.(0.125 "1.

D) 0.0125 1/ "'-
, except that a projection of 1/16 in.( 0.0625"). is acceptable for upper plates less than
S/8-in.(0.625") thick.

[Answer: c......API 653 I Reconstruction [ Shleii!ill · · ·

401. When shall measurements be taken to verify tolerances of reconstructed tanks?
A) After hydrostatic testing
B) Before hydrostatic testing
C) After lay out of all plates
D) After fit-up and tack welding used for alignment purposes
nswer: B......API 653J Genera.-'-~==:=.~:

402. For reconstruction tank, the maximum out of plumpness of the top of the shell relative to the bottom
of the shell shall not exceed to the total tank height with a maximum of 5 inch.
A) 1/200
B) 1/100
C) 1/250
D) 1/50


403. An existing tank, 48 feet high with a diameter of 430 feet, is undergoing major repairs. What is the
maximum out-of-plumbness allowed?
A) 1.27"
B) 4.8"
C) 5.0"
D) 5.76"

404. A reconstructed tank with a total height of 25' has been determined to have an out-of plumbness of 2-
3/411. This is:-
A) acceptable
B) unacceptable
C) not covered by the code
D) corrected by eternal strengthening

!Answer: A ..... .API 653 1 Dimensional Tolerances [ Ph11ml"n•~cc

405. What is the radii tolerance measured at 1 foot above the shell to bottom for a reconstructed 125 foot
diameter tank ? Tablo 10. 2 - Radll Tolorancoa
A) +/-1/2 Tllnk Diameter Radius Tolerances
(ft) (In ,)
C)+/- 1
c 40 •112

40 to .,. 1150
D) +/-11/4. -~ --
180 to ... 260 •1
:::. 2 8 0 :&1 1,..

!Answer: B •.•••• API 653 1 Dimensional Tolerances [10.5.3 Roundness I Table 10.
What is the out of roundness radius tolerance measured at 1 foot above the shell to bottom for a I
406. I
reconstructed 70 foot diameter tank ?
A) 420.5" to 419.5"
B) 35.75" to 34.25"
Table 10.2- l'tadll Tolerance•
Tank Diameter
lltadlue Tolerance•
c 4D .11:>
C) 421" to 419"
D) 420.75 "to 419.25 11
40 to .... 180
160 to c 260 •1
:::. 280 :&1 1,..

D= 70 Feet, R = 35 feet= 35 x 12 = 420 in.+/-%

R= 420.75 11 to 419.25 11

~nswer: D ••••••API653 1 Dimensional Tolerances [10.5.3 Roundness I Table

407. An aboveground storage tank is 115 feet in diameter. What is the maximum or minimum radius
permitted measured at one foot above the shell to bottom weld? Maximum/ Minimum
A) 115.75" 114.25"
B) 690.75" 689.25"
C) 1380.75" 1379.25"
D) 115.5" 114.5"
nswer: B•••••• API 653 , Dimensional Tolerances [10.5.3 Roundness I Table 10.

408. An aboveground storage tank is 115 feet in diameter. What is the maximum or minimum radius
permitted measured at one foot above the shell to bottom weld? Maximum/ Minimum
A) 115.75" 114.25"
B) 690.75" 689.25"
C) 1380.75" 1379.25"
D) 115.5'' 114.5"

409. The difference between peaking and banding is :-

A) peaking pertains to the roof.
B) banding is external to the tank.
C) peaking pertains to vertical weld seams, banding pertains to horizontal weld seams.
D) peaking pertains to horizontal weld seams, banding pertains to vertical weld seams.

swer: C......API 653, Dimensional Tolerances 10.5.4 Peaking _~--- =.:=-=.:::=

410. With a horizontal sweep board 36" long, peaking shall not exceed _ _ inch.
A) 0.250
B) 0.375
C) 0.500
D) 0.625

!Answer: c......API 653 I Dimensional Tolerances [10.5.4 ~~!19]

411. Per API 653, what is the maximum allowable banding, using a vertical 36" sweep board?
A) 1"
B) 1/2"
C) 3/8"
D) 3/32"

nswer: A•.••••API 653 , Dimensional Tolerances [10.5.5 Ha1nll11no

412. Allowable peaking and banding for reconstructed tank in any 36inch of welding will be _ __
A) Yz inch maximum peaking and linch maximum banding.
B) linch maximum peaking and Yz inch maximum banding.
C) Yz inch peaking and banding maximum.
D) None of the above.
swer: A......API 653 Dimensional Tolerances [10.5.4 Peakingii//fiU:[j~l!IDng:JI
413. The top of the concrete ring wall of a reconstructed tank, that is 115 feet in diameter, must be level
within± 1/8" in any 30 feet of circumference. What is the tolerance measured from the average elevation?
A) ±1/8"
B) ±3/16"
C) ±1/2"
D) ±1/4"


414. Foundations of relocated tanks specified as true to horizontal plane without ring walls shall be true :-
A)± 1/8" in any 30' and± 1/4" in the total circumference.
B) ± 1/8" in any 30' and± 1/2" in the total circumference.
C)± 1/8" in any 10' and± 1/2" in the total circumference.
D)± 1.4" in any 30' and± 1/2" in the total circumference.

nswer: C......API 653, Foundations [10!~y~~11······

415. Per API 653, Welding procedure specifications (WPSs) and welders and welding operators by which of
the following requirements?
A) ASME Section IX and the additional requirements of API 650 and API653
B) ASM E Section IX and the many additional requirements of API 650
C) ASME Section IX is the only document covering these requirements
D) ASME Section IX and I or the original code of construction are the required documents

!Answer: A ......API 653, Welding Qualifications [11.1.

416. Welders shall be qualified in accordance with .
A) API1104

B) ASME Section V
C) ASME Section IX
D) AWS Dl.l

!Answer: c......API 653 I Welding Qualifications [11.1.

417. During the reconstruction of a tank, welding operators, welders and welding procedures must be
qualified in accordance with.
A) API650
B) ASME Section V
C) ASME Section IX

418. Procedure qualification for welding on a tank of unknown or obsolete material shall be done using
test coupons of :-
A) any P-1 material.
B) any similar type material.
C) material from the same P number grouping.
D) actual material from the tank.

!Answer: D......API 653 , Welding Qualifications [11.1.

419. Welder or welding operator's identification marks shall be located adjacent to completed welds at
intervals not exceeding :-
A) 9 feet.
B) 6 feet.
C) 3 feet.
D) As identified on the approved welding procedure specification.

420. A welder's ID must be placed at intervals not exceeding along completed welds :-
A) One foot
B) One and a half feet
C) Two feet
D) Three feet

swer: D......API 653 1 Identification and Records

421. Which of the following types of welds do not need welder identification ?
A) Shell vertical welds
B) Roof Plate welds;
C) Flange-to-nozzle-neck welds
D) Both (B) and (C)

!Aiiswer: D......API 653 1 Identification and Records [1= =.. ,

422. Welder identification on roof welds and flange-to-nozzle neck welds shall _ _ :
A) be hand or machine stamped
B) be stamped every 3 feet
C) be stamped on the top side of each nozzle an in every 3 feet of roof weld
D) not require identification
!Answer: D......API 653 1 Identification and llPr·nriiJc_~• :==~..
423. What is the minimum preheat temperature when using the preheat alternative method for a weld
repair on a Tank that originally had PWHT?
A) 3oo·F (lso·q
B) 4oo•F (20S"C)
q soo·F {260"C)
D) Goo•F (31S"C)
swer: A......API 653 1 Preheatin9 Method (ImP-act Testing Not R~uired [11.3.1 (~]-
424. What is the maximum interpass temperature when using the preheat alternative method for a weld
repair on a Tank that originally had PWHT?
A) 3oo•F {lSO"C)
B) 4oo·F (2os·q
C) SOO"F (26o•q
D) Goo•F (31S"C)
nswer: D...•..API 653 , Preheating Method (Impact Testing

425. Which of these is correct regarding Preheating Method temps to be maintained as specified in a WPS,
when preheating is used as an alternative in lieu of PWHT?
A) Preheat of 300oF (1SOoC) or higher, with interpass temps not exceeding SOOoF {260oC)
B) Preheat of 300°F (1S0°C) or higher, with interpass temps not exceeding 600°F (31SoC)
C) Preheat of 3S0°F (17rC) or higher, with interpass temps not exceeding 6S0°F (343°C)
D) Preheat of 3S0°F {17rC) or higher, with interpass temps not exceeding 6S0°F (343°C)

~:we:;::Id:::::.:::i:: :::d.::::::;:h:::::T:i:~::~:~ ~l
A) When the original material is P-No. 1, P-No. 3, and P-No. 4 steels
B) Only when the MDMT of the material is -20°F
C) When the vessel has undergone PWHT
D) When electric resistance coils are not available

!Answer: A ......API 653 1 COW Method (Impact Testing Required) [11.3.2

427. When qualifying a welding procedure for repairing an aboveground tank shell by using controlled-
deposition welding in lieu of PWHT, with a test coupon thickness T =3.5 in. and the depth of test groove I

welded t = 0.75 in., what is the thickness of base metal qualified?
A) 0.7S in.
B) 1.S in.
C) 2 in. to unlimited

D) 3.S in. to unlimited

--~~ ... ._.,

' n. ............... h ...................

!Answer: c......API 653 I cow Method (Impact Testing Required) [11.3.2/Table 11.
428. During repairs , material required for _ _ _ __
A) Only alloy material
B) Any material with MTRS
C) all new material
D) All new material expect material have a carbon content of more than 0.3S %.

!Answer: O......API 653 1 COW Method (Impact Testing Requir:ed) [11.3.2

429. During Controlled deposition welding (COW}, The preheat temperature shall be checked to assure that
_ _ _ _on each side of the weld joint will be maintained at the minimum temperature during welding.
A) 4 in. (100 mm) of the material or four times the material thickness whichever is greater.
B) 4 in. {100 mm) of the material or four times the material thickness whichever is Lesser.
C) 2 in. (SO mm) of the material or two times the material thickness whichever is Lesser.
D) 2 in. (SO mm) of the material or two times the material thickness whichever is greater.
430. The SMAW process is used to perform controlled deposition welded repairs to a vessel that originally
received PWHT. At what temperature must the weld area be maintained?
A) 350oF ± SOoF for a minimum of 1 hour after completion
B) 350oF ± SOoF for a minimum of 2 hours after completion
C) 500°F ± SOoF for a minimum of 1 hour after completion
D) 500°F ± SOoF for a minimum of 2 hours after completion

431. Which of these electrodes may eliminate the need for Hydrogen Bake-out post-weld treatments
(SMAW process), if controlled deposition welding is done in lieu of PWHT?
A) E7018-H8
B) E7018-H6
C) E7018-H4
D) E7018-H1

swer: c......API 653 1 COW Method (ImP-act Testing Required 11.3.2

432. lieu of PWHT, what is required after the finished repair weld has cooled to an ambient temperature?
A) The final post heat (hydrogen bake out treatment) must be performed ASAP
B) The final temper bead reinforcement layer sh~ll be removed and made flush with base metal
C) The final inspection and NDT specified must then be completed and accepted by the Inspector
D) None of these is correct regarding the Controlled Deposition welding procedure

~nswer: B......API 653 1 COW Method (Impact Testing Required) [11.3.2 (

433. A unit upgrade require adding two NPS 2 ( ON SO) nozzles to a aboveground tank. The tank was
originally fabricated from an SA-387 Gr. 22 (P-SA material) of 0.699 inch ( 18 mm) thick plate. Which of the
following statements apply to the heat treatment of this work?

A) The material prevents substituting preheat for PWHT

B) Temper-bead installation may be used instead of PWHT
C) Tank alterations prevent applying preheat as a PWHT alternative
D) Preheating to not less than 300°F is an alternative to PWHT

~nswer:A ......API 653 1 Preheat or COW Methods as Alternatives to PWHT.-£11.3.1/11. 3.2]-

434. Welding shall conform to the permit and safety precautions of:
A) API2000
B) API2003
C) API2006
D) API 2009

435. NDE shall be performed in accordance w i t h - - - - - -
A) API653
D) API 650 and any supplemental requirements given in API 653.

436. Ultrasonic examination of hot tap connections or reinforcement is required by API 653 when.
A) in lieu of radiographic testing
B) searching for weld flaws
C) searching for laminations
D) requested by the welder

(Answer: C•••••• API653, NDT /Shell Penetrations

437. Completed welds of stress-relieved assemblies shall be examined by_ __; I
A) MT or PT shall be done before stress relief and before hydrostatic testing
B) MT or PT shall be done before stress relief and after hydrostatic testing 0
C) MT or PT shall be done after stress relief and before hydrostatic testing I
D) MT or PT shall be done after stress relief and after hydrostatic testing

!Answer: c......API653 I NDT /Shell Penetrations [12.

438. Completed welds of new permanent attachments (not including shell-to-bottom welds) and areas
where temporary attachments have been removed (API 650 tank shell materials of Groups IV, IVA, V, or
VI), shall be examined by~----
A) Either Magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method
B) Magnetic particle method only
C) Liquid penetrant method only
D) Radiographic or ultrasonic methods
~nswer: A ......API 653 1 NDT /Temporary and Permanent Attachments to Shell Plates []-
439. New welding on the shell-to-bottom joint shall be inspected for its entire length b y - - - - -....:
A) Visual examination, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle
B) Right-angle vacuum box and solution film, light diesel oil
C) Visual examination, ultrasonic, eddy current
D) Visual examination, wet fluorescent magnetic particle, helium tracer
!Answer: B......API 653, NDT /Shell-to-bottom Weld [12.1.6]· · ·
440. New welding on the shell-to-bottom joint shall be inspected for its entire length b y - - - - -....:
A) Visual examination, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle
B) a right-angle vacuum box and a solution film, or by applying light diesel oil.
C) Visual examination, ultrasonic, eddy current
D) Visual examination, wet fluorescent magnetic particle, helium tracer gas
!Answer: B......API653, NDT /Shell-to-bottom Weld [12.1.6]
441. Areas of bottom plate repaired by welding shall be examined by the magnetic particle method or the
liquid penetrant method. In addition, the repaired area shall also be tested using_ _ __
A) a vacuum box and solution or a tracer gas and detector
B) ultrasonic method only
C) Radiographic method only
D) Radiographic or ultrasonic methods

442. During the repair of an AST, one new vertical shell weld was installed. How many radiographs are
required on the vertical? (The shell is 1.25" thick).
A) One radiograph shall be taken in every vertical joint
B) 100% of the vertical joint
C) Two radiographs shall be taken in the vertical joint
D) No radiographs required

nswer: B•.••••API 653 l Radiographs112.2 .1.1 For vertlca

443. For new or repaired shell horizontal joints, how many radiographs shall be taken for each 50 feet of
horizontal joint, not including those required at intersections of vertical and horizontal joints?
B) 2

!Answer: A...•••API653, Radiographs [ For horizontal ~-~-..... , 1

444. What are NDE methods and to what extent shall they be used for the examination of repairs to butt
A) MT and PT over full length
B) MT and PT spot
C) UT and RT over full length
D) UT or RT over full length

445. How many radiographs shall be taken in a square 12" x 24" butt welded insert plate in a shell over 1"
A) 100% RT.
B) Spot RT.
C) RT is not required.
D) None of the above.

swer: A......API 653 Radio_graphs [ square and rectangular lacement plates -
446. Minimum number of radiographs that shall be taken to a circular butt welded insert plate in a shell
1/2" thick?
A) 1.
B) 2.
C) 5.
D) RT is not required.

swer: A......API 653 1 Radiographs [ circular replacement r-==,..

447. Minimum diagnostic length of a radiograph i s - - - -
A) 6 inches
B) 12 inches
D) None of the above

~swer: A ......API 653 1 Radiographs [12.2.1.

448. For penetrations using insert plates, how shall the completed butt welds between the insert plate and
shell plate be inspected?
A) 100% RT
B) Spot RT
D) Visual

!Answer: A......API 653 1 Radiographs [12.

449. Radiographs of repaired work and records of radiographs of repaired work shall be marked with __.
A) a grease pencil
B) the mark of the welder who made the repair
C) the letter "R"
D) the initial of the inspector

!Answer: C......API 653 1 Marking and Identification of Radiographs .. ===-·

450. When a full hydrostatic test is required, it shall be held for _ _.
A) 8 hours
B) 12 hours
C) 16 hours
D) 24 hours
~nswer: D......API 653 1 Hydrostatic Testing ..===..
451. When it is necessary hydrostatic test for a reconstructed tank?
A) Always
B) hydrostatic test is not required for a reconstructed tank.
C) hydrostatic test is required for only minor repair
D) None of the above
~swer: A......API 653 1 Hydrostatic Testing ..==~,:=J .. 0
452. Which NDE technique is used to fully check shell welds?
A) Hydrostatic testing
B) liquid penetrant testing
C) magnetic particle testing.
D) Radiographic testing

453. According to API 653, a full hydrostatic test, held for 24 hours, shall be performed on:
A) a new tank
B) an in-service tank
C) a reconstructed tank
D) an out-of-service tank

swer: c......API 653 1 Hv4:inista~Te!itini'fw

454. A full hydrostatic test is always required on .

A) a tank that has an annular plate installed with the longest dimension less than12"
B) a tank that has a door sheet installed
C) a tank that has a nozzle 12" NPS installed
D) a reconstructed tank

!Answer: D•••••• API 653 1 Hydrostatic Testing ·===-' ='·

455. A hydrostatic test for a relocated tank :-
A) may be waived by the Owner I Operator
B) is required
C) may be waived by the Inspector
D) is not necessary

456. A full hydrostatic test can be waived on a tank _ __

A) after replacement of door sheet that intersects the shell-to-bottom weld
B) when a 36-inch nozzle has been installed
C) after partial or complete jacking of a tank shell
D) if the owner or operator has authorized the exemption in writing

~nswer: D......API 653 , H drostatic Testin_g

457. All of the following statements allowing hydrostatic test exemptions after major repairs and major
alterations are true Except:
A) Engineer concurs with exemption (in writing) and owner/operator has authorized it (in writing)
B) Repair has been reviewed and approved by an Engineer experienced in API650 tank design
C) Fitness-for-service evaluation was done by an Engineer experienced in API 650 tank design
D) API 653 Authorized Inspector approves the exemption (in writing)
swer: D......API 653 , l:fYdrostatlc
458. alteration, the Engineer must consider any TANK JACKING AS MINOR by considering pertinent
variables such as all of the following listed below EXCEPT:
A) Engineer considers magnitude of jacking required, material, toughness and mat'l temperature
B) Engineer considers quality control and inspection after the jacking repair is performed
C) Engineer considers jacking techniques (including controls and measurement)
D) Engineer considers future foundation stability l
nswer: B......API 653 1 Hydrostatic Testing L====.a
459. New or altered reinforcing plates of shell penetrations shall be given a(n) _ _ _ test, in accordance
with API Standard 650.
A) diesel
B) air
C) stress
D) gas

!Answer: B••.••• AP1653 1 Leak Tests [12.41

460. {Tests for leaks in reinforcing plate welds require __ } I {Reinforcement pad welds should be
pneumatically tested at which pressure?}
A) 2.5 psig
B) 15 psig
C) 21 psig
D) 30 psig

!Answer: B...... API 653 1 Leak Tests [12.4/ API 650 7 .3.4 1• • •
461. During a hydrostatic test, at least how many measurement points shall be surveyed?

!Answer: c......API 653 I Measured Settlement During H_ydrostatic Testing [12.5.2/ Annex Bl Fig.B-111
462. The minimum number of settlement points around a tank periP.hery is_ _
A) 12
B) 10

!Answer: c......API 653 I Measured Settlement During Hydrostatic Testing [12.5.2/ Annex Bl Fig.B-111

463. The maximum spacing of measurement points around the circumference of a tank for an hydrostatic
test is?
C) 32

nswer: c......API 653 Measured Settlement Durin H drostatic Testin

464. How many settlement points are required for an external settlement of AST If the nominal diameter is
65 feet?
B) 6

!Ariswer: D......API 653 Measured Settlement During Hv.drostatic Testing

465. Tanks reconstructed in accordance to API-653 shall be identified with a corrosion-resistant metal
nameplate with letters not less than __ " high :-
A) 5/32
B) 7/32
C) 9/32
D) 3/32

~swer: A ..••••API 653, Nameplates [13.1.1.

466. Which of the following is not required information on a nameplate :-
A) Edition and revision number
B) Shell material for shell course
C) Nominal diameter
D) Test Pressure.
!Answer: D•••••• API653 Nameplates [13.1.
467. Where does the new nameplate need to be attached to a reconstructed tank?
A) Adjacent to the existing nameplate
B) Does not need one
C) On the roof
D) Over the suction piping
~swer: A •••••• API 653 1 Nameplates 13.1.1

468. Construction, inspection and repair records shall be maintained by the :-

A) Manufacturer
B) Inspector
C) Owner I Operator
D) Jurisdiction
swer: c......API 653 , Reco2jrd
469. How much time do you need to keep the radiographs of a reconstructed tank?
A) 1 year
B) 2 year
C) 5 year
D) 10 year

!Answer: A......API 653, RecordkeeRing [13.2.3(d)]

470. To evaluate tank settlement, elevation measurements are performed and compared with
measurements marked just after construction. Where are these measurements made?
A) Tank circumference, tank height
C) Tank diameter, tank height
B) Tank height, tank base
D) Round the tank circumference and across the tank diameter.

471. The minimum number of settlement points around a tank periphery is_ _
A) 12

!Answer: c......API 653 I Settlement Measurements (8.2.1/ Fig.8-1/12.5.2~]······

472. The maximum spacing of measurement points around the circumference of a tank for an hydrostatic
test is?
C) 32
!Answer: c......API 653 I Settlement Measurements [8.2.1/ Fig.8-1/ 12.
473. Internal measurement for tank bottom settlement taken across the diameter of the tank must be
taken at what maximum spacing?
A) 10 feet
B) 24 feet
C) 32 feet
D) 4 feet
!Answer: A......API 653, Settlement Measurements [8.2.1/ Fig.8-1/12.
474. Which type of tank settlement will rotate the tank in a tilted plane?
A) Uniform settlement
B) Rigid body
C) Out-of-Plane settlement
475. Differential settlement leads to :-
A) potential floating roof hang up
B) lack of circularity at the top
C) oval shape at the top
D) all ofthe above.

476. settlement occurs when the tank shell settles sharply around the periphery, resulting in
deformation of the bottom plate.
A) Uniform
B) Edge
C) Out-of-Plane
D) Rigid Body Tilting

swer: B......API 653

477. Determine the maximum permissible deflection (out of plane distortion/ Settlement) for a tank with
the following data reported.
• D: Diameter 110 feet
• H: Height 60 feet
• E: Material Carbon Steel (Young's modulus= 29,000,000 psi)
• Y: Yield strength 30,000psi
• L: Arc length between measurements 31.4 feet Where:-
Smax, ft is permissible out-of-plane settlement, in feet;
A) S == 0.09 feet Lis arc length between measurement points, In feet;
B) S ==0 .9 feet Y is yield strength of the shell material, in pound force per square inch (lbf/in.2);
E is Young's Modulus, in pound force per square inch (lbf/in.2);
C) S == 9 feet
H is tank height, in feet.
D) S = 0.009 feet Smax = 31.4x31.4x30000x11/ (2x29000000x60) = 0.09 feet

478. The formula for maximum bulge or depression of a tank bottom is :-

A) 88 = 0.37 R, gives an Answer in feet
The permissible bulge or depression is given by the following equation:.
B) 88 = 0.37 R gives an Answer in inches 88=0.37R
C) 88 + 0.37" is the minimum Where:-
88 is maximum height of bulge or depth of local depression, In inches;
D) 88 = 0.37 + R R is radius of inscribed circle in bulged area or local depression, in feet.

nswer: D......API 653 , Internal Bottom Settlements or Bul_ges .. ~=·

479. A bulge is found on the tank floor, the diameter of the bulge is 30". What is the maximum permissible
height for the bulge?
The permissible bulge or depression Is given by the following equation:.
A) 11.1" 88=0.37R
B) 0.460" Where:-
88 is maximum height of bulge or depth of local depression, in inches;
C) 0.962" R is radius of inscribed circle in bulged area or local depression, in feet.
D) 1.11" 88 = 0.37R = 0.37 (30" /12) =0.962"

480. A depression is noted on a section of the bottom near the middle of the east quadrant. The
deJ)ression measures 5/8" deep, with a diameter of 36 inches. Should a repair be recommended?
A) Yes The permissible bulge or depression is given by the following equation:.
B)No BB =0.37R
C) Not enough information given
BB is maximum height of bulge or depth of local depression, In Inches;
D) The t ank holds water, no problem R is radius of inscribed circle in bulged area or local depression, In feet .
BB = 0.37R = 0.37 (36" /12) =1.11"
Actual =5/8" =0.625", so no need repair because within range
The area Is acceptable
lAnswer: B......API 653 1 Internal Bottom Settlements or Bulges [B.3.3 or
481. A depression in the floor is discovered near the east manway of AST. The diameter of the depression
is 96", the deepest point in the depression is 4". The area _ _ __
A) is rej ectable.
The permissible bulge or depression Is given by the following equation:.
B) is acceptable.
C) must be monitored.
BB =0.37R

BB is maximum height of bulge or depth of local depression, In Inches;

D) ca n be filled in with epoxy and accepted. R is radius of inscribed circle in bulged area or local depression, In feet.
BB = 0.37R = 0.37 (96" /2X12) =1.48 "
Actual =4 ",The area Is rejectable.

!Answer:A ......API 653 1 Internal Bottom Settlements or Bulges [B.3.3 or Fig.

482. What is the allowable edge settlement of a 100' diameter tank that has an area of settlement that
starts to slope 36" from the shell and the bottom lap weld is approximately parallel to the shell?
A) 13.32"
B) 3.75"
C) 18.5" s

D) 2.22" I

. .........__. ___
_. .........__...._.... _ ........
--------- "-_

~nswer: B......API 653 1 Edge Settlement [B.3.4.1 /Fig. 811]

483. What is the allowable edge settlement of a 120 feet diameter tank that has an area of settlement that
starts to slope 4 feet from the shell and the bottom lap weld is approximately parallel to the shell?
A) 2 inches
C) 4.6 inches
D) 6 inches

swer: C......API 653 1 Edge Settlement [B.3.4.1/Fig. B1

484. An area of edge settlement in the tank bottom 6' from the shell has sloped down and settled. The
settlement measures 2" at the deepest point. (The bottom lap welds are approximately parallel to the
A) A more rigorous stress analysis must be performed -·
B) The area should be repaired
C) Sloped edge settlement is usually no problem
D) The area should be documented and checked during the next inspection


................ ' ==-=:::---.. .-

485. Concrete rings shall be inspected f o r - - - - - -

A) broken concrete, spalling, cracks
B) vegetation against tank
C) holidays in paint
D) only (A) and (B)

!Answer: D......API 653 1 Concrete Ring [C.1.1.1 (a 8t

486. When the tank is out of service, additional bottom plate examination includes---------
A) ultrasonic
B) hammer testing
C) turning of coupons
D) All of the above

~nswer: D......API 653 1 Rock L ~=~·

487. Which item is not found on a gauge well?
A) hold-off distance
B) marker vapour control float
C) blow-down valve
D) pipe seal system

swer: C......API 653 1 Gauge Well [C.

488. Inspection of emergency P/V hatches includes _______
A) Servicing
B) Removing oil from seals
C) Action to prevent chattering
D) Only (A) and (C) above
489. Variables in the procedure that can be changed without having tore-qualify the procedure and/or the
scanning operators are .
A) essential variables
B) non-essential va ria bles
C) qualification tests

PIDswer: B......API 653 1 Non-essential variables [G.

490. Each scanning operator, who only use the bottom scanning equipment, shall receive a minimum of
_ _ _ _ _ hours of training.
B) 12
C) 20
0 }40

!Answer: D......API 653 1 Tank Bottom Examiners L-··~·-~_. ,

491. Qualification test plates for floor scan, with flaws, should be a minimum of___ sq. ft.
C) 90

!Answer: B......API 653 1 Qualification Test Plates [G.5.1.1



2. API 650. 2014 Edition

1. The types of tanks covered by API 653 are :-

A) non-refrigerated.
B) vertical, cylindrical, above ground closed and open top.
C) built to API 650 and 12 C.
D) All of the above.

2. PI 650 covers the design, materials, fabrication, erection, and testing of aboveground steel storage tanks. What is
the maximum internal pressure for tanks?
A) Maximum pressure shall not exceed 15 psig
B) Maximum pressure shall not exceed 15 psi a
C) Maximum pressure shall not exceed the weight of the roof plates
D) Maximum pressure shall not exceed the weight of the floor plates

nswer: C.........API 650 1

3. Maximum design internal pressure in an AST referred to by API 650 and API 653 is:
A) Not exceeding 2.5 psig
B) 15 psig approximately
C) Not exceeding 5.00 psig
D) None of the above

!Answer: A.........API 650 1 GENERAL [1.1.1/ Annex F1

4. API-650 applies only to tanks whose entire bottom is uniformly supported and tanks in _ _ __
A) Any petrochemical service and temperature not exceeding 120"F
B) Non-refrigerated service and temperature not exceeding 200"F
B) Non-refrigerated service and temperature not exceeding 120"F
D) Any petrochemical service and temperature not exceeding 200"F

nswer: B.........API 650 1 GENERAL [1.1.

5. The maximum operating temperature for tanks constructed to API 650 (not including appendices) is _ _ _,
A) sao· F
B) sao· c
C) 200" F
D) 2ao• C

6. API 650 limits design temperature to be no more than _ _ __

A) 93"C (200"F)
B) 49"C (120"F)
B) 200"C (392"F)

7. Is API653 used to inspect refrigerated tanks?



~nswer: B.........API 650 1 GENERAL [

8. Who is responsible for specifying whether the dimensions of a tank will be given in 51 units or US customary units?
A) Industrial requirements
B) U.S. Government mandates
C) The purchaser
D) The manufacturer

~nswer: c.........API 650 I GEN

9. An appendix becomes a requirement only when _ __
A) the purchaser specifies the requirement.
B) API mandates the requirement
C) the manufacturer approves the requirement
D) required by j urisdictional requirements

!Answer: C.........API 650 , GENERAL [1.1

10. Above what operating temperature shall API Standard 650, Annex M, be considered before changing the service of a
B) 400"F I
C) 300"F
D) 200"F D
IAnswer: D.........API 650 , General [1.1.20 I API 653 ,]
11. provides requirements for tanks with a maximum design temperature exceeding 93 •c (200 "F) but not
exceeding 260 •c (500 "F).
A) Annex M
B) AnnexJ
C) Annex C
D) Annex K

~nswer: A.........API 650, General [1.1.20 I API 653 1 4·-·~·- .. ·-

12. Who is responsible for compliance with the API 650 standards?
A) Manufacturer
B) Purchaser
C) State Inspector
C) API 653 Inspector 0
tAnswer: A.........API 650 1 Responsibilities 0
13. Material used to construct a tank shall conform to the specifications of API650; however, other material may be used:

A) provided that the material meets all requirements of a material listed in API 650 and the purchaser approves.
B) if nothing else is available and the inspector and the purchaser approve its use.
C) provided that the material is certified to meet all requirements of a material listed in API650 and the purchaser approves.
D) if the material is certified to meet all requirements of a material listed in API 650 and the inspector approves.

swer: c.........A.,I 650 1

14. When any new or unused plate and pipe material cannot be completely identified by records that are satisfactory, the
material may be used in the construction of tanks covered by API 650 only if the:
A) material passes tests prescribed in Appendix N of API 650.
B) inspector authorizes its use.
C) material is equivalent to material listed in API 653, 2.2.2, ASTM Specifications.
D) owner/user furnishes the material and authorizes its use.

15. if you want to use A-283 instead of A-36 , What must to do ?

A) Obtain the prior written approval of the Purchaser.
B) Obtain the prior written approval of the manufacture.
C) We can used A-283 with out written approval of the Purchaser.
D) None of the above .

~nswer: A.........API 650 1 General [ 4.

16. Plate for shells, roofs and bottoms may be ordered on an
A) edge-thickness basis
B) weight basis (kg/m2 [lb/ft2])
C) nominal thickness
D) both(A) and(B)

swer: D.........API 650 1 PLATES [4.2.1.

17. Under-run on plate not more than _ _ _inch from the computed design thickness or minimum permitted
thickness is acceptable
B) 0.02
C) 0.03
D) 0.04

nswer: A.........API 650 1 PLATES [4.2.1.

18. Shell plates are limited to a maximum thickness o f - - - - ·
A)l inches.
B) 1.5 inches.
C) 1. 75 inches.
D) 2 inches.

swer: C...•.....API 650


19. Plate material thicker than __ inches shall be normalised or quench tempered, killed, made to fine grain practice

and impact tested :-
A) 2.00
B) 1.75
C) 1.50
D) 1.006

!Answer: C.........API 650 1

20. A purchaser requires a tank to be built from ASTM A-283 Grade C plate. What maximum thickness limitation is
placed on this plate?
A) 1.00 inch.
B) 1.50 inches.
C) 1.75 inches.
D) 2.50 inches.

!Answer: A.........API 650 1 ASTM S~ifications [ 4.2...!.2

21. When required, a set of Charpay V-notch impact specimens shall be taken. _ _ __
A) Before heat treatment
B) After heat treatment
C) Either before or after
D) Both before and after heat treatment

!Answer: B.........API 650 1 Impact Testing of Plates [

22. { How many impact specimens must be broken for an average value for P1, Group 1, 2, 3 material? } I { How many
specimens and impact tests must be performed from a single test coupon or test location ? }
B) 3

!Answer: B.........API 650 1 Impact Testing of Plates []• •

23. In situations where it is not possible to obtain full size specimens, what is the required width along the notch for
subsize specimens?
A) 60% of the material thickness
B) 80% of the material thickness
C) 90% of the material thickness
D) 75% of the material th ickness

24. A 1.0" thick ASTM A-516 Grade 60 plate (as rolled, killed, fine-grain practice) is to be used for constructing an

... .....,
aboveground storage tank. If no impact tests are performed, what is the design metal temperature for the tank?
A) -23 degrees F.
B) -40 degrees F.
C) -10 degrees F.
D) -12 degrees F. .... .... ........
lhllilll IIIII!
llllll Ill M ..

u Sid lt
lid u

25. New shell insert plate is to be installed into an existing tank shell (both = 1.5 inches thick) Insert plate material and
existinghell material are both A516 Gr. 65 plate normalized, killed, using fine Grain Practice. What is the minimum
design s metal temperature (in •F) that does not require impact testing for this material and given thickness?
A) -12"F
B) 20"F
C) 42"F
D) 50"F

nswer: B.........API 650, Toughness R~uirements Figure

without impact testing.

(a)- 5
{c) 5
{d) All Material must be impact tested

~nswer: B.........API 650 ,


27. Determine whether impact testing is required for A516 gr 70 normalised plates 1 inch thick, Design temp= 0 degreeF
(-18 degree C):
A) Not required -
-·-- .. ' -._:.,_S=
B) Required ..,.. .-· ,.;::'%; ~= ~
C) Depends on opinion of design engineer
D) Depends on opinion of tank inspector
- ---- .u.. ;;; e•
. !"E!-rJ.J;;
---- :~:

- ~ ....I · :_

- -
----- . -
- ::.!!!:
-:..:.. .
. :

D From fig 4.1b :-the minimum permissible design metal

temperature WITHOUT IMPACT= +5 F
D Design temp 0 F , so impact test is required

!Answer: B.........API650 1 Toughness Requirements [ Figure 4.1b]

28. If the first course of a new tank is 12.5 mm (0.5 in) and the design metal temperature is -7 oc (20 °F), what is the mate
A) Group I
B) Group II
C) Group Ill
D) Group IV

·- u
·------- ------·- ·----·-
. . --------.
s .__,_-··- ----
--- ·
............-.--. .......... ............._"+ri ...............
~;:......._.....,_ ....... ~ ............ ...........-_ ..... .........
IAnswer: A.........API 650 1 Toughness Requirements [ Figure
29. If the first course of a new tank fabricated from the material Group I and the design metal temperature is -7 oc (20 °F)
determine the thickness of the material ?
A) 0.50 in.
B) 0.75 in. .-
C) 1 in.
D) 1.25 in.

. _____
________ ____
___ __ _- ·-
-,..,. .
__ .. _.___ _____ .___...•
-..tL • __• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __....._..,

-· -
_,.,... ........._.

IAnswer:A .........API650 1 Toughness Requirem~nts [

30. The lowest one-day mean temperatures for Los Angles is _ __
B)35"F •
C) -35 "F
D) lS"F

swer: B.........API 650

31. As per API 650, the design metal temperature of an AST is based on the lowest one-day mean temperature in the
locality where the tank is Installed, it Is:
A) 152C above the lowest one day mean temperature of the locality
B) 82C above the lowest one day mean temperature of the locality
C) Same as the lowest one day mean temperature of the locality
D) 52C below the lowest one day mean temperature of the locality
swer: B.••.•••••API 650 , Im
nex L 7. Design Pararnetten;l
32. What must the design metal temperature be for an aboveground storage tank to be installed In los Angles ?
A) The design temperature shall be assumed to be SO"F
B) The design temperature shall be assumed to be 35"F
C) The design temperature shall be assumed to be 20"F
D) The design temperature shall be assumed to be lO"F

33. Unless data Is available to justify a different temperature, what must the design metal temperature be for an
aboveground storage tank to be installed in Indianapolis, Indiana?
A) The design temperature shall be assumed to be S"F
B) The design temperature shall be assumed to be -S"F
C) The design temperature shall be assumed to be O"F
D) The design temperature shall be assumed to be lO"F

34. What is the required average longitudinal impact value of three specimens taken from a 1.5 inch thick A 516 -60 As
Rolled, Killed Fine-Grain Practice V test coupon?

. --
A) 13 foot-pounds
B) 15 foot-pounds
C) 20 foot-pounds
F._-._._=:.___. . . . -
... .. . . .-

... ...
D) 30 foot-pounds
: ~

!Answer: B.........API 650 1 Toughness Procedure [ Table 4.5a or

35. What is the required average Transverse impact value of three specimens taken from a 1.5 inch thick A 516 -55 As
Rolled, Killed Fine-Grain Practice V test coupon?
A) 13 foot-pounds

B) 15 foot-pounds r.. ...,_._~~- ... -~··--· ~
-,:c.~~ ..
C) 20 foot-pounds
..._. .......................... . ..._ ..... "":'.:.:"!.
D) 30 foot-pounds
........... ........_. . ............... .
........ t N . . . . . Will\

......... .••
,....._~...._..,..,.\lie.....,.........._................. ...,.. rur.-. f tll.

'""'·· ... ..
u.... ... _ _ _ _ , ...,.,

....., ..•• ..•• li
~~ ,.~-~--~~- -~,~-,-- -~

!Answer: A......... API 650 1 Toughness Procedure [ Table 4.5a or~·~·-_.,_
36. Which of the following 3 longitudinal impact values for a 1.5" thick ASTM A-516 Grade 55 plate is acceptable?
A) 03, 17, 30 foot-pounds CJ The average value of the specimens shall comply with
B) OS, 15, 20 foot-pounds the specified minimum value ( 15 J) with
q 10, 10, 25 foot-pounds ~ no more than one specimen value being less than the
specified minimum value (15 J) and
D) 10, 15, 20 foot-pounds ~ one value is less than two-thirds the specified minimum
value=2/3 x 15 =10 J
!Answer: D.........API 650 1 Toughness Procedure [ I Table 4.5a or 4.


,:=- - --
. __- --
37. Which of the following sets of the Transverse Charpy V-notch Impact Test Values of a fully killed 0.75 "thick plate
of ASTM A 516 gr 60 for a design metal temperature of -34 degree C, is acceptable as per API 650? Plates are not

,_ -
A) 20, 11, 12 Joules --~
B) 18, 24, 12 Joules
C) 24, 22, 10 Joules
----- =:: .
-..-.. ... ......-- --
.. ...... - --
-=· --· r:-
.::... """'

-· - ... ,
oa o

D) 20, 10, 27 Joules
--· -
-··- ..;.

' •

........ t ::-
' '
CJ The average value of the specimens shall comply with the
specified minimum value ( 18 J) with
~ no more than one specimen value being less than the
specified minimum value (18J) and
» one value is less than two-thirds the specified minimum
value=2/3 x 18 =12 J

!Answer:B .........API 650 1 Toughness Procedure [ Table

38. An impact specimen is removed from a 1.375" thick ASTM A-516 Grade60 plate As Rolled, Killed Fine-Grain Practice.
Three longitudinal impact tests are made. The values of the tests are 10, 10, & 25 foot-pounds. These values are:
A) not acceptable because two values are less than 2/3 the specified minimum value.
B) acceptable because their average value is 15 foot-pounds.
C) not acceptable because two values are less than the specified minimum value.
D) acceptable because only one value is over the specified minimum value.

~ --

_......., __..._ -.. - --"

.===- ...... - . . . -... -~ll""lillill
.. .....
. .....""' ____..._

--· ·~•-•n
... •• u

• ---I

..,...,..,. ,. ..••
,. . ,.,. • • IU C )SA
'.lt • ISJ' • • I 1111A
O.....lll _ _ _ _ helt! 14-1 ....
B u ~
• li.IIIIQ

l'tl.. ,. ...
t 11•n J
•• •• I Clll*'l

39. Longitudinal impact tests are performed on three specimens, taken from a 1.5 inch thick A 516M-70(485) as rolled
test coupon with the following results:
•:• Specimen #1- 42 foot-pounds,
•:• Specimen #2 -18 foot-pounds,
•:• Specimen # 3 - 31 foot-pounds.
Is the impact test acceptable?
a) Yes the average impact value exceeds 30 foot-pounds
b) Yes only one specimen is less than 2/3 the specified minimum value
c) No the average impact value of Specimen# 1 exceeds 2/3 the required average impact value and one specimen is less
than 2/3 the specified minimum value
d) No Specimen #2 is less than 2/3 the specified minimum

swer:D .........API650, Toughness Procedure [ Table 4.5a or 4.5b]

40. Flange Bolting shall conform to _ _ __
A) ASTM A 193 B7

41. Which electrodes are in the AWS A5.1 specification?

A) E-9018
B) E-8518
C) E-8018
D) E-6010
42. What is the minimum size fillet weld permitted when joining a 1" thick plate to a 1" thick plate? I
A) 3/16"
B) 1/4" 1/3 of 1 =1/3"
C) 1/3"
D) 1/2"

!Answer: C.........API 650 1 Restrictions on Joints []

43. What is the design first course thickness of a new tank that is 60' tall, fill height of 58',diameter of 90', the material is
A 516M Grade (70) 485, the corrosion allowance is .125" and the specific gravity of the stored product is 1?
A) 0.097 in.

B) 0.468 in.
C) 0.527 in.
D)0 .652in

• G=1
Given Information
• ASTM 516 Gr. 70
• H= 58 feet
• 0=90' feet
1 .,-~-
TaMI&a. •••

Ami .............
.. - - - =="

~· 111111 . . . . - ....... . . .~...~

• CA=0.125 .II'IG IIi! :JUliO !\!Ill I lllJDj l'Jm)

td = 2.6 D (H-1) X G + C A
td = 2.6 X 90 (58-1) X 1 +0 .125 =0 .652"


aii!O -




!Answer: D.........API 650 1 Calculation of Thickness by the 1-Foot Method []

.. - _
44. What is the hydrostatic test first course thickness of the new tank that is 60' tall, fill height of 58',diameter of 90', the
material is A 516M Grade (70) 485, the corrosion allowance is .125" and the specific gravity of the stored product is 1?
A) ·097 in.
0 ;. Given Information
.. ..... ... .,.-.IlK!

B) 0.468 in. ~·· ...,_~,....,....._-~

• ASTM 516 Gr. 70
C) 0.527 in.
• G= 1 '-.':::. 11,. .... ,
~ _-::..:.. l!!!l~ ~~ ~~
D) 0.652 in.
• H= 58 feet I

• 0=90' feet
- - -
loft !a ) DIJWI 11\,im

1M ftJI
• CA=0.125

If! JHIIII ,.,rm

"'"" ,.,..,
!1111'"1 "'••> - tu)) ll\,..:.1

~~~ \8 II!JiiiJ
tt= 2.6 D (H-1) .)
- -
tt =2.6 X 90 (58-1) =0.468"
~nswer: B.........API 650 I calculation of Thickness by the 1-Foot Method [5.6.3.
45. A double-welded butt weld is _ __
A) a joint between two abutting parts lying in approximately the same plane
B) a joint between two abutting parts lying in approximately the same plane that is welded from both sides
C) a joint between two overlapping members in which the overlapping edges of both members are welded with fi ll et welds
D) a fillet weld whose size is equal to t he thickness of the thinner joined member

46. What is the minimum size fillet weld permitted when joining a 1" thick plate to a%" thick plate?
A) 3/16"
B) 1/4"
q 3/8" =
1/3 of% Y..''
D) 1/2"

47. What is the minimum size fillet weld that can be installed on a new tank?
A) 1/8"
B) 3/16"
C) 1/4"
D) 5/16"

48. For lap-welded joints that are tack welded, what is the minimum amount of lap permitted?
A) The lap need not exceed 2"
B) The lap need not exceed 1"
C) The joint shall be lapped at least 5 times the minimum required thickness of the thinner plate
D) The joint shall be lapped at least 5 times the nominal thickness of the thinner plate

49. Three-plate laps in tank bottoms shall be at least __ from each other, from the tank shell, from butt- welded
annular-plate joints, and from joints between annular plates and the bottom.
A) 1.2 inches
B) 12 inches
C) 1.2 feet
D) 12 feet

!Aiiswer: B.........API 650, Lap-Welded Bottom Joints [5.

50. What is the minimum size fillet weld required on each side of the shell plate attaching shell plate to the annular
plate? The shell plate is J4 in.(13mm) thick. _ _. , _ _ __.,,__
A) 3/8 inch ...,. ~~a~ ..,.. ~

B) 3/16 inch • o tm • '~•

•1*>20 »0.'171•0.11 • •..
C) 1/4 inch I
D) 5/16 inch • t.JS .. I 11 10

51. All bottom plates shall have a minimum nominal thickness of _ _ inch, exclusive of any corrosion allowance
specified by the purchaser for the bottom plates.
A) 3/8
B) 0.250
C) 0.516

52. Annular bottom plates shall have a radial width that provides at least _ _ inches between the inside of the shell
and any lap-welded joint in the remainder of the bottom.
A) 10
C) 24
D) 18

53. Annular bottom plates must extend a minimum of _ _ _ inches outside the tank shell.
A) 11/2
B) 2

!Answer: B.........API 650, Annular Bottom Plates [5.5.2/ 5.4.2 Bottom Plates]
54. A new tank will hold a product with the specific gravity of 1.05; The corrosion allowance is 0.125; The thickness of
the first course is 1 inches; Hydrostatic test stress 30,000 PSI. What is the thickness required for the annular plate?
A) 9/32 "" t= 9/32 + 0.125= =0.375= 3/8 II
B) 11/16"

. --....
C) 3/8"
D)7/16" 0
-.. - -- I

!Answer: C•.••••••• API 650 , Annular Bottom Plates [5.5.3 /Table 5.

55. A new tank will hold a product with the specific gravity of 1.05; The corrosion allowance is 0.139; The thickness of the
allowance is 0.139; The thickness of the first course is 1.25 inches; Hydrostatic test stress 25,000 PSI. What is the
thickness required for the annular plate? (Note: Include corrosion allowance).
A) 5/16" t= 0.236 + 0.139= =0.375= 3/8 II

B) 11/16"
r ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
j -,
il!o-&~ -- lol~

D) 7/16" -~

.. -.......
..... ,.,........ ..,..b!l!

.,... I ·-,... ......

·-- I --...
- --

· .,;
I iWii
........ i
-- I
t- l
sa• ..•••
I ~te tn ... 1- :: -· ...

~swer: C••••••••• API 650 , Annular Bottom Plates [5.5.3 /Table 5

56. AnAST is 116ft in diameter and constructed of A 516M-70(485) Group Vas rolled material. How many hardness
tests are required on one circumferential weld?
A) One
B) Two ~ Circumferential weld- nO = n X 116 = 364.57 ft
~ one test shall be conducted for each 30m (100ft) of circumferential
C) Three
D) Four ~ So number hardness tests =4

~nswer: D.........API 650, Weld Hardness [5.3.4

57. A 100 foot diameter tank must have at least _ _ inch thick shell plates.
A) 1/8
C) 1/4
D) 1/2

nswer: c.........A.,I 650

58. It is allowed to have in a course plates thinner than those in the course above it?
B) Yes

59. The client has requested the top course of a tank to be 1/2" thick. The maximum thickness of all the other courses
is 3/8" thick.
A) The client wants it, do it.
B) The top course is usually 1/2" thick.
C) No shell course shall be thinner than the course above it.
D) The thickness of each course is based on the design thickness of the tank not including corrosion allowance.

~swer: c.........API 650 I Shell Design [5.6.1.

60. A new tank is to be hydrostatically tested. The tank is constructed from ASTM A 516 Gr.S5 steel. What allowable
stress must be used to determine the maximum hydrostatic test head for the tank.
A) 22,500 psi
B) 23,200 psi
C) 24,900 psi
D) 27,000 psi

A) 22,500 psi

~nswer: A......•••API 650 1 Allowable Stress [ Table 5.2a or

61. A new tank is to be hydrostatically tested. The tank is constructed from ASTM A36 steel. What allowable stress
must be used to determine the maximum hydrostatic test head for the tank.
_,........_._.._.. ____
A) 29,400 psi
B) 23,200 psi

--- '=F' ~ ...=,:=. -~ . .
... ..
--- .. --- --·-... ---
C) 24,900 psi

---....- -----
D) 27,000 psi

l -... -.
I - ~
·-....- -...
~· -
C) 24,900 psi

swer: c.........API 650._~ Allowable Stress_.I5.6.2.2J Table 5.2a -~·~·-·~-~

62. For what diameter tank is the variable design method for calculating shell thickness mandatory?.
A) SO feet
B) 100 feet
C) 1SO feet
D) 200 feet

63. The 1-foot method design shall not be used in tanks over which diameter?
A) SO feet
B) 100 feet
C) 1SO feet
D) 200feet 1
~nswer: D.........API 650 , calculation of Thickness by the 1-Foot Method [5.6.3.
64. What is the design thickness for the first course of a new tank 60' tall,with a fill height of 58' and a diameter of
The material of construction is AS 16M 485 (70) Specific gravity of 0.6

B)0.416 -~-
C) 28.1
;.. Given Information
ASTM 516 Gr. 70
-- - -
D)0.281 •

H= 58 feet
0=80' 4"= 80.334 feet
- -
td = 2.6(H-1)DG/Sd + CA =2.6(57)80.33x.6/25300 =

!Answer: D••••••••• API650, Calculation of Thickness by the 1-Foot Method [5

65. What is the hydrostatic test shell thickness for the first course of a new tank 60' tall, with a fill height of 58' and a
diameter of 80'4"?
The material of construction is AS 16M 485 (70) Specific gravity of 0.6
B)0.281 Ji> Given Information
• ASTM 516 Gr. 70
• G=0.6
• H= 58 feet
• 0=80' 4"= 80.334 feet
-- ..... ..
tt = 2.6(H-1)DG/St + CA = 2.6(S7)80.33x.6/28SOO = 0.4177"
__ ____,..

!Answer: A •••••••••API650, calculation of Thickness by the 1-Foot Method []

66. To what thickness should the tank in question 19 and 20 be constructed?
A) 0.281"
67. What is the hydrostatic test thickness for a new tank whose diameter is 150 feet, and has a fill height of 40 feet? The
shell material is A 36M.
A) 0.655
B) 0.611 ~ Given Information
-=::-:,...::=- -=-- ....:;:...- -=--,

C) 0.563
D) 0.500 •
• ASTM 36M
-\.:-·1-- t ---- ..--- --- ..·-·----.
• j

- -
• H=40 feet c l
• 0=150 feet

It = 2 HI">< H-I>
Tt - 2 !!5 X UiQ <1Q- I l

D) Not enough information given

~ Given Information
• ASTM 285 Gr. C
td = 2.6D(H-1)G +CA =2.6 X 39 X47X1.3/ (20000} = 0.310 in. • G= 1.3
sd •

H= 40 feet
0=47 feet

69. Openings in tank shells larger than required to accommodate a _ _ inch flanged or threaded nozzle shall be
A) 1 NPS
B) 2 NPS
C) 3 NPS
D) 4 NPS
nswer: B.........API 650 , Reinforcement and Weldin [5.7
70. Each reinforcing plate for shell openings shall be provided with a _ _ _ diameter telltale hole and shall be located
on the horizontal centerline and shall be open to the atmosphere.
A) 1/4 in.
B) Y. in .
C) 3/8 in.
D) 3/16 in.

71. All flush-type clean-out fittings and flush-type shell connections shall be thermally stress relieved after assembly
and prior to installation in the tank. What are the temperature range and time requirements for this stress relief
A) llOO"F to 1200"F for 1 hour per inch of reinforcing plate thickness
B) llOO"F to 1200"F for 1/2 hour per inch of shell th ickness
C) llOO"F to 1200"F for 1 hour per inch of shell thickness
D) llOO"F to 1200"F for 1 and 1/2 hour per inch of shell thickness

~wer: c.........API650 I Thermal Stress Relief [5.7.4.

72. When the shell material is Group I, II, Ill, or lilA, all opening connections NPS 12 or larger in nominal diameter in a
shell plate or thickened insert plate more than 25 mm (1 in.) thick shall be prefabricated into the shell plate or
thickened insert plate, and the prefabricated assembly shall be thermally stress-relieved within a temperature range
of_ __
A) llOO"F to 1200"F for 1 hour per inch of reinforcing plate th ickness
B) llOO"F to 1200"F for 1/2 hour per inch of shell t hickness
C) llOO"F to 1200"F for 1 hour per inch of shell thickness
D) llOO"F to 1200"F for 1 and 1/2 hour per inch of shell thickness
!Answer: c.........API650 I Thermal Stress Relief [5.7
73. Subject to the acceptance of the purchaser, the fabricator may stress relieve at a temperature of 1000"F when it is
impractical to stress relieve at a minimum temperature of 1100•F providing _ _ •
A) The shell plate is first pre-heated to 300"F
... I0
B) The holding time is increased to 2 hours per inch of th ickness

- -
C) The holding time is increased to 4 hours per inch of thickness
D) The holding time is increased to 10 hours per inch of th ickness u

!Answer: c.........API 650 I Thermal Stress Relief [5.7 .4.5]
74. According to API 650, which of the following types of connections shall be stress relieved?
A) All nozzles
B) All Group I, II, Ill or li lA opening connections less than 12 inches
C) All Group IV, IVA, V or VI opening connections requiring reinforcement
D) All con nections requiring reinforcement
!Answer: c.........API 650 I Thermal Stress Relief [5.7 .4.3]
75. What is the required manway nozzle thickness and the fillet weld size "A" for a 24-inch manway if 5/16 inch thick
shell plate with 5/16 inch thick reinforcement pad?
A) Y, inch thick manway nozzle, and weld 3/8 inch fi llet weld
B) 1/4 in thick manway nozzle, and weld 5/16 inch fillet wel d
C) Y, inch thick manway nozzle, and weld 7/16 inch fillet we ld
D) 7/16 in thick manway nozzle, and weld 3/8 inch fillet weld

B) 1/4 In thick manway nozzle, and weld 5/16 Inch fillet weld
!Answer: B.........API650, Shell Nozzles and Flanges /Shell Manholes [5.7.6[5.7.5l Table

76. Which types of tanks use windgirders?
A) Open top tanks
B) Fixed Roof Tanks
B) Horizontal Tanks
D)None of the above

77. Roof plates shall have a minimum nominal thickness not less than_ _ , in addition to any required corrosion
A) 3/16"
B) 1/4"
C) 7-Gauge
D) both A and C

78. Which is the maximum allowable slope of a frangible roof of a tank 15 m or greater?
A) 2:12
B) 2:15
C) 1:2
D) 3:12

!Answer: A.........API 650 1 Roofs I Frangible Roof [

79. The slope of a supported cone roof shall be at least •
A) 1m in 6 m
B) 19 mm in 300 mm (1:16)
C)0.75 mm in 12 mm
D) 7.5 mm in 1.2 mm

!Answer: B.........API 650 1 Roofs I Supported Cone Roofs [5. __ .,_,_..-..

80. Column-based clip-guides shall be welded to the tank bottom to prevent _ _ __
A) internal erosion
B) structural uplifting
C) lateral movement of column bases
D ) lateral expansion and contraction

Temperature is Required ?
--- __
81. New tank constructed from ASTM A 516 Gr.55 shell plate with wall thickness of 1.6 inches. What Minimum preheat

- ·- -
- ~---~--
- ""'

A) None
B) SO"F (lO"C)
. - -- .....
,.. ......... -

C) 17S"F (79"C) .. • -
D) 200"F (93"C) -
.............. - --
. ...
swer: D.........API 650 Details of Weldin

82. During the filling of an aboveground storage tank for testing, tank has Bottom Course Thickness of Yz in.(13mm),
What is the Maximum Filling Rate at top course?
A) 300 mm (12 in.)/hr.
B) 460 mm (18 in.)/hr.
C) 230 mm (9 in.)/hr. -- lcllllllft COil,.. T~
...,,. . !WI
Mla6mu~~~fllllllg 1Wt
l QaiiWI 300rm~Pl •n ~
D) 300 (12 in.)/hr. l •• thAn 2~ fMl t II In
•; lop IXlUIW •oo m11a 1n )'tr
- 'lbl)ll\td Olllri
- 230ttlml01!1.~

22ttWnl'lllln)ano~ • ~Wit IIWd OIIWIII 00011~~,. 1

- lcllnn1ll~nt tllllnl! ~00 lltlrt )II"
~nswer: A.........API 650 1 Hydrostatic Testing Requirements [7 .3
83. Welders participating in tank construction should be tested according to which standard?
A) ASME Section V
B) ASME Section VIII
C) ASME Section IX
D) ASME Section II

84. A welder is qualified to 831.3. Is he authorized to weld in the tank?

A) Yes

!Answer: B••.•••••• API 650 1 Details of Welding []

85. If AST had a new nozzle installed in the third course, north side, could the shell-to-nozzle weld be made using the
oxyfuel welding process, if impact testing is not required?
A) Yes
C) The oxyfuel process is not allowed by ASME Section IX
D) Nozzle welds must be made using SMAW only

86. New tank constructed from ASTM A 36 shell plate with wall thickness of 1.125 inches. What Minimum preheat
Temperature is Required ?
A) None fll*1t~l ........... ~ ~
B)50°F (10°C)
::,.:.~ '"*'-t ).t _._.,..,
............"" . ..
q 11s·F (79·q 1

D) 2oo·F (93·q a u..

• ,2! .. . , t_!j ;; •
I • 1.!11 :Itt~

.. . . lr.. l..l~

•: •::. l.:D
~· t

• • t.cD .llll"'
-~ -- -_-:.-.=-""-''""""·- -~-- .· ...;.. ,.;; ; ; . = ~ -~

!Answer: B.........API 650 1 Details of Weldln_g [7 .2.1.3/Table

87. New tank constructed from ASTM A 36 shell plate with wall thickness of 1.6 inches. What Minimum preheat
Temperature is Required ?
,.,...... .,....... ""'
A) None
B) SO"F (1o•q
C) 175•F {79•C)
.,....7. 1~U.CI......_....._1'1u'''-
............. ,., .........
l 'll l .ft
D)200°F (93°C) I
"'"" "'
___,! Ill~ lfi!IO rtJ't -

-• -
r• l
= ·1- 1(1'!'

• ,
·· ·~
1-1$••• 110
aco., J
- ~ ~-......,._ · -~ ~-

nswer: D......... API 650

88. Low hydrogen electrodes shall be used for weld on .
A) the floor only
B) the roof only
C) shell welds greater than 1/2"
D) shell welds less than 1/2"

nswer: c ......... API 650 ,

89. Misalignment in completed vertical joints over 5/8" shall not exceed what percentage of the plate thickness?
A) 25% with a maximum of 1/16"
B) 2% with a maximum of 3/64"
C) 5% with a maximum of 3/8"
D) 10% with a maximum of 1/8"

90. Misalignment in completed vertical joints for shell plates greater than 5/8 in.(16 mm) should not exceed ?
A) 1/16 in.(4mm)
B) 3/64i n.(Smm)
C) 3/8i n.(10mm)
D) 1/8 in.( 3mm)

91. Is PT required for areas where tem(:!orary attachments have been removed, if the shell is A36 steel?
A) No Only to Group IV, IVA, V, and VI materials

. . =;. ,
........ "..... ,....,..,,
B) Yes

--· --
r .,................. 111101
" ...... "!~l·
1W4101111oMii:. ........
• ••
-- --·--- . ....
AriiD "'~
..... •••'II
u .....
1\111 ~·
-•r-•o a
' •
I ......

' ---·

92. Which of the following NDE methods is not acceptable for the inspection of new shell-to-bottom welds?
A) Magnetic particle
B) Liquid Penetrant
C) Vacuum Box
D) Radiography I

~nswer: D......... API650 1 Shell-to-Bottom Welds [ (a1b,c8td~]

93. A diesel oil test is required f o r - - - - - -
A) all new nozzle welds
B) all new floor welds
C) all new shell welds
D) all new shell-to-bottom welds

!Answer: D.........API650 1 Shell-to-Bottom Welds [ (

94. Floor plates may be tested by vacuum box testing or_ __
A) air pressure test
B) tracer gas and compatible detector
C) explosion-bulge test
D) acoustic emission test

!Answer: B.........API 650 1 Examination and Testing of the Tank Bottom [7.3.3(a)8t(b)]-
95. Upon completion of welding of the new tank bottom, the welds shall be inspected by which one of the following
A) Radiographs
B) Vacuum or tracer gas
C) Penetrant testing
D) Hammer testing

!Answer: B.........API 650 1 Examination and Testing of the Tank Bottom [7.3.3(a)8t(b)]-
96. Reinforcing plates of shell penetrations shall be given a(n) _ _ _ test, in accordance with API Standard 650.
A) diesel
B) air
C) stress
D) gas

!Answer: B.........API 650 1 Inspection of Reinforcing-Plate Welds [7

97. Reinforcement pad welds should be pneumatically tested at which pressure?
A) 2.5 psig
B) 15 psig
C) 10 psig
D) 25 psig

~nswer: B.........API 650 1 Inspection of Reinforcing-Plate

98. During the filling of an aboveground storage tank for testing, tank has Bottom Course Thickness of Yz in.(13mm),
What is the Maximum Filling Rate at Below top course?
A) 300 mm (12 in.)/hr.
B) 460 mm (18 in.)/hr.
C) 230 mm {9 in .)/hr.
D) 300 (12 in.)/hr.

99. During a hydrostatic test for a new tank, at least how many measurement sets shall be taken?
A) At least 3 sets
B) At least 4 sets
C) At least 6 sets
D) At least 10 sets

100.Which of these statements is FALSE regarding settlement surveys during Hydrotesting (that occur after the initial
settlement survey with the tank empty)?
A) Settlement shalt be measured during filling (usually 25% intervals)
B) Settlement shalt be measured when water reaches 100 % of test level
C) Excessive settlement as per Annex B shalt be cause to stop the hydrotest
D) Excessive settlement as per Annex B shall require the foundation be repaired

(Answer: D.........API 650, Hydrostatic Testing Requirements [7.3.6.

lOl.Upon completion, the roof of a tank designed to be gas tight shall be tested by which one of the following methods?
A) Magnetic particle testing of all welds
B) Application of internal air pressure not exceeding the weight of the roof plates and applying a solution suitable for the
detection of leaks
C) Penetrant testing the weld joints
D) Visual inspection of the weld joints

102.Repairs shall not be attempted on a tank that is filled with _ _ or on a tank that has contained __ until the tank
has been emptied, cleaned and gas freed in a safe manner.
A) nitrogen
B) oil
C) water
D) grain

swer: B.......•.API 650 Re~irs to

103.What is the maximum out-of-plumbness of the top of the shell relative to the bottom of the shell of a new tank that
is 65' tall?
B) 5.4"
C) 3.9" Maximum out-of-plumbness =(65 X12 )/200 =3.9"
D) 2.0"

nswer: c......API 650 1 Plumpness' [7 .5.2

104.Banding at horizontal weld joints shall not exceed _ _ __
A) 1/ 4"
B) 1/ 2"
D) 1"

!Answer: B......API 650 1 Local Deviations [7 .5.4

105.1n order to comply with API650, the finished surface of a weld reinforcement on plate 1" thick, horizontal butt
joints, may have a reasonably uniform crown not to exceed _ _ _ __. for radiographic examination.
A) 1/4"
B) 3/32" r
C) 1/8" Plate Maxtmum TltlckntA of
D) 1/16"
TNclmnl RltnfoiOtl'nlnt
mm(ln.) mmQn.J
> 13('12 1025 (1) 0
> 25 (1) I
!Answer: B......API 650 1 Radiographic Method I Technique []
106.For butt-welded joints in which the thinner shell plate is 3/8 inch or less, how many spot radiographs shall be taken in
the first 10 feet of completed vertical joint of each type and thickness welded by each welder or welding operator?
A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four I
~nswer: A......API 650 1 Radiographic Method I Number and Location of Radiographs []. 1

107.What percentage of selected spot radiography shall be at junctions of vertical and horizontal joints ?
A) 15%
C) 25%
D) 50%.

swer: C......API 650 Radi~raP-hic Method l Number and Location of Radiog.mP.hs [].
108.When reviewing a radiograph of an intersection, 2 inches of weld length must be shown on each side of the vertical
intersection. How much ofthe vertical weld must be shown?
A) 2 inches
B) SO mm
C) 3 inches
D) No API 6S3 requirement

109.A new tank is under construction. How many radiographs are required on the first course vertical welds if the shell is
35 mm thick?
A) One radiograph shall be taken in every vertical joint
B) 100% of the vertical joint
C) Two radiographs shall be taken in the vertical joint
D) No radiographs required

110. What is the minimum weld length that must be shown on each radiograph ?
A) 2 inches
B) 3 inches
C) 4 inches
D) 6 inches

~swer: B......API 650 , Radiographic Method I Number and Location of Radiographs []-
111.When bottom annular plates are required by paragraph 3.5.1 of API650, the radial joints shall be radiographed. For
single welded joints using a backup bar, one spot radiograph shall be taken on _ _ percent of the radial joints.
A) 10
C) so
D) 100

nswer: c......API 650, Radiographic Method l Number and Location of Radiographs].
112.1n order to comply with API 650, the finished surface of a weld reinforcement on plate 1/2" thick, horizontal butt
joints, may have a reasonably uniform crown not to exceed, _ _ _ __, for radiographic examination.
A) 1/4"
B) 3/16"
C) 1/8"
D) 1/16"

r;uiswer: D.•••••API 650J Radiogr~hic Method I Technigue


113. The acceptability of welds examined by radiography shall be judged by the standards in _ __
A) ASME Section V, Division 7
B) ASME Section IX, Paragraph QW191
C) ASME Section VIII, Division 1, Paragraph UW-51(b)
D) API1104

nswer: c ......API 650 1 RadiograP-hic Method 1 Radi~raphic Standards [8.1

114.The acceptance criteria for a radiograph of a tank repair weld is found in_ .
A) Section V of the ASME Code
B) Section IX of the ASME Code
C) Section VIII of the ASM E Code

!Mswer: c......API 650 I Radiographic Method I Radiographic Standards [8.1

llS.Acceptance standards for MT examination shall be per :-
A)AWS D-1.1
C) Appendix 6 of ASME Sect VII, div. 1
D) Article 7 of ASME Sect V

!Answer: c ...... API650 I Magnetic Particle Examination [8.2.4]

116.Examiners who perform ultrasonic examinations under API-650 shall be qualified and certified by the manufacturers
as meeting the requirements of certification as outlined in ?
C) API-650
D) API-653

!Answer: B......API 650

!Radiography tu ..;~~,£,,-.
117.Uitrasonic acceptance standards, in accordance with API 653, shall be ___ .
A) ASME Section VIII
B) ASME Section V
C) ASME Section XI
D) Agreed upon by the purchaser and the manufacturer
!Answer: D......API 650 Ultrasonic Examination
IRadiog~RhY L==="'
118.A liquid penetrant examiner must have vision to enable him to read Jagger Type 2 standard chart at a distance of not
less than 12 inches and is capable of distinguishing and differentiating contrast between colours used. Examiners
shall be checked to ensure that they meet these requirements :-
A) Quarterly
B) Semi-Annually;
C) Annually
D) Bi-Annually.

119.A weld shall be acceptable by visual inspection if the inspection shows which of the following?
A) The weld has no cracks, no undercutting, and less than 20% coldlap.
B) The weld has no cracks, undercutting is acceptable, and any surface porosity does not exceed one cluster in any 2" of
length and the diameter of each cluster does not exceed 1/16".
C) The weld has no crater cracks or other surface cracks, undercutting is acceptable, and any surface porosity does not
exceed one cluster in any 3" of length and the diameter of each cluster does not exceed 1/8".
D) The weld has no crater cracks, other surface cracks or arc strikes in or adjacent to the welded joint, undercutting is
acceptable, and any surface porosity does not exceed one cluster in any 4" of length and the diameter of each cluster does
not exceed 3/32".

120.For welds that attach nozzles, manholes, cleanout openings and permanent attachments,undercut shall not exceed
A) 3/32
B) 1/8
C) 1/64
D) 3/64

121.What is the maximum acceptable undercut of a nozzle to shell weld?

A) 3/32
B) 1/8
C) 1/64
D) 3/64

!Answer: c......API 650 I Visual Examination [8.5.2

122.The maximum acceptable undercutting of vertical butt welds in a recosntructed tank shall be limited to what?.
A) 3/32 in.
B) 1/8 in.
C) 1/64 in.
D) 3/64 in.

~swer: c......API 650 I

123. What is the maximum reinforcement on a vertical butt joint, if the plate is 0.625 in. thick?
A) 3/32 in.
B) 1/8 in.
C) 1/64 in.
D) 3/64 in.

S 13 ('12)
> 13 ( 1 ~)1025(1)

,. 25 (t)
124.What is the maximum reinforcement on a horizontal butt joint, if the plate is 11/4 in. thick?
A) 1/8 in.
B) 3/16 in.
C) 1/4 in.
lluinurn IWnfORimlnt TNduwu
D) 3/64 in.

s 13 (1h)
> 13 (112) D 25 (1)

> 25 (1)

!Answer: c......API 650 I Visual Examination [8.5.2 (

125.plastic and a sponge-rubber gasket.
A) Th is is an acceptable pract ice.
B) This is a good vacuum test .
C) This vacuum box is not recogn ized by API 650.
D) The crew can use any style vacuum box .
!Answer: A......API 650 1 Vacuum Testing [8.6.1]
126.Vacuum box testing requires how many psig of vacuum minimum?

!Answer: c......API 650 I Vacuum Testing [8.6.3]

127.A joint between two members that intersect at an angle between 0° (a butt joint) and 90° (a corner joint) is called
a(n)_ _ .
A) fi llet joint
B) butt joint
C) angle joint
D) joint that requ ires backing
!Answer: c......API 650 I Definitions [9
128.A pipe welder is qualified to API1104 only. What welds can he make on the tank if he is qualified in the 6G position?
A) Nozzle Welds
B) Shell Welds
C) Floor and roof fillet welds
D) None

129.The manufacturer has the approval of the purchaser to use a material listed in API-650 but not included in the
applicable table of ASME Section IX. What Group number would this material be included in if the minimum tensile
strength is specified at 73,000 psi?
A) This material would be included in Group number 2
B) This material would be included in Group number 1
C) This material would be included in Group number 3
D) This material can not be used in AST construction

130.When impact tests of the heat-affected zone are required, how shall this
requirement be treated?
A) Heat treated condition of the base metal shall be a non-essential variable
B) Heat treated condition of the base metal shall be an essential variable
C) Heat treated condition of the base metal shall be a supplementary essential variable
D) Heat treated condition of the base metal does not need to be addressed on the welding procedure specification

131.1f a protective coating has been applied to weld edge preparations, how is this condition treated on the welding
procedure specification?
A) The coating shall be removed and does not affect the weld and therefore does not need to be addressed
B) The coating shall be included as an essential variable
C) The coating shall be included as a non-essential variable
D) The coating shall be included as a supplementary essential variable

~swer: B......API 650 1 Qualification of Welding Procedures [9.2.

132.qualification of the welding procedure for vertical joints shall include impact tests of the weld metal.
B) 32"F
C) 60"F
D) O"F

133.At what design metal temperature must impact tests be made for all weld metal and procedures to be used ?
A) 20"F
B) 32"F
C) 60"F
D) O"F

swer: A......API 650 1 Impact

134. Each welder making welds on a tank shall be certified by _ _ _.
A) erection/fabrication manufacturer
B) purchaser
C) Nuclear Regulatory Commission
D) certified inspector

135.Welder qualification tests conducted by one manufacturer shall not qualify a welder or welding operator to do work
for another manufacturer.
a) True
b) False

136.Welders shall be qualified in accordance with _ _ __

B) ASME Section V
C) ASME Section IX
D) AWS Dl.l

137.Welders who weld vertical butt welds on API650 tanks shall be qualified In accordance with _ _ __
A) API1104
B) ASME Section V

C) ASME Section IX
D)AWS Dl.l

!Answer: c......API 650 I Qualification of Welders L-·-·••_t

138.Welder or welding operator's identification marks shall be located adjacent to completed welds at intervals not
exceeding_ _
A) 1 feet
B) 2 feet
C) 3 feet
D) 5 feet

!Answer: c ......API 650 I Qualification of Welders Joints [9

139.Traceability to a welder or welding operator, either by welder's identification stamp or "weld map", is required on
all but which o~ the following?
A) Shell horizontal weld j oints
B) Shell vertical weld joints
C) Annular plate butt welds (when annular plates are required)
D) Roof plate welds and flange-to-nozzle neck welds

!Answer: D......API 650, Identification of Welded Joints [9.4)

140.Welder identification is not required for:-
A) lap welds
B) corner joints
C) fillet welds around opening
D) roof plate welds

~nswer: D......API 650 1 Identification of Welded Joints [9.4]

141.A nameplate shall identify aboveground storage tanks made in accordance with API-650. Where must this
nameplate be located on the completed tank?
A) This nameplate shall be attached to the tank shell adjacent to a manhole or to a manhole reinforcing plate immediately
to the right of the manhole
B) This nameplate shall be attached to the tank shell adjacent to a vertical weld joint at least 48" above the shell-to-bottom
weld joint
C) This nameplate shall be attached to the tank shell adjacent to a manhole or to a manhole reinforcing plate immediately
above the manhole
D) This nameplate shall be attached to the tank shell adjacent to a manhole or to a manhole reinforcing plate immediately
below the manhole

142.The manufacturer of an AST is required to certify to the purchaser that the tank has been constructed in accordance
with API-650. How is this certification accomplished?
A) The manufacturer shall provide the purchaser with a U-1 Data Report form
B) The manufacturer shall provide the purchaser with letter
C) The manufacturer shall provide the purchaser with an ASME acceptable "Certificate of Compliance"
D) The manufacturer shall provide the purchaser with a notarized certificate of compliance

nswer: B......API 650 1 Nameplates [

143.What is the maximum shell thickness including corrosion allowance permitted for tanks that comply Appendix A of
A) 7/8 inch
B) 3/4 inch
C) 5/8 inch
D) 1/2 inch

!Answer: o......API 650 I Materials [A.2.1

144.What is the maximum tensile strength, before the joint efficiency is applied, permitted in the design of small tanks in
accordance with Appendix A of API-650?
A) 21000 psi
B) 21500 psi
C) 21000 ksi
D) 21500 ksi

~swer: A......API 650

145.When computing the tension in each ring (course) of a small tank designed in accordance with Appendix A of API-
650, where Is this tension computed?
a) The tension shall be computed 12 inches above the centerline of the course in question
b) The tension shall be computed 12 inches above the centerline of the lower horizontal joint of the course in question
c) The tension shall be computed 12 inches above the centerline of the tank
in question
d) The tension shall be computed 12 inches below the centerline of the upper horizontal joint of the course in question


146.What joint efficiency factor shall be used in the design of small tanks designed in accordance with Appendix A of API-
650 when spot radiographic examination is applied?
A) 1.00
C) 0.85

nswer: C......API 650 1 Design

147.What joint efficiency factor shall be used in the design of small tanks designed in accordance with Appendix A of
API-650 when spot radiographic examination is omitted?
A) 1.00
B) 0.90
C) 0.85

!Answer: D......API650 1 Design

148.Per API650, external floating roof deck plates having support leg or other rigid penetrations closer than __ inches
to lap weld seams must be full fillet welded not less than 2 inches on 10 inch centers.
C) 14

!Answer: B......API 650 1

149.Fioating roofs on new tanks shall be sufficiently buoyant to remain floating after.
A) Fifteen inches of rainfall in a 24-hour period
B) Ten inches of rainfall in a 24-hour period
C) Thirty inches of snow in a 24-hour period
D) Th irty inches of sand in a 24-hour period

!Answer: B......API 650 1 Pontoon Design [C.3.4.1(a

lSO.What is the minimum amount of manholes a single deck external floating roof 15m diameter?
B) 3.
C)4 Namlnal 11nll Dllmeter n,
0)1 m fll Minimum Numlter

J.• 61 (200) 2

81 (200) ~ IH 01 (3001 3

91 (:100) c /)

3. ASME V 2015 Edition

Article 1 -General Requirements

1. What is the intent of the NDE methods specified in ASME V?

a) intended to detect surface and intemal defects in materials, welds, fabricated parts, and components
b) intended to detect surface and intemal imperfections in materials, welds, fabricated parts, and components
c) intended to examine all flaws and defects in materials, welds, fabricated parts, and components
d) intended to examine surface and internal bodies in materials, welds, fabricated parts, and components

2. When NDE requirements of ASME Section V are required, who shall be responsible to
establish nondestructive examination procedures?
a) manufacturer
b) fabricator
c) installer
d) all of the above

3. When required by the referencing ASME Code Section, how shall all nondestructive
examinations performed under ASME Section V be done?
a) to a verbal procedure
b) to a demonstrated procedure
c) to a written procedure
d) to a qualified procedure

~nswer: C. ASME V, Procedure [T

4. Who shall assure that all NDE equipment calibrations required by ASME V are performed?
a) inspector
b) manufacturer, fabricator, or installer
c) owner user
d) owner user or designee

nswer: B. ASME V calibration [T

5. What does the term "inspection" apply to in ASME V?

a) the functions performed by the Authorized Inspector
b) the functions performed by the Authorized Examiner
c) the functions performed by the NDE Inspector
d) the functions performed by the NDE Examiner

swer: A. ASME V Examinations and ins~ons [!-

6. What does the term "examination" apply to in ASME V?

a) those quality control functions performed by personnel employed by the Manufacturer
b) those quality control functions performed by personnel employed by the owner/user
c) those examination functions performed by personnel employed by the Manufacturer
d) those examination functions performed by personnel employed by the owner/user
~~~~~~~~--~~--~~~~~ 1
7. ASNT recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A is a:
A) Manual covering nondestructive examination (NDE) safety procedures
B) Procedure for the visual examination of piping systems
C) Document covering NDE personnel qualifications
D) Document covering NDE procedures

~nswer: C. ASME V, General [T

8. Which of the following contain minimum details of Examination records for RT procedure?
A) Article 1, T-120
B) Article 1, T-150
C) Article 1, T-190
D) Article 2, T-230

!Answer: C. ASME V, General [T-190]

Article 2- Radiographi c Examination

9. For a material thickness of 2 inches (50.8 mm}, the geometric unsharpness of a radiograph,
when required by referencing code, shall not exceed?
a) 0.010 inch (0.25 mm)
b) 0.020 inch (0.51 mm) 0
c) 0.030 inch (0.76 mm) I
d) 0.040 inch (1.02 mm)

!Answer: C. ASME V, Geometric Unsharpness Limitations. [T-


10. On what basis are image quality indicators (IQI} selected?

A) The strength of the radiation source
B) The film type used by the radiographer
C) The alloy content of the material being radiographed
D) The thickness of base material plus weld reinforcement

!Answer: D. ASME V,IQI Size [T-276.2

11. When inaccessibility prevents placing IQis manually on the source side of a weld being
radiographed, what identification is placed on a radiograph to indicate that film-side IQis
were used?
A) Letters IQI
B) Letter B
C) Letter F
D) Letters FSP

!Answer: C. ASME V, Placement of IQis IT-277.1

12. During radiographic examination of a weld, a wire-type IQI shall be placed:

A) Adjacent to the weld so that the length of the wire is perpendicular to the weld
B) Adjacent to the weld so that the length of the wire is parallel to the weld
C) On the weld so that the length of the wire is perpendicular to the weld
D) On the weld so that the length of the wire is parallel to the weld

13. {When reviewing a group of radiographs, all of the following information must be available
EXCEPT:} I {Which of the following information is not required to be documented for a
A) Minimum source-to-film distance
B) Geometric unsharpness
C) Material type
D) Exposure technique

14. The density of step wedge comparison film and densitometer calibrations shall be verified by
using calibrated step wedge film traceable to:
A) An ASME V Standard certified film
B) An ASME calibrated step wedge
C) An ASNT certified procedure
D) National standard (step tablet)

~swer: D. ASME V1 Densitometers [!-262.

15. What film side hole IQI designation would be required, using Gamma-ray radiography, for
examination of a weld repair in piping that is 0.875" thick?
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 35

swer: B. ASME V, IQI Selection [T-276.2/Table T-276]

16. What is the maximum density, in the area of interest, for gamma ray source radiography?
a) 1.3
b) 1.8
c) 2.0
d) 4.0
---------- ____________ ...
17. What is the cause for rejection of the "B" image on a film due to excessive back-scatter?
a) Any image
b) No image
c) A light image
d) A dark image

~nswer: C. ASM V xcessive Backscatter T-284] -·------~--------111

18. Light letter B on the radiography film Indicates:
a) Sufficient back scatter and film is acceptable
b) Insufficient backscatter and film is rejected
c) Insufficient backscatter and film is acceptable
d) Sufficient backscatter and film is rejected

nswer: d. ASME V Excessive Backscatter [T-2841] _~--~---~-----~--

19. Image quality indicators are always selected on the base of

a) Thickness of the material being welded.
b) Quality specified for the weld.
c) Film speed selected for the job.
d) Size of the penetrameter hole.

swer: A. ASME V, IQI Size [T-276.2 (a)&{b)]]

20. material1.25 in, what is the hole type IQI shall be used if the weld is accessible from both
a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 35

!Answer: C. ASME V, IQI Selection [T -276.2 /TableT

21. Location markers which are to appear as radiographic images on the film shall always be
A) On the exposure holder/cassette
B) On the radiographic film
C) Between the film and the part being radiographed
D) On the part being radiographed
!Answer: D. ASME V, Location Markers [T-275]

22. Component where the source is placed perpendicular to the center of a length of weld for a
single exposure when using more than three film holders _ _ _ _ __
a) at least three IQis are required.
b) at least two IQis are required.
c) at least one is required.
d) at least four are required.

!Answer: A. ASME V, Number of IQis [T-277.2

23. A single wall exposure technique was used to make a radiograph using a Cobalt-60 source.
[lle minimum permitted density in the area of interest per ASME V code is:
A) 1.3
B) 1.8
C) 2.0
D) None of these are correct?

~nswer: C. ASME V, Radi~raphic density [T

24. The densitometer is acceptable if the density readings._ _ _ _ _ ___;

A) vary by more than ±0.05 density units
B) do not vary by less than ±0.05 density units
C) do not vary by more than ±0.05 density units
D) None of these are correct

nswer: C. ASME V, Densitometers.


25. What film side hole IQI designation would be required, using Gamma-ray radiography, for
examination of a weld repair in piping that is 0.5" thick?
a) 10
b) 17
c) 20
d) 30

26. Densitometers shall be calibrated _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....;

a) prior to first use
b) prior to testing the equipment on the procedure to be used
c) at least once a year
d) at least every 90 days

nswer: D. ASME V, IQI Densitometers IT-262.1

27. For material thicknesses less than 2", what is the maximum geometric unsharpness
permitted when required by the referencing code?
a) 0.010 inch (0.25 mm)
b) 0.020 inch (0.51 mm)
c) 0.030 inch (0.76 mm)
d) 0.040 inch (1.02 mm)

!Answer: B. ASME V, Geometric Unsharpness Limitations. [T

Article 6 -Liquid Penetrant Examination

28. The liquid penetrant examination method is an effective means for detecting _ _ __
a) discontinuities which are open to the surface or subsurface
b) discontinuities which are open to the surface or slightly subsurface
c) discontinuities which are open to the surface of all materials
d) discontinuities which are open to the surface of nonporous metals

!Answer: D. ASME V, General~ ...._.., ... ,~~

29. As a standard technique, the temperature of the penetrant and the surface of the part to be
processed shall not be b e l o w - - - - - -
A. 125°F
B. 40°F
c. 32°F
D. Sl°C

nswer: B. ASME ~ Technigues for Nonstandard Temperatures [T

30. As a standard technique, the temperature of the penetrant and the surface of the part to be
processed shall not be above - - - - - - - -
A. 125°F
B. 50°F
c. 32°F
D. Sl°C
31. Excess water washable penetrant shall be removed with a water spray. The water pressure
shall not e x c e e d - - - - - - - - -
A. 110 PSI
B. 90 PSI
C. 50 PSI
D. 20 PSI

swer: C. ASME V1 Water Washable Penetrants [T -673.1]

32. Flushing the surface with solvent, following the application of the penetrant and prior to
developing i s - - - - - - - -
A. The average PT technique
B. Allowed if sufficient solvent is available
C. Not mentioned in ASME Section V
D. prohibited

!Answer: D. ASME V, Solvent Removable Penetrants [T

33. During PT test, final interpretation shall be made within what time range?
A. 7 to 60 min
B. 10 to 60 min
C. 60 to 120 min
D. anytime after 24 hours

!Answer: B. ASME V, Final Interpretation [T -676.

34. With post-emulsifying penetrants the emulsification time is _ _ _ _ ____;

A. Based on water pressure
B. Not as important as the dwell time
C. To be calculated based on surface temperature
D. To be determined experimentally

!Answer: B. ASME V, Post-Emulsificatio n Penetrants. [T-673.2

35. When performing liquid penetrant examination of stainless-steel weld joints, which of the
following is correct when verifying acceptable penetrant materials?
A) Verify certifications of penetrant and developer materials for total halogens (chlorine I fluorine) content
B) Verify certifications of penetrant and developer materials for lead and contaminants
C) Check (verify) the material containers for proper identification and batch numbers
D) Check (verify) the material containers for an indication of the VOC content

~nswer: A. ASME V, Control of contaminants for L.P.E [APPENDIX

Article 7 -Magnetic Particle Examination

36. Magnetic Particle examination methods can detect which of these discontinuities?
Both shallow sub-surface cracks and surface cracks
B) Both deep sub-surface cracks and surface cracks
C) Shallow sub-surface cracks
D) Deep sub-surface cracks

37. The maximum surface temperature for dry magnetic article testing of welds is:
A) Set by examination medium manufacturer
B) Limited by magnetic particle permeability
C) 250°F
D) 600°F

38. What is the acceptable range of magnetizing current (amps) required for prod spacing of 6
Inches on an as welded NPS 24 Schedule 40 ASTM A-106 Gr. B pipe weld?
A) 600 to 750 amps
B) 720 to 880 amps
C) 800 to 1000 amps
D) None of these are correct

39. Magnetic Particle Examination (MT) is most effective when the:

a) current flow is 45° to the major axis of discontinuities
b) magnetic flux is parallel to the major axis of discontinuities
c) magnetic flux is 90° to the major axis of discontinuities
d) current flow is normal to the major axis of discontinuities

swer: c. ASME V, General [T

40. When a direct-current magnetic yoke is checked for lifting power. It must be capable of
lifting at least many pounds at the maximum pole spacing:
a) 10 pounds
b) 30 pounds
c) 40 pounds
d) 50 pounds

!Answer: c. ASME V ==--...,_::..:

Lifting Power of Yo=kes

41. When AC electromagnetic yoke is checked for lifting power. It must be capable of lifting at
least many pounds at the maximum pole spacing:
A. 100 lbs.
B. 40 lbs.
C. 10 lbs.
D. Sibs.

42. The acceptable frequency to check the magnetizing power of an electromagnetic yokes is
A) Every year
B) Before and after use
C) Every two years
D) Every six months

~swer: A. ASME V, Lifting Power of

43. {During the fluorescent MT test, the black light intensity shall be measured with a black light
meter_} I {How often should the black light intensity be check for the fluorescent particle
technique of Magnetic Particle examination?}
A) Every 8 hours and whenever the workstation is changed
B) Every 4 hours and whenever the workstation is changed
C) Whenever the light's power source is interrupted and at the end of each days' examinations
D) prior to use, whenever the light's power source is interrupted or changed, and at the completion of the
examination or series of examinations.

!Answer: D. ASME V, Fluorescent Magnetic Particles with Black Light [T-777.

44. When it is necessary to verify the adequacy or direction of the magnetizing field, _ _ __
shall be used.
A. A pie-shaped magnetic particle field indicator
B. A polarized lens type indicator
C. A florescent light with appropriate safety shield
D. Iron powder in a non-aqueous base

!Answer: A. ASME V, Magnetic Field Adequacy [T-764.2

45. What is the maximum allowable prod spacing using an AC prod technique?
A. t./2
B. 8 inches
C. lOinches
D. No spacing required

!Answer: B. ASME V, Prod Spacing. [T-7

46. magnetizing equipment with an ammeter used for magnetic particle examinations shall be
a) prior to first use
b) prior to testing the equipment on the procedure to be used
c) at least once a year
d) at least once a year, or whenever the equipment has been subjected to major electric repair, periodic
overhaul, or damage

~nswer: D. ASME V, Frequency of Calibration [T-761.1

47. MT Examination part surface temperature outside of the temperature range recommended by

a) the manufacturer of the particles or as previously qualified.

b) owner /user.
c) authorized Inspector.
d) None of the above

~nswer: A. ASME V, Tem~rature Limitations [T-731

48. The unit's meter reading shall_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, relative to the actual current value as
shown by the test meter.
a) not deviate by more than± 5% of full scale.
b) not deviate by more than ±10% of full scale.
c) not deviate by less than ±10% of full scale.
d) not deviate by more than ± 15% of full scale.
e) None of the above

49. Which of the following the best surface preparation Prior to Wet fluorescent magnetic
particle testing (WFMT)?
A) the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least 1 in. (25 mm)
B) the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least 2 in. (25 mm).
C) the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least 3 in. (25 mm).
D) the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least 1 in. (25 mm) shall be dry and free of all dirt,
grease, lint, scale, welding flux and spatter, oil that could interfere with the examination.

nswer: D. ASME V PreP-aration. [T-741.

Standard practice for measurjng thickness by
Manual ultrasonic pulse-echo contact

50. The apparent thickness reading obtained from steel walls having elevated temperatures is
high (too thick) by a factor of about._ _ _ __
A) 1% per 55°C (100°F).
B) 2% per 93°C (200°F).
C) 3% per 20°C (68°F),
D) 8% per 460°C (860°F)

Answer: A... ASME V, [SE-797 ,9.5]

51. if the instrument was standardized on a piece of similar material at 20°C (68°F), and if the
reading was obtained with a surface temperature of 460°C (860°F), the apparent reading
should be._ __
A) reduced by 1%.
B) reduced by 4%.
C) Increase by 8%.
D) reduced by 8%.

~swer: D... ASME V,j SE-797 9.5]

52. {ultrasonic equipment for UT shall be calibrated }/ {Calibrations shall include the
complete ultrasonic system and shall be performed_ _ _ _ _.,~
A) prior to use of the system in the thickness range under examination
B) after to use of the system in the thickness range under examination
C) prior to use, whenever the power source is interrupted or changed, and at the completion of the examination
or series of examinations
D) at least once every 1 hours
E) at least once every 8 hours

53. In ultrasonic examination, the maximum scanning speed shall be:

a) Not more than six inches per minute
b) Stated in the procedure
c) Determined by the technician based on environmental conditions
d) Not more than six inches per second


4. ASME IX 2015

Part OG- General Requirements

1. What does the welding procedure qualification establish?

a) the properties of the weldment, not the skill of the welder or welding operator
b) the properties of the weld metal, not the skill of the welder or welding operator
c) the skill of the welder or welding operator, not the properties of the weldment
d) the skill of the welder or welding operator, not the properties of the weld metal

2. Welder's Performance Qualification Record documents:

a) to determine the welder's ability to deposit sound weld metal
b) to determine the welder's ability to follow the WPS
c) to determine the welder's ability to follow the inspector's instructions
d) to ensure the PQR qualifies the WPS

nswer: A. ASME IX_~ Performance Qualification [~·103/QW-102]J.API 577 [Para. 8.1]-

3. the purpose of the welding procedure specification (WPS)and the procedure qualification
record (PQR) is to:
A) Document the welding of the test coupon and to provide the direction to the welder
B) Establish the skill of a welder and a welder's ability to deposit sound weld metal
C) Determine the extent of weldment RT required
D) Ensure the weld is free of mechanical defects

!Answer: A. ASME IX, WPS & PQR [QG-101 & QG-102] API 577 [

4. A welding procedure specification and its supporting procedure qualification record are
used to determine which of the following?
A) The welder's ability to deposit sound weld metal
B) The welder's mechanical ability when operating welding equipment
C) The welder's ability to produce welds that are radiographed free of defects
D) That the weldment will have the required properties for the intended application

~nswer: D. ASME I WPS & PQR [QG-101 & Q~-102 API 577 [6.

5. A welding procedure specification (WPS) is selected for a repair on cold service piping.
Impact testing of the weldment is required. Which of the following is /are required on the
A) A record of the welding data used to weld a test coupon.
B) A description of the required repair.
C) All essential, nonessential, and supplementary variables if notch toughness is required.
D) The results of mechanical testing

6. What is the purpose of the WPS?

a) provides direction to the welder while making production welds to ASME code
b) provides direction to the welder while making production welds to API code requirements
c) provides verbal rules for making production welds to ASME code requirements

d) provides rules for qualifying the welder

swer: A. ASME IX, WPS [QG-101] /API577 [6.

7. The PQR shall record all of the following items except:

A) Manufacturer's certification of accuracy in the qualification of a WPS
B) The nonessential variables used to weld a test coupon
C) The essential variables used to weld a test coupon
D) Coupon test results
nswer: B. ASME IX, PQR [QG-102] /API 577 [6

8. What is a PQR?
a) it is a record of the welding data and variables used to weld a test coupon and the test results used to qualify
the welder
b) it is a record of the welding data and variables used to weld a test coupon and the test results used to qualify
the welding procedure
c) it is a record of the welding data used to test a weld coupon
d) provides rules for making production welds to ASME code requirements

!Answer: B. ASME IX, PQR [QG-102] / API577[6.1/6.3]· · ·

9. A change in a non-essential variable in a WPS will require:

A) A new procedure PQR
B) That the WPS be re-qualified
C) The supporting PQR be updated
D) That the WPS be updated

!Answer: D. ASME IX, Nonessential Variables [QG-105.4/ QW-251

10. What is the purpose of the performance qualification test for the welding operator?
a) to determine the welder's ability to select the appropriate weld metal
b) to determine the welder's ability to select the appropriate AWS Class filler metal
c) to determine the welder's ability to deposit sound weld metal
d) to determine the welding operator's mechanical ability to operate the welding equipment
11. New Welding Procedure Specifications must meet the _ _ _ _ Edition and Addenda of
Section IX.
A. 1962
B. current
c. 1986
D. 1995

!Answer: B. ASME IX, Qualifications Made to Previous Editions

12. Is a welding procedure qualified under the 1965 ASME Code Section IX still applicable?
A. Yes
B. No, must be re-qualified
C. Is only applicable for 1965 pressure vessels
D. cannot be used for new construction - repairs only 0
~nswer: A. ASME IX, Qualifications Made to Previous Editions L'l'~~~J

13. When a WPS is to be prepared by the manufacturer or contractor, it must address, as a
minimum, the specific variables, --------
A. nonessential variables.
B. Essential variables
C. supplementary essential variables (when notch toughness is required)
D. All of the above

14. As a minimum, the PQR shall document the ---------applied during production of the test
joint, and the results of the required tests.
A. Nonessential procedure qualification test variables.
B. Essential procedure qualification test variables
C. supplementary essential variables
D. B as a minimum and C (when notch toughness is required)
E. All of the above

swer: D. ASME IX, Procedure Qualification Record QG-

15. What is an essential variable?

A) those in which a change is considered to affect the mechanical properties of the weldment, and shall require
requalification of the WPS
B) those in which a change is considered not to affect the mechanical properties of the weldment, and does not
require requalification of the WPS
C)those in which a change is considered to affect the low temperature mechanical properties of the weldment,
and shall require requalification of the WPS
D) those in which a change is considered to affect the impact properties of the weldment, and shall require
requalification of the WPS

(Answer: A. ASME IX, Essential Variables {Procedure) [QG-105.1/QW-2 5

16. What is Non-essential variable?

A) required for metals for which other Codes specify notch-toughness tests and are in addition to the
essential variables for each welding process
B) those in which a change is considered to affect the mechanical properties of the weldment, and shall
require requalification of the WPS
C) those in which a change, as described in the specific variables, may be made in the WPS without
D) those in which a change is considered to affect the mechanical properties of the weldment, and shall not
require requalification of the WPS

swer: C. ASME IX, Nonessential Variables lQG-105.4

Article I -Welding General Requirements

17. Each shall conduct the tests required by Section IX to qualify the WPS's used
during the construction, alteration, or repair.
A. Welder or welding operator
B. Manufacturer or contractor
C. Inspector
D. All of the above
18. What is the horizontal test position for groove welded plate or pipe?
a) lG
b) 2G
c) 2F
d) 2FG
e) 2FR

!Aiiswer: B. ASME IX, Test Positions lQW-121.2 8t QW-122.

19. What is the horizontal test position for fillet welded pipe with rotation?
a) lG
b) 2G
c) 2F
d) 2FG
e) 2FR

!Answer: E. ASME IX, Test Positions [QW-132.2(

20. Which of the following test positions designates overhead welding without rotation?

a) lG
b) 6G
c) 3F
d) 4F
e) 4FR

!Answer: D. ASME IX, Test Positions [QW·---··-..

21. Which of the following test positions requires the coupon to be held at 45° angle?
a) lG
b) SG
c) lF
d) 2F
e) 2FR

!Answer: C. ASME IX, Test Positions [QW-132.

22. What are the groove weld plate positions?

a) flat lG, horizontal 2G, vertical 3G, overhead 4G
b) flat lG, horizontal 2G, multiple 3G, overhead 4G
c) flat lF, horizontal 2F and 2FR, overhead 4F, multiple SF
d) flat lG, horizontal 2G, overhead 4G, multiple 6G

23. What are the groove weld pipe positions?

a) flat lG, horizontal 2G, vertical 3G, overhead 4G
b) flat lG, horizontal 2G, multiple 3G, overhead 4G
c)flat lF, horizontal 2F and 2FR, overhead 4F, multiple SF
d) flat lG, horizontal 2G, vertical SG, multiple 6G

~swer: D. ASME IX, Test Positions QW-

24. Which of the following tests is performed to determine the ultimate strength of groove-
weld joints?
a) guided-bend test
b) hammer test
c) torque test
d) tension test
e) impact test

25. ASME IX Mechanical Tests (Tension Tests) are used to determine the:
A) Degree of soundness and ductility of groove-weld joints
B) Ultimate strength of groove-weld joints
C) Notch toughness of the weld
D) Stress values used in Calculations

26. ASME IX Mechanical Tests (Guided-Bend Tests) are used to determine the:
A) Degree of soundness and ductility of groove-weld joints
B) Ultimate strength of groove-weld joints
C) Notch toughness of the weld
D) Stress values used in calculations

!Answer: A. ASME IX, Mechanical Tests (QW-

27. ASME IX Mechanical Tests (Charpy Impact Tests) are used to determine the:
A) Degree of soundness and ductility of groove-weld joints
B) Ultimate strength of groove-weld joints
C) Notch toughness of the weld
D) Stress values used in calculations

swer: C. ASME IX, Mechanical Tests [QW-141

28. What may be substituted for mechanical testing for groove-weld performance qualification
to prove the ability of welder & welding operators to make sound welds?
a) ultrasonic examination
b) radiographic examination
c) bend testing
d) tensile testing
e) A orB

swer: E. ASME IX, Examination for Welders a. Welding O~rators Q_W-142 & QW-143]-

29. Charpy V-notch tests are performed to determine a weldment's

a) Tensile strength
b) Ductility
c) Notch toughness
d) All of above

swer: C. ASME I Mechanical Tests


30. When conducting a tension test for weld procedure qualification, the specimen breaks in
the base metal outside the weld and weld interface, the test is acceptable provided:
a) The strength is not more than five percent below the minimum specified tensile strength of the base metal
b) The strength is not more than ten percent below the minimum specified tensile strength of the base metal
c) The specimen is not acceptable because it must not fail
d) The specimen is not acceptable because the weld must fail before the base metal

linswer: A. ASME IX, Acceptance Criteria -Tension Tests

31. When qualifying a welding procedure, the tensile strength shall be computed by dividing
the ultimate total load by the least cross-sectional area of the specimen as calculated from
which measurements?
a) actual measurements made before the load is applied
b) actual measurements made during the load is application
c) actual measurements made after the load is applied
d) actual measurements made before and after the load is applied

!Answer: A. ASME IX, Tension Test Procedure [QW-15

32. What tensile strength requirement is necessary in order to pass the tension test for WPS
a) the minimum specified tensile strength of the base metal
b) the maximum specified tensile strength of the weaker of the two, if base metals of different minimum tensile
strengths are used
c) the maximum specified tensile strength of the weld metal when the applicable Section provides for the use of
weld metal having lower room temperature strength than the base metal
d) if the specimen breaks in the base metal outside of the weld or weld interface, the test shall be accepted as

meeting the requirements, provided the strength is not more than 2% below the minimum specified tensile '
strength of the base metal

!Answer: A. ASME IX, Acceptance Criteria -Tension Tests

33. As part of a welding procedure qualification, a tensile test is performed on SA-335 grade P1
pipe. The test specimen was 0.750 in. wide and 0.175 in. thick. The specimen broke in the
base metal outside of the weld and weld interface. What is the minimum acceptable tensile
strength for this WPS qualification?
a) 50 ksi
b) 52 ksi
c) 52.25 ksi
d) 55 ksi
e) 57 ksi

34. A guided-bend specimen that has an open discontinuity in the heat-affected zone on the
convex surface of the specimen after bending that measures 5/32 in. in length. What
should the inspector do?
a) accept the test
b) inspect further for evidence of lack of fusion
c) inspect further for evidence of slag inclusions
d) fail the test
e) both band c

35. A guided-bend specimen that has an open discontinuity on the corner of the convex surface
of the specimen after bending that measures 5/32 in. in length. What should the inspector
a) accept the test
b) inspect further for evidence of lack of fusion
c) inspect further for evidence of slag inclusions
d) fail the test
e) both band c

swer: E. ASME Il!, AcceP-tance Criteria- Bend Tests

36. What portion of a transverse weld bend specimen shall be completely within the bent
portion of the specimen after testing?
a) the weld
b) the weldment
c) the weld and heat-affected zone
d) the weld, heat-affected zone, and parent metal

~swer: C. ASME IX, Acceptance Criteria - Bend Tests

37. On a guided bend test used to qualify a WPS, cracks occurring on the corner of the test
specimen are acceptable:
A) Under no circumstances
B) Only if they are not associated with the test weld
C) If there is no evidence they were due to slag inclusions
D) If the transverse opening is not larger than 1/8 inch (3mm)

fAilswer: C. ASME IX, Acceptance Criteria- Bend Tests

38. The rules for impact testing of carbon steel in Section VIII, Div. 1, Carbon steel vessel
materials require what kind{s) of impact tests?
A) Brinnell & Rockwell
B) Izod & Charpy V-notch
C) Charpy V-notch
D) Brinnell

swer: C. ASME I~ Notch-toughness tests

39. Which testing standard shall Charpy V-notch impact tests conform to for WPS qualification?
a) ASTM A 37
b) SA-370
c) ASME SA-23
d) the standard specified in the qualified WPS

swer: B. ASME IX, Notch-toughness tests [QW-1

40. A discontinuity with a length substantially greater than its width is a _ _ discontinuity.
A) Rounded
B) Linear
C) Non-linear
D) Rejectable detect

nswer: B. ASME IX, Acceptance Criteria [QW-191.2.1] 1API 577[3.

41. A Welder and welding operator performance tests by radiography of welds in test
assemblies shall be judged in accordance with, _ __
A. ASME Section V
B. ASME Section IX
C. ASME Section VII
D. The referencing code

!Answer: B. ASME IX, RT Acceptance Criteria [QW-19

42. When is incomplete fusion defined a radiographic linear indication?

a) when the width is more than three times the length
b) when the length is more than two times the width
c) when the volume is more than three times the width
d) when the length is more than three times the width
e) as defined by the radiographic requirements in the qualified WPS

!Answer: D. ASME IX, RT Acceptance Criteria [QW-191.2.

43. When are slag inclusions defined a radiographic rounded indication?

a) when the width is more than three times the length
b) when the length is three times the width or less
c) when the volume is more than three times the width
d) when the length is more than three times the width
e) as defined by the radiographic requirements in the qualified WPS

!Answer: A. ASME IX, RT Acceptance Criteria [QW-191.2.1]

Article II- Welding Procedure Qualifications

44. A welding procedure specification (WPS) is selected for a repair on cold service piping.
Impact testing of the weldment is required. Which of the following is I are required on the
A) A record of the welding data used to weld a test coupon.
B) A description of the required repair.
C) All essential, nonessential, and supplementary variables if notch toughness is required.
D) The results of mechanical testing.

!Answer: C. ASME IX, WPS [QW-200.1] I API 577 [6.

45. What is the purpose of the WPS?

a) provides direction to the welder while making production welds to ASME code requirements
b) provides direction to the welder while making production welds to API code requirements
c) provides verbal rules for making production welds to ASME code requirements
d) provides rules for qualifying the welder

swer: A. ASME IX, WPS QW-200.1] I API

46. What is a PQR?
a) is a record of the welding data and variables used to weld a test coupon and the test results used to qualify
the welder
b) it is a record of the welding data and variables used to weld a test coupon and the test results used to qualify
the welding procedure
c) it is a record of the welding data used to test a weld coupon
d) provides rules for making production welds to ASME code requirements

47. The purpose of the PQR is to establish the:

A) Properties of the weldment
B) Suitability of the weldment
C) Record for weldment construction
D) None of these are correct per API 577

~nswer: A. ASME IX, PQR [QW-200.2] /API 577

48. The purpose of the welding procedure specification (WPS)and the procedure qualification
record (PQR) is to:
A) Document the welding of the test coupon and to provide the direction to the welder
B) Establish the skill of a welder and a welder's ability to deposit sound weld metal
C) Determine the extent of weldment RT required
D) Ensure the weld is free of mechanical defects

(Answer: A. ASME IX, WPSIPQR [QW-200.2IQW-2 00.2] I API 577 [6.

49. The PQR shall record all of the following items except:
A) Manufacturer's certification of accuracy in the qualification of a WPS
B) The nonessential variables used to weld a test coupon
C) The essential variables used to weld a test coupon
D) Coupon test results

~swer: B. ASME IX, PQR [QW-200.2] I API 577

50. Which of the following must be included in a PQR?

A) Certification signature and date
B) Electrode trade name
C) Current revision and date
D) Base metal thickness range

swer: A. ASME IX, PQR QW-200.2] LAPI 577

51. ASME IX assigns base metals a P-Number category in order to reduce the number of
D) None of these

52. With regard to categorizing grades of steel into P numbers; which of the following is the
most correct statement?
a) These materials can be substituted for each other as long as the thickness is within 10%
b) Are of the same thickness, same carbon content, comparable strength and hardness
c) These materials have comparable yield strength but different tensile strength and hardness
d) These materials have comparable base metal characteristics, weldability, and mechanical properties

~nswer: D. ASME IX, P·Number [QW·200.3lQW-420~ I API 577 [7.2]

53. Welders who qualify with one filler metal are qualified to weld with any filler metal having
the same:
A) F-number
B) P-number
C) A-number
D) A-number & P-number

!Answer: A. ASME IX, F·Numbers [QW-4301 Table QW-432] I API 577 [7 ..,,. _

54. F·number groupings are based essentially on their usability characteristics, which
fundamentally determine:
A) The chemical composition of the electrode only
B) The chemical composition of the electrode and the weldability
C) The ability of welders to make satisfactory welds using similar composition filler metals
D) The ability of welders to make satisfactory welds using a given process and given filler metal

!Answer: D ASME IX, F·Numbers [QW·430I Table QW·432] I API 577 [7

55. Filler metals are assigned F number:

A) To permit indiscriminate substitution to suit production
B) To reduce the number of welding procedures and performance qualification
C) To increase the number of filler metal types that the welder can use
D) To allow for welders to qualify for more than one employer at a time

!Answer: B. ASME IX, F·Numbers

56. The ASME IX A·number is based on:

A) The group of base metals having specified impact testing requirements
B) The weldability characteristics of a group of metal alloys
C) The chemical composition of the deposited weld metal
D) The chemical composition of the electrode

!Answer: C. ASME IX, A-Number [QW·440I Table QW·442] I API 577 [

57. A PQR test uses SMAW process to weld on a 5l8·inch·thick plate. Maximum thickness of
production weld qualified is:
A) 5/8 inch
B) 1 inch
C) 1-1/4 inches
D) 1-3/4 inches

~nswer: C. ASME IX, PQR Qualified thickness [Table QW·45

58. Which of the following tests are always required to qualify a groove weld WPS?

A) Tension and Charpy
B) Tension and bend
C) Radiographic and bend
D) Radiographic and ultrasonic

59. What is base metal of P.No.53?

A) steel alloys
B) nickel base alloys
C) litanium alloy material
D) copper base alloys

nswer: C. ASME IX Base Metal Grou in I{QW-420

60. What is base metal of SB-265 Gr.9 ?

A) steel alloys
B) nickel base alloys
C) litanium alloy material
D) copper base alloys

61. What is the WPS maximum fillet weld size qualified on a joint with equal legs of 1/2 in. and
a throat size of 3/8 in.?
B) 2t
C) all fillet sizes

nswer: D. ASME IX, Fillet-Weld Tests [Table QW-451.3]

62. What is the WPS maximum fillet weld size, base metal thickness, and diameter qualified on
a pipe coupon with 3/8 in. thickness?
A) 3/8 in. throat, 2T thickness, and 4 in. diameter
B) 3/8 in. throat, 2t thickness, and 4 in. diameter
C) 3/8 in. leg, 2T thickness, and 4 in. diameter
D) all fillet sizes

swer: D. ASME I Fillet Welds Qualified b Groove-Weld Tests [Ta

63. What is the F-No. of SFA-5.4 classification E309L-16, stainless steel electrodes for shielded
metal arc welding?
A) F-No. 1
B) F-No. 3
C) F-No. 4
D) F-No. 5

64. What is the F-No. of SFA-5.18 classification ER70S-4, carbon steel electrodes and rods for
gas shielded arc welding?
A) F-No. 1
B) F-No. 3
C) F-No. 4
D) F-No. 6
E) F-No. 22

~wer: D. ASME ~ F-Numbers [QW-430/ Table 1

65. Which of the following is an essential variable for shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
welding procedure specification (WPS)?
A) Welding technique
B) Groove design
C) F-number
D) American Welding Society class for filler number
IAnswer: C. ASME IX, SMAW [Table

66. Which of the following is an essential variable for shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
welding procedure specification (WPS)?
A) Upward or downward progression
B) Change in groove design
C) Decrease of over 100°F in preheat
D) Addition or deletion of backing

!Answer: C. ASME IX, SMAW [Table

67. After temper Bead welding for grove weld. if hardness testing is used, what is the location
of hardness to be measured?
a) Above 0.004 (1mm) the root.
b) Below 0.004 (1mm) the face reinforcement (Cap).
c) Both A and B are corrected for grove weld.

d) Prohibted.

!Answer: C. Temper Bead Welding [Figure QW-462.

Questions 66 through 68 refer to the WPS/POR documents on the following pages

68. Does the WPS show the maximum base metal thickness range that could be qualified by the
PQR EM2-1?
A) Yes
B) No, it should be 3/16 inch to 1.25 inches
C) No, it should be 3/16 inch to 2.50 inches
D) No, it should be 3/16 inch to 8.00 inches

e correct answer must therefore be (g. No it should be 3[16 inch to 2.50 i

69. Does the WPS show the Weld Metal Deposited Thickness range that could be qualified by
the PQR EM2-1?
A) Yes
B) No, it should be 'unlimited'
C) No, it should be 8 in maximum
D) No, it should be it should be 2.5 in maximum

70. Does the WPS show the electrode that could be qualified by the PQR EM2-1?
A) Yes
B) No, it should be E7018 or use the alternate electrode E7016 or E7015 (weld is rejected)
C) No, the only alternate electrode is an E6010
D) No, provided the electrode is an E7010-Al

71. The preheat temperature shown on the WPS should be:

a. 60° F minimum
b. 100° F minimum
c. 250° F minimum
d. 300° F minimum

swer: B. ASME IX, Refer to WPS/PQR EM-2-

ME IX, Table QW-253 & QW-406.1 • Preheat
W-406.1 shows that a decrease of preheat > 100 F (55 C) is
e PQR shows a preheat of 100 F wh the ~nlr•i~nn~n ~hll•wn
inimum and not '50' as shj:lWin.
e correct answer must therefore be (B). l~EJ:..m!lruruuiiJ

72. Does the PQR properly qualify the WPS regarding Preheat requirements?
A) Yes, the preheat on the PQR covers all ASME IX rules for WPS application
B) Yes, but only because the interpass temperature range is required for P-No 1
C) No, because PQR preheat temps were performed outside of essential variable limits
D) Neither no or yes because there is still an outstanding issue to be resolved in writing

73. Does the PQR properly qualify the WPS regarding PWHT requirements?
A) Yes
B) Yes, but only because the thickness range covers the entire WPS range
C) No, because the PQR does not show evidence that PWHT was performed
D) No, because the PQR does not cover the lower transformation temperature range 1

swer: C. ASME IX, Refer to WPS/PQR EM-
ME IX, Table QW-253 Table o\1111-4.0
e PQR not addressed PWHT

74. Bend test results shown on PQR EM2-1 are:

A) Acceptable
B) Unacceptable, wrong type of bend specimen was used
C) Unacceptable, because multiple specimens are required
D) Unacceptable, because of an insufficient number of bend

swer: B. ASME IX, Refer to WPS/PQR EM-2-
ME IX, Table QW-451.1 & QW-160 • bends
e PQR addressed Four face bend tests.
W-406.1 shows that Four SIDE bend tests a required are required.
e correct answer must therefore be (B). Unacceptable, wrong type of bend specimen was

75. Do tensile test results shown on PQR EM2-1 meet the requirements for WPS?
A) Yes
B) No, specimen 1 does not meet requirements
C) No, specimens 1 & 3 do not meet requirements
D) No, because multiple specimens cannot be used

(See QW-200.1, Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code)
Quality Wekfing SeMa!s Dr.Eng./Samir Saad
rganization Name By
EM-2 12/1/1999 Supporting POR No.(s) EM2-1
~eiding Procedure Specification No. Date
0 Date 121111999
- Revision No.

n ~eiding Process(es)

~OINTS (OW-402)
SMAW Type(s) Mauna!
!Automatic, Manua~ Maine. or Sem;-Autometic)

,.. Joint Design
Silgle V-Gioove

Root Spacing
Backing: Yes No
Single ·v·
Backing Material (Type)

0 (Refer to both batkfng and retatnem

[]Metal []Nonfuslng Metal

[JNonmetalllc [JOther
Sketches, Production Drawings, Weld Symbols, or Written Description I I
should show the general arrangement of the parts to be welded. Where ROOT SPACING 118"
applicable, the details of weld groove may be specified. ROOTFACE118"MAX.
., Sketches may be attached to illustrate joint design, weld layers, and bead
sequence (e.g., for notch toughness procedures, for multiple process
r' procedures, etc.)) \


1 P-t 1
P-No. P-1 Group No. toP-No. Group No.
I Specification and type/grade or UNS Number

to Specification and type/grade or UNS Number
Chern. Analysis and Mech. Prop.
to Chern. Analysis and Mech. Prop.

0 Thickness Range:
Base Metal: Groove
Maximum Pass Thickness s 1f2 1n. (13 mm)
0.1875 to 0.8640
0.1875""10 O.liStO"

(Yes) X

n Other


c Spec. No. (SFA)

AWS No. (Class)

Q Size of Filler Metals

Filler Metal Product Form

Supplemental Filler Metal

0 Weld Metal
Deposited Thickness:
0.1875 to 0.8640
0.1875" to 0.8640"

Electrode-Flux (Class)
Flux Type
Flux Trade Name

0 Consumable Insert

- 0
FORM QW-482 (Back)
WPSNo. Bl2
Rev. 0 0
Position(s) of Groove
Welding Progression: Up
Position(s) of Rllet

Down •
Temperature Range
lime Ra111Je

GAS (OW-4081
Percent Composition
Preheat Temperature, Minimum 500egF SOF Gas(esl (Mixture) Flow Rate
lnterpass Temperature. Maximlm 55110egF

Preheat Maintenance Shielding NlA

Other Tralllng NIA.

(Continuous or special heating. where applicable, should be recorded) Backing


Filler Metal

Current Wire Feed Energy or Travel

(e.g., Remarks, Com-
ments, Hot Wire
Weld Classifi- Type and Amps Speed Power Volts Speed
Pass(esl Process cation Diameter Polarity !Rangel (Rangel !Rangel (Rangel (Range)
Addition, Technique,
Torch Angle, etc.)
All SMAW E7018 118 DC-RP 90-160
- - - -
Amps and volts, or power or energy range, should be recorded for each electrode size, position, and thickness, etc.
Pulsing Current

Tungsten Electrode Size and Type

Heat Input (max.) 0
(PUre TIJI1iiSlell, 2:% Thorlaled. t!tl:..l

Mode of Metal Transfer for GMAW (FCAWI

!Spray All:, SIIDrt Clrculllng Ale, etx:J


String or Weave Bead ~21dWea>.s

Orifice, Noule, or Gas Cup Size


Initial and lnterpass Cleaning !Brushing, Grinding, etc.) E!rushng or Gnndng, Cle3l ,. Balli Side or- JOII'l.

Method of Back Gouging Mlclng

Contact Tube to Work Distance
Multiple or Single Pass (Per Side)


Multiple or Single Electrodes Single

Electrode Spacing


0 (See QW-200.2, Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Record Actual Variables Used to Weld Test Coupon

0 Organization Name
Pro~ure Qualification Record No. EM2·1
Quality Weldlog Services

Date 12/1199

0 Welding Procoss(osl
Types (Manual, Automatic, Semi-Automatlcl

r JOINTS (OW-402)


Groove Design of Teat Coupon '

(For combinatlc>n quallficatlons, the deposited weld metal thickness shall be recorded for eaeh filler metal and process used.)
Material Spec;. - SA-285 Temperature
Type/Grade, or UNS Number cC lima

1 1
P-No. -'-Group No. - '-toP-No. - - Group No.-- Other
Thickness of Teat Coupon t.25 1.25
fl;t . . .

Maximum Pass Thickness
GAS (OW-4081
Percent Composition
Gas(esl (Mixture I Flow Rate
0 AllER METALS (QW-4041 1 2

SFA Specification aFA!.1 NIA

.,.•• ~/ui,s
G AWS Classification
Filler Metal F-No. .
1 1

Weld Metal Analysis A-No. ElECTRICAl CHARACTERISTICS (QW-4091

0 Size of Aller Metal

Aller Metal Product Form
Supplemental Aller Metal
Amps. tOO

Volta IS

Elactrode Flux Classification Tungsten Electrode Size Nl"

u Au)CType
Flux Trade Name
Mode of Metal Transfer for GMAW (FCAWI
Heat Input

Weld Metal Thlcknesa 1.25" I [l5 Other

Q Other


3G Travel Speed
0 Position of Groove

Weld Progression (Uphill, DownhiiU String or Weave Bead
Other Oscilllltion
Multipass or Single Pass (Per Sldel

0 PREHEAT (OW-406)
Single or Multiple Electrodes
Other "Ntlstngle pass "112 II

Preheat Temperature tOOF
lnterpa~ Tempe111ture


FORM QW-483 (Back)

1- -
PQR No. ___EM2_-_
Tensile Test IOW-150)

Ultimate Type of
Specimen Ultimate Unit Stress, Failure and
No. Width Thickness Area Total load (psi orMPal Location
1 0.751l' 0.625" 0.469sqil. I 25,021 53,350 OudiefWM
2 0.7511' 0.625" 0.469sqil. 26,2.50 55,970 Bril!leM'M
3 0.750" 0.625" 0.469sq.n. 24,857 53,000 DuctJeiBM
4 D751r 0.625" 0.469sqRJ. 27.500 58,635 Emle!Wid

Guided-Bend Tests (OW·160)

Type and Figure No. Result

Face#1 Passed
Face#2 I Passed
Face#3 Passed
Face;i-4 Passed

Toughness Tests (QW-170)

Specimen Notch Specimen Test Impact Values

No. Location Size Temperature ft-lb or J %Shear Mils lin.) or mm Drop Weight Break IY/NI I



Fillet-Weld Test (QW-180)

Result- Satisfactory: Yes - - - - - - - N o _______ Penetration into Parent Metal: Y e s - - - - - - - No _ __

Macro- Results------------------------------------ -----------------------------------

Other Tests


Welder's Name Bobby Arc Clock No. 128 Stamp No. 7

Te~s ~nducted by ABC lab Laboratory Test No. 001

We certify that the ~atemenB in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared, welded, and tested in accordance with the
requiremenB of Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Or~n~tion ___________a_u_~~~-w-~_~_n~g~S-~

~te---------------------------------- ~rofted~-------------------
(Detail of record of tests are illustrative only and may be modified to conform to the type and number of tests required by the ~.I

Article III- Welding Performance Qualifications

76. The Welders Performance Qualification Record documents:

A) That the weldment provides the required properties.
B) The suitability of a weld process for a given service.
C) The ability of the manufacturer to control the welder.
D) The welder's ability to make sound welds.

77. The responsibility for qualifying repair welders is restricted to the:

A) Welding Qualification Test Company employed by the owner/user
B) Owner/user of the site where the repaired equipment will be used
C) Contractor or manufacturer employing the welder
D) Welder's supervisor

nswer: C. ASME IX, Qualification Tests [QW-301.2]) API 577 Welder gualification [8.1]-

78. Welders may be qualified by radiographic examination of groove welds, with the exception
A) SAW with silicone-based flux.
B) GMAW globular transfer.
C) GMAW pulsed-arc.
D) GMAW-5 (short-circuiting).

!Answer: D. ASME IX, Groove Welds -General.

79. Under which circumstance may a welder be qualified by a production weld instead of a
qualification test coupon?
A) When minimum 6 inches(150mm) of welder's first production weld pass a specified RT exam
B) When a coupon is removed from a production weld and mechanically tested
C) When a welder has welded with a specific process within past 12 months
D) Under no circumstance may a welder qualify by this method

~swer: A. ASME IX, Examination [QW-304.1]/ API 577 (WPQ) [8.2]

80. under what circumstance must a welder requalify?

A) When the welder's foreman discovers that the welder is not making acceptable welds
B) When the welder's has not welded with the same P number in the previous 3 months
C) When the welder's has not worked as a welder for the previous 2 months
D) When the welder's has not requalified within past 12 months

swer: D. ASME I EXP-iration of Qualification QW-322.1 j API 577

81. Which of the following circumstances requires re-qualification of a welder?

A) When there is reason to doubt the welder's ability to deposit sound weld metal
B) When the welder has not welded on a pressure vessel for six months
C) When the welder has been laid off for two months
D) When the welder has not welded a qualification coupon within the past twelve months

swer: A. ASME IX Expiration of Qua


82. A welder's performance qualification will expire if he/she has not welded with a specific ~]
process for more than which of the following?
A) One month
B) Four months
C) Three months
D) Six months

!Answer: D. ASME IX, Expiration of Qualification [QW-322.1] I API 577 (WPQ)

83. When a pipe qualification coupon for welders or welding operators has failed radiographic
examination, the immediate retest shall be by radiographic examination. The weld length
shall b e - - - - - - - -
A. One complete pipe weld
B. Two complete pipe weld
C. Two pipe welds for a total of 12" of weld
D. Two 12" plate coupons

!Answer: C. ASME IX, Immediate Retest Using Volumetric NDE [QW-321.

84. A welder is tested on Vz inch thick pipe in the 5G position. How many face bends are
required for this test?
A. 1
B. 2
!Answer: D. ASME IX, Type of Test Required (QW-302/Table QW -,.,.,, ••Lla.u

85. If a welder is qualified in the 1G position with a groove weld in plate, what positions is
he/she qualified to weld in?
a) Vertical
b) Flat
c) Horizontal
d) Overhead

!Answer: B. ASME IX, Limits of Qualified Positions and Diameters [QW-303/Table QW-461.9]-

86. A welder qualified by welding in the 5G position, the welder can't weld?
a) Vertical
b) Flat
c) Horizontal
d) Overhead

~nswer: C. ASME IX, Limits of Qualified Positions and Diameters [QW-303/Table QW-461.9]-

87. A welder is trying to qualify for all positions by welding a six-inch pipe coupon. Which of the
following positions are required to accomplish this?
A) 1G and 2G
B) lG and 3G
C) 2G and 3G
D) 2G and SG
88. A welder at being qualified has welded a 5/8-inch thick test coupon in the 3G position.
Which of the following tests are required for the welder to be qualified?
A) One face bend test and one side bend test
B) Two face bend test and one root bend test
C) one face bend test and one root bend test, or two side bend tests.
D) Two face bend test and two root bend test, or four side bend tests.

89. What tests must be performed to qualify a welder performance coupon that has a diameter
of NPS 4 and is 3/4 in. thick?
A) 1 face and 1 root bend
B) either 2 side bends or from Note (3) one face and 1 root bend
C) 2 side bends
D) 2 face and 2 root bends
E) 2 side bends or 2 face and 2 root bends

90. What is the qualified diameter range for a welder performance coupon that has a diameter
of NPS 4 and is welded using SMAW?
A) size welded to unlimited
B) 1 in. to unlimited
C) 1 in. to 2-7/8 in. (NPS 2-1/2)
D) 2-7/8 in. to unlimited
E) NPS 2 to unlimited

nswer: D. ASME pc, Limits of Qualified Positions and Diameters [QW-303/Table QW-452.3]-
91. What qualified position(s) result from a performance coupon with a groove weld in a plate
is qualified in the 3G and 4G positions, using GTAW, for fillet welding plate and pipe?
A) F, H
B) F, H, V
C) F, H, 0
D) All
E) SP, F

swer: D. ASME IX, Limits of Qualified Positions and Diameters QW-303/Table QW-461.9]-

92. When can a welder be qualified for SMAW by using a production weld instead of a coupon
a) Never
b) When the coupon removed from one of the welder's production weld passes mechanical testing
c) When six inches of the welder's first production weld pass the specified radiographic examination
d) When the welder has welded on plate steel within the past twelve months

93. Welders who qualify on the required tests for plate groove welds:
a) May weld on groove welds only
b) Are also qualified on all pipe groove welds
c) Are also qualified on some fillet welds
d) Must additionally pass the fillet weld test

!Answer: C. ASME IX, Limits of Qualified Positions and DiametersjQW-303.1/ Table 452.6]-

94. If a welder is qualified in the 1G position with a groove weld in plate, what positions is
he/she qualified to weld in?
a) Vertical
b) Flat
c) Horizontal
d) Overhead

swer: B. ASME IX, Limits of Qualified Positions and Diameters EQW-303/Table QW-461.9 -



6. API 577 2013 Edition

1. How many welds does API 577 require to be inspected?

A) None
B) All welds
C) Representative number
D) 50% of welds

2. An Inspector notices that a welding arc is being deflected from its normal path because of
magnetic forces, the welder describes the problem to the inspector as._ _ __
a. cracks
b. short circuiting
c. arc blow
d. insufficient welding current
e. all of the above

3. A fusion weld made without filler metal is _ _ _ _ _ __

A) Brazing
B) SMAW weld
C) Autogenous weld
D) SAW weld

~swer: C. API 577, autogenous weld·-·-.... _.

4. The arrangement of direct current arc welding leads in which the electrode is the negative pole
and the work piece is the positive pole of the welding arc is ?

!Answer: A. API 577, direct current electrode negative

5. The size of the fillet weld refers to the dimension of the welds:
A) Throat
B) Leg
C) Reinforcement
D) Toe

~swer: B. API 577, fillet weld size [3.

6. What is a non-standard term indicating a weld discontinuity in which fusion did not occur
between weld metal and fusion faces or adjoining weld beads?
a) lack of adhesion
b) lack of penetration
c) lack of fusion
d) non-weld fusion
7. A discontinuity with a length substantially greater than its width is a _ _ discontinuity.
A) Rounded
B) Linear
C) Non-linear
D) Rejectable detect

8. Which of the following is used when it is deemed necessary or helpful to control distortion, to
relieve residual stresses, or to improve the quality of the weld?
A) Impact test
B) Tensile test
C) Fatigue test
D) Peening

!Answer: D. API 577, Peening [3.1.50]1 ASME VIII.

9. Which discontinuity is normally found at the weld toe or root surface?

A) Underfill
B) Concavity
C) Overlap
D) Incomplete fusion

!Answer: C. API 577, Discontinuities [9.11 Table 2] I overlap [3.

10. Which of the following best describes the term undercut?
A) An incomplete bonding between the parent metal and filler metal under the weld
B) A lack of fusion under the cap that appears as a "cut" on a radiographic image
C) A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to weld toe or weld root
D) Incomplete filling of the weld root

!Answer: C. API 577, Discontinuities [9.11 Table 2] 1 overlap [3

11. During the welding inspection, an inspector identifies a non-conformance to the specification
and brings it to the attention of those responsible for the work. What should be done before
welding proceeds further?
a) the non-conformance should be documented
b) the non-conformance should be completely removed and re-inspected
c) the non-conformance should be documented and re-inspected
d) the non-conformance should be immediately re-inspected

~swer: B. API 577, Non-Conformances and Defects [4.511• • 1

12. ASNT recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A is a:
A) Manual covering nondestructive examination (NDE) safety procedures
B) Procedure for the visual examination of piping systems
C) Document covering NDE personnel qualifications
D) Document covering NDE procedures

13. What is the purpose of the WPS?


a) provides direction to the welder while making production welds to ASME code requirements
b) provides direction to the welder while making production welds to API code requirements
c) provides verbal rules for making production welds to ASME code requirements
d) provides rules for qualifying the welder

14. Which of the following welding methods results In a highly directed stream of discrete drops
that are accelerated by ARC forces?
A) GMAW spray transfer.
B) GMAW globular transfer.
C) GMAW short-circuit transfer.
D) FCAW Flux-cored arc welding.

nswer: A. API 577, GMAW

15. Which of the following welding methods encompasses the lowest range of welding currents and
electrode diameters associated with the GMAW Process?
A) GMAW spray transfer.
B) GMAW globular transfer.
C) GMAW short-circuit transfer.
D) FCAW Flux-cored arc welding.

!Answer: C. API 577, GMAW [5.4.

16. A Limitations of Stud welding is that:

A) A power supply cable of providing high amperage at 100%duty cycle is required
B) The process is primary suitable for only carbon steel and low-alloy steel
C) it is difficult shield the weld zone properly in drafty environments
D) the requirement is more complex, more costly, and less portable.

!Answer: B. API 577, Stud Arc Welding (SW) [5.7

17. What is a PQR?

a) it is a record of the welding data and variables used to weld a test coupon and the test results used to qualify
the welder
b) it is a record of the welding data and variables used to weld a test coupon and the test results used to qualify
the welding procedure
c) it is a record of the welding data used to test a weld coupon
d) provides rules for making production welds to ASME code requirements

nswer: B. API 577, WELDING PROCEDURE [6.1/

18. The purpose of the PQR is to establish the:

A) Properties of the weldment
B) Suitability of the weldment
C) Record for weldment construction
D) None of these are correct per API 577

19. The purpose of the welding procedure specification (WPS)and the procedure qualification record
(PQR) is to:

A) Document the welding of the test coupon and to provide the direction to the welder
B) Establish the skill of a welder and a welder's ability to deposit sound weld metal
C) Determine the extent of weldment RT required
D) Ensure the weld is free of mechanical defects


20. A welding procedure specification (WPS) is selected for a repair on cold service piping. Impact
testing of the weldment is required. Which of the following is 1are required on the WPS?
A) A record of the welding data used to weld a test coupon.
B) A description of the required repair.
C) All essential, nonessential, and supplementary variables if notch toughness is required.
D) The results of mechanical testing.

!Answer: C. API 577, Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)

21. The PQR shall record all of the following items except:
A) Manufacturer's certification of accuracy in the qualification of a WPS
B) The nonessential variables used to weld a test coupon
C) The essential variables used to weld a test coupon
D) Coupon test results
!Answer: B. API 577, WELDING PROCEDURE [6.3]

22. Which of the following must be included in a PQR?

A) Certification signature and date
B) Electrode trade name
C) Current revision and date
D) Base metal thickness range

!Answer: A. API 577, Reviewing a WPS and PQR [6.4.3]

23. ASME IX assigns base metals a P-Number category in order to reduce the number of required:
D) None of these

!Answer: B. API 577, P-Number Assignment to Base Metals [7

24. Welders who qualify with one filler metal are qualified to weld with any filler metal having the
A) F-number
B) P-number
C) A-number
D) A-number & P-number

!Answer: A. API 577, F-Number Assignment to Filler Metals [7

25. F-number groupings are based essentially on their usability characteristics, which
fundamentally determine:
A) The chemical composition of the electrode only
B) The chemical composition of the electrode and the weldability
C) The ability of welders to make satisfactory welds using similar composition filler metals
D) The ability of welders to make satisfactory welds using a given process and given filler metal

nswer: D. API 577 F-Number Assi nment to Filler Metals

26. The ASME IX A-number is based on:

A) The group of base metals having specified impact testing requirements
B) The weldability characteristics of a group of metal alloys
C) The chemical composition of the deposited weld metal
D) The chemical composition of the electrode

27. What should an inspector do when confronted with electrodes or fluxes that have become wet?
a) electrodes or fluxes that have become wet should be dried
b) electrodes or fluxes that have become wet should be re-baked
c) electrodes or fluxes that have become wet should be discarded
d) electrodes or fluxes that have become wet should be quarantined for further evaluation

28. The responsibility for qualifying repair welders is restricted to the:

A) Welding Qualification Test Company employed by the owner/user
B) Owner/user of the site where the repaired equipment will be used
C) Contractor or manufacturer employing the welder
D) Welder's supervisor

~swer: C. API 577, Welder qualification [-...... _

29. The Welders Performance Qualification Record documents:

A) That the weldment provides the required properties.
B) The suitability of a weld process for a given service.
C) The ability of the manufacturer to control the welder.
D) The welder's ability to make sound welds.

~swer: D. API 577, Welder qualification [8.

30. Welder performance qualification expires if a welding process is not used during a:
A) 3-month period
B) Six-month period
C) Nine-month period
D) Twelve-month period

31. Welders may be qualified by radiographic examination of groove welds, with the exception of:
A) SAW with silicone-based flux.
B) GMAW globular transfer.
C) GMAW pulsed-arc.
D) GMAW-S (short-circuiting).

swer: D. API 57Z, Welder Performance


32. Under which circumstance may a welder be qualified by a production weld instead of a
qualification test coupon?
A) When minimum 6 inches(150mm) of welder's first production weld pass a specified RT exam
B) When a coupon is removed from a production weld and mechanically tested
C) When a welder has welded with a specific process within past 12 months
D) Under no circumstance may a welder qualify by this method

!Answer: A. API 577, Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ)

33. under what circumstance must a welder requalify?

A) When the welder's foreman discovers that the welder is not making acceptable welds
B) When the welder's has not welded with the same P number in the previous 3 months
C) When the welder's has not worked as a welder for the previous 2 months
D) When the welder's has not requalified within past 12 months

!Answer: D. API 577, Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ)

34. Welder's qualification can be revoked if:

A) There is reason to question their ability to make welds.
B) They violate their WPS more than once (includes high repair rates)
C) They violate their WPS repeatedly (includes high repair rates)
D) None of the above is correct per API 577

!Answer: A. API 577, Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ) [8.

35. If radiographic exam is used for qualification of a welder or welding operator, the minimum
length of coupon to be examined is any of the following items EXCEPT:
A) 3 feet (0.91 meters) for welding operators (ASME IX Rule)
B) 6 inches (152.4 mm) minimum in any case (ASME IX Rule)
C) The entire circumference for their first three production joints
D) The entire weld circumference for pipe coupons (Typically Size 2 NPS & Size 8 NPS used)

)Answer: C. API577, Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ) [8.

36. Undercut can be corrected by:

A) Proper heat input & proper welding technique
B) Reduce travel speed and control arc length
C) Proper heat input & proper joint design
D) Reduce travel speed

)Answer: C. API577, Discontinuities [9.1/Table 6]

37. Lack of side wall fusion (LOF) in weld is relevant to which welding process from the following:
A) SAW with silicone-based flux.
B) GMAW globular transfer.
C) GMAW pulsed-arc.
D) GMAW-S (short-circuiting).

!Aiiswer: D. AfJI 577, Discontinuities [9.1 [Table

38. which of the following method is most suitable for detecting lamination?
b. UT

c. ET
d. LT

39. [The most extensively used NDE method for welds is:]/[ inspection method that has globally
agreement]/[ universal NDT].
A) Penetrant Testing
B) Visual testing
C) Radiographic testing
D) Magnetic Particle Testing

40. Direct visual examination is conducted when access is sufficient to place the eye:
A) Within 6 in-24 in (lSD-600 mm) of exam surface & at an angle not Jess than 200 to surface
B) Within 6 in-12 in (lSD-300 mm) of exam surface & at an angle not less than 200 to surface
C) Within 12in-24 in (300-600 mm) of exam surface & at an angle not less than 200 to surface
D) None of these is correct

nswer: D. API 577, Visual Examination {VT) [9.

41. Magnetic particle examination is effective in:

A) Locating surface discontinuities of ferromagnetic materials
B) Locating surface or near surface discontinuities of ferromagnetic materials
C) Locating surface or near surface discontinuities of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic materials
D) None of these are correct

!Answer: B. API 577, Magnetic Partide Examination {MT)

42. For added sensitivity, which of the following PT techniques may be used to detect fine linear
type indications?
A) Fluorescent penetrant technique.
B) Color Contrast Solvent Removable Visible Dye Penetrant.
C) Color Contrast Post emulsifiable Visible Dye Penetrant.
D) Color Contrast Water washable Visible Dye Penetrant.

43. Which of the following is not an advantage of using radiography to determine pipe thickness?
A) Piping insulation can remain intact during inspection
B) The cost of inspection is lower than for other methods
C) Film negatives provide a permanent record of the pipe condition
D) Isotope radiography is not an ignition source in the presence of hydrocarbons

swer: B. API 577 Ra..c!i.29raRhic Examination

44. What is the cause for rejection of the "B" image on a film due to excessive backscatter?
A) Light image of the Letter B
B) Dark image of the Letter B
C) Any image of the Letter B
D) No image of the Letter B

~nswer: A. API 577, Excessive Backscatter [] /ASME V [T

45. When reviewing RT film, a darkened perfectly straight line can be seen in the very centre of the
root pass (lightest area). The length of the line is about 75mm long. It is likely which type of
A) Incomplete penetration
B) Incomplete fusion
C) Wormhole porosity
D) Crack

!Answer: A. API 577, Incomplete or Lack of Penetration (LOP) [Figure 35]

46. Which of these imperfections may appear as a light white spot using radiography?
A) Cracks
B) Incomplete Penetration
C) Porosity
D) Tungsten Inclusion

!Answer: D. API 577, Tungsten Inclusions [Figure 45]

47. Which of the following imperfections may appear as a dark round spots using radiography?
A) Cracks and Incomplete Penetration
B) Porosity or Burn through
C) Slag and Incomplete fusion
D) Laminations

!Answer: B. General NDE kntCJWiecllge•

48. A welding discontinuity is:

A) Condition of being imperfect/departure of quality characteristic from its intended condition.
B) An imperfection or unintentional nonconformance that is detectable by NDE.
C) A lack of cohesion; an interruption in the normal physical structure D
D) The response or evidence from the application of NDE.

!Answer: C. API 577, Terminology [9.12.2/ Table

49. The temperature of the calibration standard should be within _ _ _.of the part to be
A) 25°F
B) 50°F
C) 75°F
D) 150°F

~nswer: A. API 577, Ultrasonic Examination .. =-=-=:..:..

50. The rate of search unit movement should not exceed

A) 3 in. per second
B) 4 ln. per second
C) 6 in. per second

D) 10 in. per second

51. The structure of a deposited weld is akin to:

A) Hot-formed metal
B) Forging
C) casting
D) Heat-treated metal

52. resistance to plastic deformation by indentationis called:

a. strength
b. toughness
c. hardness
d. ductility

nswer: C. API 577, Hardness

53. The ability of a metal to absorb energy and deform plastically before fracturing is called:
a. strength
b. ductility
c. hardness
d. toughness

swer: D. API 577, Toughness

54. The temperature at which a material fracture mode changes from ductile to brittle is called:
a. Cure temperature
b. Melting temperature
c. transition temperature
d. Toughness temperature

!At.:!swer: C. API 577, Toughness[--··~··· ..

55. Hardness testing of the weld and HAZ is often required to assure the welding process, and any
PWHT, resulted in._ _ _ __
A) meets physical properties
B) meets ductility
C) acceptable soft result
D) meets toughness

56. What is maximum Brinnell hardness number allowed for welding 2.25Cr-1Mo material?
A) BHN 200
B) BHN 225
C) BHN 241
D) None of these

ardeningj 10.7
57. Who is responsible for the quality craftsmanship of welding?
A) Welder
B) Owner /user
C) Welding inspector
D) API Authorized Inspection inspector
E) Piping Engineer

~swer: A. API 577, Tasks During Welding Operations [ (~)]

58. Calibrations shall include the complete ultrasonic system and shall be
A) prior to use of the system in the thickness range under examination
B) after to use of the system in the thickness range under examination
C) prior to use, whenever the power source is interrupted or changed, and at the completion of the examination
or series of examinations
D) at least once every 1 hours
E) at least once every 8 hours

!Answer: A. API 577, Ultrasonic Examination System Calibration []

59. which of these types of electrode will give a deep penetration characteristic?
A) Cellulosic type electrodes (e.g. E7010, E7011, and E7048 )
B) Cellulosic type electrodes (e.g. E6010, E6011, or E7010)
C) Low hydrogen type electrodes (e.g. E7016, E7018, and E7048)
D) Low hydrogen type electrodes (e.g. E6016, E6018, or E7010)
E) None of the above

!Answer: B. API 577, Electrode Considerations [11.2.2]

60. Which of the following is common term used to reflect the act of penetrating a thin component
with the welding arc while hot tap welding or in-service welding.?
A) burn-through
B) Internal (Root) Undercut
C) Excessive Penetration
D) Lack of Penetration (LOP)
E) Lack of Side Wall Fusion(LOF)

~nswer: A. API 577, burn-through [3.1.13/Figure

61. An advantages of Stud welding is that:
A) a power supply capable of providing high amperage at 100 % duty cycle is recommended.
B) produces repeatable high quality welds for large weldments and repetitive short welds.
B) weld is not visible during the welding process.
C) equipment required is more costly and extensive, and less portable.
D) process is limited to shop applications and flat position .

62. The primary reason for postweld heat treatment is ______________;

A) Change the microstructure of the weld
B) Increase the tensile strength of the weld
C) to relieve the residual stresses in a welded fabrication
D) Increase the impact strength of the weld
E) Provide a method of oven heating for the removal of gas pokets trapped in the weld

64. What test is used to determine material notch toughness?

A) Impact test
B) Bend test
C) Tensile test
D) Elongation test

!Answer: A. API 577, Toughness

65. A carbon-steel piping circuit in caustic service that was originally stress-relieved:
A) Should be examined at twice the inspection interval of systems that are not stress-relieved.
B) Should be checked for cracking with magnetic-particle testing.
C) Requires Brinell hardness testing at the first inspection interval
D) Should never be hammer tested.

66. Which of the following electrodes are suitable for GMAW and GTAW?
A) E 7018
B) ER707-E
C) ER71T
D) ER70S-6

nswer: D. API 577, Annex A [Figure A.

67. Radiograph testing (RT) for detecting _ __

A) structurally significant defects
B) lamination.
C) temperature of components.
D) Subsurface crack.

swer: D. API 577, RadiggraRhic Examination (RT)j9.8.1J

68.1ridium 192 is normally used for performing radiography on steel with a thickness range of
A) 0.25 in. to 3.0 in. (6.3 mm to 76.2 mm).
B) 1.5 in. to 7.0 in. (38 mm to 178 mm).
C) 0.25 in. to 7.0 in. (6.3 mm to 178 mm).
D) 0.5 in. to 1.5 in. (13 mm to 38 mm).

69. Welding inspection activities can be separated into three stages corresponding to the welding
work process. Inspectors should perform_ _

A) specific tasks prior to welding.

B) specific tasks prior to welding, during welding
C) specific tasks prior to welding, during welding and upon completion of welding.
D) None of the above.

!Answer: C. API 577, Welding Inspection [4.1]· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

70. What the thickness of material to use a technique may be used in which the radiation passes
through two walls and the weld (material)?
A) For all nominal outside diameter
B) For materials and for welds in components above 31/2 in. (89 mm) nominal outside diameter
C) For materials and for welds in components 31/2 in. (89 mm) or less in nominal outside diameter
D) None of the above

!Answer: C. API577, Radiographic Examination (RT) [9

71. If an imperfection I a discontinuity is found in weld and identified during inspection and
examination, it should be
A) size, characterized and evaluated.
B) subject to fitness for service.
c) removed with appropriate repair.
D) recorded in RBI documentation

72. {An imperfection of a type or magnitude exceeding the acceptance criteria is known as which of
the following?}/{ what is term used to describe will designates rejectability ?}
A) Discontinuity
B) Flaw
C) Defect
D) Indication

73. Magnetic particle examination may be used to examine weldments in which of the following?
a) Ferrous and non-ferrous materials
b) Ferrous materials exceeding 0.35 carbon content only
c) Ferromagnetic materials
d) Non-ferrous materials only

74. Which of the following NDE methods is most likely to detect deep subsurface flaws?
a) Ultrasonic UT
b) Magnetic Particle MT
c) Liquid Penetrant PT
d) Eddy Current EC

~nswer: A. API 577, Ultrasonic Examination (UT




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