Artifact 1

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1. Collect all available artifacts and select the best three (3) outputs related to the subject you are
working with. (3 each member)

Artifacts-The student’s best work may include actual student output within or outside class;
photo of a school presentation/performance; reflection paper; awards; commendations; etc. You
may include memorabilia related to the main artifact you are presenting.

Artifact 1
 Description of artifacts-The Artifacts that I
choose is about determing the meaning of
social sciences in the past school year to have
knowledge in this subject.
 Learning Goals reflected-In this subject I learn
about the places and their cultures that are
being under the subject DIASS.
 Reflection on the artifact-My reflection in this
Artifacts is I know the meaning and how to
make sense of our life and by using the
resources of sociology and Anthropology.

 Description of Artifacts-I think this Artifacts is about
the Hermeneutic phenomenology. And this artifacts
is about historical and nursing education.
 Learning Goals reflection-This subject is to
study/research In the fields of education and other
human sciences.
 Reflection on the artifacts-My reflection is to

discovered and examination of a situations or

experience of the people to identify the types of
interpretation of it.

 Description of Artifacts-It can apply to a variety of

areas, including economics and psychology and
philosophy. This theory states that individuals use
their self-interest to make choices that will provide
their w/ the greatest benefit.
 Learning Goals reflection-It shows the actions and
their social outcomes that can be explained to us.
 Reflection on the artifacts-It helps me in interpreting
the meaning that you need to discovered for their
types of interpretations by doing your research.

2.In a separate sheet, EACH MEMBER should answer the


1. Why should this samples be included in your

portfolio? (In general)
-I chose this pieces because I am collecting these
artifacts to serve as evidence of what I will do in order
to have basis on this work that given to us.

2.How does this sample meet the criteria for selection for
your portfolio? (In general)
-This sample meet the criteria because This is belong
to our given task and these artifacts have the ability
to cope up in the criteria.

3.What are the strengths of this work? Weaknesses?

(In general)
-The strength of this work is the course introduces
some applied social sciences, namely, counselling,
social work, and communication which draw their
foundation from the theories and principles that are
related to Social sciences.
-The weakness of this study is have a limitation to
study the social sciences which is regarded as
including psychology, sociology, anthropology,
economics and other that consist of the disciplined
and systematic study of society both as individuals
and in groups within society.

4.If you were a teacher and grading your work, what

grade would you give it and why?
The grade that I will give to my own work is 7 over
10 because my answer in here is from my own
knowledge and it has an originality. And the one
problem is my grammar in writing English essays.

5.Using the appropriate rubric, give yourself a score

and justify it with specific traits from the rubric.
- The grade that I deserve is 80 because this work is
base on what I know

6.What do you like or not like about this piece of

-What I like about the subject is that its gives you
knowledge/ideas about sciences that can be used to
our daily life What I don’t like is that I have no idea
about other kinds of subject in the science class
because it’s the first time I’ve encountered such as
subject, so I’m having a nit enough time to finish other

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