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First of all, let us send tons of prayer and praise to God/Allah SWT as our guide who has been giving
us happiness, health and blessing, so all of us can attend and gather in this event without any

Secondly, may praise and salutation upon the best figure of this universe, our prophet Muhammad
SAW as the last messenger who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. We hope all of you
still passionate to continue this event.

On this occasion, allow us to open this event by reciting bismillah also pray to Allah SWT to make this
event pleasant and satisfied.

The distinguished delegates, as for today, we will proceed our agenda to the next committee
sessions. In order for that, this session will be guided by our honourable chair, Mr. Fatturrahman and
Mr. Fathie Hamadi as our co-chair. Please, the time and place are yours.

Leadis and gentleman,

Now we would like to announce the awards,we have 3 categories here, the fist one is best delegates,
honourable mentions, and best position paper.

For the Best delegates, goes to the delegates of ……………………………..

we would like to invite the delegate of ………………… to join us to the stage


The next award which is The hounourable mention

goes to the delegates of………………………………….


we would like to invite the best position paper award,.... -CONGRATULATION THE DELEGATE

We are so proud and cheerful to all of you the awardees, also we would like to send tons of luck to
others participant, because without you all we couldn't make to this end of event.

Leadis and gentleman

Finnally we come to the end of our event, With all due respect, we deeply apologize for any kind of
mistakes during this today's conference. Hopefully, this event can give you a massive development
on your diplomacy skill and add more knowledges. Thank you very much for all of your attention, the
last we say.

Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb

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