Grade 5 Computer Final Term 2022

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Final Term Assessment 2021 - 2022

Grade 5

Name: ______________________ Date: ________________________

Total Marks: 50 Marks Obtained: _______________

1. A short program that controls one thing is called a ______________.

a) Script
b) Story
c) Application
d) Reference

2. A loop controlled by a logical test is a

a) Conditional loop
b) Start loop
c) Fixed loop
d) Variable loop

3. ______________ means to copy a file from your computer to the scratch website.
4. ______________ means to make changes to script or other file.
5. Define the following
a. Handouts
b. Transition
c. Sensors
d. Analogue
6. What is the most famous type of digital data logger these days? Explain its
7. Differentiate between qualitative data and quantitative data.
8. List different types of survey methods.
9. List the functions of different types of sensors in a smart phone.
10. Explain the advantages of modules.


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