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Everyone can be an entrepreneur, weather you’re student, old or young, you can start your own venture

in the business world. In this subject, I was able to acquire learnings that I can use by the time I am
planning to have my own business or by the time that I am capable enough to handle my own venture.
Through this subject, I learned how important entrepreneurship to oneself and to each and everyone of
us, as it is one of the most important factor that keeps the economy of certain country alive. However,
talking about the learnings that I’ve got in each module sent to us, I can say that I grasp learnings that
are to many to mention, that is why I’m going to have here the learnings that really marked to my mind
moreover, things that I consider important.

First, in the module 1, session 1, I learned in this module the five types of innovation according to joseph
Schumpeter, namely; product, process, business model, source of supply and mergers and divestments. I
consider these things as important because I know that as an entrepreneur, we must have the idea of
what innovation really is, in order for us to formulate innovation that is marketable.

Furthermore, I learned the importance of entrepreneur as the individual that steers, which is divided
into parts, which are; entrepreneurs identify opportunities in the market, entrepreneurs bring
innovation, entrepreneurs take and accept risk, lasty entrepreneurs establish new venture and improve
existing ones. I consider this things vital since I personally think that we must know the things and the
characteristics that we are going to be in becoming an entrepreneur.

Lastly, I learned the importance of the aspects of personal initiative, namely being self-starting, being
pro-active, and being persistent, I consider these aspects really importance for the reason that
as an entrepreneur, we must impart to our own self that starting a business, taking risk is normal, that is
why we have to work harder in order to prevent the ad outcome of that risk.

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