Pedche Module 2

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PEDCHE: Drug Education, Consumer Health

Education and Healthy Eating


Many substances or drugs have intoxicating effects that lead to them being misused and causing
harmful effects. Some substances are sold or manufactured illegally while some are produced
legally, but used for unintended purposes (Government of South Australia Health).
I. Find and encircle the drugs named in the word search below.

I. Choose the best answer. Write the letter only.

1. A stimulant is_______. C

A. A drug that slows down messages between the brain and the body
B. A drug that makes you drowsy, tired and sluggish
C. A drug that speeds up messages between the brain and the body
D. A drug that helps to fix a headache

2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a stimulant. D

A. Nicotine
B. Cocaine
C. Caffeine
D. Alcohol
3.A depressant is______. B

A. A drug that makes you feel depressed

B. A drug that effects the central nervous system by slowing down messages
between the brain and body
C. A drug that can over-excite the brain
D. A drug that causes you to see imaginary things that are not real

4. A hallucinogen is_____. A

A. A drug that distorts a person’s perception of reality

B. A drug that gives you lots of energy
C. A drug that is performance enhancing and will help athletes perform better
D. A legal drug that you can buy over the counter

5. Which of the following are factors that influence teenagers use of legal drugs? A

A. Peer pressure
B. Food trip
C. Your families’ beliefs, culture and values
D. There are no factors that influence teenagers
Create a storyboard showing the different effects of drugs on the body

Fill in the speech bubbles telling how they are affected by Roberts addiction

Yes, I am afraid of
my child with his
situation and we
I am using don’t know what
excessive drugs to do anymore.
and I couldn't stop
myself for not Yes, As his
taking it. friend, I am
afraid of him
Yes, as his teacher, I because he
am a little bit sad Yes, and every time I
might gonna
after knowing that tried to talked to
influence us of
one of my students him and correct all
using illicit
are miserable his wrong doing still,
because of using of he doesn't listen and
illicit drug. continue making
Yes, we are afraid and
affected as his
neighbors. We are Yes, It so sad to see him
afraid that when he is like that. I hope that he
around it feel like our can still change for the
place are not safe better. I hope we can
anymore. help him

Reaction and Reflection on Roberts’ Addiction

After making this activity, I have realized that our action does affect
not just our self but also the people that surrounds us. It is really
important that we have guide that we can get from our parents
specially during hard times of our life. We should be vocal of what
we are feelings and I hope that our each parents should also be
vocal to their children of what talk to about. Specially about drugs.
This is one of the most and relevant issue that our society face
today. I realized that our decision does also affect to the one that
we are close to specially with my circle of friends. It either you
influence them or they influence you and if ever happen that they
are the one who influence you do to wrong doings, it is up to you to
decide if you want to be influence or not. Our choices in life has it
consequences and I think that we should not wait until we realize
that it is already too late.

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