Flagellates Reviewer

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Matching type:

1. Giardia (d) a. Pyriform shaped

2. Hexamita meleagridis (f) b. Rodents
3. Octomitus intestinalis (b) c. Pigeon
4. Canker (c) d. Oval shaped
5. Giardia ardeae (g) e. Raptors
6. Hexamita (a) f. Turkeys and game birds
7. Frounce (e) g. Herons

True or False:

8. Under the microscope, hexamita sp. is distinct because it possesses “monkey face” (F)
9. Giardia’s replication is through binary fission. (F)
10. Transmission of Tritrichomonas foetus is through copulation or natural service. (T)
11. Giardia causes “Beavers fever”. (T)
12. Tritrichomonas foetus causes “Canker” in pigeons. (F)
13. Transmission of Tripchomonas gallinae is through direct oral transmission. (T)
14. Trichomoniasis have cyst form. (F)

1. An infectious catarrhal enteritis of birds.
Answer: Hexamitosis
2. This species affects the reproductive health of cattle.
Answer: Tritrichomonas foetus
3. This species is characterized as an infection of the crop in birds.
Answer: Trichomonas gallinae
4. The diseased caused by Trichomonas gallinarum and/or Tetratrichomonas gallinarum.
Answer: Granuloma disease
5. The number of flagella possessed by Giardia and Hexamita
Answer: 4 pairs
6. What animal is the definitive host of Hexamitiasis that causes “Hole in head disease”?
Answer: fish

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