Answers Vocabulary Practice

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Fill the Gaps:

(a) "I'm sorry, I can't afford to buy that expensive dress. It's way too expensive for me."

(b) "I need to borrow some money from my friend to pay for my rent this month."

(c) "I have to budget my expenses if I want to save enough money for my vacation."

(d) "I always pocket my pocket money to buy my favorite candy from the store."

(e) "I need to request a request for some time off from work next week."

Match Meanings:

(a) Afford - (ii) To have enough money to buy something

(b) Borrow - (iv) To ask for money that you will pay back later

(c) Budget - (v) To plan and manage your money

(d) Lend - (iii) To give someone money that they will pay back later

(e) Queue - (i) To wait in line for something

Odd One Out:

(c) Discount - The other words are related to money transactions and management, while
"discount" refers to a reduction in the price of an item.

Word Association:

(a) Expenses - Money

(b) Rent - Housing

(c) Salary - Job

(d) Savings account - Bank

(e) Stuff - Things

Sentence Completion:

(a) "I went broke because I spent all my money on unnecessary things."

(b) "Can you lend me some money until my next paycheck?"

(c) "I always try to split the cost of a dinner with my friends."

(d) "I need to open a savings account if I want to have some money for emergencies."

(e) "I'll show you around the city so you can see all the tourist attractions."

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