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The construction of the European Union, a unique historical the project: between the place, its history and the current in-
process, has been underway for decades. It is accomplished habitants.
through agreements between countries, debates in the Parlia-
ment in Strasbourg and the Commission in Brussels, but above Through this journey from Marseille to Barcelona, Brussels, So-
all it is done through interactions between its citizens and the fia and Athens, these intimate connections between the inha-
inhabitants of the different cities that make up the European bitants and their urban heritage emerged with force. The last
Union. stage of the journey, European Capital of Culture 2023 Timi-
soara, reinforces an essential aspect – the role of the European
In Europe, this interaction involves reflecting on the past and Union as a space for peaceful and meaningful encounters
how to use it as a lesson for the present and future. The goal is between all diversities.
to turn the tragedies of history into opportunities for building a
more open and united society. This project would not have been possible without the criti-
cal role of project partners in the six cities and beyond: the
This project involves a journey through the memories and urban MAV-PACA in Marseille, the Memorial Democratic in Barcelo-
heritage of six European cities, providing opportunities to meet na, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, SHALOM the organization
local citizens of all ages. The city is viewed as an open book, of the Jews in Bulgaria, the Motus Terrae association in Athens,
a text to be interpreted based on each society’s relevance, the Intercultural Institute of Timisoara, and The Beit Project Asso.
but defining a common goal: to work together to improve our Thanks to each of these partners, the project is closely tied to
societies, combat discrimination and rejection of others, and the issues facing local society and has a pluralistic face that is
transform the city into an effective tool for living together. both foreign and familiar.

We asked a gifted photographer, Lucy Winkelmann, to do a David Stoleru, founding director of The Beit Project Asso.
very sensitive work: to connect the faces of people met in diffe-
rent cities during the educational activities of the Beit Project,
with urban places and the heritage sites of their environment.
Overlaying the being and the place, the citizen and his city,
thus representing the triple encounter that takes place during

@Haider Cano

The territory is a dynamic entity that responds to its environ- I would like to express my gratitude to all the partners for their
ment, political and economic decisions, and the relationships trust in this photographic project, and to all the people I met
established with its residents and visitors. The combination of during my travels who shared a part of themselves to help me
diverse memories and experiences, past and present, paint a depict the social issues affecting our society through images.
picture of the place’s history and offer insights into its present
and future.
Lucy Winkelmann, photographer
The aim of the photographic project was to highlight the social
issues addressed by young people in the project by merging
portraits and territories. These portraits serve as an allegory, re-
flecting the history of the residents and their environment.

The focus of my photographic research was interaction: with

the six cities participating in the project, with a specific neighbo-
rhood, with the history of that place, with the local coordina-
tion and facilitation team, and with the participants and the
themes they chose to explore. I used this information to create
images that reflect the culture and unique history of each city
and demonstrate the connections between them and the cur-
rent issues facing Europe today.

Photographs, newspaper graphics, texts of the photographs @Lucy Winkelmann (except as provided)
Au cœur du centre-ville de Marseille coincé entre le plus vieux quartier de Marseille In the center of Marseille, situated between the city’s oldest neighborhood and a
et un grand centre commercial se niche quelques pierre taillées et une carcasse de large shopping center, there are a few carved stones and the remains of a wooden
bateau en bois au milieu d’une prairie d’herbes folles qui ondulent au gré du vent. boat in the middle of a field of tall grass that sways in the wind. This is the remains
Ce lieu est le vestige du Port Antique de Marseille, désormais asséché. Il évoque of the ancient Port of Marseille, which has since dried up. It evokes the city’s foun-
le mythe fondateur de notre ville : le roi Nanus invite deux Phocéens fraichement ding myth: King Nanus invited two Phocaeans who had just arrived by boat to the
arrivés en bâteau aux noces de sa fille, Gyptis. Dans la tradition locale, la princesse wedding of his daughter, Gyptis. According to local tradition, the princess was to
choisit son futur époux le jour de son mariage, en lui apportant une coupe remplie choose her future husband on her wedding day by offering him a cup filled with
d’eau lors du banquet. Contre toute attente, Gyptis n’a pas apporté la coupe à un water during the banquet. To everyone’s surprise, Gyptis did not offer the cup to
de ses prétendants, mais au Grec (à cette époque Phocéen) Protis. Pour célébrer one of her suitors, but to the Greek (Phocaean) Protis. To celebrate this union, King
cette union, le roi autorise alors Protis et Gyptis à fonder une ville, Massalia, qui de- Nanus then granted Protis and Gyptis permission to found a city, Massalia, which we
viendra Marseille. now know as Marseille.

Marseille was the first city step of this European journey. The 160 young people and their accompanying adults partici- Cette histoire raconte comment nous vivons à Marseille : nous ne sommes pas côte This story is about how we live in Marseille: we are not simply living side by side, but
participants went to discover the districts of Le Panier and Bel- pated in the project from the following educational institutes à côte, nous sommes ensemble, nous nous marions, nous célébrons nos différences together, celebrating our differences and the diverse cultures present. I was initially
et la variété des cultures présentes. Mais je craignais que le récit d’un amour multi- worried that the story of a 2600-year-old multicultural love affair would not reso-
sunce. The nomadic school was set up in La Maison de la Pro- from the Marseilleveyre institute, the Fraissinet institute, Yavne
culturel datant de 2600 ans ne trouve pas d’échos auprès des jeunes générations. nate with the younger generation. However, at each session, the young people
vence de la Jeunesse et des Sports (MPJS), located in front of institute, Thiers institute and Jean-Claude Izzo institute Pourtant à chaque session, les jeunes s’arrêtaient observer ce port antique, le ques- would pause and reflect upon the Ancient Port of Marseille, asking questions and
the Halle Puget. tionnaient et découvraient l’histoire fondatrice de leur ville. Chaque groupe le com- learning about the city’s founding history. Each group would interpret and unders-
prenait avec une perspective différente et traduisait cette histoire dans son propre tand the story from their own perspective. One group stood out to me in particular,
The urban sessions and video editing workshops took place in univers. Un groupe m’a particulièrement marqué demandant : « mais qu’avons- asking, «What have we done with the Union between the peoples?» This question
nous fait de l’Union entre les peuples ? » Faisant échos à la guerre en Ukraine qui echoed the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, reminding us every day that peace is not
April 2022 in the host location and the neighborhood . The Final
venaient nous rappeler quotidiennement que la paix n’était pas une évidence ou guaranteed. The story of Gyptis and Protis still holds relevance for the younger ge-
Presentation took place at the Museum of the History of the un acquis. Gyptis et Protis raisonnait encore bien pour la jeune génération et, à une neration, as does the creation of the European Union. They ask us adults, «What are
City of Marseille, on May 5th 2022. échelle temporelle plus proche la création de l’Union Européenne également. Ils you doing to maintain peace?» The tables have turned, and it is no longer us adults
nous posaient les questions : que faites vous les adultes pour maintenir cette paix ? who impart knowledge; it is the young people reminding us of our shared humanity.
Ca n’était plus nous, adulte qui transmettions des savoirs-être, des connaissances,
c’était eux, les jeunes, qui nous rappelais à notre humanité.

J’ai souhaité participer au Beit pour œuvrer à casser les préjugés chez les jeunes I wanted to participate in the Beit program to work on breaking down prejudices
dans une ville qui n’est malheureusement pas dépourvue de racisme et de discrimi- among young people in a city that unfortunately experiences racism and discri-
nations. J’ai cru agir pour leur permettre de voir que la diversité était une force. Je mination. I believed that I was doing something to help these young people see
pensais que c’était nous, l’équipe de Beit qui allait transmettre cet apprentissage. that diversity is a strength and that it would be the Beit team who would pass on
En questionnant les préjugés des autres, on se confronte à nos propres limites. Vou- this learning. However, by questioning the prejudices of others, I realized that I also
loir déconstruire les préjugés des autres, c’est s’apercevoir qu’on en a soit même. have my own prejudices to confront. Underestimating the power of reflection and
J’avais sous estimé la puissance de réflexion et d’ouverture des jeunes ayant l’image openness of young people, who are often seen as apathetic and caught up in their
d’une génération apathique, happée par les écrans, chacun dans leur bulle, leur screens, I was proven wrong at each session. The students slashed these prejudices
tribu. A chaque sessions, les élèves ont montré que j’avais tort, ils ont sabré ces pré- with their curiosity, enthusiasm, and creativity. They were imaginative, playful, and
jugés à coup de curiosité, d’enthousiasme et de créativité. Ils étaient imaginatifs, concerned about what was happening both in their own neighborhood and far
enjoués, concernés par ce qu’il se passe en bas de chez eux mais aussi à des milliers away. I thought that we were building the Beit, but it is actually the Beit that is buil-
de kilomètres. On pense construire le Beit, mais c’est le Beit qui nous construit. ding us.

By Chloé Ettori, local coordinator

Marseille is a city of diverse origins, with its current population formed from a succes- I chose to combine a portrait of a young schoolgirl participating in the project with
sion of migration waves. The legend of Marseille tells the story of a meeting between an image of the port of Marseille: the water and geography of this city define its
a Greek sailor, Protis, and a Gaulish princess, Gyptis. Gyptis’ father gave her the history from its origins. The writing of the myth of Massilia’s creation is woven into the
territory of Massalia as a wedding gift, which would go on to become the first city girl’s hair.
of France. This meeting between Greeks and Gauls gave birth to a rich culture, and
later, waves of migration from Italy, Armenia, North Africa, Comoros, and others
added to Marseille’s richness.

In the area where the Beit project was carried out, several elements reflect this his-
tory, including large sculptures at Saint Charles train station depicting «colonies of
Greece» and «colonies of the East» on one hand, and «colonies of Asia and Afri-
ca» on the other. The latter two are often subject to degradation, raising questions
about the appropriateness of celebrating a painful past. Near the port, a plaque
tells the story of the city’s creation and its founding myth, highlighting the stories of
diversity that are central to European history.

I arrived in Marseille on March 8th, the nationally recognized «International Women’s Rights
Day». In Le Panier, Belsunce, and around train stations, there were numerous feminist collages.
These temporary messages displayed in public spaces can be seen throughout France, a
celebration of women’s appropriation of public spaces, often seen as belonging to men.

When I arrived at the Saint Charles train station, I encountered a young man named Michael
handing out free roses to women in the square. I was intrigued and asked him for a portrait
and explanation of his actions. He told me it was a personal gesture because he was far
from his mother (he’s Swiss) and wanted to do something for «Women’s Day». I corrected him
and let him continue, though not without difficulties as he was constantly being harassed by
young people hanging out on the stairs who tried to take the roses from him to give to young
girls to woo them. Right after this encounter, I saw a poster advertising a walk starting at the
Vieux Port for that day. I joined the crowd and was moved by these two very different events
that had the same purpose. This portrait conveys it all, capturing Michael’s approach along
with that of the participants in the march.

The day I arrived in Marseille, I went to the bakery to buy a coffee. The bakery was located in front of the oldest
house in the city, called the Hôtel de Cabre. Pascal, the owner of the bakery, was well-versed in the history of the
house and spent his days sharing it with anyone who stopped by.

In 1943, during the roundup in Marseille, the Germans destroyed most of the streets along the north shore of the
Old Port, except for a few historic buildings, including the Hôtel de Cabre. During the rebuilding of the district
in 1954, the house was moved a block away and rotated 90 degrees to align with the Grand-Rue. Today, it is
located next to one of the buildings constructed in the 1950s, known as the Pouillon building.

Pascal also told me that the house had just been purchased by a Parisian for 2 million euros and he hopes that
with this new ownership, the building will be well-maintained.

He also mentioned that the explanatory panel of the house has been missing for a few years and he believes it’s
important to pass on the history of the place. Pascal’s portrait captures his desire to be a “memory smuggler”.

In November 2018, Marseille witnessed a
tragedy that claimed the lives of 8 people:
two buildings on Rue d’Aubagne in the
Noailles neighborhood collapsed. This
incident highlighted the issue of dange-
rous, inhabited buildings in working-class

I met Radhia at the old port, where she

was selling mint tea and snacks. Although
no one was stopping at her stand, I stop-
ped to chat with her. Radhia was born in
Algeria, but considers herself French since
she was born before independence. She

lives in the Noailles district, close to where

she was working that day. Radhia’s por-
trait represents all the families who live in
inadequate and potentially hazardous
Pour les sessions urbaines à Bruxelles en 2022, nous avons installé nos Beits dans les For the 2022 urban sessions in Brussels, we set up our Beits at the Halles Saint-Géry.
Halles Saint-Gery à Bruxelles. Ce lieu avait pour fonction autrefois d’être un marché The Halles was once a popular covered market for the neighborhood’s residents.
couvert à destination des habitants du quartier, très populaire à l’époque. Les Halles Today, it serves as a cultural center, hosting various events throughout the year.
sont devenues aujourd’hui un centre qui accueille de nombreux évènements cultu-
rels tout au long de l’année.

Ces sessions ont été l’occasion pour les jeunes venant des quatres coins de Bruxelles These sessions offered young people from all over Brussels the chance to discover a
de découvrir un quartier bouleversé par de nombreux événements historiques district with a rich and diverse history, shaped by many historical events. They had
comme en témoigne la diversité des traces étudiées. Les jeunes ont pu travailler the opportunity to explore Belgium’s colonial past, the impact of World War II on
sur le passé colonial de la Belgique, sur les bouleversements de la seconde guerre Brussels, the displacement of poor families during the construction of the city’s wide
mondiale à Bruxelles, sur l’expulsion des familles pauvres au 19e siècle lors de la boulevards in the 19th century, and the victims of police violence. The latter topic
construction des larges boulevards du centre-ville ou encore sur les victimes de vio- proved to be the most memorable for the youngest participants. During their dis-
Brussels was the second stop on this European journey. The no- 132 young people and their educators from the following edu- lences policières. C’est cette dernière thématique qui marquera le plus les esprits cussions with citizens in the neighborhood, they stumbled upon one of the brothers
madic school was set up in the Halles Saint-Géry, in the Sainte cational institutions took part in the project: Institut Mot-Cou- des plus jeunes. En effet, c’est en questionnant les citoyens dans le quartier qu’ils of a victim. The brother was moved by the encounter and participated in the de-
Catherine District. The participants went to discover the district vreur, Institut Athénée Royale Koekelberg, Institut Claire-Vivre ont rencontré par hasard un des frères d’une des victimes. Ce dernier, touché par bates organized in the Beits the next day. This encounter marked the beginning of
and its historical traces related to World War II and the coloni- Omega, Institut Ma Campagne, Institut Neder-Over-Heem- la rencontre, participa aux débats organisés le lendemain dans les beits. L’occasion a shared story, demonstrating once again that these houses serve as open spaces
zation of Congo. This 2022 project also allowed for a pilot pro- beek and KULeuven Faculty of Architecture. de recommencer une histoire commune sur d’autres bases. Preuve une nouvelle for life and community.
fois que ces maisons construites sont des lieux de vie ouverts à toutes et à tous.
ject to be set up in partnership with the KULeuven Faculty of
Architecture. By Camille Vercrysse & Paul-Emile Baudour, local coordinators

The urban sessions and video editing workshops took place in

April and May 2022 in the host location and the neighborhood.
The final presentation took place at Halles Saint-Géry as well,
on June 7th 2022.
* ... and I’ll show them how a Belgian woman knows how to die

In Brussels, the project was centered around the Halles Saint-Géry in the city center.

This portrait highlights two key landmarks in the neighborhood: the «Monument to the Soldier Pigeon,» which
commemorates the role of Belgian pigeon fanciers and their carrier pigeons during World War I, depicted as a
woman holding a pigeon on her arm; and a tribute to Gabrielle Petit, a Belgian resistance fighter who was shot
by the Germans during World War II.

I chose to place the bird, a symbol of peace, as a mask on the face of Fadila, a young Burkinabé woman I met

while she was working to find donors for the association 11.11, which is a coalition of French and German-spea-
king Belgian NGOs and associations involved in international solidarity. Fadila shared that she had received aid
from Belgian associations when she was living in Africa and now contributes to helping others, inspiring me to
depict her as a modern-day masked vigilante.
Brussels is famous all over the world for its chocolate,
which arrived in Europe in the 18th century (Spain) and
in Belgium in the 19th century through the colonization
of the Congo. At the beginning of the 20th century,
bananas were discovered by the Belgian population.

The neighborhood features several reminders of this

colonial history, including beautiful frescoes with ba-
nana motifs on a building known as the «Banana Buil-
ding,» old ripening warehouse doors, and the choco-
late museum, as well as tourist stores in the city center
that sell the famous Brussels chocolate.

I chose to depict this banana pattern as makeup on

the face of a saleswoman working in one of these tou-
rist stores, as her story is linked to the history of past ex-

This photograph illustrates the diverse mix of cultures, languages, and re-
ligions in the Belgian capital. I chose to place a stained glass window of
the Virgin Mary (from the Saint Nicholas church) with a veil pattern on the
hair on the face of a young, veiled Muslim woman.

This portrait highlights the ongoing issue of religion in society from yester-
day to today.
The Association for the Memory of the Shoah was es- These memorial paving stones, initiated by German For this portrait, I wanted to pay homage to the pain-
tablished in Brussels in 2005. One of its main initiatives conceptual artist Günter Demnig, number over 65,000 ting «Golconde» by Magritte. Magritte’s interpreta-
since 2009 has been the placement of «Paving Stones placed throughout Europe. Anyone who wishes can tion shows us how an individual can be absorbed by
of Memory». apply to place a paving stone, including families of a group, but if we look closely, we see that they are
victims, associations, or municipalities. There are 458 unique. The Nazis during World War II tried to erase the
of these stones in Brussels, recently cleaned by young identities of various groups of people (Jews, Gypsies,
people from the city. Slavs, blacks, homosexuals). The young participants of
the Nomadic School of European Memory have tried
in various cities to give these victims individual memory
and recognition.

En aquest barri molt gentrificat que és La Ribera de Barcelona, el Beit Project va In a heavily gentrified area of Barcelona, TBP brought together 6 different schools
reunir 6 instituts molt diferents entre ells que van dur a terme importants reflexions which reflected on topics such as: social exclusion, poverty, anti-gypsyism, colonial
sobre temes com: exclusió social, pobresa, antigitanisme, llegat colonial, Guerra heritage, Spanish Civil War, fascism and memory of territories.
Civil Espanyola, feixisme i memòries des dels territoris.

L’alumnat va compartir aquestes experiències d’intercanvi dins d’un lloc molt em- In a very significant move, the schools would meet every morning at the Estació
blemàtic com l’Estació de França, testimoni de molts desplaçaments de la resis- de França, an emblematic witness of the many displacements of the anti-fascist
tència antifeixista i de la població civil a la recerca d’un lloc més segur. Estudiants i resistance exiling to safer, albeit rarely, places during the war. Pupils, and many
passants es van sobtar en reconèixer l’edifici de l’estació a les fotos d’aquells anys passers-by, were surprised to recognise pictures of that familiar building which kept
penjades a les seves parets. Molts ens van demanar perquè no es podien deixar de secret many stories of exiles, loss and separation. Many wondered why these old
forma permanent i perquè encara no s’hagués pensat a obrir un espai commemo- pictures, that we call “traces”, had to be removed after the project. Many wished
ratiu d’aquells temps dins de l’estació. they would stay there permanently so as not to forget our past.
Barcelona was the third stop on this European journey. The no- 153 youth participants and their 11 educators from the fol-
madic school was set up in an extraordinary heritage site, in lowing educational institutions took part in the project: Escola A prop d’aquí, una altra part de l’alumnat coneixeria per casualitats algunes de les Close by, other students would stumble on housing activists chatting with their
veïnes que van lluitar per defensar espais públics del barri en perill de desaparèixer neighbors on a bench. These students, who joined participatory processes in the
the center of the Estació de França, the historical Barcelona Projecte, Escola Pia Sant Antoni, IE Londres, Escola Aura Euro-
sota les onades de gentrificació dels últims anys. El jovent va entrevistar algunes ac- neighborhood to save some public spaces as a public park and a civic center,
train station. A unique opportunity for youth to discover all the pea, Institute Viladomat, Hatikva Institute. This means a total of tivistes qui van relatar la seva experiència en primera persona del que vol dir defen- would explain their first-hand experience and help pupils think about the difference
traces linked to WWII, Francoism and symbols of exile during 164 direct beneficiaries. sar la pròpia comunitat dels interessos especulatius del turisme ràpid i d’una ciutat between rights and privileges. The debates engaged have been long and the sto-
dictatorship. que no pensa en les persones que hi viuen. Arran d’aquests testimonis, l’alumnat va ries heard, though many times troubling, inspired youngsters to open up to stran-
generar un debat sobre què és un privilegi i què és un dret, i sobretot es va obrir a gers’ experiences, as there is so much to be shared.
l’escolta de l’altre, persones obertes a compartir els seus recorreguts.
The urban sessions and video editing workshops took place in
May and June 2022. The final presentation took place at the By Alessia Cominato, local coordinator
Centre Civic Barceloneta, June 15th 2022.
With an identity that has been built and enriched over
the centuries, Catalonia is proud of its culture, which
manifests itself in Barcelona: for example, the flagpole
of the Born Centre Cultural, on which the Catalan
flag flies, measures exactly 1714 centimetres to recall
the year in which the city succumbed to the Bourbon
troops, which led to the abolition of Catalan institu-
tions and civil rights.

In the neighbourhood where the project is carried out,

there are also many messages in the windows of local
residents and a monument «Fountain of the Catalan
genius», in addition to countless coats of arms.

This Catalan identity is still a very lively subject in Barce-

lona today, this portrait shows the pride of this culture
through the color, the personification of Catalonia and
also the motif of scales, link to the legend of Sant Jordi,
symbol taken up again on the architectures of Gaudi.

The Spanish Colonial Empire was one of the largest The traces of this colonial history are ubiquitous in the This portrait is of Thomas, who comes from Chile and
empires in history, given that from the end of the 15th city: the monument paying homage to Christopher left his country to come and live in Barcelona. The
century until the beginning of the 19th century, Spain Columbus, portraits of «great explorers», presence of histories of these two countries have been linked since
controlled an immense overseas territory in the New cotton, chocolate, sculptures in the decorations on 1520 when Magellan set foot on this territory (the first
World (America), in addition to several territories in the facades of buildings... The Casa Amatller, one of European explorer). The Hispanic colonization began
Asia, Africa and Oceania. the attractions of Barcelona, is a building that was a few years later.
built for the chocolate maker Antoni Amatller, which
he wanted as a reference to the architecture of Brus-
sels: a city famous for its chocolate.

The Estació de França is where the nomadic school of European memo-
ry was established.

It has been the scene, throughout history, of great exiles. Jews, gypsies,
republicans fled during the civil war and then the Second World War.

This photo shows this movement which is printed from yesterday to to-
day, and shows the current invisible flows.

This photo tells part of the story of the neighbourhood El Forat de la Vergonya, Jardins del
Pou de la Figuera located in the centre of Barcelona.

Due to the real estate speculation that many European cities are facing, there were plans
to knock down some buildings and build a parking lot. The inhabitants fought to preserve
their neighbourhood, to set up a garden and today they are trying to fight against the
gentrification that is eating away at their territory. Not long ago, a café opened next to the
garden, hiring immigrants in order to offer them a sense of integration into the city. Despite
this, the café is exactly what the inhabitants wanted to avoid for the neighbourhood.

This portrait of a young waiter is surrounded by a map of the city to evoke integration and
his face blends in with the mosaic of the neighbourhood, which cracks his skin and helps to
express the layered ambivalence that this field highlights.

След две невроятно сложни, изтощителни и предизвикателни години на изолация по After two incredibly complex and challenging years in isolation during the pande-
време на пандемията, “Номадската класна стая” се завърна с пълна сила в град София, mic, the «Nomadic Classroom» has returned in full force to the city of Sofia, more
по-очаквана от всякога. anticipated than ever.
Преживяването в четвъртото издание на проекта беше със сигурност по-различно от The experience in the fourth edition of the project was certainly different from the
останалите. Усещаше се леката промяна във всички нас след преживяната изолация, others. One could feel the slight change in us all after the shared experience of
която ни беляза и особено учениците след дългосрочното учене онлайн. Общото между isolation that marked everyone, especially the students, after long-term online lear-
всички нас - екипът, учителите, учениците - беше жаждата за общуване и засиленото ning. What we all had in common - the team, the teachers, the students - was a
усещане за загриженост един към друг. Смятаме, че проектът помогна психологически thirst for communication and a heightened sense of concern for one another. We
и емоционално на всички нас, давайки ни възможност да преоткрием общуването, и believe that the project helped psychologically and emotionally to all of us, giving
то в среда с напълно непознати, да върнем доверието едни в други, да се почувстваме us the opportunity to rediscover communication, and in an environment with com-
част от общност и ни върна мотивацията за стремеж към развитие - личностно и plete strangers, to restore trust in each other, to feel part of a community and give
Sofia was the fourth city step of this European journey. The parti- 150 young people and their accompanying adults partici- обществено/общностно. us back the motivation to strive for development - personally and as a community/
cipants went to discover the districts of Serdika, in the city cen- pated in the project from the following educational institutes public.
Беше интересно да наблюдаваме в съответния момент и среда взаимодействието
ter, where the synagogue commemorates the rescue of the from Secondary School 137 Angel Kanchev, Secondary School между децата и техните връстници. В едната крайност се зараждаха много по-рязко от It was interesting to observe at the appropriate time and environment the interac-
Jewish community and the local resistance to Nazis. The Banya 200 Otets Paisiy, High School 21 Hristo Botev, 119su, Acad. Mi- друг път конфликти, които обаче бързо бяха преодолявани чрез взаимни усилия, най- tion between the children and their peers. At one extreme, conflicts arose much
Bachi Mosque and other main catholic edifices are located in chael Arnaudov, High School 19 Elin Pelin, 67 Secondary School вече от самите тях - чрез комуникация, чрез възможност да се изразят свободно, чрез more sharply than at other times, but they were quickly overcome through mutual
this place, as well as an architectural ensemble of three socia- Vasil Drumev. колективни решения и взаимопомощ. В другата крайност имахме цели групи идващи efforts, especially by themselves - through communication, through the opportunity
list classicism edifices where the former Bulgarian Communist на терен подготвени за срещата с другите, в очакване да работят заедно и отворени to express themselves freely, through collective decisions and mutual assistance. At
за нови приключения и запознанства. Точно в тези моменти много ясно може да се the other extreme, we had entire groups coming into the field prepared to meet
Party had its headquarters. усети “магията” (както често казваме вътрешно в екипа) на The Beit Project и огромните others, eager to work together and open to new adventures and acquaintances.
възможности, които проектът има и дава на своите участници. А именно възможност It is precisely in these moments that one can very clearly feel the «magic» (as we
The urban sessions and video editing workshops took place за развиване на критично мислене, на личностни качества, възможност за отваряне на often say internally in the team) of The Beit Project and the enormous opportunities
in September and October 2022. The Final Presentation took съзнанието за връзка с нови хора и нови светове - от миналото и насоящето, възможност that the project has and gives to its participants. Namely, an opportunity to develop
place at the House of Cinema, on November 6th. за осмисляне на ролята на всеки един от нас в обществото и като наследници на нашия critical thinking, personal qualities, an opportunity to open the consciousness to a
град, помнейки и пазейки общото си минало. relationship with new people and new worlds - from the past and the present, an
opportunity to understand the role of each one of us in the society and as future
Категорично можем да заявим, че “Номадската класна стая” в София официално се heirs of our city, remembering and keeping their common past.
превърна в очаквано събитие. Изграденото доверие с училищата, местните партньори и
институции допринесе за успеха на програмата през 2022 г. и я постави в обществения, We can categorically state that the «Nomadic Classroom» in Sofia has officially
културен събитиен календар. become a regular event. The trust built with schools, local partners and institutions
Горди сме да споделим с всички вас и успеха на целия екип на The Beit Project, който contributed to the success of the program in 2022 and placed it in the public, cultu-
беше награден с две много специални награди през 2022 година: ral event calendar.
Награда “Шофар” за партньорство, връчена на годишните нагаради на ОЕБ Шалом, We are proud to share with you the success of the entire team of The Beit Project,
като признание за общата работата между двете организации от 2016 година насам. who were awarded two very special awards in 2022:
Наградата бе връчена преди стартирането на четвъртото издание и беше добър - The Shofar Award for Partnership, presented at Organization of the Jews in Bulgaria
мотиватор за целия екип. Shalom’s annual awards, in recognition of the joint work between the two organiza-
Награда “Светлина в тунела” в категория образователни програми на годишните tions since 2016. The award was presented before the launch of the fourth edition
награди за “Човек на годината” организирано от Български Хелзинкски комитет, and was a good motivator for the whole team.
чиято мисия е отстояването на правата на най-уязвимите групи: децата, жените, хората - «Light in the Tunnel» award in the category of educational programs at the annual
в неравностойно положение, малцинствата, лишените от свобода. Наградата беше «Person of the Year» awards organized by the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, whose
връчена през декември месец 2022 г., след финала на четвъртото за София издание и mission is to defend the rights of the most vulnerable groups: children, women, di-
беше една страхотна изненада и приятен завършек на една ползотворна година. sadvantaged people, minorities, deprived of freedom. The award was presented
in December 2022, after the final of the fourth edition for Sofia, and was a great
Двете получени награди са показател за успеха на The Beit Project на местно ниво и surprise and a pleasant end to a fruitful year.
са признание за усърдния труд на целия международен екип. Браво на всички нас и си
пожелаваме още много успешни издания и през настоящата година! The two received awards are an indication of the success of The Beit Project at the
local level and a recognition of the hard work of the entire international team. Well
By Nataliya Todorova & Silvia Behar, local coordinators done to all of us and we wish for many more successful editions this year as well!
In front of the building of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, there are always
two guards (who have their own guards) whose change of duty provides a spectacle
for tourists.

I chose to make a portrait of one of them for several reasons. The first reason is that
many participants chose the guards as a «subject» and focused on the symbols they
represented: bravery, security, protection, heritage, etc.

The second reason is that Sofia has a rich and complex history at the crossroads of
different cultures and civilizations. Throughout its history, it has had various guardians,
including those who currently guard the presidency, as well as a 4th century church
housed in a communist-style building. Tsar Samuel, on the other hand, was a military

commander and then a Tsar from 997 to 1014 and is referred to as «The Protector of
When I arrived in Sofia, the project was to be carried
out with students from two different schools and blind
people. Unfortunately, the latter group was not able to
participate, but the team on site still made the young
people aware of this handicap.

Anita is part of the team and is blind. She shared with

the students various aspects of her daily life, such as
how to navigate the city, how to write, and how to
cope with everyday tasks without sight.

In Banya Square, the group attempted to use their

other senses besides sight to experience the city—the
sounds of the passersby, the fountain water, the call
to prayer from the mosque—to better understand and
empathize with the visually impaired or blind.

This photograph captures those moments.

Daniel is a history student living in Sofia who is part of a tour guide agency that provides tours in multiple languages
to educate people about the city’s history through its traces. He passes on a memory to a group of people from
all over the world to better understand his country and culture.

One of the key stops on the tour is «the Triangle of Tolerances,» which encompasses the ancient Serdika complex
where the project takes place and includes several Orthodox churches from different time periods (10th and 14th
centuries), a mosque, and a synagogue. The mosque, built in 1567, is one of the oldest in Europe, and the syna-
gogue, built in 1905, is one of the largest in Europe.

This portrait illustrates the importance of culture and exchange in better understanding urban space.

The icon is a sacred art form for the Church
and is specific to the Orthodox Church as a
symbol of the resurrection. It specifically re-
presents the face of a saint, angel, or Christ
as a symbol of life after death.

Some of the young people involved in this

project chose to work with these representa-
tions to discuss religion and acceptance of

This photo combines the face of a young par-

ticipant in the project with a veil displayed in
a nearby gallery, which is part of an exhibit
about tolerance and discrimination, as well
as a painted photograph from the work of
photographers Lyubomir Sabo and Zuzana
Senashiova, ethnologist Katarina Sabova,
and artists Sara I. Avni and Ivana Mintalova.

This work showcases traditional Slovak values

in a modern and innovative artistic manner.

Καθώς σκέφτομαι την εμπειρία μου ως υπεύθυνη τοπικού συντονισμού του προγράμματος While thinking about the experience of being a local coordinator for Athens’ version
Beit Project στην Αθήνα, μου έρχεται στο νου μία παρομοίωση που μπορεί να περιγράψει τη of The Beit Project, a comparison jumps into my head which might describe the
σημαντική πολυπλοκότητα και την ομορφιά που συνυπάρχουν σε αυτόν τον ρόλο αλλά και meaningful complexity and the beauty that coexist in this role but also in the project
στο ίδιο το έργο. itself.

Το να είναι κάποιος-α τοπικός συντονιστής-στρια του προγράμματος αυτού σημαίνει να Being a local coordinator is a role similar to that of a conductor in an orchestra.
είναι σαν διευθυντής-ντρια ορχήστρας: είναι υπεύθυνος-η να βεβαιωθεί ότι κάθε στιγμή As a local coordinator, one is tasked with ensuring that each element operates in
κάθε όργανο παίζει την παρτιτούρα, οι οργανοπαίκτες-τιες το απολαμβάνουν τη διαδικασία harmony and performs its designated function at all times. This includes overseeing
και όλοι-ες μαζί αισθάνονται καλά ενώ ακολουθούν μια παρτιτούρα και προσπαθούν να the comfort and coordination of individual contributors and guiding their efforts
δημιουργήσουν μια μελωδία για να απολαύσει ο κόσμος. Για να πάμε ακόμα παραπέρα, όπως towards the creation of a harmonious and enjoyable outcome. In essence, a local
και πριν ξεκινήσει οποιαδήποτε παράσταση, χρειαζόμαστε πολλή δουλειά και προετοιμασία coordinator serves as the conductor of the ensemble, leading it towards a melo-
και όπως συμβαίνει στην αίθουσα προβών, υπάρχουν στιγμές ακραίας χαράς, άγχους, dious performance. To go a step further, as before any show begins, we need a lot
Athens was the fifth city step of this European adventure. The
167 young people and their educators participated in the pro- αμφισβήτησης ή στιγμές που τα πράγματα δεν μπορούν να προχωρήσουν ή να πάνε στραβά. of work and preparation and much like in the rehearsal room, there are moments
participants went to discover the district of Thissio close to the
ject from the following educational institutes from 19th Gym- Αυτές είναι οι στιγμές που πρέπει να είμαστε πάντα εφευρετικοί-ές στην εύρεση τρόπων για of extreme joy, stress, questioning or moments when things just cannot move on or
να πραγματοποιήσουμε τα πράγματα, καθώς και να αποδεχτούμε τη γνώση ως μια ζωντανή go wrong . These are the moments when we need to be always inventive in finding
Holocaust Memorial. The site is close to the synagogue in Me-nasium Athens, 2nd Gymnasium of Alimos, Intercultural Gym- διαδικασία διαρκούς εμπειρίας και δοκιμασιών. ways to make things happen as well as to accept that knowledge as a live ongoing
lidoni street where Jews of Athens were trapped and captured naseum - Διαπολιτισμικό Γυμνάσιο Αθηνών Oursoulines institute process of experience and trials.
by the Germans. Nearly 90 percent of Greek Jews were sent to Ουρσουλίνες (ιδιωτικό ) Γυμνάσιο Λύκειο Papastrateios institute, Η εμπειρία μου στο Beit Project άρχισε να γίνεται πραγματικά εκπληκτική όταν ήρθε η ώρα να
concentration camps and exterminated. Paleo Faliro institute 1ο ΓΕΛ Φαλήρου. In addition, hundreds of δημιουργήσω την τοπική ομάδα. Τότε όλα άρχισαν να έχουν νόημα: είναι ένα έργο για τους My experience in the Beit Project started to truly flourish when it was time to create
people were interviewed in the public space by the partici- ανθρώπους και για να μάθουν την συμβίωση. Το να έχεις μια τέτοια καταπληκτική ευκαιρία να the local team. It was at this moment that everything started to make sense: it is a
συντονίσεις και να διευκολύνεις αυτήν την ομάδα συναδέλφων προς έναν σημαντικό στόχο project by, and for, the people and teaches them to live together. Having such an
The urban sessions and video editing workshops took place in pants. όπως η εναγκαλισμός της αφύπνισης στον συμπεριληπτικό τρόπο σκέψης και η αντίσταση amazing opportunity to coordinate and facilitate this team of coworkers towards an
November and December 2022. The Final Presentation took στις διακρίσεις μέσω μιας εναλλακτικής μεθόδου εκπαίδευσης στον δημόσιο χώρο, είναι important goal such as embracing inclusive awareness and resisting discrimination
place at the Serafio Space, on January 17th. απλώς μία εμπειρία-δώρο! Φτιάξαμε την ομάδα κάτω από αυτή τη σκέψη της συμβίωσης through an alternative education method in public space, is in itself a wonderful
και συνεργασίας των εαυτών μας και στη συνέχεια θέλαμε να το εμπνεύσουμε σε σχολεία, experience ! We built the team under the idea of living together as our unique selves
μαθητές και δασκάλους. Η Ομάδα του Διαμεσολαβητή ήταν τόσο πολύ αφοσιωμένη και and then we wanted to pass the message to schools, students and teachers. The
πρόθυμη να μάθει και να αναζητήσει τρόπους για να λειτουργήσει το έργο, να διευκολύνει Facilitator’s Team was so devoted and willing to learn and research ways to make
πραγματικά τη διαδικασία μάθησης των μαθητών-τρι΄ν και μάλιστα μεγάλη χαρά! the project function, to really facilitate the learning process of students and to bring
a smile to their face!
Το έργο Beit ήταν ένα εκπληκτικό ταξίδι με χαμόγελα, άγχος, χαρά, ανακαλύψεις, υποστήριξη,
μοίρασμα, μάθηση και πολλά άλλα συναισθήματα και ιστορίες. Μια θετική ανθρώπινη εμπειρία In summary, The Beit project was an amazing journey of laughter, stress, joy, disco-
της εκ νέου ανακάλυψης της πόλης, της ιστορίας, των ιστοριών στον δημόσιο χώρο. Όλα τα veries, support, sharing, learning and many more feelings and stories. A positive hu-
παραπάνω μαζί με σπουδαίους συνεργάτες και ανθρώπους που επιθυμούν και διεκδικούν μια mane experience of re-discovering the city, the history , the stories in public space.
διαφορετική κοινωνία και ένα διαφορετικό σχολικό σύστημα που χτίζει τη βιωματική μάθηση All the above along with great partners and people who desire and claim a diffe-
και δίνει περισσότερες ευκαιρίες σύνδεσης με το περιβάλλον, τους συμπολίτες και την rent society and a different school system that builds experiential learning and gives
προώθηση της χαράς στη μαθητική διαδικασία! more opportunities to connect with the environment, co-citizens and help promote
joy in the learning process!
Σε αυτό το ταξίδι κρατάω τα μάτια των ανθρώπων, την ίση εμπιστοσύνη στην ομάδα και στα
μέλη της και τις στιγμές συνειδητοποίησης των μαθητών-τριών: «Νιώθω λιγότερο φοβισμένος In this journey I keep the eyes of people, the equal trust shared between the team
να ρωτήσω τους ανθρώπους», «Ποτέ δεν περίμενα ότι θα μπορούσα να κάνω τίποτα, και and its members, students moments of breakthroughs, with realizations such as “” I
σήμερα όχι μόνο δεν έκανα τίποτα, αλλά έκανα τόσα πολλά: έχτισα ένα σπίτι, έφτιαξα feel less scared to ask people”, “ I never expected to be able to do anything, and
ένα βίντεο!», «Ερχόμαστε εδώ για καφέ αλλά ποτέ δεν βλέπουμε, δεν νιώθουμε αυτή την today instead of doing nothing, I did so much: I built a house, I made a video!”, “We
περιοχή», «Μακάρι το σχολείο να ήταν έτσι κάθε μέρα, μαθαίνουμε και διασκεδάζουμε come here for coffee but never actually see and feel this area”, “I wish that school
πολύ». was like that every day, we learn and have so much fun”.
Πιστεύω ότι το έργο κατάφερε να δημιουργήσει την εμπειρία της συμβίωσης, της ανταλλαγής
και της μάθησης. Δημιουργούμε αυτό το έργο μαζί με τους εμψυχωτές-τριες, συνεργάτες, I believe the project succeeds in creating the experience of living together, sharing
καθηγητές-τριες, μαθητές-τριες και περαστικούς ανθρώπους. Σας ευχαριστούμε που and learning. We create this project together with facilitators, partners, teachers,
δοκιμάσατε να καταπολεμήσετε τις διακρίσεις. Σας ευχαριστούμε για την εμπιστοσύνη και students, and passengers. Thank you for fighting discrimination. Thank you for your
την υποστήριξη. Ιδιαίτερες ευχαριστίες στην εξαιρετική υπεύθυνη γενικού συντονισμού trust and support. Special thanks to the generally amazing coordinator Marie Heil-
Marie Heilman για τη συνεχή υποστήριξή και την καθοδήγησή της αλλά και σε όλη την man for her constant support and guidance and all the rest of the Beit Team. The
υπόλοιπη ομάδα του Beit Project. Ένας στόχος, η θέληση, η απόφαση, σε συνδυασμό με combination of a goal, will, decisiveness and good organization, support and trust
καλή οργάνωση, υποστήριξη και εμπιστοσύνη είναι μερικά πραγματικά καλά συστατικά! Ας are the perfect ingredients! Let us all copy and paste this experience many times
αντιγράψουμε και επικολλήσουμε όλοι αυτή την εμπειρία πολλές φορές και ας θυμηθούμε ότι and remember that being courageous in acting supportively, inclusively can make
το να είμαστε θαρραλέοι-ες ώστε να ενεργούμε υποστηρικτικά, χωρίς αποκλεισμούς μπορεί the difference for creating the society we want.
να κάνει τη διαφορά για τη δημιουργία της κοινωνίας που θέλουμε.

By Katerina Kataki, local coordinator

Dimitra is one of the facilitators in Athens.

The teams in each city accompany the reflections of the young people throughout the pro-
ject. The team members have diverse backgrounds including film directors, painters, photo-
graphers, actors, dancers, and social theater workers. These individuals enable the young
people to reflect on the city and the community, allowing them to learn by becoming actors
in their own reflections. They also work on the memory of the places and the current social

For this reason, I chose to use the image of a tree, which is present in all cultures and symbo-
lizes life in constant evolution. It also conveys the idea of planting small seeds of questioning
and knowledge among young people that will help them grow in the society they are crea-

A nod is made to mythology, as it is a recurring symbol in ancient art. This portrait honors the
work of The Beit Project teams.
When I was in Athens, the participants came from a private institute located on the
outskirts of the city and a public institute located in the center of Athens. The latter ins-
titute serves young immigrants who have recently arrived in Athens and some of whom
speak little or no Greek.

This portrait pays homage to the young people who come from Syria, Afghanistan, Chi-
na, and who have gone through challenging experiences. They must now integrate into
a new society.

I chose to mix this portrait with images of abandoned buildings in the city, which are
abundant in Athens. Many old houses are not well-maintained due to the lack of re-
sources of both the owners and the government, and the country’s crisis has only made
things worse. As a result, many Athenians have moved to the outskirts of the city to find
better housing.

The city center is a mixture of trendy cafes for tourists, ancient sites, ruined houses, and
Katerina is one of the local partners of the project in
Athens and a member of an archaeology association.
She welcomed the project and allowed the young
people to set up the nomadic school in her location,
which is situated in the heart of the ancient site of Ke-

When I took her portrait, she explained to me that

«being involved in the future of the young generation
is a given». She makes the connection between her
work and the project by saying that «in archaeology,
it’s always a matter of excavating, peeling back the
layers of the past, and asking questions, making hy-
potheses, and working together to understand the so-
cial stakes of different times. This is similar to what the
young people are doing».

Layers of history that have shaped Athens are supe-

rimposed around her portrait: Ancient Greek, Roman,
Ottoman, Byzantine, neo-classical, and contemporary

«Things are small remnants of individual and collective
history» *. This portrait of an antique dealer represents
the connection between humans and their objects.
Photos, paintings, trinkets tell the social history of hu-
mans and evoke their memories. In ancient times,
objects were used to give meaning to life and death,
and are mentioned in many texts, including Pliny the
Elder’s Natural History.

During World War II, the Nazis took art and possessions
from Jewish families, which was part of a dehumaniza-
tion process that had been in place since the begin-
ning of the war. These «antiques», sold not far from the
Thissio neighborhood, bring to mind the memories of
those who once owned them.

This portrait honors all the stories hidden behind these


* Excerpt from the text of the «Les Choses» exhibition at the

Louvre Museum, Paris, 2022

Coordonarea Proiectului Beit în Timișoara este o onoare. Munca a început cu mult timp The coordination of the Beit Project in Timisoara is an honour. The work has begun
înainte ca orice să fie vizibil în oraș. Construirea unei viziuni, planificarea, colectarea de many months before anything became visible in our city. Imagining, planning, col-
resurse, chemarea de oameni, organizarea și re-organizarea datelor, a locurilor și a ideilor. lecting resources, calling people closer, organising and re-organising dates, places
Comunicarea intensă, mai ales prin „visios” dese, cum îi place lui Marie, coordonatoarea and ideas. Communicating a lot, mostly through frequent “visios”, as Marie, our Eu-
noastră europeană, să le numească. Dar nimic nu mă putea pregăti pentru ceea ce aveam ropean coordinator, likes to call them. But nothing could really prepare me for what
să simt odată ce tinerii ne-au întâlnit pe noi, beiturile, orașul, locuitorii lui și unii pe alții. Mu- I would be feeling once the youth encountered us, the beits, the city, its inhabitants
nca asta oferă atâta satisfacție! and each other. This work is so rewarding!

Să aduni laolaltă o echipă de oameni minunați care conduc cu măiestrie procese de au- To bring together a team of wonderful people who masterfully lead processes of
to-descoperire, de explorare a orașului, de reflecție asupra a ceea ce ne conectează pe noi self-discovery, exploration of the city, reflection on what connects us as Timisoara
ca locuitori ai Timișoarei și ca oameni dincolo de toate granițele. inhabitants and as humans beyond all borders.
Să înveți cu și de la elevi și eleve, în fiecare zi, lecții neprețuite despre ceea ce înseamnă To learn from and with students, every single day, precious lessons about what it
Timișoara was the last city step of this European journey. The 150 youth and their educators participated in the project from Să fii văzut(ă) și auzit(ă), luat(ă) în serios, invitat(ă) să contribui, primit(ă) cu blândețe și cu means to be seen and heard, taken seriously, invited to contribute, welcomed with
respect. kindness and respect.
participants went to discover the districts of Victory Square, in the following educational institutes from Scoala Gimnazială nr
Să descoperi și să-ți depășești propriile prejudecăți. To discover and overcome my own prejudices.
the city center, where Timișoara was proclaimed in 1989 the 27 Timișoara, Scoala Gimnaziala nr 1 Timișoara, Scoala Gimna- Să vezi cum se luminează ochii oamenilor atunci când li se oferă oportunitatea să înțeleagă To see how people’s eyes light up when they are given the opportunity to unders-
first city free of communism in Romania, the starting point of a ziala Rudolf Walther, Liceul Teoretic William Shakespeare, Liceul că ei chiar contează. tand that they matter.
revolution which liberated the country from the dictatorship of Tehnologic de Vest. Să te simți conectat(ă) cu oameni din Europa pe care nu i-ai cunoscut și nici nu-i vei cu- To feel connected with people in Europe you have never met and never will, just by
Nicolae Ceaușescu. noaște, doar prin atingerea acelorași obiecte sau prin așezarea în aceleași beituri, și să-ți touching the same objects or by sitting in the same beits, and to realize that this is
dai seama că și acest lucru constituie dimensiunea europeană a proiectului. also the European dimension of the project.
Să știi că cineva a fost aici înaintea ta și că altcineva va fi aici după tine, să te simți conec- To know that someone has been here before you and someone else will be here
The urban sessions and video editing workshops took place in tat(ă) cu trecutul, prezentul și viitorul. after you, to feel connected with past, present and future.
January and February 2023. The Final Presentation took place Toate acestea și multe altele construiesc experiența „Școlii nomade a memoriei europene” All these and much more are constructing the «Nomadic school of European Re-
at the Cinema Victoria, on February 26th. pentru mine. membrance» experience for me.

Data viitoare când ieșiți afară, în orașul vostru, vă încurajez pe fiecare să priviți în sus și în Next time you go outdoors in your city, I encourage each and every one of you to
jur și să încercați să vă conectați cu acest sentiment imens că aparțineți acestei lumi, iar look up and look around, and try to connect with this huge feeling that you belong
apoi să vă conectați cu sentimentul imens că noi toți aparținem acestei lumi. to this world, and then connect with the huge feeling that we all do.

By Oana Bajka, local coordinator

Anna works as a facilitator and is also an actress and
theater manager.

In her words, the most important thing for her is to make

the invisible visible.

This portrait, merged with fingerprints, was inspired by

her words. The fingerprints were created by visitors to
Belu-Simion Fainaru’s exhibition «The Void of Silence,»
which dealt with the theme of absence.

The other image is a map of the city, which has the

shape of an eye. Timisoara, a significant cultural city,
offers a variety of shows, exhibitions, and concerts.

This image also honors the diversity of cultures.

When I met Marius, a facilitator who works in theater
and culture and is also a helicopter pilot, we talked
about the importance of movement.

This image highlights that idea with a view of the city

from the sky and circular elements related to the city’s
geography, reminding us of the interconnected cogs.

Iunia is a facilitator.
When we met, she talked about what
touched her most about this project:
witnessing the moment when young
people realize that they have the
power to shape their future and the
future of their city. Iunia is also passio-
nate about women’s causes.

This photograph combines three

images: Iunia’s portrait, a photograph
of the 1989 Revolution that overthrew
the communist power, and the cloak
of a sculpture in Union Square, called
«Supermam,» which honors mothers
and women.

This photograph is a tribute to light both literally and fi- Oana is a partner in the European project and the The filaments between the lights symbolize the
guratively. Timisoara was the first European city to elec- coordinator in Timisoara. Like all teams in the 6 partner connections created by the project: the meetings
trify its streets in 1760. cities of the project, she works to bring light to young between young people, teams, urban spaces, and
people, to shed light on certain points in history, and to links between the six European cities.
awaken them to the society of today and tomorrow.


THE BEIT PROJECT : David Stoleru, Marie Heileman, Océane Laboudie, Virginie Manuel, Haider Cano, Lucy Winkelmann

MAVPACA : Julie Danilo

Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles : Benjamin Van Cutsem, Tania Kusikumbaku, Samera Rghioui

Mémorial Democratic : Gemma Simon Muntane and Vicenç Villatoro

SHALOM, the Organization of the Jews in Bulgaria : Alek Oscar, Julia Dandolova and Anna Mezan

Motus Terrae : Spyros Andreopoulos

Institutul Intercultural Timișoara : Oana Bajka

Local team : Chloé Ettori, Nina Chastel, Florine Cruel, Lorena Puerta Hernan- Local team : Camille Vercruysse, Paul-Emile Baudour, Elise François, Quentin
dez, Esra Alaca, Mathias Ben Achour, Valentina Viettro, Hara Kaminara Huez, Chrisanthi Kasimat, Manon Charlou, Mederic Mondet, Rinant Bergel,
Louise Hansenne, Arthur Bourguignon, Loïc Rey
Educators : Emmanuelle Motte, Emmanuel Moreau, Olga Riverode, Debo-
rah Mortali Sabrina, Karima Akacha, Nada Ben Salem, Salsa Amiar, Vincent Educators : Mister Kerroum, Julie Stevens, Manuel Vantyghem, Veronique Gar-
Hedde, Denis, Agnes Guelle, Fadila Mouisette, Jenny May Ablard, Nadine retta, Alice Kazantzidis, Rossano Rosi, Martin Pirotte, Christian Michel, Delphine
Lario Dubois, Valérie Lega, Mrs Snaps

Local partners : MAVPACA, Maison de Provence de Jeunesse et des Sports, Local partners : Halles Saint-Géry, Bibliothèque Bruegel, Bruxelles ville, Muyira
Département des Bouches-du-Rhône, Ville de Marseille, Ville de Marseille, art et mémoire, le cinéma Palace
Mémorial des déportations, Musée d’Histoire de Marseille, Maison départe-
mentale de lutte contre les discriminations Financial partners : European Union, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Fondation
Rothschild, SNCF
Financial partners : European Union, Fondation Rothschild, DILCRAH Région
sud, DPMA, Ville de Marseille, SNCF


Local team : Alessia Cominato, Consuelo Santillán Costantini, Daniela Lon- Local team : Natalia Todorova, Silvia Behar, Stela Hristova - Sachi, Ina Balli, Iren
gobardi, Emmanuela Bove, Laura Casassas Coromina, Hajar Fawzi Minoun, Levi, Ivelina Panicharova, Gergana Ivanova, Ivaylo Evtimov, Anita Nakova,
Vanessa Roca Forné, Denisse Dahuabe, Vanessa Roca Forné, Marta Ponti Victor Troyanov,

Educators : Joan Carles Berrocal, Núria Viladepla, Sergi López, Elisenda Educators : Maya Kochiyasheva, Valentin Hristov, Victoria Yankova, Irina Fili-
Balcells, Dan Guillamón, Roger Guerrero, Pablo Moro, Maria José Guzmán pova, Angelina Atanasova-PetrovaEvgenia Gergova, Neli Petrova
Roa, Fatima Woodward, Gemma Ventura Mustiens
Local partners : SHALOM the Organization of the Jews in Bulgaria, Regional
Local partners : Memorial Democràtic, Adif Estación Abierta, Centre Cívic History Museum Sofia, House of cinema
Barceloneta ,Associació Joves Gitanos de Gràcia, Consorci d’educació de
Barcelona Financial partners : European Union, Fondation Rothschild, Municipality of
Sofia, SNCF
Financial partners : European Union, Fondation Rothschild, SNCF



Local team : Katerina Kataki, Penny Eleftheriadou, Vasilis Klisiaris, Stelios Gavrii- Local team : Oana Bajka, Corina Raceanu, Timea Ciora, Adrian Jivan, Marius
lidis, Dimitra Dermitzaki, Ira Spagadorou, Eleni Papaioannou, Lupoian, Iunia Pașca, Oana Suvăială, Ana-Maria Ursu, Edina Meca,

Educators : Gerasimos Georgatos, Κατσαραγάκης Ιωσήφ, Μητσάκη Αγγελική, Educators : Leucuța Rafael Bogdan, Marius Cimpoae, Angela Sandu, Crina
Διευθύντρια: Δάφνη Γαβρίλη, Λυράκη Μαρία, Ελένη Κάργατζη, Φωτεινή Μαρκάκη, Fibișan, Alina Păuna, Mihaela Luminita Kiss, Anca Radu Basarab, Adina Nasta,
Σεβαστή Μαύρου, Ευτυχία Κάβουρα, Διονύσης Τζώρος & Γεώργιος Δαμίγος, Natalia Ocneanu, Ana-Maria Bublyak, Marian Alin Liuba, Janeta Iuga, Clau-
Μπιτάκου Μαρία diu Crepcea, Adina Muntean, Mariana Lengher, Georgeta Horelu, Bianca
Similie, Matei Bobi Ionuț
Local partners : Motus Terrae, Association of Greek Archaelogists, Serafeio
Athletic & Community Complex, The Jewish community of Athens Local partners : Intercultural institututul Timișoara, Centrul de Proiecte Ti-
mișoara, De-a Arhitectura, Cinema de Victoria, Facultatea de Arte și Design,
Financial partners : European Union, Fondation Rothschild, SNCF Universitatea de Vest, Finanta de Municipiul Timisoara prin Centrul de Projecte

Financial partners : European Union, Fondation Rothschild, SNCF

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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