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Who is Lucy (Australopithecus)?

Learning Goal: to determine what we know about

a female Australopithecus discovered in Hagar,
Ethiopia in 1974. Her nickname is Lucy.

Why is her name Lucy?

The Archaeologists who discovered her were
listening to the Beatles song - Lucy in the Sky with

ACTIVITY 1: Meeting Lucy (Australopithecus Getty Images, The Skeleton of Lucy


From the Smithsonian National Museum

From the Institute of Human Origins - of Natural History -

Read the information, and watch the video, from the sources
listed below.

 Hogenboom, Melissa (2014). The ‘Lucy’ Fossil Rewrote the Story of

Humanity. BBC – Earth. Retrieved from
 Arizona State University (n.d.) Lucy’s Story. Retrieved from
 BBC Earth. (2014) Lucy: 3.2 million year old mother of man [online video].
Retrieved from
 Finding the Lucy Fossil — HHMI BioInteractive Video Retrieved from Retrieved

ACTIVITY 2: Now use what you have learned to answer the

following questions. You can go back and check your sources if
you need to. Type your answer below the questions.

a) Who is Lucy?

b) When was she discovered (found)?

c) Who discovered her?

d) Where was she discovered?

e) How was she discovered?

f) What information does she provide about evolution (the idea that living things
have developed/changed over time)?

ACTIVITY 3: Museum Curator

Now watch the following news report, and then complete the task
on the next page:

 CTGN Africa. (2013) Ethiopia’s famous fossil, Lucy, returned home after a
5 year tour of different museums in the US [online video]. Retrieved from

Imagine you are a museum curator (person in charge) for the

National Natural History Museum of Australia. Write an email to the
Museum in Ethiopia requesting a loan of the Lucy skeleton for an
exhibit to support your research.
You need to justify (explain) why Lucy should be exhibited (shown) in your Museum.
Use the instructions below to help you structure your email.

When finished, send your email to your teacher

Writing an effective formal Email

Follow these 8 steps to make sure your email meets the criteria. Check them off after
you have written yours.

Step Example Done?

1 Use the subject line to show History homework question
what the email is about
2 Use a professional font Calibri, times new roman, Arial
3 Start with a formal greeting and Good morning Mrs Richardson
use the person’s title and
4 Introduce yourself My name is … and I am from

5 Keep things short, clear and State exactly why you are
concise. emailing, and what you would
6 Use formal language. No slang! I would like to ask you about…
7 Use a formal way to sign off Kind regards,
8 Proof read before you send! Don’t rely on spell check!

Here is an excellent example of an appropriate, formal email:

Subject: Summer Initiative

Dear April,

My name is Leslie and I’m a park director with the Indiana Parks and Recreation
Department. We’re dedicated to making Indiana parks more beautiful and visitor-

I’m reaching out today to see if you would be interested in learning more about our
summer initiative to get more kids outside and to the parks. I know you run a
summer camp, and I’d love to talk about partnering with you to use our parks for
certain outdoor activities.

Let me know if you’d like to learn more.

Leslie Knope

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