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Carlos, Mia Audrey E.



COVID 19: a
Carlos, Mia Audrey E. BIG HISTORY ed-101

Carlos, Mia Audrey E. BIG HISTORY ed-101


2 N D Y E A R C O L L E G E 1 S T Y E A R C O L L E G E

Carlos, Mia Audrey E. BIG HISTORY ed-101


1 S T Y E A R C O L L E G E 1 S T Y E A R C O L L E G E

Carlos, Mia Audrey E. BIG HISTORY ed-101


1 S T Y E A R C O L L E G E 1 S T Y E A R C O L L E G E

Carlos, Mia Audrey E. BIG HISTORY ed-101


1 S T Y E A R C O L L E G E 1 S T Y E A R C O L L E G E

Carlos, Mia Audrey E. BIG HISTORY ed-101


G R A D E 1 2 G R A D E 1 0

Carlos, Mia Audrey E. BIG HISTORY ed-101


2 N D Y E A R C O L L E G E 2 N D Y E A R C O L L E G E

Carlos, Mia Audrey E. BIG HISTORY ed-101


2 N D Y E A R C O L L E G E 1 S T Y E A R C O L L E G E

Carlos, Mia Audrey E. BIG HISTORY ed-101


2 N D Y E A R C O L L E G E

Carlos, Mia Audrey E. BIG HISTORY ed-101

Summary of their Responses

According to their comments, they learned a lot during this

pandemic. They learned to adapt and be appreciative in any
situation as a result of the pandemic. They learned to value the
people in their lives. They learned to treasure the time they spent
with their loved ones. They also learned to be self-sufficient at times.
One of them stated that one of the lessons they learned from the
pandemic was to take time for themselves in order to figure out
what they wanted to do with their lives. Because they don't know how
long they'll be here, they've learned to focus on themselves rather
than on other people's problems. You are free to express yourself
and do whatever you want as long as no one is hurt. Because
selfishness has no place in a moment of crisis, this pandemic taught
us to be grateful for everything we have and, if possible, to share it
with others. They also stated that they initially felt the pandemic was
boring because they would be unable to enjoy their teenage years by
going out. However, as time passed, they found that it wasn't at all
boring. It's truly the best thing in the world to be around their family,
sharing emotions and laughing with them. They realized that "family
always comes first," and they learned to value money, health, and
education since they realized how fortunate they are to be among
the students who can continue their education despite the pandemic.
They also expressed gratitude for the fact that their families are
safe, allowing them to spend quality time with them even while they
are inside the house. Another response that caught my attention was
that they have become more fearful, full of what-ifs since the Covid-
19 began, but that praying to God gives them hope and helps them
to be stronger. Their connection to God grew stronger. Another
response was how they feel about our government because of a lack
of planning and help, especially for the poor, but the one that got
my attention was that they became more faithful to God, knowing
that he would never abandon us and would provide for us.
Carlos, Mia Audrey E. BIG HISTORY ed-101


This pandemic taught me the value of family because, prior to the

pandemic, many people did not spend quality time with their family or
relatives and when COVID19 did strike, they all stayed at home and spent
time together. It also taught me the value of health because if we do not
take care of ourselves, no one else will, and the pandemic will easily take
our lives. It is essential to value education because not everyone can
attend school, even if through online programs, and because money is
essential for survival. The changes that happened to me while I attended
school but through online classes, which made me feel like I was always a
slow learner, I wasn't able to sleep early due to my anxiousness, I couldn't
meet up with my friends, and I couldn't go to the places that I wanted to
go. Furthermore, I can conclude that I am close to myself since the
pandemic has helped me discover what I truly desire, and I enjoy taking
care of myself so that I am ready to face the new normal. As a result of
the changes in my family, we have been able to strengthen our bonds by
being more open to each other's difficulties and praying together for
answers to our problems. In addition, I became aware of the type of
government we had. Even though we are facing a pandemic, they are not
focused on it and are wasting the Filipino people's money on other things
rather than paying high salaries to all front-line workers and providing
financial assistance to all those afflicted, particularly the poor and middle-
class. This pandemic, I believe, is meant to remind us that we must protect
our environment because it helps both humans and animals. We must not
abuse it for future generations to gain from it as well. From the first to the
fourth threshold in relation to the Big History subjects, I learned that
everything here on our Earth can affect our lives in seconds in a minute,
and it can add or remove living or non-living things here. It should always
be in the center, not too hot or too cold, high or low, and so on. For
example, when the Big Bang Theory was first proposed, it appeared to be
a mess but, through many procedures, it evolved into a magnificent theory
that led to the formation of our Solar System. I believe that after this
pandemic, a new beginning will arise, providing us with more reasons to
fight for our lives and live peacefully. And as an Angelite, the only thing I
can do to combat this pandemic is to follow our government's rules and
regulations while also praying for better days, and sooner or later, the
entire planet will be COVID FREE.

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