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How to Avoid It?

what is
the presentation of another’s
words or ideas as if they were
your own without giving credit
to the other person
Accidental Aggregated
Types of Plagiarism: Plagiarism Plagiarism

You may come across If your paper is based on

ideas and forget where another paper and uses
Hired Plagiarism the same ideas and the
Direct Plagiarism you saw them, thinking
they are your own same sources
copying someone else's Submitting a paper
work and claiming it as purchased on-line as
your own your own Secondary Source Bibliography
Plagiarism Plagiarism
Hired Plagiarism Self Plagiarism using info from
using the bibliography
reusing your own work secondary sources
borrow essays from friends from another paper
from a past class and without citing them
passing it off as new work
Outline Plagiarism
Author Plagiarism
Mosaic Plagiarism Collaboration Plagiarism
the thesis statement is
not crediting an author
using part of someone collaborating on a the same, as are the
or editor who contributes
else’s work and adding your project but acting like it basic points in each
to the work
own work to it was done alone paragraph
how to
Make sure you understand what plagiarism is
avoid Don't procrastinate with your research and

plagiarism ? assignments
Commit to doing your own work
Be 100% scrupulous in your note taking
Cite your sources scrupulously
Turnitin.com can
Understand good paraphrasing
produce a report
indicating whether Use quotations to include others’ ideas
the paper was Find something new to say
plagiarized and if
so, how much. Get a second opinion
Thank you!
Lee, S. (n.d.). Research Guides: Citing Sources: Plagiarism. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from

Lee, S. (n.d.). Research Guides: Citing Sources: How to Avoid Plagiarism. Retrieved December 10,
2021, from https://guides.library.ucla.edu/citing/plagiarism/avoid

Miller-Wilson, K. (n.d.). 12 Different Types of Plagiarism to Avoid. Retrieved December 10, 2021, from

Miller-Wilson, K. (n.d.). Avoiding Plagiarism With Simple Tips & Techniques. Retrieved December 10,
2021, from https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/writing/what-are-tips-techniques-preventing-

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