WSF - 14TH Jan 2023

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Saturday Cell Fellowship – JANUARY 2023

S/N Event Time Duration Minister
1 Opening Prayer (Thanksgiving) 05:00-05:03pm 03mins
2 Praise & Worship 05:03-05:12pm 09mins
3 Prayer 1 05:12-05:17pm 05mins
4 Prayer 2 05:17-05:22pm 05mins
5 Prayer 3 05:22-05:27pm 05mins
6 Bible Study Session 05:27-05:42pm 15mins
7 Testimonies / Members' Interaction 05:42-05:49pm 05mins
Prayer Request / Personal
8 Supplication/violence (Issues you want 05:49-05:56pm 09mins
others to pray along with you on)
9 Announcement/Welcoming of 1st Timers 05:56-05:58pm 02mins
10 Closing / Benediction 05:58-06:00pm 02mins

Prayer 1: Father, thank you for answers to all my prayers since this week began – Isa. 58:9

Prayer 2: Father, we destroy the power of darkness seeking to blindfold anyone from
maximizing the 2023 Covenant highways prophetic agenda – 2 Cor. 4:4

Prayer 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, gather great multitudes into our Service(s)
tomorrow Sunday, and grant every worshipper an unforgettable encounter by your Word
and the Anointing – Is. 9:8

Teaching Outline
Kingdom Advancement Prayer is Every Believers’ Responsibility
 Paul the apostle, a servant of God was a great intercessor – Rom. 1:1/ Gal. 4:19
 But what are we to pray? We must continue to pray for fresh revelation from our pulpit
– Psa. 68:11
 Increase of the word will always lead to supernatural church growth – Mat. 24:28/ Acts
 But it takes prayer and intercession to command increasing revelation – 2Thes. 3:1/ Eph.
 Seeking first the advancement of kingdom of God endears us to God for favour – Psa.
102:13-15/ Mat. 6:33

Jesus is Lord!

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