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Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637


Exergoeconomic and Environmental Analysis of a Palm Oil Biorefinery

for the Production of Bio‑Jet Fuel
Alisson Aparecido Vitoriano Julio1   · Eric Alberto Ocampo Batlle2 · Christian Jeremi Coronado Rodriguez3 ·
José Carlos Escobar Palacio1

Received: 24 August 2020 / Accepted: 19 February 2021 / Published online: 5 March 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2021

The production of biofuel from biomass is a viable option, due to the availability of biomass and its renewable character.
This work aims to explore the production of bio-jet fuel via different routes in the context of a biorefinery in which the pro-
duction of the bio-jet fuel is integrated with a palm oil mill and a transesterification plant for the production of biodiesel. In
addition to handling the extraction and transesterification phases, the system has also a second-generation ethanol plant and
facilities for the production of bio-jet fuel via HEFA and ATJ. The biorefinery has a cogeneration plant that is responsible
for supplying all the processes with thermal and electric energy. The system is evaluated using the first and second laws of
thermodynamics, and is shown to have efficiencies of 37% and 55%, respectively. An exergoeconomic and economic analysis
is also carried out in this study. The thermodynamic analysis highlights the immature character of the bio-jet fuel produc-
tion chain, due to the irreversibilities, in the HEFA scenario, 47 MW, and in the for the combination of 2G-ethanol and ATJ
plants, 82 MW. In the ATJ process, the highest thermoeconomic costs were found for the biofuels. However, although the
surplus of electricity produced had a higher cost than for any other product, at 65.53 US$/MWh, this was within the margins
of market competitiveness in Brazil. The economic analysis showed that the project was not attractive due to the high initial
investment required. From an environmental standpoint, the production of bio-jet fuel is an alternative that can mitigate the
effects of global warming compared to fossil jet fuel, with reductions in emissions of 84.7% and 72.8% for HEFA and ATJ
bio-jet fuels, respectively. In summary, it is shown that although diversification of the biorefinery’s products can contribute
to the finances of the plant, the production chains are not fully prepared, and the processes of bio-jet acquisition has low
production yields and a high level of irreversibility.
Graphic Abstract

Extended author information available on the last page of the article


5612 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637

Keywords  Palm oil · Bio-jet fuels · Biorefinery · Exergoeconomic · Life cycle analysis

Abbreviations Statement of Novelty

ANEEL Brazilian National Agency of Electric
Energy Evaluating the production of renewable jet fuel integrated to
ANP Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, a palm oil mill and a biodiesel plant, as a biorefinery, con-
Natural Gas and Biofuels tributes to the diversification of feedstock for energy matters
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials in Brazil. In addition, contributes with the decision making,
ATAG​ Air transport action group regarding how to explore the potential of palm biomass, by
ATJ Alcohol-to-jet means of a complete thermodynamic, economic and envi-
BJF Bio-jet fuel ronmental evaluation of the biorefinery.
CEPCI Chemical engineering plant cost index
CPKO Crude palm kernel oil
CPO Crude palm oil
E2G Second generation ethanol Introduction
EFB Empty fruit bunches
EPE Brazilian Energy Research Company Due to humanity’s influence on nature, the effects of global
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the warming have been becoming stronger every year, especially
United Nations over the last six decades. Climate change has been intensi-
FFB Fresh fruit bunches fied by increased emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)
GHG Greenhouse gases arising from the strong dependence of the energy industry
HEFA Hydroprocessing of esters and fatty acids on fossil fuels. Moreover, the growth and development of
IATA​ International Air Transport Association modern society, in terms of economics, is directly associated
LCA Life cycle analysis with the industrialisation, urbanisation, and development of
LCI Life cycle inventory the means of transport and its infrastructure. In view of this,
MF Mesocarp fibres it is clear that the model of development for modern soci-
PKS Palm kernel shells ety will contribute to increases in energy consumption on a
POM Palm oil mill yearly basis.
R&T Refining and transesterification Data provided by the IEA show that the global supply
SPK Synthetic paraffinic kerosene and consumption of energy have increased since 1971. GHG
UBRABIO Brazilian Union for Biodiesel and emissions have also grown proportionately, since 79.7% of
Biokerosene the energy supplied to the world is derived from fossil fuels
Symbols [1]. Renewable sources of energy have been identified as an
α Cost balance factor alternative in order to mitigate the effects of climate change,
CF Cash flow and biomass has been named the most promising renew-
Ḃd Energy destroyed able resource to replace fossil fuels in terms of demand and
Ep Surplus electricity produced applications. Hence, biomass and biorefineries are expected
ES Surplus electricity index to develop on a mutual basis to meet the rising market for
H Annual working hours energy [2, 3].
ηglobal Global energetic efficiency Biorefineries are important tools in the research, devel-
ηexe Exergetic efficiency opment, and innovation agenda of every developed and
I Total investment emerging country with a commitment to environmental
LHV Lower heating value missions and goals in terms of mitigating the effects of
n Plant lifetime climate change. However, the use of biorefining requires
N Annual working hours trustworthy information on feedstock processing, in order
NPV Net present value to provide products with environmental benefits that are
O&MF Fixed costs of operation and maintenance also financially attractive. To achieve this on a commer-
O&MV Variable costs of operation and maintenance cial scale, the challenges are numerous; among the many
Pb Payback period technical bottlenecks, the most important is the cost of pro-
Z Hourly cost rate duction, although the efficiency of land use, supply chains
and storage also need to be improved. Another barrier to
the development of the biorefining market is competition

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637 5613

with other forms of industry in terms of feedstock, such as on yielding oil crop production, than soybean. The cultiva-
the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, and mainly the tion of palm oil also has environmental advantages such as
food industry [4]. Biorefineries allow for better exploitation carbon sequestration and the restoration of degraded areas
of the versatility of biomass, and can be classified based of tropical forest [13, 14].
on the type of resource that is processed. First-generation In this study, the different feedstocks and processes
biorefineries were used to process vegetable oils, sugar cane, required to obtain bio-jet fuels (BJFs) from palm oil are eval-
cornstarch, and other types of feedstock that are also used in uated using thermodynamic and thermoeconomic analyses.
the food industry. One convenient possibility is to integrate In addition, the financial situation with regard to the produc-
the concept of biorefining into existing complexes; in this tion of this plant is studied and the environmental behav-
way, residues could be processed into valuable assets, such iour of the biorefinery complex is analysed. GateCycle®
as biofuels and chemicals, and the energy efficiency could software is used to model the mass and energy balances of
be improved. It should be highlighted that this could be an the refinery, and to carry out a life cycle analysis (LCA), we
advantageous strategy in terms of the economic and envi- used IMPACT 2002+ from SimaPro®. The main contribu-
ronmental aspects [5, 6]. tion and novelty of the present work is therefore a complete
In the era of biorefining, since there is a need to explore thermodynamic, economic and environmental evaluation
alternative, more environmental friendly resources, biomass of a biorefinery that exploits an emergent feedstock in the
is likely to play a significant role as a source of renewable Brazilian context.
energy. Composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen
and minerals, biomass is a versatile feedstock in terms of
its energetic aspects. This means that it can be processed General Overview
in a wide range of scenarios, and with different technolo-
gies, such via thermochemical, chemical, biological and Biodiesel and Biorefinery Opportunities in Brazil
biochemical routes of conversion [7, 8]. Biomass is also a
resource for which the ­CO2 released through combustion and In addition to the production of palm oil, palm fruits yield
utilisation will not lead to an increase in atmospheric carbon a considerable and valuable amount of lignocellulosic bio-
dioxide, if the feedstock is from biogenic origins. This type mass after oil extraction. However, only a small part of this
of feedstock is therefore treated as hugely important by the biomass is currently being exploited or has applications in
energy industry, in the search for sustainable development Brazil. The use of this residual palm biomass by a biorefin-
and mitigation of climate change [9]. ery for biofuel production could therefore contribute to the
In the context of exploring the use of biomass in biorefin- energy sector, allowing it to become more environmentally
ery complexes, Brazil is an interesting country, due both to friendly and increasing the contribution of biomass to the
the large-scale production of biomass and a long history of national energy matrix. This offers an opportunity to develop
the use of biofuels and renewable sources of energy, such as the palm oil market in Brazil, and to meet the goal set by the
wind power and hydroelectric stations. The Brazilian gov- Biodiesel Agenda of 15% of nationwide biodiesel production
ernment began to incentivise the use of biofuels through from renewable feedstock that is not based on animal fat or
national policies in 1975 with PROALCOOL, a federal pro- soybean oil. In addition, it would promote higher revenues,
gram that promoted the use of sugarcane to produce ethanol new businesses, sustainability, efficiency and competitive-
and the development of flex-fuel technology. In 2003, the ness with conventional fossil fuels [14–16].
federal government launched the PNPB (National Program Brazil has the potential to consume over 400,000 tons of
for the Production and Use of Biodiesel), which incentivised palm oil per year. However, it still is dependent on imports
the existing agricultural industry to provide feedstock for for this palm oil. A report from Abrapalma states that palm
biodiesel production. The program also introduced biodiesel production could reach a yield of 19.4 tons of fresh fruit
to the Brazilian market through the action of nationwide bunches (FFBs) per hectare of plantation [13]. In 2018,
laws [10, 11]. Brazil registered 236,000 hectares of planted area that were
However, the strong dependence that this created on sug- reserved for palm cultivation with the Ministry of Livestock,
arcane and soybeans for ethanol and biodiesel production Agriculture, and Supplements [17]. However, the FAO
was not positive for Brazil’s markets, since both of these reports different data for the same year, and states that 1.56
are food crops and soybeans have a low oil/crop production million tons of FFB was produced in Brazil, over an area of
ratio [12]. In addition, the biodiesel supply chain requires 109,044 hectares. This means that the Brazilian yield was
a more reliable feedstock in terms of availability, cost of 14.35 t ­ha−1, and there is therefore a great deal of room for
acquisition, and logistics. One oilseed that has been widely improvement; 127,000 hectares of land have been neglected,
studied and reported to be a good alternative is palm oil; this an area high enough to provide feedstock to a palm oil mill
is a perennial seed with production higher up to 10 times, (POM) with a capacity of 250 t ­h−1 [18].


5614 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637

If biorefineries explore the production of biofuels from uses direct financing for research and development and tax
biomass, there is the possibility of a growth business model subsidies to promote sustainability and to reach short-term
based on aviation biofuels or BJFs. However, the transport commitments, such as a total of 15% biodiesel in the com-
sector as a whole presents a problem in terms of a transi- mercialised mixture by 2023 [25].
tion to a more environmental friendly economy, since the Conventional aircraft fuels are produced from crude oil
nature of air pollutants poses huge risks to people, especially and have specific properties that are controlled by interna-
in developing countries; for example, Brazilian road traffic tional standards draw up by the ASTM. The ASTM also is
has been more harmful to air quality than the thermoelectri- responsible for the standardisation of renewable jet fuels.
cal plants operating in the country [19]. Furthermore, the For direct use, renewable fuels should be blended with jet
production of biofuels must be treated as a priority across fuels in ratios of between 10 and 50%, depending on the
the entire transportation section, including the air, land and production route chosen. Currently, four processes are stand-
water transportation of cargo and people, in order to improve ardised for BJF production: the hydroprocessing of esters
sustainability, the economy and climate change mitigation. and fatty acids (HEFA), Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, alcohol-
This can be achieved by widening the range of engineering to-jet (ATJ), and the synthesis of isoparaffins [26]. In addi-
techniques, exploring different paths to biofuels and optimis- tion to all the restrictions and economic issues, lower GHG
ing existing routes, as shown by Panahi et al. [20]. emissions and concerns over the finite character of fossil
It is known that between 2 and 3% of all C ­ O2 emissions sources should be reasons to consider the production of BJFs
worldwide are due to the combustion of jet fuel, meaning [27]. However, many studies have reported a lack of political
that the use of biofuels could reduce this carbon footprint incentive mechanisms [28, 29].
[1]. BJFs are also known as synthetic paraffinic kerosenes In Brazil, the EPE (an energy research company) has
(SPKs), which are hydrocarbons with properties close to highlighted that the production of renewable jet fuel has
those conventional jet fuels; in some cases, these proper- great potential for the country, and has identified several
ties may even be improved, such as better cloud points. The advantages such as drop-in quality, decentralised offers of
combustion of renewable jet fuels emits less C ­ O2 and S­ O x, fuel for the whole country, and cost reductions in terms of
since renewable fuel has a lower amount of sulphur in its logistics. However, the ANAC (the National Agency of
composition. The main barrier to the marketing of BJFs is Civil Aviation) has stated that policies encouraging the use
the high cost of production, which arises due to difficulties of renewable jet fuel and government interventions are lack-
in scaling up plants, competition with fossil fuel prices, and ing, and are needed in order to reach the current goals for
competition for feedstock purchase [21]. market inclusion [30].
In addition to uncertainties in the supply chain of feed-
stock to production, the costs of manufacture of BJFs have
risen and revenues have dropped; nevertheless, in a biore- Recent Studies and Approaches Evaluating
finery that uses a large spectrum of products, it is possible Biorefineries and the Production of Bio‑Jet Fuels
to minimise these financial obstacles. To ensure a viable
market for biofuel for aviation, airports, airline companies, Klein et al. [26] carried out technical–economic and envi-
aircraft manufacturers, biofuel companies, distribution com- ronmental analyses of self-sufficient biorefineries in Brazil
panies must work in harmony, and public regulation will be that produce BJF through HEFA, ATJ and Fischer–Tropsch
a valuable form of support, for example government poli- synthesis to meet a proportion of the Brazilian demand for
cies on the introduction of biodiesel to the energy matrix aircraft fuel. In their study, fuel from Fischer–Tropsch syn-
[22, 23]. thesis gave better economic performance, while HEFA fuel
In this context, the newest Brazilian policy on biofuels had higher conversion ratios and efficiency, and all of the
was conceived. RenovaBio has the goal of building strat- refineries had certain environmental advantages, including
egies for valorising biofuels by means of decarbonisation a reduction of at least 70% in ­CO2 emissions.
credits, which will be commercialised with the main goal Alves et al. [22] evaluated the use of different feedstocks
of diversifying the range of biofuels that are processed in for the co-production of BJF and chemicals in biorefineries
Brazil and introducing novel technologies, such as those for located in Brazilian territories. For the production of bio-jet
the production of fuels with drop-in quality. The program fuel, the HEFA and ATJ routes gave the most promising
also aims to provide energy security, and mitigation of GHG results, and the production of succinic acid and lactic acid
emissions of the existing biofuels has been commercialised were the most promising chemical processes studied due
with the goal of meeting the commitments of the Paris Cli- to the high market value of these products. However, the
mate Agreement in 2015 [24]. The Rota 2030 programme is authors highlighted that these scenarios had high levels of
another federal policy that aims to develop the entire chain uncertainty and even higher financial risks, due to the level
of the transport sector to include biofuels. This programme of development of each technology.

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637 5615

In the face of the financial difficulties identified by studies contributions to exergy loss and environmental impact.
on BJFs, the IEA has reported that at this level of develop- The authors also proposed exploiting the byproducts of
ment, government subsidies will be necessary in order to the plant in order to enhance sustainability, such as turn-
conduct a stable transition to a low-carbon economy. The ing vinasse into biogas or syngas as a substitute for natural
agency also suggested that governments should be respon- gas.
sible for the financing of research, the creation of infrastruc- Aghbashlo et al. [8] carried out a detailed exergy analysis
ture and international collaboration [1]. The International in order to evaluate a biorefinery synthesising gypsum-free
Air Transport Association (IATA) has also stated that gov- lactic acid with the co-production of electricity from sugar-
ernment action to guarantee a low-carbon economy in avia- cane bagasse and brown leaves, in a plant annexed to a sug-
tion should include engagement in public–private partner- arcane mill; the aim was to maximise the products derived
ships, affirmative policies on the production and distribution from residual biomass, but also to mitigate the waste streams
of renewable fuels, research financing, and the adoption of generated, with the purpose of identifying the environmen-
unique international standards for global networking [31]. tally friendly aspects and the economical viability of multi-
Based on this discussion, the present work aims to study product lignocellulosic biorefineries. This exergy evaluation
the application of a biorefinery integrated into a POM in was able to pinpoint likely approaches to thermodynamic
Brazil. This biorefinery will produce biodiesel via the trans- improvement, since 47% of all exergy input was destroyed,
esterification of palm oil, which is already being produced and led the authors to conclude that the importance of this
from palm feedstock in Brazil, and will then integrate this analysis was that it highlighted the locations and quantified
production with BJF plants via the HEFA and ATJ routes. the resource destruction associated with biorefinery systems,
These plants, which are integrated into a co-generation sys- both in this particular case and generally. Furthermore, the
tem that can provide the energy for the necessary processes, authors suggested that future work would include corrobo-
would contribute to the development of aviation biofuels rating the eco-friendly and cost-effective goals of a lignocel-
in Brazil, boost the production of biodiesel from palm, and lulosic biorefinery, in order to systematically improve the
expand the use of residual palm oil biomass as an energetic thermodynamic, economic, and environmental performance
feedstock for the country, which could relieve the burden on of the system based on their exergoeconomic and exergoen-
soybean and sugarcane. vironmental analysis.
The biorefinery is evaluated using the first and second Again in the sugarcane industry, Soltanian et al. [33] car-
laws of thermodynamics, and the thermoeconomic con- ried out an exergoeconomic evaluation of lactic acid and
cepts of costs, economics, and environmental methodolo- power production in a biorefinery. The authors concluded
gies. This study aims to contribute to decision making and that the biorefinery could produce lactic acid and generate
business modelling for bioenergy in Brazil, and especially electricity and steam at a competitive cost compared with
with respect to aviation biofuels. The thermoeconomic biomass-based combined heat and power plants. A discus-
approach, which is based on an exergoeconomic assessment, sion was presented of the accumulation of costs in the steam
will contribute to a deeper understanding of the formation generation unit, which led to a consensus on the necessity
of costs for each product, and allow us to identify avenues of concentrating resources and efforts to improve both the
for improvement. steam generator and the lactic acid synthesis unit. Over-
In their work, Amid et al. [32] carried out exergy, exer- all, this research showed that the exergoeconomic method
goeconomic and exergoenvironmental evaluations of the can pave the way for the actual design and development of
production of ethanol on an industrial scale from sugar resource-efficient and cost-effective biorefineries in the sug-
molasses, a second-generation feedstock. Inspired by the arcane industry.
actual conditions in a Iranian ethanol plant, the data col- Aghbashlo et al. [34] stated that exergoeconomics were a
lected fulfilled the data requirements for exergy balance valuable source of insight concerning the technical and eco-
with molasses and energy as input, and ethanol, vinasse nomic aspects of energy systems, and could provide infor-
and ­CO2 as output. An approach based on Specific Exergy mation that could not be otherwise obtained through either
Costing theory was chosen to explore the exergoeconom- exergy analysis or economic accounting. This approach
ics, and the IMPACT 2002+ method was used to carry out was developed by the authors for a detailed evaluation of a
an environmental evaluation with an exergoenvironmental large-scale municipal solid waste digestion plant, using real-
assessment, which gave an overall result of 98.7 mPts for world operating data, with the goal of providing valuable
the daily environmental impact rate of the plant. These information for designers and researchers working in the
methods helped the authors to elaborate strategies for tech- waste-to-energy industry. They found the main bottlenecks
nical and environmental improvements, for example via of this plant to be the genset and the digestion unit, which
the substitution of natural gas with a renewable source they called hotspots of the cost losses. They concluded that
of energy, since this fuel was responsible for the highest these units should be the main points on which efforts should


5616 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637

be concentrated to optimise the system, reduce costs and • Stage 1 Sizing of the plant and selection of technolo-
improve exergy performance. gies: the processing capacity of the plant and the dif-
In another study by Aghbashlo et al. [35], the authors car- ferent production processes making up the biorefinery
ried out exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental analyses were defined, and based on this, the cogeneration system
to investigate and optimise the production of biodiesel from needed to meet the demand for electrical and plant ther-
waste cooking oil with an ultrasound-assisted reactor. Based mal energy was determined.
on the useful insights that these methods were able to offer • Stage 2 Thermodynamic analysis: the mass, energy and
in terms of better cost-effectiveness and the environmental exergy balances of the plant were found in order to calcu-
friendly engineering of processes, the results were applied late several different performance indicators for the palm
to rationalise decision making on the operational conditions biorefinery.
of the reactors. The most favourable conditions of operation • Stage 3 Exergoeconomic and conventional economic
for the ultrasound-assisted transesterification of waste cook- analysis: based on the results for the exergetic aspects of
ing oil, from an exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental the main flows in the plant, an exergoeconomic analysis
perspective, were 60 °C and a molar ratio of 7.4 alcohol/ was carried out using the productive structure method
oil with a residence time of 10 min. Finally, the authors with total exergy to calculate the exergy costs and unit
stated that these conditions were recommended for industrial monetary costs. The unit monetary costs were then used
applications, since they met the ASTM standards for yield, in a conventional economic analysis to calculate the eco-
and accounted for a production cost of 2.23 US$/GJ and an nomic performance of the plant.
environmental impact of 1.32 mPts/GJ. • Stage 4 Environmental analysis: using SimaPro software,
The production of empty fruit bunches (EFBs), mesocarp life cycle inventories (LCIs) of palm production were
fibres (MFs), and palm kernel shells (PKSs) in the extraction carried out to allow us to undertake an analysis of the
of palm oil forms residual biomass that can be used to feed a main environmental impacts produced by the biorefinery
cogeneration boiler. The case study presented here therefore using the IMPACT 2002+ method.
focuses on the expansion of a POM facility that is integrated • Stage 5 Conclusions: from the results obtained in Stages
with a biodiesel plant, a plant for hydroprocessing of esters 2, 3 and 4, the conclusions of the work were drawn up,
and fatty acids, a second-generation ethanol (2G-ethanol) taking into account the thermodynamic, economic and
plant, and an alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) plant. environmental performance of the plant.
The HEFA plant processes the palm oil into BJF through
decarboxylation, hydrocracking, and hydroisomerisation Figure 1 presents a flowchart that illustrates how this
to give a suitable size of hydrocarbon chain that meets the methodology was applied in order to obtain the results.
standards for jet fuel. All of these procedures take place
at high temperatures and pressures [36]. ATJ technology Description of the Biorefinery
produces BJF by upgrading short-chain alcohols such as
ethanol, and this process consists of three steps: dehydra- For each ton of FFB that enters the extraction process,
tion, oligomerisation, and hydrocracking. These reactions 200 kg of palm oil, 220 kg of empty bunches, 130 kg of
need to take place at pressures of 30–40 bar and a tempera- fibres, and 70 kg of peel are obtained. In current practice,
ture of 250 °C [37, 38]. The ethanol used as feedstock for fresh bunches, due to their relative humidity of 57%, are
ATJ production is also produced in the biorefinery, from the commonly used in the field as fertilisers for the crop itself.
fermentation, hydrolysis, and distillation of EFB biomass; The fibres and peels, with relative humidity values of 37%
this has a high concentration of cellulose and hemicellulose, and 21%, respectively, are burned in conventional boilers,
and is produced as one of the residues from the extraction which are inefficient [14].
of palm oil. Prior works that have studied the operation of biorefin-
eries that exploit palm oil and its biomasses have usually
reported the total capacity of these plants. The authors of
Methodology [39] reported that the capacity of extracting plants varied
between 30 and 60 ­th−1 FFB. The work in [14] was based on
The definition of the plant processing capacity is a vitally a structure that held 100 t­ h−1 of FFBs, while in [40], it was
important aspect of an analysis of a biorefinery, as this deter- stated that the capacity of a mill typically reaches up to 120
mines the quantities of products that can be obtained from ­th−1 of FFBs, and in [41], it was reported that with currently
the plant and the amount of residual biomass that is available available technology, it was possible to extract palm oil with
for use by emerging technologies for biofuel production. a capacity of 150 ­th−1.
The methodology used in the present study involved five For a plant operating for 6000  h per year, with the
stages, and these are presented below. capacity to process 150 tons per hour of FFB, with a

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637 5617

over from extraction as fuel. The surplus power produced

after supplying these processes can be sold to the grid.
For the cogeneration plant, the parameters of operation
are as follows:

• Extraction/condensing turbines are used;

• The boiler operates at 80 bar and 480 °C;
• The boiler efficiency is 85%;
• The condensing pressure is 8 kPa;
• The isentropic turbine and pump efficiencies are 88% and
80%, respectively;
• All available quantities of PKS and MF are destined for
burning in the boiler;
• The pressure of the steam supplied for transesterification
is 2.5 bar;
• The steam pressure supplied for the operation of the E2G
plant is 2.5 bar;
• The steam pressure supplied to operate the BJF produc-
tion routes is 30 bar for HEFA and 38 bar for ATJ;
• The thermal and electrical demands of all processes are
met by the cogeneration cycle.

We also need to consider the operating parameters for

the mass and energy balances of the processes, which are
based on the data reported in [21, 22, 32, 39, 42–45]. These
parameters are shown in Table 1.

Case Study

In the scenario studied here, the palm oil extracted from the
Fig. 1  Methodology flowchart
POM is divided between the biodiesel production plants,
which use transesterification, and aeronautical biofuels,
which use HEFA technology. Each one receives 15 ­th−1 of
productivity of 19.4 tons of FFB per hectare, a planted this input for its operation. The biorefinery therefore has two
area of 77,320 hectares is necessary. This area corresponds plants for the production of aviation biofuels, i.e. a cellulosic
to 1.1% of the 7 million hectares available for palm culti- ethanol plant and a biodiesel plant, in addition to the extrac-
vation in Brazil [17]. tor and the cogeneration cycle.
The case study is carried out on the assumption that Division of the EFBs is necessary in order to balance
the processes are sized based on the biomass produced by the production of ethanol and the supply of fuels from the
the extraction plant. The producing stations are positioned boiler. As a result, 50% of the EFBs are designated for the
adjacent to the cogeneration plant, so that the power cycle production of ethanol, producing 0.795 ­Ls−1 of biofuel. All
meets the demands of each process for electrical and ther- the ethanol produced in the second-generation plant goes to
mal energy. Thus, the HEFA and transesterification stations the ATJ station, and the biodiesel plant carries out transes-
are designed to operate based on the amount of palm oil terification via the methyl route. The distribution of biomass
extracted. The ethanol plant is dimensioned to work with the produced by extraction and the energy required by each pro-
number of empty bunches available, as long as the energy cess are shown in Fig. 2.
self-sufficiency of the biorefinery is guaranteed, i.e. the Transesterification is the chemical reaction through the
quantity sent for combustion is discounted from the quantity which the triglycerides present in vegetable oil, the raw
produced in the extraction. The ATJ process is sized based material for biodiesel production, react with short-chain
on the amount of ethanol produced at the plant, and there is alcohols (methanol or ethanol) in the presence of a catalyst
a supply of ethanol for the transesterification reaction. The (typically sodium or potassium hydroxide) to give esters and
cogeneration plant was therefore configured to produce a glycerol. Before this reaction is carried out, it is necessary to
nominal power of 55 MW, and uses the residual biomass left apply a refinement stage to the oil to be used as raw material.


5618 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637

Table 1  Parameters for the mass and energy balances for operation of vegetable oils, while second-generation ones are related to
the biorefinery reused oil and animal fats. This is the most widely used pro-
POM cess in a commercial context for the production of biodiesel
 Electricity consumption [kWh/ton FFB] 22 [47]. Methanol was chosen as a reagent, as its lower water
 Process steam consumption at 4 bar [ton/ 0.5 content in relation to ethanol can prevent saponification, a
ton FFB] parallel and undesired reaction, thereby increasing the effi-
 EFB availability [ton/ton FFB] 0.22 ciency of the plant [46]. An alkaline catalyst was chosen,
 PKS availability [ton/ton FFB] 0.07 since this allows the reaction to take place at lower tem-
 MF availability [ton/ton FFB] 0.13 peratures, which can improve the economic and availability
 CPO availability [ton/ton FFB] 0.20 aspects. The input used in this study was sodium hydroxide
Biodiesel plant (R&T) (NaOH), which can accelerate reactions at low pressures and
 Electricity consumption [kWh/ton CPO] 22 this give greater efficiency with a lower reaction time [48].
 Process steam consumption at 2.5 bar [ton/ 0.56 The HEFA process is capable of converting vegetable
ton CPO] oils into aviation fuels. This process was certified by ASTM
 Methanol consumption [L/ton CPO] 138.8 through standard D7655 for procedures for obtaining aer-
 Biodiesel [L/ton CPO] 1102 onautical biofuels, and has a technical readiness level of
 Glycerol [ton/ton CPO] 0.11 eight, according to [22]. The BJFs must be equivalent to
Ethanol 2G plant conventional fossil fuels in terms of properties, and must
 Electricity consumption [kWh/ton EFB] 92.5 have a specific mass of between 0.775 and 0.84 kg/L, a calo-
 Process steam consumption at 2.5 bar [ton/ 0.995 rific value of 43 MJ/kg and an ignition point of 42 °C. The
ton EFB] HEFA process includes four phases: hydrogenation, hydro-
 NaOH consumption [ton/ton EFB] 1.59 cracking, hydroisomerization, and separation of products.
 ­H2SO4 consumption [L/ton EFB] 740 The separation phase gives biodiesel and BJFs in addition
 Ethanol 2G [L/ton EFB] 173.4 to other byproducts such as naphtha and light gases. Dur-
 Lignin [ton/ton EFB] 0.078 ing distillation, unreacted components and other impurities
HEFA are removed to give aviation biofuels with a high degree of
 Electricity consumption [kWh/ton CPO] 175
purity [22, 49].
 Process steam consumption at 30 bar [ton/ 5.66
In the production of second-generation ethanol, fer-
ton CPO]
mentation is the main process. At this point, the sugars
 ­H2 consumption [ton/ton PO] 0.032
obtained from the hydrolysis steps are converted into etha-
 Bio-jet fuel [ton/ton PO] 0.48
nol. The fermentation and hydrolysis processes are allowed
 Green diesel [ton/ton PO] 0.021
to take place separately (SHF), as this is the methodology
 Naphtha [ton/ton PO] 0.115
with the highest technical readiness level. The use of EFBs
in this process is attractive, due to the high cellulose and
 Electricity consumption [kWh/ton E2G] 2.15
hemicellulose content in this feedstock: around 73.6% of
 Process steam consumption at 30 bar 0.005
[ton/L E2G] it is composed of either cellulose or hemicellulose [50].
 ­H2 consumption [ton/L E2G] 0.015 The breakdown of cellulose and hemicellulose hydrocar-
 Bio-jet fuel [ton/L E2G] 4.8 E−04 bons into sugars occurs due to enzymes, which leave the
 Green diesel [ton/ton E2G] 1.3 E−05 sugars ready for fermentation. The process is carried out
in batches, which give pentoses and hexoses, and these
then undergo fermentation. Following this, a separation or
This preparation of the input for this reaction aims to reduce distillation process and an evaporation process are applied,
acidity and humidity through a neutralisation process, which which are analogous to those in the distillation of conven-
is followed by dehumidification and drying. Refining can tional ethanol, to obtain biofuel. The procedures applied
be done chemically or physically. In the present study, the in the ethanol plant lead to the production of biofuel and
physical method was chosen, since it has the advantages of a co-product, effluents rich in lignin. Lignin can be used
higher yield, and uses fewer chemical products and gives a as a fuel for burning in a boiler, if separated, or can be
lower production of effluents. To obtain biodiesel, the pro- exploited for the production of biogas and biomethane in
cedure involves preparation of the oil, the reaction itself, addition to the effluents [4, 52].
separation of the phases, recovery of water and alcohol, and The ATJ process was certified by ASTM D7566 in its
purification of the ester and glycerol [46]. fifth annex, which relates to the production of biofuels for
Transesterification can produce first- and second-gen- aviation using alcohols as input, with a technical readiness
eration biodiesel: first-generation biodiesels are related to level of six, according to [22]. The physical and chemical

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637

Fig. 2  Schematic diagram of the processes in the proposed biorefinery


5620 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637

properties of aviation fuels produced from ethanol must be the electricity surplus based on the mass and energy bal-
similar to those of conventional aviation fuels. The conver- ances. We also use the second law of thermodynamics and
sion process has three stages: dehydration, oligomerisation the concept of exergy, which allows us to determine the
and hydrogenation [35]. The use of EFB in the production destruction of the total exergy of the plant and the division
of aviation biofuels is justified by the fact that it does not of these quantities between the various processes involved.
compromise the distribution of edible inputs, and does not We also calculate the energy efficiency.
conflict with the sectors of nutrition and animal feed, due
to the lower expenditure on water and energy resources that • Global plant efficiency (ηglobal): this is the ratio between
these substrates require [51]. the useful energy from the products obtained (electric-
The electricity consumption for this biorefinery is ity, biodiesel, aviation biofuels, bio-naphtha, glycerol)
11.9 MW, and the thermal energy consumption is 147 MW and the energy of the inputs used (energy per FFB), as
for the supply of all processes. Thus, the fuel consumption in shown in Eq. 1. The energy values for both the products
the boiler is 18.87 kg/s. Hence, for a processing capacity of and inputs were calculated by multiplying the material
150 ­th−1 in the POM, 5.95 kg of biomass must be acquired flow by the calorific value.
for the cogeneration stage, from an external source to the ∑
biorefinery, to meet the demand for boiler fuel. The biore- Ep + Eproducts
𝜂global = (%) (1)
finery is illustrated in Fig. 3.


• Surplus electricity (ES): this is the ratio of the surplus

Thermodynamic Evaluation electricity produced per cycle (­ Ep) to the amount of bio-
mass inputs that enter the biorefinery (­ tFFB) in tons per
In our thermodynamic analysis, we examine the performance hour, as shown in Eq. 2, in which the processing capacity
of the biorefinery by using the first law of thermodynamics of the biorefinery is assumed to be 150 ­th−1:
to calculate the global efficiency of the plant, and determine

Fig. 3  Schematic diagram of the biorefinery from the perspective of cogeneration

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637 5621

Ep and bifurcations, respectively. Each productive unit has inlet

ES = (kWh∕tCFF ) (2) and outlet arrows that indicate its fuel (or resource) and
products, respectively. Some productive units have a small
  Having defined these indexes based on the first law of junction to indicate that they have more than one fuel, and/or
thermodynamics, we now define one based on the second a small bifurcation to indicate that they have more than one
law, as follows: product [53]. Equation 5 is used to express the cost balances
• Exergetic efficiency of the plant (ηexe): the efficiency in each subsystem of the productive structure.
based on the second law, as expressed in Eq. 3, deals ∑( ) ∑(
with the ratio between the sum of the net electric power cout .Yout − cin .Yin = Ż + cf .Q̇ f
produced by the system and the exergy of each product
divided by exergy per FFB: where ­cout and cin are the monetary unit cost flows at the
outlet and the inlet of the subsystems, respectively; ­Yout and
̇ LIQ + Ḃ biodiesel + Ḃ glycerol + ∑ Ḃ HEFA,biofuels + ∑ Ḃ
W ATJ,biofuels ­Yin represent the internal flows (in MW) at the inlet and
𝜂exe = (%)
outlet of the subsystem, and can be assessed using any ther-
∑ ̇
(3) modynamic quantity, such as (i) power (Ẇ); (ii) total exergy
• Balance of exergy and exergy destroyed (Ėd): in this case (B); or (iii) enthalpy (H). Ż represents the external hourly
study, the plants used for biofuel produce irreversibilities, cost of the subsystem based on the capital, operation and
due to the energy intensity (heat demand and high pres- maintenance costs (in $/h); ­cf is the external fuel cost per
sures) and the chemical reactions that are undergone in exergy unit; and Q̇f is the external exergy consumption of
the conversion process. Equation 4 expresses the destruc- the plant (in MW).
tion of exergy, based on the assumption of a steady state, Equation 5 can be modified to Eq. 6 to calculate the exer-
through the balance of exergy between the inflows and getic unit costs ­(kout and ­kin) for each flow, and the costs of
outflows. the subsystems due to capital costs, operation and mainte-
. nance must be zero. The monetary unit cost of the external
. .
fuel exergy is also replaced by the exergetic unit cost.
( ) .
∑ T . ∑ . ∑ . .
1− 0 Q−W + mexin − m exout − B = 0
T in out d ∑( ) ∑(
e s
kout .Yout − kin .Yin = kf .Q̇ f
where the term (1 – ­T0/T) Q̇ represents the time rate of The higher the number of flows involved, the higher the
exergy transfer accompanying heat transfer, at the rate occur- number of subsystems, and hence the more auxiliary equa-
ring at a location on the boundary where the instantaneous tions that are necessary [54].
temperature is T. The term represents the time rate of energy The production structure for the plant studied here is
transfer through work. m ­ in is the internal mass flow and m
­ out shown in Fig. 4, and was constructed based on Fig. 3. In
is the mass flow outside the system or subsystem. Finally, this structure, FFB, H­ 2 and C
­ H3OH are the main external
­exin and ­exout, are the specific exergy for each correspondent inputs to the biorefinery. There is also an external biomass
flow, and Ḃd represents the time rate of exergy destruction flow that is needed to meet the demands of the plant.
due to irreversibilities within the system. When the productive structure had been constructed, it
was possible to build the exergoeconomic model for the
Exergoeconomic Evaluation biorefinery, which consisted of a system of equations that
represent the productive structure in a mathematical way.
To determine the exergy/monetary costs of the allocation of This model allows us to determine the unit costs of the
external resources to the final products, in order to assess products and the intermediate costs of the system, and to
the exergetic and the monetary unit costs of both the inter- monitor the construction of all the costs associated with
nal flows and final products, a thermoeconomic model must the system. A model of this type has at least as many equa-
be used. This can be defined as a set of cost equations that tions as there are components of the productive structure.
mathematically describes the cost formation process of the The model is presented in the Supplementary Material,
final products of the system. and allows us to determine the exergetic, monetary and
A physical or productive diagram can be used to build this environmental unit costs of the products, and the inter-
thermoeconomic model [52]. A productive structure repre- mediate flows.
sents the cost formation process of the system in a graphical Based on the production capacity of the entire biore-
way. Rectangles represent real units (or subsystems) that finery complex, which is composed of several different
form the real equipment (or process) of the system, while production units, it is possible to estimate the investment
rhombi and circles are fictitious units known as junctions costs for the system. To estimate the investment required


5622 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637

for each constituent process, we used known reference of this index is typically 0.6 for both generating plants and
data and applied them to a mathematical relationship that processing plants [56] (Table 2).
adapted them to the dimensions and capacity of the plant Based on the total investment in the plant and its use-
considered here. The investment costs taken from prior ful life, we can calculate the annual hours of operation, the
references did not correspond to the current costs at the interest rate, the fixed and variable costs, and the hourly cost
time of writing, and it was therefore necessary to correct of each of the processes, which determine the configuration
these using an index that took inflation into account. The of the biorefinery. Equation 8 shows the calculation of the
index selected for this study was the Chemical Engineer- hourly costs, where Z represents the cost rate in US$/h; I is
ing Plant Cost Index (CEPCI), which was developed for the total investment in the plant, in US$; O&MF and O&MV
chemical reaction processing plants. It provides a dimen- are the fixed and variable costs of operation and mainte-
sionless factor that can be used to correct investment costs nance, respectively, and are both in US$. H is the number of
for different dates. The costs for different years were cor- hours that the biorefinery is in operation each year; j is the
rected based on the last CEPCI, released in October 2019, interest rate; and n is the life of the plant in years.
with a value of 607.5 [55]. [ ]
The investment costs for each biorefinery were obtained .I + O&M F + O&M V
(1+j)n −1 (8)
from data available from the literature, and are shown in Z=
the Supplementary Material. Using Eq. 7 for the cost bal-
ance, we calculated the investment value for each process
based on its respective capacity. Economic Evaluation
Capacity2 𝛼
( )
Cost2 = Cost1 . (7) The monetary unit costs calculated for the products can be
Capacity1 seen as the production costs allocated to each of the biofuel
products, together with the costs of the surplus electricity
This dimensionless relation includes a factor α that is
and the byproducts of the reactions. Hence, by compar-
used to balance the cost as a function of capacity. The value
ing the production value with the market value for these

Fig. 4  Productive structure of the palm oil biorefinery

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637 5623

substrates, the possible revenue arising from production can Life Cycle Assessment
be calculated. To assess the attractiveness of an investment,
the indicator applied here is the net present value (NPV). We apply an LCA to study the environmental perfor-
Equation 9 shows the expression used for this calculation. mance of the studied biorefinery. This tool allows us to
assess the environmental impacts created by a product
∑ Cash Flow
− I (9) over the course of its life [60]. This method makes it pos-
(1 + i)n sible to measure the potential for environmental degra-
dation in particular case studies, and to compare these
Payback is an indicator that represents the period of with each other. To carry out an environmental analysis,
return on investment. It is usually considered as a contribut- the IMPACT 2002+ method from SimaPro® v8 software
ing factor in the decision on whether to accept or reject a was used. In order to conduct an LCA of the biorefineries
certain investment project, and is shown in Eq. 10. It is a studied here, it is first necessary to define the four concepts
useful tool for determining the feasibility of an investment, that characterise the methodology: its scope and objec-
as it represents the period required for the project to recuper- tives, the allocation method used, the LCI and the impact
ate all the expenses incurred. assessment [61].
CFA In the present study, we do not consider the capture
Pb = A + (10) of ­CO2eq from the planting and cultivation of palm trees.
CF A+1
The chemical inputs used in this process, such as cata-
where Pb is the payback period, A is the year that indicates lysts and reagents, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and
the last negative accumulated flow, and CF is the cash flow. fossil fuels, are modelled using the Ecoinvent 3 library
To calculate the cash flow, the variable costs correspond- of SimaPro®. These inventories are divided based on the
ing to the acquisition of feedstock must be deducted from the processes making up each biorefinery, and the LCAs and
revenue obtained, for example expenses arising from metha- associated emissions are presented in separate sections.
nol and hydrogen gas, and fixed costs related to salaries,
operation and maintenance of the plants, which correspond • Goal the aim of LCA is to establish the carbon footprint
to 5% of the investment. In addition, there are taxes, which created by each product of the biorefineries studied
are proportional to the revenue: IPI, ICMS, PIS, COFINS here, and to compare them in order to identify the best
taxes amount to 18% of the total income, while IRPJ/CSSL alternative.
taxes account for 35% of the income. The parameters used to • Function the function of the biorefineries studied here
conduct our economic analysis are shown in Table 3. is to produce biofuels and surplus electricity from the
The investment required to implement the plant can be exploitation of biomass obtained from the extraction of
analysed in several different ways, and we consider this palm oil. We assume that the biofuels produced in this
based on two conditions: the first relates to the entire con- way are not a final product, but an intermediary, under
struction of the biorefinery, starting from scratch, while the the terms of the LCA. The analysis performed here is
second is associated with the construction of only the biofuel therefore ‘cradle to gate’, as it focuses on the produc-
production units, since there is already a cogeneration plant tion of biofuels rather than on their final application.
that can be adapted to the selected operating parameters. • Functional unit the functional unit used here is 1 ton
of FFB (1 t FFB), which represents a reference flow for
the assembly of LCIs. The input and output data and
the analysis results are therefore based on this quantity.

Table 2  Parameters used to Reference cost Capacity Year CEPCI

estimated investment costs for (M US$)
the biorefinery, adapted from
[22] Cogeneration plant [57] 290.3 50 MW 2016 541.7
POM 9.2 5.6 t ­h−1 2006 499.6
R&T 7.415 4.6 toil ­h−1 2008 575.4
E2G Plant
 Fermentation reactor 14.1 3333.3 t ­h−1 2010 550.8
 Distillery 10.7 34.7 tEthanol ­h−1 2010 550.8
HEFA 800 69.4 toil ­h−1 2013 567.3
ATJ [58] 75 1.1 tBJF ­h−1 2013 567.3


5624 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637

Table 3  Values of parameters Parameter Value Reference

used for economic evaluation
IRPJ/CSLL (income and social contributions)* 35% –
Interest rate 4% –
Project lifetime 25 years –
Time of construction 2 years [56]
Hours of operation per year 6,000 –
Depreciation (linear) 10 years –
Contingencies and working capital 5% of investment –
Methanol price 0.26 US$/L [59]
H2 price 1190 US$/t [22]

*Brazilian taxes

However, different units were used for the different pro- Results and Discussion
cesses taking place in each biorefinery. The units used
in the analysis of each process in this case study are in Thermodynamic Performance
accordance with the inventories presented in Supple-
mentary Material B. The amounts of biomass directed to the boiler (EFB, PKS,
• Impact category global warming potential; and MF) from the POM have LHVs of 14.3, 16.6, and
• System limits these are defined based on the cultivation 16.7 MJ/kg. Hence, the LHV for the balanced mixture is
and transport of FFB to the biorefineries, the produc- 15.25 MJ/kg. For this energy density, the fuel consumption
tion of biofuels and the generation of electricity. of the boiler is 18.87 kg/s, meaning that an supplementary
amount of of 5.95 kg/s of biomass needs to be purchased.
Using the boundaries for the LCA that were established in The energetic efficiency of the biorefinery is a measure of
the methodology section and an exergetic allocation method, how the energy is utilised by the system to produce biofuels.
an LCA was conducted to analyse the environmental perfor- In our case study, biodiesel, green diesel, naphtha, and BJF
mance of the biorefinery. The allocation method refers to the are the products, and account for a production of 29,310 L of
distribution of the environmental impact (here, the global fuel per hour. Of this amount, 56% is biodiesel, 28.2% is the
warming potential) among the products and coproducts of HEFA-BJF, and 5.4% is ATJ-BJF. The energetic efficiency
each process. The allocation method used in this study was of the plant is therefore 37%. The energetic efficiency was
exergy-based, and the coefficients used for each stage of the
biorefinery are shown in the Table 4.
The inventory data were constructed based on 1 ton of Table 4  Allocation factors for exergy-based life cycle assessment
FFB for the POM, 1 ton of palm oil for the R&T stage, 1 Product stream Allocation factor
ton of ethanol for the plant of ethanol 2G, 1 kWh for the (%)
cogeneration system, and 1 ton of BJF for both the HEFA
Electric power generation
and ATJ processes. These data were drawn from previous
Net electric power 11.72
work [26, 41, 53, 55, 57]. The ATJ reaction does not add
Refining and transesterification
emissions to the air [21], and we therefore considered only
Biodiesel 43.56
the production of BJF and green diesel in this process. The
Glycerol 2.86
LCIs for all stages from the cultivation of the FFB to the pro-
 E2G plant
duction biofuels are given in the Supplementary Material.
Ethanol 4.2
The inventories for pesticides, insecticides and fossil fuels
Lignin 1.53
are based on data from the EcoInvent database.
 HEFA plant
Bio-jet fuels 24.77
Naphtha 5.75
Green diesel 0.85
 ATJ plant
Bio-jet fuels 4.72
Green diesel 0.1

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637 5625

calculated based on the LHVs of the biorefinery products, following stages involve hydrocracking and isomerisation to
the biofuels, the electricity and the co-products. The effi- obtain biofuels of drop-in quality for road and air transporta-
ciency of the plant is therefore associated with the amount of tion, in the form of green diesel and BJF, respectively. Based
biofuel produced, and mainly the drop-in biofuels from the on the mass and exergy balance, the efficiency of HEFA
HEFA and ATJ processes, since these have a higher energy plant is 70%, a value that is better than for the production
density compared to ethanol and biodiesel. of 2G-ethanol, although this process is demanding in terms
The surplus electricity could be sold to the electrical of temperature and pressure, which increases the exergy
energy company’s grid. The surplus energy produced by the destruction. The higher exergy efficiency is therefore due
biorefinery is expressed as a relation between the surplus to the stability and development status of the technology,
electricity and capacity of the plant to process FFBs, i.e. 150 which can provide better biofuel yields than the 2G-ethanol
­th−1. Biorefineries can operate with energy self-sufficiency process.
to supply the demand from other processes. In this case, Figure 5 illustrates the division of exergy destruction in
cogeneration operates with 55 MW of power generation, and the biorefinery, along with the exergy efficiency of the sys-
the internal demand is 11.94 MW. Hence, for the biorefinery tem, while Fig. 6 presents a flow diagram that can be used
in this case study, the surplus electricity is 288.8 kWh/tFFB. in an exergy analysis to clarify the distribution shown in the
In terms of the second law of thermodynamics, the exer- previous illustration. Table 5 shows the amount of surplus
getic efficiency normally tends to decrease as the plant’s power produced in the system, along with the efficiency
dimensions are scaled up, due to the irreversibilities that based on the first and second laws and the exergy destruc-
increase at larger scales. Irreversibilities that lead to exergy tion in each stage of the plant.
destruction are concentrated in the boiler, due to the high
level of heat exchange and the combustion reaction, and Exergoeconomic Performance
also in the conversion reactors responsible for producing
the biofuels, due to the chemical reaction processes and heat An exergoeconomic analysis was conducted in order to
exchange. Hence, in addition to the efficiency based on the obtain the costs of the products. These costs refer to the
second law and the rate of exergy destruction, it is impor- quantity of resources needed to produce a flow of material
tant to explore the division of irreversibility between the or energy [62], and based on this analysis, it is possible to
processes making up the biorefinery. Although the total rate calculate the exergy, the monetary unit costs of the biofuels
of exergy destruction in this plant was 277.83 MW and the and the power produced, by means of the thermoeconomic
efficiency was 55%, the cogeneration system accounted for model.
122.89 MW of exergy destruction, the largest share for the To calculate the cost rate Z, we assumed a plant opera-
whole biorefinery, representing 47.9% of the total exergy tion of 6000 annual hours, an interest rate of 4.25%, and
destruction. The second largest value was seen for the etha- a lifetime of 25 years. The cost rate is a necessary factor
nol plant, which was responsible for 73.93 MW of exergy in the exergoeconomic model that is used to calculate the
destruction, representing 26.1% of all the exergy destruction monetary unit costs of the electricity and biofuels. The cost
in the biorefinery and 22.1% of the exergy input. The next rate for each biorefinery stage is shown in Table 6 with the
largest was the HEFA plant, which destroyed 47.33 MW of capacity of the plants and the investment needed to put them
exergy, representing 16.7% of all energy destruction and into operation.
7.72% of the exergetic input. Based on the cost rates shown above, the monetary
The high values for exergy destruction associated with costs can be obtained. The main streams of biofuels pro-
the production of biofuels are due to the chain of chemical duced (BJFs, biodiesel and ethanol) have values that are
reactions that take place in order to convert the biomass higher than those for the secondary streams, such as the
to biofuel. In a second-generation ethanol plant, using fig- green diesel from the HEFA and ATJ facilities. This is
ures for the mass and exergy balance from [43], the exergy reflected by the amount of fuel produced, and for green
efficiency can be calculated as 22.16%, including the bio- diesel, there is one less stage in the process. The produc-
mass pre-treatment, hydrolysis, fermentation and distillation tion of 2G-ethanol from EFB had a monetary cost of 1.363
phases. By this, the assess of the cellulosic and hemicel- US$/L, the second highest identified from the exergoeco-
lulosic content in the EFBs, passes through the breaking nomic analysis, and this has further impacts on the refinery
of lignin embracing those, it is chemically intense and is when the BJFs for ATJ are generated, resulting in a high
reflected as a high level of exergy destruction. In the hydro- cost of production of 3.513 US$/L. Biodiesel had a mon-
processing of palm oil, the reactions are different, and the etary unit cost of 0.327 US$/L, which reflects the readi-
plant converts the triglycerides in the oil by saturating the ness and efficiency of this process, as compared with the
double and triple bounds, and then withdrawing the oxygen other processes that are currently in development.
atoms of the hydrocarbon chain, via hydrogen pumping. The


5626 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637

Furthermore, the cost of biodiesel was below the com-

mercial market price in Brazil.
Similarly to biodiesel, BJF produced via HEFA was
favoured in terms of the production costs due to the struc-
ture of the biorefinery, with a value that was lower than
for standalone units, such as those considered by Died-
erichs et al. [36] and biorefinery configurations, such as
those investigated by Klein et al. [26]. However, the costs
for ATJ in these same studies [26, 39] were substantially
lower than our results. As discussed above, this is due to
the higher accumulation of irreversibilities from ethanol
The exergy unit cost for electricity generation was
7.33  MW/MW, and the production of biodiesel had an
exergy unit cost of 1.33 MW/MW. The second-generation
ethanol from the hydrolysis and fermentation of EFBs had
an exergy unit cost of 5.23 MW/MW. The BJFs produced
via HEFA technology had an exergy unit cost of 3.49 MW/
MW, while the cost of BJF from ATJ was 7.55 MW/MW.
In terms of the overall exergy allocation of the plant, it is
Fig. 5  Exergy efficiency and division of exergy destruction in the clear that the processes that used developing technologies,
plant the ATJ and 2G-ethanol production chains, involved higher
exergy consumption for the production of BJFs and etha-
nol, respectively. Meanwhile, the stable technology used for
Figure 7 compares the monetary unit costs to the costs transesterification had a lower exergetic cost and a better
of production identified in other studies. It can be observed conversion yield. The HEFA process had an intermediate
that the costs calculated for biodiesel in the present work level of cost within the biorefinery considered here, a fac-
were lower than those reported by Kermani et al. [63], who tor that supports the emerging character of this technology,
also considered the use of palm oil to produce biodiesel in which over the next few years is likely to be well established
a biorefinery scenario, and substantially lower than those on the market.
reported by Aghbashlo et al. [8], a result that is due to The values for all unit costs, both exergetic and monetary,
the higher capital investment required for the ultrasound- are shown in Table 7.
assisted reactor technology considered by these authors.

Fig. 6  Sankey diagram for an exergy analysis of the studied biorefinery

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637 5627

Table 5  Output of the thermodynamic evaluation

Parameter Value

Surplus electricity [kWh/tFFB] 288.8

Global energetic efficiency 37%
Global exergy efficiency 55%
Biorefinery stages Exergy destruction (MW) Distribution of exergy destruction (%) Exergy efficiency

Cogeneration 122.89 47.9 58

HEFA 47.33 16.7 70
E2G plant 73.93 26.1 22.1
ATJ 8.42 3.00 68
R&T 14.40 2.5 89
POM 10.86 3.8 49.3

Table 6  Biorefinery investment and exergoeconomic results Economic Performance

Stage Capacity Investment Z (US$/h)
(M US$) By treating the monetary unit costs as the costs of produc-
tion for each product and coproduct, including electricity,
Cogeneration 55 MW $325.57 $5393.89
we can carry out an economic evaluation of the biorefinery.
 POM 150 ­tFFB/h $80.22 $ 922.66
These costs were compared to market prices in Brazil. For
 R&T 15 ­tCPO/h $16.02 $5604.66
biofuels, we used the mean prices on the market between
 HEFA 15 ­tCPO/h $341.58 $4276.78
2015 and 2020, following ANP [59]. For the generation
E2G plant 16.5 ­tEFB/h $2.93 $4908.75
of electricity, the monetary unit cost was compared to the
 ATJ 2.26 ­tBJF/h $121.10 $1433.82
ANEEL (National Agency of Electric Energy) tariff for
March 2020 of 98.26 US$/MWh, based on a dollar quota-
tion of 5 R$/US$ [64].

Fig. 7  Comparison of costs for $4.00

biofuel production

Biofuel production costs [US$/L]







Present Klein et al. Diederichs Klein et al. Diederichs Present Present Kermani et Aghbashlo
work (2018) et al. (2018) et al. work work al. (2017) et al.
(2016) (2016) (2018)
Bio-Jet Fuel (HEFA) Bio-Jet Fuel (ATJ) Biodiesel
Market price of jet fuel in Brazil (ANP, 2020) Market price of diesel in Brazil (ANP, 2020)


5628 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637

The cost of production of green diesel via ATJ and HEFA 2015 and 2020. The potential revenues are presented in
was also compared to the cost of biodiesels, since in Brazil Table 8.
there are still no regulations on the commercialisation of this From the values for the required investment, the revenue,
biofuel. The average price of biodiesel between 2015 and and the economic parameters presented in Table 3, we can
2020 was 0.50 US$/L, and glycerol, a coproduct of trans- calculate the NPV of the biorefinery based on the definition
esterification, was reported as being exported from Brazil of the plant’s economic viability. In addition to the NPV, we
for 132.62 US$/t [65]. The cost of production of BJF was evaluated whether a return on investment would be shown
compared to the average price of A1 jet fuel in Brazil, which within 25 years of operation, based on the payback calcula-
was 0.46 US$/L [59]. The production cost of naphtha, the tion. The NPV was analysed under two conditions: in Con-
HEFA coproduct, was also compared to the average price dition I, the total cost of installation of the biorefinery was
of fossil-derived naphtha in Brazil between 2015 and 2020, considered (i.e. cogeneration plus all biofuel production
which was 0.37 US$/L. Figures 8 and 9 show a comparison plants); and in Condition II, the pre-existence of the cogen-
of these costs, allowing us to observe which products are eration system was assumed, giving a reduction on the initial
potential sources of profit or loss. investment of $325.57 million.
The annual revenue of the plant can then be calculated Under Condition I, the NPV was − 689.66 million dollars,
based on the production costs, an estimate of 6000 annual meaning that the biorefinery was not economically viable
hours of operation by the biorefinery, the volume of produc- or attractive. A return on investment would not be available
tion of each biofuel, and the average price in Brazil between within 25 years of operation of the plant. Under Condition
II, the NPV was better, at − 425.85 million dollars, but it
was still not economically viable and payback could not be
Table 7  Exergoeconomic unit costs for the biorefinery expected within 25 years. Figures 10 and 11 illustrate the
Exergy unit cost Monetary unit cost payback in Conditions I and II, respectively.
The economic analysis does not exactly reflect the real
Surplus electricity 7.33 MW/MW 65.53 US$/MWh
market, so we carried out a sensitivity analysis to further
investigate the influence of the economic output of the
 Biodiesel 1.30 MW/MW 0.327 US$/L
plant. Using this sensitivity analysis, it was possible to
 Glycerol 1.30 MW/MW 27.29 US$/t
observe the variation in NPV with variations in the eco-
E2G plant
nomic parameters, working hours, taxes, interest rate, cost
 Ethanol 5.23 MW/MW 1.363 US$/L
of resources, and the selling price of the products.
Under Condition I, expenses due to the acquisition
 BJF 3.49 MW/MW 0.496 US$/L
of FFBs had a stronger effect on NPV, accounting for
 Green diesel 3.49 MW/MW 0.017 US$/L
40.9% of the variation. The IRPJ/CSLL and IPI, ICMS,
 Naphtha 3.49 MW/MW 0.090 US$/L
PIS, COFINS taxes accounted for 2.3% and 1.2% of the
variation in NPV, respectively. Contingencies and work-
 BJF 7.55 MW/MW 3.513 US$/l
ing capital were responsible for a variation of 1.3% in the
 Green diesel 7.55 MW/MW 0.074 US$/l
NPV, while a variation in working hours of between 3360

Fig. 8  Cost of production and $140.00 $132.62

market prices for glycerol and
electricity $120.00
brazilian market prices.
Costs of production and

$80.00 $73.01



Glycerol (US$/t) Electricity (US$/MWh)

Costs of production Market price in Brazil

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637 5629

Fig. 9  Cost of production and $4.00

market price of biofuels $3.51

Biofuels costs of production






$1.00 $0.51
$0.50 $0.46 $0.46
$0.50 $0.33 $0.37
Biodiesel (R&T) BJF (HEFA) Naphtha BJF (ATJ)

Costs of production Market price in Brazil

Table 8  Annual revenue from each stage of the biorefinery hours also were more sensitive under this condition, caus-
ing 2.1% and 2.2% of the variation in NPV, respectively.
revenue (M Expenses arising from FFB acquisition were also higher in
US$) comparison with Condition I, at 65.8%. The main products
had also more influence on the NPV under this condi-
tion: biodiesel could affect 77.3% of the NPV if its selling
 Biodiesel $16.83
prices were varied, the electricity 37.3% and for the BJFs,
 Glycerol $1.08
the variation was 39.6%. Figure 13 shows these variations
for Condition II.
 BJF $− 1.83
 Green diesel $1.02
Environmental Performance
 Naphtha $4.23
Figure 14 illustrates the potential impact on global warming
 BJF $− 28.90
from the biofuels produced in the biorefinery and the influ-
 Biodiesel $0.11
ence of each stage on the final product. Most of the impact
 Surplus electricity $10.85
from BJF from HEFA and biodiesel from transesterification
Total revenue $3.39
arises from the cultivation stage, and this is known to be a
problem when first-generation feedstock such as palm oil is
used. 2G-ethanol has the highest global warming impact,
and 8640 caused 1.4% of the variation. The interest rate which arises from the extraction stage, since the EFB, feed-
elevated the NPV in 17.5% when is 8.5% and retreat it in stock that gives fermentable sugars and then ethanol is a
23.4% when was 0. The selling price of the biodiesel and residue from the extraction of palm oil, meaning that carries
biofuel produced in higher volumes by the biorefinery had the footprint of that biorefining stage. The BJF from the ATJ
the strongest influence on the NPV, at 45.9%. For the other plant is responsible for the largest proportion of the carbon
main products, the loss on BJF sales could be minimised footprint from the ethanol plant, due to the use of sulphuric
by up to 24.6% when the selling price was doubled. For the acid, the low conversion yields and the accumulated impact
surplus electricity, the variation in NPV was 23.2% with from the extraction stage.
a variation in selling price. Figure 12 shows all of these Comparing the emissions arising from the lifecycle of
variations under Condition I. each biofuel in this biorefining scenario with those caused
Under Condition II, the NPV was more sensitive to var- by the production of conventional aviation fuel from crude
iation in the IRPJ/CSLL and IPI, ICMS, PIS and COFINS oil and the emissions reported by other studies on biofuels,
taxes, which caused 3.7% and 1.9% of the variation in the proposed scenario can be used to justified.
NPV, respectively. Expenses due to contingencies and Biodiesel produced from any vegetable oil should have a
working capital and variations in the refinery’s working smaller carbon footprint than the production of fossil diesel,


5630 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637

Fig. 10  Cashflow from the Year

investment over the years, under
Condition I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25











Fig. 11  Cashflow from invest- Year

ment over the years, under
Condition II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25










and the same trend is expected from all the alternative fuels palm oil in the study by Kermani et al. [63]. The emissions
from renewable sources. arising from the plant in the biorefinery studied here are pre-
Figure 15 shows the environmental load from the produc- sented with values from the existing literature for biodiesel,
tion of biodiesel via transesterification with that of fossil- and conventional diesel from fossil sources, as reported by
derived diesel and biodiesel from other feedstocks, such as Liu et al. [66].

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637 5631

A $0.00 A $200.00

-$200.00 $0.00

-$1,000.00 -$600.00

-$1,200.00 -$800.00
-100% -50% 0% 50% 100% -$1,000.00
Variation in economical parameters (%) -100% -50% 0% 50% 100%

IRPJ / CSLL IPI, ICMS, PIS, COFINS Variation in economical parameters (%)
Contingencies and working capital Interest rate
FFB cost Methanol cost IRPJ / CSLL IPI, ICMS, PIS, COFINS
H2 cost
Contingencies and working capital Interest rate
B -$200.00 FFB cost Methanol cost
H2 cost




-100% -50% 0% 50% 100%
Variation in economical parameters (%) -$600.00

Electricity price Biodiesel price Glycerol price

BJF price Naphtha price Working hours
-100% -50% 0% 50% 100%
Fig. 12  Sensitivity analysis for Condition I: a effects of taxes, interest
Variation in economical parameters (%)
rate, contingencies and feedstock cost on NPV; b effects of the selling
price of products and working hours on NPV Electricity price Biodiesel price Glycerol price
BJF price Naphtha price Working hours

The figure above shows that the biodiesel derived from

Fig. 13  Sensitivity analysis for Condition II: a effects of taxes, inter-
palm oil in the present study has a smaller carbon footprint
est rate, contingencies and feedstock cost on NPV; b effects of selling
than the palm biodiesel studied by Kermani et al. [63], in price of products and working hours on NPV
which an LCA was carried out based on exergetic alloca-
tion, giving a value of 517 kg ­CO2eq/t. The biodiesel in this
study also showed environmental gains in comparison to [73], which gave values of 10.2, 29.7 and 52.2 g ­CO2eq/MJ,
fossil diesel. respectively. The ethanol produced in the present case study
In our approach, a better environmental index was found therefore had a carbon footprint value that was intermedi-
for the palm biodiesel than the value of 553 kg C ­ O2eq/t ate compared to the other values expressed in the available
reported for second-generation biodiesel from waste oil by literature, as illustrated in Fig. 16. The figure also compares
Fonteinis et al. [67]; however, the biodiesel from algae feed- the emissions from the production of ethanol and the pro-
stock studied by Passel et al. [68], which can be considered duction of gasoline as reported by Cavalett et al. [74].
a third-generation product, was clearly a substantially better The production of BJFs from the hydroprocessing of
alternative than all the other biofuels evaluated here. palm oil had lower emissions than the values reported in
The ethanol produced in this case study was compared to most of the other studies, at 14.17 g C ­ O2eq/MJ, with the
other ethanol products, such as the first-generation produc- exception of one of the scenarios evaluated by Vasquez et al.
tion reported by Souza et al. [69], which used sugarcane as [75], in which the hydrogen for the reaction was produced
feedstock and had a value of 20.8 g ­CO2eq/MJ; the produc- from renewable energy sources, involving the reforming of
tion of ethanol from first- and second-generation feedstock syngas. In their other scenario for palm oil, these authors
from the sugarcane industry, investigated by Maga et al. reported emissions of 14.20 g ­CO2eq/MJ for palm oil BJF
[70], which gave values of 22.43 g ­CO2eq/MJ; and second- via HEFA, based on the carbon sequestration of the palm
generation ethanol from energy cane studied by Bressanin cultivation stage and the production of hydrogen from natu-
et  al. [71], sugarcane molasses reported by Soam et  al. ral gas steam reforming.
[72] and sugarcane bagasse studied by Gnansounou et al.


5632 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637

Fig. 14  Global warming poten- 1200

tial of the main products in the

Global warming potential

case study

(kg CO2eq/t)
800 Ethanol Plant
600 Transesterification
200 Cultivation

Biodiesel Bio-Jet 2G-Ethanol Bio-Jet
Fuel,HEFA Fuel,ATJ

Fig. 15  Comparison of the 800

global warming potential of 720.62
Biodiesel production [gCO2eq/t]

Global Warming Potential of

600 Biodiesel from Algae, Passel

et al. (2013)
Biodiesel, present work
400 344.92
Biodiesel from Palm Oil,
300 Kermani et al. (2018)
Waste-Oil Biodiesel, from
200 Fonteinis et al. (2020)
100 Fossil Diesel, Liu et al.

The value reported by Wong [76] for the production of by Shonnard et al. [79] in an energy allocation assessment
A1-Jet was 19.95 g ­CO2eq/MJ, with a total value of 92.8 g of the hydroprocessing of camelina oil into jet-fuels.
­CO2eq/MJ for its whole life cycle, meaning that the majority Wong [76] also reported the global warming potential of
of its environmental load arises from combustion. However, the hydrotreatment of soybean oil to BJF; at 37.2 g C ­ O2eq/
according to Stratton et al. [77], well-to-wake emissions, MJ, this was higher than for the values discussed above,
which are most commonly used to study BJFs [78], are suit- but was similar to a value for canola oil BJF from Ukraew
able for the assessment of aviation fuels, and are based on et al. [80] of 36 g ­CO2eq/MJ, and a value for sunflower oil
the assumption that the emissions from fuel combustion are BJF from Sieverding et al. [81] of 37.9 g ­CO2eq/MJ, based
equal and opposite to those absorbed from the atmosphere on analyses that considered the energy allocation.
during crop cultivation. We therefore compare the whole Figure 17 presents a comparison between the BJF pro-
life cycle of the fossil aviation fuel reported in [76] with the duced in our case study from HEFA technology with the
emissions for renewable jet fuels. A1 jet fuel reported in [76] and other reports by authors
In view of the aims of low-carbon aviation, the BJFs exploring the hydroprocessing of esters and fatty acids.
produced in this case study are expected to give fewer Figure 18 shows a similar comparison for the ATJ tech-
emissions than conventional fuels. In their work, Klein nology based on values available from the literature. The
et al. [26] examined three HEFA scenarios in which maca- BJF produced via ATJ in this study was a stronger pollut-
cauba, soybean and palm oil were processed, and found ant than the HEFA product, with 25.25 g ­CO2eq/MJ, and
values in the range 17–23 g C ­ O2eq/MJ for economic alloca- even stronger than the production phase of the fossil jet fuel
tion. These values are at the same level as those reported reported in [76]. This was due to the immature status of the

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637 5633

80 2G-Ethanol from energy cane,

Global Warming Potential of Ethanol

69.9 Bressanin et al. (2020)
1G-Ethanol from sugarcane, Souza et

production [gCO2eq/MJ]
60 al., (2019)

50 1G2G-Ethanol from sugarcane, Maga

et al. (2018)
40 2G-Ethanol, Present work
30 27.19
2G-Ethanol from Sugarcane
20 molasses, Soam et al. (2015)

10 2G-Ethanol from sugarcane straw,

Gnansounou, Vaskan & Pachón
0 (2015)

Fig. 16  Comparison of the global warming potential of ethanol

technology, which has a low conversion yield, and also due Conclusions and Directions for Future Work
to the high global warming potential of the production of
2G-ethanol. However, when the LCI of the global warming The biorefinery proposed here was evaluated in terms of
potential was compared with data on 1G-ethanol reported by the first and second laws of thermodynamics and the ther-
Klein et al. [26], the difference was only 17%. In addition, moeconomics method. Several performance indicators and
data presented by Capaz et al. [82] showed that ATJ-BJF exergoeconomic costs were calculated.
had a lower carbon footprint (20.1 g ­CO2eq/MJ) than Klein’s A coproduction and biorefinery context was explored
value for 1G-ethanol (21 g C ­ O2eq/MJ). The comparison in due to the conjuncture of BJFs and related economic issues.
Fig. 18 therefore indicates that one tool for improving the The main limitation preventing the biofuels reaching a mar-
carbon footprint of ATJ technology would be to explore ket level of development was the elevated cost of produc-
not only ethanol but also butanol, which has a better global tion, which arose due to the immaturity of these conver-
warming impact potential as a feedstock. sion technologies. The goal of designing a multi-production

100 Palm Oil BJF, Vazquez et al., (2019)

90 BJF-HEFA, Present work
Global Warming Potential of Jet Fuel

80 Palm Oil BJF, Vazquez et al. (2019)

Production [gCO2eq/MJ]

70 Soybean Oil, Klein et al. (2018)

60 Macauba Oil, Klein et al. (2018)

50 BJF from Camelina Oil, Shonnard et al.

40 Palm Oil, Klein et al. (2018)

30 BJF from Canola Oil, Ukraew (2016)

20 14.17 BJF from Soybean Oil, Wong (2008)
BJF from Sunflower Oil, Sieverding et al.
A1-Jet, Wong (2008)
Jet Fuel

Fig. 17  Comparison of the global warming potential of HEFA bio-jet fuel


5634 Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637


Global Warming Potential of Jet Fuel

25.25 1G-Butanol-to-Jet, Klein et al. (2018)

Production [gCO2eq/MJ] 2G-Ethanol-to-Jet, Capaz et al. (2020)


1G-Ethanol-to-Jet, Klein et al. (2018)


1G2G-Ethanol-to-Jet, Klein et al. (2018)


BJF-ATJ, Present work


2G-Ethanol-to-Jet, Capaz et al. (2020)

Jet Fuel

Fig. 18  Comparison of the global warming potential of ATJ bio-jet fuel

biorefinery was to minimise the expenditure and maximise • The lower conversion yield of ATJ contributed to the
the utilisation of resources, in order to produce cost-com- higher pollution from the BJF created via this technology
petitive biofuels and achieve viability of the plant in a more compared to that from HEFA;
environmentally friendly manner. The main conclusions of • The carbon footprint of BJF from HEFA technology was
this work are as follows: lower than for conventional jet fuel from fossil origins.
These biofuels can therefore contribute to the use of
• The irreversibilities that lead to exergy destruction in lower-carbon aviation fuels.
the biorefinery are associated with the dimensions of
the plant. However, these can be reduced through the Although the fact that this plant for the production of
integration of multiple processes and better efficiency of different BJFs in Brazil was not financially viable appears
biomass; to be a negative result, the environmental performance of
• The production of biodiesel, glycerol, and surplus elec- the fuels on life cycle analysis implies an environmental
tricity were economically viable. The costs of production gain. This means that with advances in the development of
for these products were below the market prices in Brazil; conversion technologies, such as optimisation techniques,
• The production of BJFs via the HEFA and ATJ routes process integration and intensification, enhanced conversion
was not financially viable. The production costs for BJFs yields, improved thermodynamic efficiencies and reduced
at the chosen scale of the biorefinery and based on the irreversibilities, plants like the one proposed in this study
relevant Brazilian fiscal parameters exceeded the market may achieve economic feasibility, and will then be able to
values and represented a potential source of loss. play an important role in the transition towards a circular
• HEFA technology is technically more mature than ATJ. economy that promotes sustainability. To help reach this
The BJF produced from HEFA reactions had a lower pro- stage of development, detailed analyses must be carried out,
duction cost, better conversion yield, and fewer exergy such as advanced exergy and exergoenvironmental analyses,
costs. Its disadvantage lay in the high initial investment which should contribute to defining the avoidable, unavoid-
that would be required for its installation; able, endogenous and exogenous parts of the exergy flows
• A biorefinery with a higher capacity for HEFA pro- and impact rate, and will also give a deeper understanding
duction would reduce the production costs, making it of the relationships between the components that make up
competitive on the market, and the whole plant would the biorefinery as a whole.
become economically attractive; In order to promote the use of BJFs in the context of
• Government legislation and subsidies could improve the Brazil, there is a need to introduce government policies such
scenario with respect to BJF. Tax relief could help the those previously applied to ethanol and biodiesel, as high-
BJF biorefinery business to be more reliant; lighted by the Brazilian Union of Biokerosene and Biodiesel

Waste and Biomass Valorization (2021) 12:5611–5637 5635

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Authors and Affiliations

Alisson Aparecido Vitoriano Julio1   · Eric Alberto Ocampo Batlle2 · Christian Jeremi Coronado Rodriguez3 ·

José Carlos Escobar Palacio1

* Alisson Aparecido Vitoriano Julio Excellence Center in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency – EXCEN, Federal University of Itajubá –
UNIFEI, Av. BPS 1303, Itajubá, MG, Brazil
* José Carlos Escobar Palacio
3 Group of Studies in Energy Conversion Technologies –
GETEC., Federal University of Itajubá – UNIFEI, Av. BPS,
Excellence Group in Thermal Power and Distributed 1303, Itajubá, MG, Brazil
Generation – NEST., Institute of Mechanical Engineering,
Federal University of Itajubá – UNIFEI, Av. BPS, 1303,
Itajubá, MG CEP: 37500‑903, Brazil


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