Mummy and I Are Going Shopping Today.: An Experience at The Supermarket

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INDICATOR: Write 10 sentences on an experience at the supermarket.

Before we start writing, there is a need to define what a sentence is, and what a
supermarket is.
A sentence is a group of words that together give a clear meaning. A sentence must
give a complete meaning, contain a verb, start with a capital letter and end with a full
Example of a sentence
Mummy and I are going shopping today.

Now to our main work,

A supermarket is a large self-service shop, selling foods and household goods
organized into sections.
This is a sample to help learners.

An experience at the supermarket.

It was my first time of accompanying my mother to the haatso supermarket, to buy

some items which were needed at home.

When we arrived at the supermarket, we moved in to a parking space. There were a

lot of cars parked in front of the market. Everyone had things to buy.

When we entered, we picked a shopping basket and started moving through the
sections to pick the needed items which mummy listed.

We moved through the bakery section where mummy picked a loaf of tea and butter
bread. I like taking milo and butter bread for breakfast.

Soon we were at the daily household section. Mummy picked four pepsodent tooth
brushes, a mouth wash liquid, a tooth paste, bathing soap, laundry soap and powered

We visited the stock section where we picked some canned meat, fish, cabbage,
canned beans, carrots, and a bag of rice.
We stopped at the ice cream section. Mummy got me ice cream. I was so happy. As
we were moving through other sections I was enjoying my ice cream.

Mummy was done with her list. she had picked all she needed, we then moved to the
payment section. There was a que. soon it got to our turn and mummy lifted her
basket and placed it on the counter.

The cashier checked all our items with a bailing machine. She called out the total
payment to my mum including the ice cream which she paid.

Our items were packed into various paper bags and stamped. We were then assisted
with our bags to the car park, where the items were placed in the car boot. What an
experience it was.

All sentences must be in the past.

Have fun.

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