Lesson 3 History of Life On Earth

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GEOLOGIC TIME SCALE to accumulate higher levels of 

oxygen since
The geologic time scale is the “calendar” for oxygen gas is a waste product of
events in Earth history. It subdivides photosynthesis. Once the atmosphere had more
all time into named units of abstract time called oxygen, many new species evolved that could
—in descending order of duration—eons, use oxygen to create energy.
eras, periods, epochs, and ages.
The Precambrian Time Span is the earliest time The Paleozoic Era begins after the Pre-Cambrian
period on the Geologic Time Scale. It stretches about 297 million years ago and ends with the
from the formation of the earth 4.6 billion years start of the Mesozoic period about 250 million
ago to around 600 million years ago and years ago. Each major era on the Geologic Time
encompasses many Eons and Eras leading up to Scale has been further broken down into
the Cambrian Period in the current Eon. periods that are defined by the type of life that
evolved during that span of time. Sometimes,
Beginning of Earth periods would end when a mass
extinction would wipe out a majority of all living
The earth was formed about 4.6 billion years species on the Earth at the time. After
ago in a violent explosion of energy and dust Precambrian Time ended, a large and relatively
according to the rock record from Earth and quick evolution of species occurred populating
other planets. For about a billion years, the the Earth with many diverse and interesting
earth was a barren place of volcanic action and forms of life during the Paleozoic Era.
a less than suitable atmosphere for most types
of life. It wasn't until about 3.5 billion years ago Cambrian Period (542–488 Million Years Ago)
that it is thought that the first signs of life At this time, there were several continents that
formed. were different than the ones we know today,
and all of those landmasses were huddled in the
PRECAMBRIAN ERA southern hemisphere of the Earth. This left very
Most of the life that existed during the large expanses of ocean where sea life could
Precambrian Time span were prokaryotic single- thrive and differentiate at a somewhat rapid
celled organisms. There is actually a pretty rich pace. This quick speciation led to a level of
history of bacteria and related unicellular genetic diversity of species that had never been
organisms within the fossil record. In fact, it is seen before in the history of life on Earth.
now thought that the first types of unicellular
organisms were extremophiles in the Archaean Almost all life was found in the oceans during
domain. The oldest trace of these that have the Cambrian Period: If there was any life on
been found so far is around 3.5 billion years old. land at all, it was restricted to unicellular
microorganisms. Fossils dated to the Cambrian
These earliest forms of life resembled have been found all over the world, although
cyanobacteria. They were photosynthetic blue- there are three large areas called fossil beds
green algae that thrived in the extremely hot, where the majority of these fossils have been
carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere. These trace found. Those fossil beds are in Canada,
fossils were found on the Western Australia Greenland, and China. Many large carnivorous
coast. Other, similar fossils have been found all crustaceans, similar to shrimp and crabs, have
over the world. Their ages span about two been identified.
billion years.
With so many photosynthetic
organisms populating the earth, it was only a Ordovician Period (488–444 Million Years Ago)
matter of time before the atmosphere started
After the Cambrian Period came the Ordovician soil and that created even more of an
Period. This second period of the Paleozoic Era opportunity for plants to take root and grow on
lasted about 44 million years and saw more and land. Lots of insects began to be seen during the
more diversification of aquatic life. Large Devonian Period as well. Towards the end,
predators similar to mollusks feasted on smaller amphibians made their way onto land. Since the
animals on the bottom of the ocean. continents were moving even closer together,
the new land animals could easily spread out
During the Ordovician Period, multiple and fairly and find a niche.
rapid environmental changes occurred. Glaciers
began to move out from the poles onto the Meanwhile, back in the oceans, jawless fish had
continents and, as a result the ocean levels adapted and evolved to have jaws and scales
decreased significantly. The combination of the like the modern fish we are familiar with today.
temperature change and loss of ocean water Unfortunately, the Devonian Period ended
resulted in a mass extinction that marked the when large meteorites hit the Earth. It is
end of the period. About 75% of all living believed the impact from these meteorites
species at the time went extinct. caused a mass extinction that took out nearly
75% of the aquatic animal species that had
Silurian Period (444–416 Million Years Ago) evolved.
After the mass extinction at the end of the
Ordovician Period, diversity of life on Earth Carboniferous Period (359–297 Million Years
needed to work its way back up. One major Ago)
change in Earth’s layout was that the continents The Carboniferous Period was a time in which
began to merge together, creating even more species diversity yet again had to rebuild from a
uninterrupted space in the oceans for marine previous mass extinction. Since the Devonian
life to live and thrive as they evolved and Period’s mass extinction was mostly confined to
diversified. the oceans, land plants and animals continued
to thrive and evolve at a fast pace. Amphibians
Animals were able to swim and feed closer to adapted even more and split off into the early
the surface than ever before in the history of ancestors of reptiles. The continents were still
life on Earth.    coming together and the southernmost lands
Many different types of jawless fish and even were covered by glaciers once again. However,
the first finned fish with rays were prevalent. there were tropical climates as well where land
While life on the land was still lacking beyond plants grew large and lush and evolved into
single-celled bacteria, diversity was beginning to many unique species. These plants in the
rebound. Oxygen levels in the atmosphere were swampy marshes are the ones that would decay
also nearly at our modern levels, so the stage into the coal we now use in our modern times
was being set for more types of species and for fuels and other purposes.
even land species to begin to appear. Toward
the end of the Silurian Period, some types of As for the life in the oceans, the rate of
vascular land plants as well as the first animals, evolution seems to have been markedly slower
the arthropods, were seen on the continents. than times before. While the species that
managed to survive the last mass, extinction
Devonian Period (416–359 Million Years Ago) continued to grow and branch off into new,
Diversification was rapid and widespread during similar species, many of the kinds of animals
the Devonian Period. Land plants became more that were lost to extinction never returned.
common and included ferns, mosses, and even
seeded plants. The roots of these early land
plants helped to make weathered rock into the
Permian Period (297–251 Million Years Ago) JURASSIC PERIOD
Finally, in the Permian Period, all of the Thanks to the movie Jurassic Park, people
continents on Earth came together completely identify the Jurassic period, more than any
to form the super-continent known as other geological time span, with the age of
Pangaea. During the early parts of this period, dinosaurs. The Jurassic is when the first gigantic
life continued to evolve and new species came sauropod and theropod dinosaurs appeared on
into existence. Reptiles were fully formed and Earth, a far cry from their slender, man-sized
they even split off into a branch that would ancestors of the preceding Triassic period. But
eventually give rise to mammals in the the fact is that dinosaur diversity reached its
Mesozoic Era. The fish from the saltwater peak in the ensuing Cretaceous period.
oceans also adapted to be able to live in the
freshwater pockets throughout the continent of CRETACEOUS PERIOD
Pangaea giving rise to freshwater aquatic The Cretaceous period is when dinosaurs
animals. attained their maximum diversity,
as ornithischian and saurischian families
Unfortunately, this time of species diversity branched off into a bewildering array of
came to an end, thanks in part to a plethora of armored, raptor-clawed, thick-skulled, and/or
volcanic explosions that depleted oxygen and long-toothed and long-tailed meat- and plant-
affected the climate by blocking the sunlight eaters. The longest period of the Mesozoic Era,
and allowing large glaciers to take over. This all it was also during the Cretaceous that the Earth
led to the largest mass extinction in the history began to assume something resembling its
of the Earth. It is believed that 96% of all modern form. At that time, life was dominated
species were completely wiped out and the not by mammals but by terrestrial, marine and
Paleozoic Era came to an end. avian reptiles.

MESOZOIC ERA At the end of the Cretaceous period, 65 million

During the Mesozoic, or "Middle Life" era, life years ago, a meteor impact on the Yucatan
diversified rapidly and giant reptiles, dinosaurs Peninsula raised huge clouds of dust, blotting
and other monstrous beasts roamed the Earth. out the sun and causing most vegetation to die
The period, which spans from about 252 million out. Conditions may have been aggravated by
years ago to about 66 million years ago, was the collision of India and Asia, which fueled an
also known as the age of reptiles or the age of immense amount of volcanic activity in the
dinosaurs. “Deccan Traps.” The herbivorous dinosaurs that
fed on these plants died, as did the carnivorous
TRIASSIC PERIOD dinosaurs that fed on the herbivorous
At the start of the Triassic period, 250 million dinosaurs. The way was now clear for the
years ago, the Earth was just recovering from evolution and adaptation of the dinosaurs’
the Permian/Triassic Extinction, which successors, the mammals, during the ensuing
witnessed the demise of over two-thirds of all Tertiary period.
land-dwelling species and a whopping 95
percent of ocean-dwelling species. In terms of CENOZOIC ERA
animal life, the Triassic was most notable for The Cenozoic era, which began about 65 million
the diversification of archosaurs into years ago and continues into the present, is the
pterosaurs, crocodiles, and the earliest third documented era in the history of Earth.
dinosaurs, as well as the evolution of therapsids The current locations of the continents and
into the first true mammals. their modern-day inhabitants, including
humans, can be traced to this period. The term The earliest hominid fossils found so far date
Cenozoic, first spelled “Kainozoic”. The name is from the late Tertiary Period. They were found
derived from the Greek phrase meaning “recent in Africa. As the Pleistocene Epoch continued,
life.” hominids spread throughout the world. Their
larger brains allowed a level of thought and
The Cenozoic era is also known as the Age of feeling that was, and is, unique among the
Mammals because the extinction of many animals. We think and solve. We change and
groups of giant mammals, allowing smaller control. The future of our planet will be greatly
species to thrive and diversify because their affected by the Age of Humans.
predators no longer existed. Due to the large
span of time covered by the period, it is
beneficial to discuss the animal population by
the milestone of the era rather than in

The beginning of the Paleogene period was a
time for the mammals that survived from the
Cretaceous period. Later in this period, rodents
and small horses, such as Hyracotherium, are
common and rhinoceroses and elephants
appear. As the period ends, dogs, cats and pigs
become commonplace. Other than a few birds
that were classified as dinosaurs, most notable
the Titanis, the dinosaurs were gone. Large
flightless birds, such as the Diatryma, thrived. 

The Neogene period gives rise to early primates,
including early humans. Bovids, including cattle,
sheep, goats, antelope and gazelle, flourish
during this period.

The Quaternary Period is a geologic time period
that encompasses the most recent 2.6 million
years — including the present day.

Cave lions, saber-toothed cats, cave bears, giant

deer, woolly rhinoceroses, and woolly
mammoths were prevailing species of the
Quaternary period.

For us, the most important development of the

Quaternary Period is the development of
the hominids: Humans. From the first primates
in the Tertiary Period to modern man, the
hominid species has evolved amazing abilities.

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