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The provided dataset “Walmart Sales” contains the sales for different categories of products (i.e.

Furniture, Office Supplies, and Technology) across with the profit, the quantity sold along with the
geographical location of the sales (Country, state, city, and postal code). Use the data provided to create
a profit dashboard using Tableau that contains the following: a) A histogram of the profit, marginal
profit, sales and discount per category and subcategory. b) A weekday and monthly sales trends. c) A
geographical representation of the profit for the cities. d) A geographical representation of the profit for
the states. e) A histogram for the quantity of the returned items, showing the return reasons. f) An
interactive profit dashboard (i.e., dynamic filtering applied) g) A filter on the side for the following: i.
Order date (Yearly) ii. City iii. Product category iv. Product sub-category h) Create story telling about the
business performance, highlighting the important things obtained from the analysis. i) Based on the
previous analysis, which provinces are not generating revenue? What is the reasons behind this? j)
Based on the previous analysis, what are the reasons behind the losses in Roseville city and how that can
be mitigated? Support your answers with Tableau analytics. k) Based on the previous analysis, how we
can maximize the profit in San Antonio City? Support your answers with Tableau analytics. Submission
Format: a screenshot for the Tableau dashboard wi

Requirements: 500

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